2011 Space Day Camp Song List

2011 Space Day Camp Song List

Three Sections of Songs

1. Fun Space Songs

2. Standard Camp Songs

3. Graces

1. Fun Space Songs

The Stars Tonight

(Tune: Deep In The Heart Of Texas)

The stars tonight, are outta sight, (clap, clap, clap, clap)

Here at our Cub Scout Day Camp

The skits Scouts do will amaze you, (clap, clap, clap, clap)

Here at our Cub Scout Day Camp

The songs they sing will laughter bring (clap, clap, clap, clap)

Here at our Cub Scout Day Camp

So everyone, come join the fun, (clap, clap, clap, clap)

Here at our Cub Scout Day Camp

Oh Give Me The Sky

(Tune: Home On The Range)

Oh, give the sky, where I like to fly.

Where the birds and the airplanes go by..

Where often is heard

just a whirlybird.

And the skies are not cloudy all day.


Up, up in the sky.

Where the birds and the insects go by,

Where often it's heard just a whirlybird.

And the skies are not cloudy all day.

How often at night when the skies are bright,

With the light from the glittering stars,

Have I stood here amazed and asked as I gazed,

If I could touch one of those hot stars.


Oh, give me a sky where the bright yellow sun,

Glows brightly down long, long sunbeams,

Where graceful white kites,

go gliding along

Like white sheets in my silly day dreams.


Where the sky is so pure,

the west winds so free,

The breezes so balmy and light.

That I could always fly my plane in the sky.

Through all of the big cities bright.


Song for A Space Theme

(Tune: Clementine)


On the launch pad, on the launch pad,

We can see for miles around.

In a second we have lift-off

With our ship high off the ground.


Into space now, into space now

Heading for the great unknown.

Shooting stars with tails blazing.

This could be the twilight zone.


Total darkness now surrounds us

And our bodies have no weight.

Oh my goodness!

There's my napkin,

Cup and saucer and my plate.


There's the moon now right before us

Glowing silvery and gray.

How I long to tale a picture

But my camera floats away.


Moving onward through the darkness

Where the stars so brightly shine.

I'm amazed at what's before us.

So I continue down the line.


Moon Walk

(Tune: La Cucaracha)

I have a spaceship,

I have a spaceship,

and I will fly it to the moon.

I have a spaceship,

I have a space ship,

and I will go there very soon.

And when I get there,

and when I get there,

I will walk upon the moon.

And I will see it,

and I will like it.

Oh it will be so very cool!

Stars and Planets

(Tune: Swanee River)

Way up among the stars and planets,

Far, far in space.

That's where we'll find the life and knowledge,

To live out there some day.

If you search the Milky Way,

You may find life there.

Way up among the stars and planets,

Far out in Outer Space


(tune: Down by the Station)

Down by the rockets

Early in the morning.

See the spacemen waiting

For the time to go.

Rockets fueled and ready

Pushing all the buttons

Roar! Roar! Woosh! Woosh!

Off they go.

The Astronaut’s Plea

(tune: My Bonnie Lies Over the Ocean)

I went for a ride in a spaceship,

The moon and the planets to see.

I went for a ride in a spaceship,

And listen to what happened to me.


Bring back, bring back,

Oh bring back my spaceship to me, to me.

Bring back, bring back,

Oh bring back my spaceship to me.

I went for a ride on a spaceship

The capsule was crowded and I

Developed a cramp in my muscles.

So I took a walk in the sky.


I went for a walk in my spacesuit

The ship was controlled from the ground

And someone in charge down at NASA

Forgot I was walking around.




Up in the air junior birdman

Up in the air upside down

Up in the air junior birdman

Don’t let your tail feathers touch the ground

When you hear the whistle blow…toot toot

And you see the badge of tin…tin tin

Then you know that Junior Birdman,

has sent his box tops in.

What does it take?

It takes 1 box top,

Or 2 box sides,

Or 3 box bottoms.

It takes thin dime

Or 2 fat nickels

Or 10 shiny pennies.


