
4541521-59436000 Home learning for Year 4Week Beginning Monday 30th March 2020Spelling/Phonics:Spelling rule – endings which sound like ‘shun’Click on 'spelling tiles' and then 'wordsearch'?Wordsearch game - children listen to a sentence and then find the missing word with the spelling rule in the wordsearch. ?Feel free to play any of the other games too. a chapter of your book and choose a phrase or sentence from the text in which the author has used interesting or exciting vocabulary or language. It could be a simile or metaphor. Draw the picture this creates in your mind to show the effect of this language on you as the reader. Write your chosen phrase or sentence and underline the most powerful words. English: Watch this animation about the ‘dream giver’. Activity one:Think about where you would want your dream egg to be cracked. Draw a picture of this and label with some expanded noun phrases you could use to describe. For example: The peculiar, wooden dolls house with a red tiled roof Activity two: Write a description of your dream. Can you think about different ways to start your sentences?Try and include:A simile starterA fronted adverbialMaths: MoneyThis week you will be looking at converting amounts of money between pounds and pence. Using your knowledge of place value, make sure all of the amounts are in the same unit of measurement and then add in the correct symbol (>,< or =) to compare them. Once you have done this, order the amounts in ascending order. (See questions below. Please copy your answers out onto plain paper, you don’t need to print the questions)PE: DanceAs we have been thinking about Viking dances in our PE lessons, create your own dance to the soundtrack below, imagining that you are a Viking beginning your own adventure.Think carefully about the different skills we have been discussing: travelling, height, unison (doing things together) if possible. Perhaps if you have siblings, they could join you. Topic: Science – What makes holes in our teeth? Now you have learnt about the different types of teeth, it is time to investigate what happens when we don’t take care of them properly and the affect that our diet can have on our teeth. Using eggs and a variety of different drinks, follow the instructions to see what happens to our teeth when we drink different things. Write a short description about what happened to each egg after one day. 10 top tips for staying safe on the internet1) Don’t post any personal information online – like your full name, email address, mobile number, etc.2) Think carefully before posting pictures or videos of yourself. Once you’ve put a picture of yourself online, most people can see it and may be able to download it, it’s not just yours anymore.3) Keep your privacy settings as high as possible!4) Never give out your passwords.5) Don’t befriend people you don’t know.6) Don’t meet up with people you’ve met online. Speak to your parent or carer about people suggesting you do.7) Remember that not everyone online is who they say they are.8) Think carefully about what you say before you post something online.9) Respect other people’s views, even if you don’t agree with someone else’s views doesn’t mean you need to be rude.10) If you see something online that makes you feel uncomfortable, unsafe or worried: leave the website, turn off your computer if you want to and tell a trusted adult immediately.To convert amounts of money and order them by their value1. Write the amounts of money as pounds and add in the correct symbol in between to compare them: a) ?3.50 345p b) 78p ?7.08 c) 120p ?0.22 d) 456p ?4.60 e) 2306p ?23.06 f) 2008p ?20.882. Write the amounts of money as pence and add in the correct symbol in between to compare them: a) ?0.60 6p b) 88p ?0.88 c) 127p ?0.27 d) 353p ?5.33 e) 1399p ?139.00 f) 8001p ?8.103. Write these amounts of money as pounds and put them in ascending order:?3.50 345p ?3.05 430p120p ?0.22 112p ?11.20456p ?4.60 4006p ?46.502367p ?23.06 3444p ?26.03.4. Write these amounts of money as pence and put them in ascending order.?5.50 545p ?4.05 504p620p ?0.26 612p ?60.20156p ?1.60 1000p ?10.504467p ?44.06 4406p ?6.04. ................

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