
Screening Instruments at a Glance

|Name of Instrument |Description/Purpose/Use |Ages |Method(s) |Administration |Cost |Ordering Information |

| | | | | | | |

|Strengths & Difficulties |Brief behavioral screening questionnaire |K-12 |Teacher or Parent Report |45 min-1hr/class |No cost if administered | |

|Questionnaire |that asks about 25 attributes, some | |(ages 4-10) | |and scored online. | |

|(SDQ) |positive and others negative. | | |25 items | | |

| | | |Teacher or Parent Report | |1 page per student if | |

|Goodman, 2005 |Scores for conduct problems, hyperactivity,| |(ages 11-17) |On-line administration |administered and scored | |

| |emotional symptoms, peer problems, and | | |and scoring available |by hand. | |

|Internalizing & Externalizing |pro-social behavior | |Student Self-Report | | | |

|Concerns | | |(ages 11-17) |Manual scoring = | | |

| |Reports Score As = | | |10 min/student | | |

| |Low, Medium or High Risk | | | | | |

| | | | | | | |

|Behavioral and Emotional |Assesses both behavioral problems and |PreK-12 |Teacher or Parent Report |5-10 min admin |Manual = $62 |Publishing Company = |

|Screening System |strengths, including internalizing | |(ages 3-5) | | |Pearson |

|(BASC-2 BESS) |problems, externalizing problems, school | | | | | |

| |problems, and adaptive skills. | |Teacher or Parent Report |25-30 items |Teacher forms = | |

| | | |(K-12) | |($100 for pkg of 100) | |

|Kamphaus & Reynolds, 2008 |Reports Score As = | | | | | |

| |Normal, Elevated or Extremely Elevated | |Student Self-Report |Computer scoring |Data Management System =| |

|Internalizing & Externalizing | | |(Grades 3-12) |available using ASSIST |$589 | |

|Concerns | | | |Software | | |

| | | | | | | |

|*Systematic Screening for |Used to screen and identify students who |K-6 |Rank orders 10 students with |45 min-1hr/class |Manual w/ video = |Publishing Company = |

|Behavior Disorders |may be at risk of developing behavior | |internalizing concerns and 10 |(stages 1 and 2) |($125) |Sopris West |

|(SSBD) |disorders. | |students with externalizing | | | |

| | | |concerns. |Scoring = | | |

|Walker & Severson, |3-stage multiple gating process. | | |15-30 min/class | | |

|1990-94 | | |The top 3 students in each category | | | |

| | | |are individually rated using The | | | |

|Internalizing & Externalizing | | |Critical Events Index (33 items) and| | | |

|Concerns | | |the Combined Frequency Index which | | | |

| | | |includes Adaptive (12) and | | | |

| | | |Maladaptive (11) items | | | |

Preschool Screening Instruments

|Name of Instrument |Description/Purpose/Use |Ages |Method(s) |Administration |Cost |Ordering Information |

| | | | | | | |

|DECA = |Examines Initiative, Self-control, |2-5 years |Parent/Caregiver |5-10 min/ student |Starter Kit = $200 |Publishing Company = |

|Devereux Early Childhood Assessment|Attachment & Behavior Problems | | | | |Kaplan Early Learning Company |

|Program | | |Teacher |62 items | | |

|(LeBuffe & Naglieri, 1999) | | | | | | |

| | | | |Likert | | |

| | | | | | | |

| | | | | | | |

|PKBS-2 = |Behavioral questionnaire that examines |3-6 years |Parent/Caregiver |8-12 min/student |Starter Kit = $120 |Publishing Company = |

|Preschool and Kindergarten Behavior|positive social skills and problem | | | | |Pro-ed |

|Scales –Second Edition |behaviors. | |Teacher | |No Data Management System | |

|(Merrell, 2003) | | | | | | |

| |Includes subtests for Social Cooperation,| | | | | |

| |Social Interaction, Social Independence, | | | | | |

| |Externalizing Problems and Internalizing | | | | | |

| |Problems. | | | | | |

| | | | | | | |

|TABS = |Screener to identify potential problems. |11-71 months|Parent/Caregiver |15 item Screener = |Introductory Kit includes |Publishing Company = |