Birdman, Birdman, Zooooom

Life on other Planets "World of Tomorrow"

(tune: My Bonnie Lies Over the Ocean)

Last Night as I lay on my pillow,

And drifted off slowly to sleep.

I thought of the world of tomorrow

These thoughts through my mind did creep.

A computer will do all my homework,

A robot will do all the chores,

If I spend the whole day just playing,

I fear that I may become bored.


Bring back, bring back

O bring back the old days to me, to me.

Bring back, bring back,

O bring back the old days to me.

My jet powered bike will be speedy,

I'll fly in my spaceship to Mars,

But what if I get lost in space,

And can't find my way through the stars?


My parents will have their own rocket,

We'll travel through space very quick,

I'm not sure I'll like that fast travel,

I may even get space sick.


Our family might move to Venus,

I don't know what we would find there,

I'd sure miss my friends back on Earth,

They're the best friends I'll find anywhere.


Dehydrated food for breakfast,

Dehydrated food for lunch,

Oh what I would give for a Big Mac

And potato chips that I can crunch.



(The Farmer in the Dell)


The family of the Sun,

The family of the Sun.

Here are nine planets in

the family of the Sun.


Mercury is hot,

And Mercury is small.

Mercury has no atmosphere.

It's just a rocky ball.


Venus has thick clouds,

That hide what is below.

The air is foul, the ground is hot,

It rotates very slow.


We love the Earth, our home,

Its oceans and its trees.

We eat its food, we breathe its air,

So no pollution, please.


Mars is very red.

It's also dry and cold.

Someday you might visit Mars

If you are really bold.


Great Jupiter is big.

We've studied it a lot.

We found it has 16 moons

And a big red spot.


Saturn has great rings.

We wondered what they were.

Now we know they're icy rocks

Which we saw as a blur.


Uranus and Neptune

We don't know much about.

Maybe you will study them

And then we'll all find out.


Pluto's last in line.

It's farthest from the Sun.

It's small and cold and icy too.

To land there won't be fun.

The family of the Sun,

The family of the Sun,

There are nine planets and

Now our journey's done


(tune of This Old Man)

(* chorus)

Planets go 'round the sun.

Sing about them everyone.

With a round, round, go around

Planets 'round the sun

Sing about them everyone.

Mercury, number one. It's the closest to the sun. *

Venus bright, number two. Morning and evening star we view.*

Planet Earth, number three. We live on it, you and me.*

Planet Mars, number four. Named for a Roman god of war.*

Number five, Jupiter. Colored clouds around it stir.*

Number six, big Saturn. Many rings around it turn.*

Number seven, Uranus. It looks blue and green to us.*

Number eight, story Neptune. Triton is it's frozen moon.*

Number nine, tiny Pluto. Farthest from the sun, you know.

With a round, round, go around

Planets 'round the sun

Sing about them everyone

Grand Old Captain Kirk

(The Grand Old Duke of York)

The Grand Old Captain Kirk,

He had ten thousand men.

He beamed them up (stand)

To the Enterprise,

And he beamed them down (crouch) again.

And when you’re up you’re up (stand)

And when you’re down you’re down (crouch)

And when you’re only halfway up (crouch partway)

You are nowhere to be found (wave arms around)

Star Wars

(to the tune of Are you sleeping)

R2D2, R2D2,


Obi Wan Kenobi,

Obi Wan Kenobi,

Han Solo, Han Solo


(to the tune of Lola by the Kinks)

I met him in a swamp down in Dagobah

Where it bubbles all the time like a giant carbonated soda

S-O-D-A, soda

I saw the little runt sitting there on a log

I asked him for his name and in a raspy voice he said "Yoda"

Y-O-D-A, Yoda

Yo-yo-yo-yo Yoda

Well, I've been around, but I ain't never seen

A guy who looks like a muppet, but he's wrinkled and green

Oh, my Yoda

Yo-yo-yo-yo Yoda

Well, I'm not dumb, but I can't understand

How he can lift me in the air just by raising his hand

Oh, my Yoda

Yo-yo-yo-yo Yoda

Yo-yo-yo-yo Yoda

Well, I left home just a week before

And I've never ever been a Jedi before

But Obi Wan, he set me straight, of course

He said, "Go to Yoda and he'll show you the Force"

