[Pages:2]June 2018



Overall Morningstar RatingsTM Based on Risk-Adjusted Returns


AB American Growth Portfolio Class I USD LU0079475348 Class A USD LU0079474960

AB Concentrated Global Equity Portfolio Class I USD LU1011997464 Class A USD LU1011997381

AB Emerging Markets Growth Portfolio Class I USD LU0079455316 Class A USD LU0040709171

AB European Equity Portfolio Class I EUR LU0128316840 Class A EUR LU0124675678

AB Eurozone Equity Portfolio Class I EUR LU0528103707 Class A EUR LU0528102642

AB International Healthcare Class I LU0097089360 Class A LU0058720904

AB International Technology Class I LU0037065595 Class A LU0060230025

AB Low Volatility Equity Portfolio Class I USD LU0861579349 Class A USD LU0861579265

AB Thematic Research Portfolio Class I LU0069063542 Class A LU0069063385

AB US Thematic Research Class I USD LU0128316170 Class A USD LU0124676726


AB American Income Portfolio Class I2 USD LU0249549436 Class A2 USD LU0095030564

AB Asia Pacific Local Currency Debt Portfolio Class I2 USD LU0736557819 Class A2 USD LU0736555797

AB Euro High Yield Portfolio Class I2 EUR LU0496389064 Class A2 EUR LU0496384180

AB European Income Portfolio Class I2 EUR LU0249549782 Class A2 EUR LU0095024591

AB Mortgage Income Portfolio Class I2 EUR LU1021292617 Class A2 EUR LU1021288185


AB Emerging Markets Multi Asset Portfolio Class I USD LU0633141378 Class A USD LU0633140560

Data as of 30 June 2018 For Investment Professional use only. Not for inspection by, distribution or quotation to, the general public. The content of this document is subject to change.

Equities AB American Growth Portfolio

AB Concentrated Global Equity Portfolio AB Emerging Markets Growth Portfolio AB European Equity Portfolio

AB Eurozone Equity Portfolio AB International Healthcare Portfolio AB International Technology

AB Low Volatility Equity Portfolio AB Thematic Research Portfolio AB US Thematic Research

Fixed Income AB American Income Portfolio

AB Asia Pacific Local Currency Debt Portfolio AB Euro High Yield Portfolio

AB European Income Portfolio AB Mortgage Income Portfolio

Multi-Asset Allocation AB Emerging Markets Multi-Asset Portfolio

Morningstar Category





US Large-Cap Growth Equity 4 stars among 482 funds 4 stars among 409 funds 5 stars among 267 funds


4 stars among 482 funds 4 stars among 409 funds 4 stars among 267 funds

I/A Global Large-Cap Growth Equity 4 stars among 684 funds N/A


I/A Global Emerging Markets Equity 4 stars among 1964 funds 5 stars among 1486 funds 3 stars among 575 funds


Europe Large-Cap Value Equity 5 stars among 306 funds 5 stars among 254 funds 4 stars among 180 funds


5 stars among 306 funds 5 stars among 254 funds 3 stars among 180 funds

I/A Eurozone Large-Cap Equity

5 stars among 966 funds 5 stars among 795 funds N/A


Equity Health Care


4 stars among 281 funds 4 stars among 215 funds 3 stars among 149 funds 4 stars among 281 funds 4 stars among 215 funds 4 stars among 149 funds


Equity Technology


4 stars among 287 funds 4 stars among 254 funds 4 stars among 202 funds 4 stars among 287 funds 3 stars among 254 funds 4 stars among 202 funds

I/A Global Large-Cap Blend Equity 5 stars among 3252 funds 5 stars among 2836 funds N/A

I/A Global Large-Cap Growth Equity 3 stars among 684 funds 4 stars among 601 funds N/A


US Large-Cap Blend Equity


4 stars among 1299 funds 5 stars among 995 funds 3 stars among 644 funds 3 stars among 1299 funds 5 stars among 995 funds 4 stars among 644 funds

