
*DOWNLOAD WORKSHEET TO YOUR H DRIVE “SAVE AS MOVIE & TV ENTERTAINMENT” TYPE ANSWERS ON WORKSHEETENTERTAINMENT RESEARCH (MOVIES & TV) AT THE MOVIES “A Hollywood Production”Find the following information at HYPERLINK "" (The Internet Movie Database)What are CURRENT TOP 5 MOVIES: (Tab> Movies>In Theaters)Name of Movie TOP 10 (List the top 5 current actors/actresses) top 250 of all time (List the top 5 movies, Leading Actors, Actresses, and Gross $- worldwide)Title of Move YearLeading Actors/ActressesGross $$ Worldwide1. is your top 3 favorite movies of all time? Research and complete the following on your top 3 movies.Title of Move YearLeading Actors/Actresses1.2.3.What is your favorite movie and why?Top category> News > Movie NewsPick a Movie News article to write about- SUMMARIZEList the GENRE categories:What movie has made the most money worldwide (how much $)?Who is the highest paid actor?________________________________________Who is the highest paid actress?______________________________________Television EntertainmentSame website and select the TV tab from the topWhat are the top 3 or 4 Featured Television shows? Title Main Actor/Actress1.2.3.List at least 3 shows that are playing tonight1.2.3.Road to the Emmys - List the following winners in the respective categories.Outstanding Comedy-Outstanding Drama-Outstanding Miniseries-Lead Actor in Comedy-Lead Actor in Drama-Lead Actor in Miniseries-Lead Actress in Comedy-Lead Actress in Drama-Lead Actress in Miniseries-List the top 10 of the HIGHEST RATED TV SERIES (Best TV Series Tab) are your TOP 2 favorite TV shows of all time- briefly describe each1.2.What is the highest Grossing TV show of all time, Total money made from the show, & how many years did it run? ................

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