1. What is the name of Germany’s leader during World War II?

2. What official German name was he given (title)?

3. What do we call a country’s leader who uses the military to control his country and conquer others?

4. Who was Canada’s Prime Minister during World War II?

5. What is the nickname given to women who joined the armed forces during World War II?

6. Which groups of people were Nazi targets during the Holocaust?

7. What word do we use to describe Hitler’s blonde-haired, blue-eyed master race?

8. What does the word Blitzkrieg mean?

9. Name 5 European countries taken over by Germany during World War II.

10. What is an “enemy alien”?

11. Which group of Canadian citizens were targeted by suspicion and restrictive government policies during World War II?

12. Which historical event brought the United States into World War II?

13. What countries were members of the Axis alliance during World War II?

14. What countries were members of the Allied alliance during World War II?

15. What was the codename used to describe the invasion of Normandy, France?

16. What is a “Victory Bond”?

17. Despite the fall of France during World War II, what battle and evacuation was called a “miracle” because of its success?

18. When did D-Day occur?

19. What is the name of the failed attack on France led by Canadian troops?

20. What day was celebrated by the WWII Allies after the final surrender of Germany?

21. What happened to the S.S. St. Louis and its passengers?

22. What was the name of the top secret Canadian spy training center located in Oshawa Ontario?

23. What hyphenated words mean “being racist against a Jewish person”?

24. What happened during Kristallnacht?

25. Approximately how many people died as a result of the Holocaust?

26. What is the name of Hitler’s secret plain-clothed police?

27. What is the name of England’s Prime Minister during World War II?

28. What is the name of Italy’s fascist leader during World War II?

29. What is the name of Russia’s communist dictator during World War II?

30. What is the name of Spain’s fascist leader during World War II?

31. What word best describes the use of media to convince you about a government decision or action?

32. What is the name of America’s iconic woman figure (who didn’t actually exist) during WWII?

33. On which two Japanese cities were atomic bombs dropped in August of 1945?


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