Code of Student Conduct 2022-2023 - Slippery Rock University of ...

Code of Student Conduct 2022-2023

Reviewed by Laura Neal, PA State System Legal Counsel N/A Reviewed by Dr. David Wilmes, Chief Student Affairs Officer 8/15/2022 Approved by SRU Cabinet N/A

Slippery Rock University Student Code of Conduct 8/22/2022

Contact Information

For questions or information regarding the Student Code of Conduct or process and procedures please contact:

Office of Student Conduct 005 Patterson Hall 724-738-4985 For questions regarding infractions in residence halls, please contact: Office of Residence Life Watson Hall 724-738-2082 For questions or information regarding Title IX (involving discrimination based on gender, including cases involving sexual harassment, sexual assault, dating violence, domestic violence, or stalking), please contact: Title IX Office, part of Diversity and Compliance 008 Old Main 724-738-2016 For questions regarding criminal involvement, please contact: University Police Kiester Road 724-738-3333 For questions or resources regarding bias or discrimination, please contact: Diversity and Compliance 008 Old Main 724-738-2016

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Slippery Rock University Student Code of Conduct 8/22/2022


Notice ....................................................................................................................................... 3 Slippery Rock University Mission and Vision .............................................................................. 3 Notice of Non-Discrimination .................................................................................................... 3 Application and Scope of the Student Code of Conduct............................................................. 4 Jurisdiction................................................................................................................................ 4 Violations .................................................................................................................................. 5 Filing Procedures..................................................................................................................... 11 Case Processing and Procedures ............................................................................................. 11 Cases Moved to a Hearing ....................................................................................................... 12 Appeal Grounds ...................................................................................................................... 14 Sanctions (Consequences)....................................................................................................... 15 Record Retention .................................................................................................................... 20 Parental Notification Statement.............................................................................................. 20 Good Samaritan Protection ..................................................................................................... 20 Appendix A: Definitions........................................................................................................... 23 Appendix B: Academic Integrity Policy .................................................................................... 25 Appendix C: IT Acceptable Use Policy ...................................................................................... 30 Appendix D: Hazing Policy ....................................................................................................... 34 Appendix E: Hover board/Self-balancing Scooter Policy .......................................................... 37 Appendix F: Smoking Policy ..................................................................................................... 39 Appendix G: Sexual Misconduct Procedures for Students........................................................ 41 Appendix H: Sexual Misconduct and Title IX Resources ........................................................... 61 Appendix I: Weapons Policy .................................................................................................... 68 Appendix J: Right to Student Assembly................................................................................... 69 Appendix K: Notification of Rights Under FERPA...................................................................... 70 Appendix L: Drug Free Schools Policy ...................................................................................... 72 Appendix M: Alcohol and Other Drug Program........................................................................ 74 Appendix N: Frequently Asked Questions................................................................................ 75 Appendix O: Volunteer Opportunities: Hearing Boards ........................................................... 78 Appendix P: Residence Life Housing Agreement 2020/2021 ...........................................................79 Appendix Q: Chalking Policy ..................................................................................................................86 Appendix R: Office of Student Conduct Mission and Goals ..............................................................87 Appendix S: Hazing Institutional Report ..............................................................................................88

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Slippery Rock University Student Code of Conduct 8/22/2022


Students are required to abide by the current version of the Student Code of Conduct, which is always available online at . The information contained herein supersedes all previously published Student Codes of Conduct and is subject to change at the discretion of the University. University policies, practices, guidelines, and procedures, which may be updated and approved subsequent to the publication of this document, will in some instances take precedence over the contents of this handbook. To ensure that you have the most current information, you may contact the Office of Student Conduct at 724-738-4985. Print copies of the Student Code of Conduct are available for students to pick-up in the Office of Student Conduct, 005 Patterson Hall, Slippery Rock University, Slippery Rock, PA 16057.

The Slippery Rock University email system is recognized as the official communication medium for receiving related Student Conduct correspondence. Students are responsible for checking all email including any mail from Slippery Rock University that ends up in your "junk/clutter/spam" email filter. This includes information sent during an academic recess.

Slippery Rock University Mission and Vision

The fundamental educational mission of Slippery Rock University (SRU) is to transform the intellectual, social, physical, and leadership capacities of students in order to prepare them for life and career success. Complementary missions are to engage in scholarly activity and professional service.

SRU is committed to serving a diverse student body and empowering anyone regionally, nationally, and internationally who can benefit from its programs and lifelong learning opportunities. Thereby SRU addresses the educationally-related economic, health, environmental, social, cultural, and recreational needs of the communities served by the University.

Notice of Non-Discrimination:

Slippery Rock University of Pennsylvania does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity, gender expression, national origin, religion, age, disability, age/or veteran status in its programs or activities in accordance with Title IX of the Educational Amendments of 1972, the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990, Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, and other applicable statutes and University policies. Available at

The following person has been designated to handle inquiries regarding the non-discrimination policies:

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Slippery Rock University Student Code of Conduct 8/22/2022 Assistant Vice President of Diversity and Equal Opportunity/ Title IX Coordinator 008 Old Main 104 Maltby Avenue Slippery Rock University Slippery Rock, PA 16057 724.738.2016

SRU Student Conduct Philosophy

Members of the Slippery Rock University community have developed a set of expectations for student behavior.

These expectations are contained in the Student Code of Conduct. The Student Code of Conduct outlines the rights and responsibilities of all students, and it provides a fair process to evaluate and respond to allegations of misconduct. SRU Student Conduct strives to educate students and to assist students in becoming successful, and has an educational process. The educational process is designed to assist the students in identifying problematic behaviors, construct a developmentally appropriate consequence, and connect the student to resources that support positive decision making.

Application and Scope of the Student Code of Conduct

All students are responsible for familiarizing themselves with the provisions of the Student Code of Conduct (Code).

The Student Code of Conduct shall be the responsibility of the Council of Trustees and the President or their designee(s).

The Code shall apply to all undergraduate, graduate, and professional students that have matriculated at any of the physical or online campuses of Slippery Rock University ("student"). Students shall also be subject to other university regulations and policies. Students shall be responsible for their conduct from the time of confirmation of acceptance for admission through the actual awarding of degree, even though conduct may occur before classes begin or after classes end, as well as during the academic year and during periods between terms of actual enrollment (including if their conduct is not discovered until after their degree is awarded). "Guest" will include and refer to any person visiting the University.


Students are expected to conduct themselves as responsible members of the University community. A student whose conduct violates the law, the rights of others, or jeopardizes the health, welfare, and safety of members of the University community will be subject to disciplinary action by the University. This includes, but is not limited to, international academic programs, study abroad, or sporting events and academic programs sponsored by or held at

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In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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