DCETA Newsletter

DCETA Newsletter

November……..Great Schools Benefit Everyone……..2008

A Quiz for the Quiz Givers

Answer True or False to the following statements. Then turn to the next page to see how well you did. The answers are the result of a scientifically valid poll conducted by WEAC. It was a representative sample of people who vote in the state….a random sample of registered voters. It has a validity of plus or minus 3%.

1. A majority of the people in Wisconsin say they do not get a good value for the taxes they pay for public schools.

2. The general public in Wisconsin is twice as likely to believe private schools do a better job teaching the basics of reading, writing and math than public schools.

3. When asked for their general opinion of the people in various professions, people in Wisconsin have a low opinion of educators, compared to doctors, nurses, police officers, small business owners and other professionals.

4. When asked about their priorities for public schools, 19% of the general public was in favor of increasing educators’ salaries.

5. When asked who they trust when it comes to information about public schools, the general public said they trust educators less than school boards, business leaders, local newspapers, PTO’s and principals.

Highway Cleanup

Fall Highway cleanup was conducted on October 15 with the High School in charge. Once again we coordinated our efforts with the Boys and Girls Club. They had eight students working on their highway which goes from the corner of N and Camp Phillips nearly to the Kraft plant.

The key players for the teachers were Jeff Micholic, Len Fike, Dave Miller and his wife Lisa. The following student council members under the guidance of Brenda Grosskreutz did a small section of our highway which goes from Iozzo’s north to Highway N: Melinda Rothamer, Nicole Duhaime, Cassie Beck, Mandy Kissinger, Landon Berendson, Kaylie VanGalder, Megan Blackburn, Hannah Weir, Kevin Wirkus, Sara Alstad, Kaitlin Heller, Cari Kemp, Dara Daly, Nalee Xiong, Ellis Singleton, Zach Hagenbucher and Abby Grosskreutz. As is the custom, many went to Briq’s for treats after the clean up. Thank you to all who assisted in this fall project..

Teachers with Voices

Teachers With Voices will be singing at the Renaissance Assisted Living facility on Thursday, December 4. Many have expressed an interest. Watch for further announcements as that date nears. There is always room for more to join us.

Salvation Army Bell Ringing

Thank you once again to Felecity Treptow for organizing the DCETA Salvation Army Bell Ringers. If you haven’t signed up yet, contact Felecity to see if any times remain. They generally fill fast, but you never know…..there just might be room for a few more.

And Here are the Answers

(How did you do?)

1. A majority of the people in Wisconsin say they do not get a good value for the taxes they pay for public schools.

False: 60% rated the value “good or excellent”; only police and fire protection rates higher at 69%)

2. The general public in Wisconsin is twice as likely to believe private schools do a better job teaching the basics of reading, writing and math than public schools.

False: 42% verses 21%

3. When asked for their general opinion of the people in various professions, people in Wisconsin have a low opinion of educators, compared to doctors, nurses, police officers, small business owners and other professionals.

False: Only nurses were rated higher; 81% rated teachers 7-10; 44% rated 9-10.

4. When asked about their priorities for public schools, 19% of the general public was in favor of increasing educators’ salaries.

False: 79% favor increasing teacher salaries and only 18% do not; 16% said top priority; 25% said high priority; 38% middle priority; 18% said low or not at all.

5. When asked who they trust when it comes to information about public schools, the general public said they trust educators less than school boards, business leaders, local newspapers, PTOs and principals.

False: 57% trust educators “a great deal’ 49% principals; 36%PTA/PTO; 32% voters; 20% business leaders; 16% local newspapers.

So what does this mean to you as a teacher in Wisconsin? It seems despite how teachers often feel, the public does value them and the services they provide. Plus they trust teachers. So it is up to teachers to tell their stories to their friends and neighbors and make use of that value and trust.

American Education Week

American Education Week (AEW) is November 16-22. This year’s theme is Great Public Schools: A Basic Right and Our Responsibility. Go to aew for more information. Vote for your celebrity substitute educator. Also, more than 75 legislators were educators before their election to Congress. Do you know who they are? This site will tell you.


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