1 | | | | | | |E |L |E |V |E |N | | | | | |2 | | | | | |Q |U |A |I | | | | | | | | |3 | |T |C |H |E |R |I |N |A | | | | | | | | |4 | | | | | | | |G |I |R |A |F |F |E | | | |5 | | | | |S |C |H |U |M |A |N | | | | | | |6 | | | | | | |P |A |L |A |I |S | | | | | |7 | | | | |F |L |A |G |S | | | | | | | | |8 | | |C |I |T |I |Z |E |N |S | | | | | | | |9 | | | | |K |A |Y |S |E |R | | | | | | | | A unique walk through the European quarter for kids

1. Take a look at the drawing of Tomi Ungerer in the entrance area of the “Lieu d’Europe”. How many stars still have to be picked from the tree to fill the basket completely?

2. The main entrance of the European Court of Human Rights is located on the _____________ Ernest Bevin, named after the former British foreign secretary who helped – together with Robert Schuman, Konrad Adenauer, Paul-Henri Spaak and Winston Churchill – establish the Council of Europe.

3. In front of the European Parliament, there is a sculpture entitled “Europe at Heart”, which shows two figures hugging. This sculpture symbolizes the unity of Europe. What is the artist’s last name? Ludmila ___________.

4. In front of the ARTE building, there is a statue created by the German artist Stephan Balkenhol. Which animal does the top of the statue represent?

5. If you cross the river Ill, you will be on a street named after one of the founding fathers of the European Union. What is the last name of this founding father? Robert ______________.

6. The Council of Europe is housed in the Palace of Europe. What is the French word for “Palace”? (Hint: have a look at the stairs leading to the building!!)

7. In front of the AGORA-building of the Council of Europe, where several administrative services of the organization are located, there are two European ________. waving in the wind.

8. You are now standing in front of the European Directorate for the Quality of Medicines and HealthCare (EDQM), an entity of the Council of Europe that protects European _________

[pic] [pic] i Z [pic][pic] by watching over the quality of medicines. Solve the rebus and fill your answer into the grid.

9. The “Lieu d’Europe” and the Centre d’Information sur les Institutions Européennes (CIIE) are located in a park. What is the name of the park? Henri-Louis ____________ Fill the last word into the grid.




Take a walk through Strasbourg’s European quarter (see map on the back). Nine stops, nine questions, nine answers.

Fill all your answers into the crossword, find the hidden word and collect a small present once you’re back to the “Lieu d’Europe”.


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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