Delta Omega

OPHS Students!

The Hawai‘i Chapter of Delta Omega invites you to

submit an abstract for the National Delta Omega Poster display,

which will coincide with the 2020 Annual Meeting

of the American Public Health Association (APHA).

What is Delta Omega?

Founded in 1924, Delta Omega is the Honorary Society for Public Health (). It recognizes excellence in academic achievement, devotion to public health principles, and outstanding service in public health. There are currently 117 Delta Omega Chapters, including our Gamma Chapter at the University of Hawai‛i at Mānoa, Office of Public Health Studies.

Delta Omega Poster Competition

Each year, Delta Omega sponsors a competitive student poster session during the annual meeting of the American Public Health Association (APHA). The poster session showcases excellent scholarship and research of students attending CEPH-accredited schools and programs of public health. This year, APHA will take place from October 24th through 28th in San Francisco, California ().

Selection Process

Each Delta Omega Chapter is able to submit up to three (two graduate and one undergraduate) outstanding student abstracts for this national competition. Delta Omega’s National Review Committee will select 29 posters to be displayed at APHA. OPHS students whose work is selected by the National Review Committee will:

• Present during the poster session which will be held during APHA.

• Be recognized during the Delta Omega Social Hour during APHA.

• Receive a $350 cash prize, which the OPHS will match, for a total of $700.

• Have their abstracts published on the Delta Omega National Webpage.

Hawaii’s Delta Omega Chapter will assemble a committee to review all submissions, and select the three abstracts that will be submitted for national consideration. Criteria for abstract review will include:

• Evidence of student work

• Clarity

• Relevance to public health

• Potential impact

• Novel (e.g. original, innovative)

• Use of sound methodology

Abstract Submission Guidelines

All abstracts must be submitted via the attached form. Submit forms and/or inquiries via email to Dr. Jeanelle Sugimoto-Matsuda at Please include “Delta Omega Poster Competition” in the subject of your email. The submission deadline is Friday, March 20, 2020 (5:00 p.m.).

Please be aware of these guidelines:

• Formatting

o Submit abstracts via the attached form. All information in the form is required, unless otherwise indicated.

o Abstracts cannot exceed 250 words.

• Eligibility

o No late submissions will be accepted or considered.

o You must be a currently-enrolled OPHS graduate or undergraduate student to submit an abstract.

o No group abstracts considered for this competition (an abstract may have more than one author, but only one student can be listed as the primary author).

o Students who are selected as finalists by the National Review Committee are expected to present their work at APHA. However, acceptance of an abstract does not imply a financial commitment for student travel or conference costs to APHA. Students who are selected for the national poster presentation will receive a $350 cash prize from Delta Omega, which OPHS will match, for a total of $700. Otherwise, students will be encouraged to apply for travel scholarship opportunities (e.g., Elmer J. Anderson travel award, ASUH/GSO, etc.).

• APHA guidelines

o Because the Delta Omega Student Poster Session is held as part of APHA’s scientific sessions, presenters must adhere to APHA’s guidelines. Students should review APHA’s guidelines before submitting an abstract for consideration:

▪ General APHA guidelines for presenters: .

▪ Guidelines for posters: .

o Abstracts that have already been submitted to other APHA sessions (poster or oral) will not be accepted. Submitters must withdraw their abstract from other sessions, in order to be considered for the Delta Omega Poster Session. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact the national Delta Omega office at (202) 296-1099 or via email at deltaomega@.

2020 Delta Omega Student Poster Session

Gamma Chapter – Office of Public Health Studies, University of Hawai‛i at Mānoa

2020 Abstract Submission Form

Deadline: Friday, March 20, 2020 (5:00 p.m.)

All questions/items are required, unless otherwise indicated.

1) Title of abstract:

2) Student/presenting author information:

|Name: | |

|Standing (undergraduate, masters, or doctoral): | |

|Specialization (if applicable): | |

|Address: | |

|Phone: | |

|Email (all correspondence about the poster session will go to this | |

|email address): | |

3) Contact information for other authors, if applicable:

|Name |Address |Phone |Email |

| | | | |

| | | | |

| | | | |

| | | | |

| | | | |

4) Abstract (maximum 250 words):

5) Two keywords for abstract:

6) Target audience: (optional)

7) Educational objectives (50 words or less):

Provide at least one (1) measurable and concrete learning objective for your audience. Start each sentence with one of these objective verbs: Define, List, Describe, Discuss, Explain, Identify, Demonstrate, Differentiate, Compare, Design, Formulate, Evaluate, Assess, Name, and Analyze.

8) Student involvement (250 words or less):

Describe the student’s specific role in this project in 250 words or less. Evidence of student work is one of the criteria used by the National Review Committee to judge abstracts. The student who will be the primary author must have contributed sufficiently in the work to take responsibility for the content of the abstract and be willing to provide any relevant data upon request. The student must certify that they have contributed substantively to: (1) the conception and design or analysis and interpretation of data; and (2) the drafting and final approval of the submitted abstract.

9) Conflict of interest disclosure

A Conflict of Interest (COI) is present if any relationship of a financial, professional, or personal nature exists that would potentially bias the presenter, speaker, discussant, respondent, faculty because it may have an impact on the content of an educational activity. Such a relationship may be:

• With a commercial entity, or entity controlled/owned by an entity that produces, markets, re-sells, or distributes healthcare goods or services that are consumed by, or used on, patients/clients.

• Pharmaceutical or biomedical device entities whose goods or services are related to therapeutic areas are such commercial entities.

• A salary; consulting fee; honoraria; ownership interest except diversified mutual funds; private research or program contracts or grants; publications; royalties; membership on advisory or top level boards or panels that give remuneration.

Exempt entities that are not considered commercial entities for CE purposes are non-profits, governments, and non-healthcare related companies.

a. During the past 12 months have you, or your spouse or partner had a financial, professional or personal relationship that might potentially bias and/or impact content of the educational activity/session?  

[pic]Yes      [pic]No

b. If you answered “Yes” above, you must disclose the names of the organizations with which you have this relationship, the nature of your relationship, and the clinical or research area involved:

10) APHA presenter requirements:

In accordance with APHA guidelines, I understand that in order to present at the poster session, I must become an individual member of APHA and register for the APHA annual meeting. I do not need to register or become a member unless I am selected and agree to present at the Delta Omega poster session.

[pic]Yes      [pic]No


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