I2 USD Flexible Bond A2 I2/A2 Asia Bond - Local Currency

I2 EUR High Yield Bond A2 I2/A2 EUR Flexible Bond

I2 USD Flexible Bond A2

4 stars among 275 funds 3 stars among 275 funds

4 stars among 121 funds

4 stars among 148 funds 3 stars among 148 funds

5 stars among 112 funds

5 stars among 84 funds 5 stars among 84 funds


3 stars among 538 funds 3 stars among 538 funds 4 stars among 374 funds

5 stars among 275 funds 4 stars among 275 funds

4 stars among 408 funds 3 stars among 408 funds 4 stars among 242 funds



5 stars among 98 funds N/A N/A

I/A Global Emerging Markets Allocation

4 stars among 169 funds 5 stars among 110 funds N/A

For Investment Professional use only. Not for inspection by, distribution or quotation to, the general public. Any entity forwarding this material takes responsibility for ensuring compliance with relevant financial promotion rules. The content of this document is subject to change.

Investment in the Fund entails certain risks. Investment returns and principal value of the Fund will fluctuate so that an investor's shares, when redeemed, may be worth more or less than their original cost. Dividends are not paid for all share classes and are not guaranteed. The Fund is meant as a vehicle for diversification and does not represent a complete investment program. Risks are described in the Fund's prospectus. Investors should read the prospectus carefully and discuss risk and the Fund's fees and charges with their financial adviser to determine if the investment is appropriate for them.

The value of an investment can go up or down and past performance is neither indicative of, nor a guarantee of, future results. The sale of AB funds may be restricted or subject to adverse tax consequences in certain jurisdictions.

This financial promotion is directed solely at persons in jurisdictions where the funds and relevant share class are registered or who may otherwise lawfully receive it. Before investing, investors should review the Fund's full Prospectus, together with the Fund's Key Investor Information Document and the most recent financial statements. Copies of these documents, including the latest annual report and, if issued thereafter, the latest semi-annual report, may be obtained free of charge from AllianceBernstein (Luxembourg) S.? r.l. by visiting , or in printed form by contacting the local distributor in the jurisdictions in which the funds are authorised for distribution.

Each of the above funds is either a portfolio of AB SICAV I, an open-ended investment company with variable capital (soci?t? d'investissement ? capital variable), or AB FCP I, a mutual investment fund (fonds commun de placement), both of which are organized under the laws of Luxembourg.

Note to European Readers: This information is issued by AllianceBernstein Limited, 50 Berkeley Street, London W1J 8HA, it is for marketing purposes. Registered in England, No. 2551144. AllianceBernstein Limited is authorised and regulated in the UK by the Financial Conduct Authority (FCA). Note to Austrian and German Readers: Local paying and information agents: Austria--UniCredit Bank, Austria AG, Schottengasse 6-8, 1010 Vienna; Germany--ODDO BHF Aktiengesellschaft, Bockenheimer Landstrasse 10, 60323 Frankfurt am Main. Note to Liechtenstein Readers: The Funds are not registered for public distribution in Liechtenstein and, accordingly, shares may only be offered to a limited group of Professional Investors, in all cases and under all circumstances designed to preclude a public solicitation in Liechtenstein. This document may not be reproduced or used for any other purpose, nor be furnished to any other person other than those to whom copies have personally been sent by AB. Neither the Funds nor the shares described therein have been subject to the review and supervision of the Liechtenstein Financial Market Authority. Note to Swiss Readers: This document is issued by AllianceBernstein Schweiz AG, Z?rich, a company registered in Switzerland under company number CHE-306.220.501. AllianceBernstein Schweiz AG is authorised and regulated in Switzerland by the Swiss Financial Market Supervisory Authority (FINMA) as a distributor of collective investment schemes. Swiss Representative & Swiss Paying Agent: BNP Paribas Securities Services, Paris, Succursale de Z?rich. Registered office: Selnaustrasse 16, 8002 Z?rich, Switzerland, which is also the place of performance and the place of jurisdiction for any litigation in relation to the distribution of shares in Switzerland. The Prospectus, the key investor information documents, the Articles or management regulations, and the annual and semiannual reports of the concerned fund may be requested without cost at the offices of the Swiss representative.

As of 30 June 2018. Overall Morningstar Rating is a copyright of Morningstar, Inc., 2018. All Rights Reserved. The information contained herein: (1) is proprietary to Morningstar; (2) may not be copied or distributed; and (3) is not warranted to be accurate, complete or timely. Neither Morningstar nor its content providers are responsible for any damages or losses arising from any use of this information. Past performance is not a guarantee of future results.

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