|Temperament and Atypical Behavior |Detailed checklist when screener | | |5 min/student |Manual, Screeners and |Brookes Publishing |

|Scale |indicates a concern. Results provided in|1-6 years |Teacher | |Assessment Tools = $95 | |

|(Bagnato, Neisworth, Salvia & Hunt,|the categories of Detached, | | |55 item Checklist = | | |

|1999) |Hypersensitive-active, Underreactive and | | |15 min/student | | |

| |dysregulated. | | | | | |

| | | | | | | |

|ASQ-3 = |Examines strengths and challenges in |1 -66 months|Parent/Caregiver |15-20 min/student |Starter Kit = $250 |Publishing Company = |

|Ages and Stages Questionnaire: |Self-Regulation, Compliance, | | | | |Brookes Publishing |

|Third Edition |Communication, Adaptive Functioning, | | |2-3 min to score |Reproducible | |

|(Squires & Bricker 2009) |Autonomy, Affect, and Interpersonal | | | | | |

| |Interactions. | | | | | |

| | | | | | | |

|ESP = |Process that allows for early |3-5 years |Teacher Rating then |Stage 1 and 2 can be | |Publishing Company = |

|Early Screening Project |intervention and identification of | | |completed in | |Sopris West |

|(Walker, Severson, & Feil, 1995) |preschool adjustment problems. | | |approximately 1 hour. | | |

| | | | | | | |

| |Screens for Emotional Problems, | | |Stage 3 requires two | |Temporarily out of print. A revised |

| |Speech and Language Difficulties, | |Direct observation completed by |10-minute observations | |edition will soon be available. |

| |Impaired Cognitive Ability, Attention | |someone other than the classroom |in unstructured | | |

| |Deficits, and Hyperactivity. | |teacher |settings. | | |

| | | | | | | |


*Has highest level of evidence for screening and assessment purposes according to expert panel composed of researchers from the Stanford Research Institute and OSEP project managers from four Behavior Research Centers: University of Oregon, University of South Florida, Vanderbilt and University of Washington. See Severson, H. H., Walker, H. M., Hope-Doolittle, H., Kratochwill, T. R., & Gresham, F. M. (2007) p.196.

Albers, C. A., Glover, T. A., & Kratochwill, T. R. (2007). Introduction to the special issue: How can universal screening enhance educational and mental health outcomes? Journal of School Psychology, 45(2), 113-116.

Caselman, T. D. & Self, P. A. (2008). Assessment instruments for measuring young children’s social-emotional behavioral development. Children & Schools, 30(2), 103-115.

Elliot, S. N., Huai, N. & Roach, A. T. (2007). Universal and early screening for educational difficulties: Current and future approaches. Journal of School Psychology, 45(2), 137-161.

Glover, T. A. & Albers, C. A. (2007). Considerations for evaluating universal screening assessments. Journal of School Psychology, 45(2), 117-135.

Henderson, J. & Strain, P. (2009). Screening for delays and problem behavior: Roadmap to effective intervention practices. Tampa, Florida: University of South Florida.

Levitt, J. M., Saka, N., Romanelli, L. H., & Hoagwood, K. (2007). Early identification of mental health problems in schools: The status of instrumentation. Journal of School Psychology, 45(2), 163-191.

Severson, H. H., Walker, H. M., Hope-Doolittle, H., Kratochwill, T. R., & Gresham, F. M. (2007). Proactive, early screening to detect behaviorally at-risk students: Issues. Approaches, emerging innovations, and professional practices. Journal of School Psychology, 45, 193-223.

Violence Institute of New Jersey (2006). Inventory of Aggression Assessment Instruments for Children and Adolescents.

Walker, B. (2009). Effective schoolwide screening: Identifying students at-risk for emotional and behavioral disorders. Presentation at the Association for Positive Behavior Support Conference. Jacksonville, FL.

Walker, B., Cheney, D., Stage, S. & Blum, C. (2005). Schoolwide screening and positive behavior supports: Identifying and supporting students at risk for school failure. Journal of Positive Behavior Intervention, 7, p. 194.


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