
WB National

Aims and Objectives – Example 1


Topic – Should Schools have 2 hours a week of Compulsory PE?

Aims You would expect these to answer the question given in the title.

● Find out how much PE is done in schools a week. You would expect the student to look at 'need for exercise', 'existing provision' and what would be the 'benefits/drawbacks happen if they were changed'(in kids' speak of course). Currently this is less than ideal.

● Find out if they should do more. This, in essence is the title phrased another way. You expect this aim again to contribute to the overall answer to the question given in the title.


● Look on google to see how much PE is done a week. This is badly phrased, and doesn’t specify the parameters of the research. Google may not be the best place to gather this information. Students should avoid naming search engines, though could suggest certain websites e.g.'Governmental websites for recommended hours'

● Interview a PE teacher to see how much they teach a week. This could be extended to what would be covered in the interview with PE teacher 'How much time they have, what they feel about it, what they would like to have and why'.

● Find the internet about how much exercise young people should do a week. This is essentially the first objective, written in a different way therefor not appropriate.

● Do a questionnaire about how much PE people think should be taught in schools. Does the investigation (and topic) need further primary evidence?

Aims and Objectives – Example 2

Topic – Should Wales adopt a presumed consent law for Organ Donation?

These are from the perspective of a top-grade student at National level.


1. Research into the pros and cons of organ donation and ‘presumed consent’

2. Research and analyse two countries who have introduced presumed consent

3. Gather public and expert opinions on presumed consent.


1a Research online into the ethical arguments for and against presumed consent

1b Research online to find out the medical arguments for and against presumed consent.

2a Research and evaluate Spain’s introduction of presumed consent

2b Research and evaluate Norway’s introduction of presumed consent

3a Create, conduct and analyse a questionnaire about the public’s opinions about organ donation and presumed consent

3b Gather an expert’s perspective by interviewing Dr. Richard Hobson, a local GP.

In class discussion students could discuss the following questions:-

● Is there too much to cover within the guided word length of 1000-2000 words?

● Does it allow enough scope for numerical data?

● Would it be better to cover less areas of research in more detail?


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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