Well I'm not the kind that would argue with Ben

So it looks like I'm gonna start all over again

With my Yoda

Yo-yo-yo-yo Yoda

Yo-yo-yo-yo Yoda


Yo-yo-yo-yo Yoda

Yo-yo-yo-yo Yoda

So I used the Force

I picked up a box

I lifted some rocks

While I stood on my head

but, I won't forget what Yoda said

He said, "Luke, stay away from the darker side

And if you start to go astray, let the Force be your guide"

Oh, my Yoda

Yo-yo-yo-yo Yoda

2. Standard Camp Songs

Go Bananas

(Everyone Stand Up)

Bananas unite! (place hands together straight up over head)

Bananas split! (open arms and place at sides)

Pick bananas, pick, pick bananas (reach up and pick bananas from a tree)

Peel bananas, peel, peel bananas (peel a banana in your hand)

Smash bananas, smash, smash bananas (clap hands)

Eat bananas, eat, eat bananas (stuff banana in mouth and sing with mouth full)

Go bananas, go, go bananas! (do a crazy dance)

Form potato, form, form potato

(Form potato by raising arms above head.)

Form potato, form, form potato.

Peel potato, peel, peel potato.

(Lower one arm.)

Peel potato, peel, peel potato. (Lower other arm.)

Mash potato, mash, mash potato. (Stomp, jump on floor for these verses.)

Mash potato, mash, mash potato.

Form an orange, form, form an orange. (Lift arms above head.)

Form an orange, form, form an orange.

Peel an orange, peel, peel an orange. (Lower one arm.)

Peel an orange, peel, peel an orange. (Lower other arm.)

Squeeze an orange, squeeze, squeeze an orange. (Turn to neighbor and hug/squeeze them.)

Squeeze an orange, squeeze, squeeze an orange.

Build the house, build, build the house. (Arms form roof over head.)

Build the house, build, build the house.

Paint the house, paint, paint the house. ('Paint' your neighbor.)

Paint the house, paint, paint the house.

Rock the house, rock, rock the house. (Dance)

Rock the house, rock, rock the house.

Form some corn, form, form some corn. (Arms above head in corn shape.)

Form some corn, form, form some corn.

Shuck some corn, shuck, shuck some corn. (Arms lower one at a time.)

Shuck some corn, shuck, shuck some corn.

Pop some corn, pop, pop some corn. (Jump and clap your hands.)

Pop some corn, pop, pop some corn.

Form banana, form form banana. (Arms above head in banana shape.)

Form banana, form form banana.

Peel banana, peel, peel banana. (One arm down.)

Peel banana, peel, peel banana. (Other arm down.)

Go bananas! Go, go bananas! (Jump up and go bananas.)

Go bananas! Go, go bananas!

Scout Vespers

(O Tannenbaum)

Softly falls the light of day,

As our campfire fades away;

Silently each Scout should ask,

'Have I done my daily task?

Have I kept my honor bright?

Can I guiltless sleep tonight?

Have I done and have I dared

Everything to Be Prepared?'

Listen Lord O Listen Lord,

as I whisper soft and low.

Bless my Mom and bless my Dad,

there is something they ought to know.

I will keep my honor bright,

the Oath and Law will be my guide.

And Mom and Dad this you should know,

deep in my heart I love you so.

Quietly we join as one,

Thanking God for Scouting fun,

May we now go on our way.

Thankful for another day.

May we always love and share,

Living in peace beyond compare,

As Scouts may we find,

Friendships true with all mankind.

Quietly we now will part,

Pledging ever in our heart,

To strive to do our best each day,

As we travel down life's way.

Happiness we'll try to give,

Trying a better life to live,

Till all the world

Be joined in love,

Living in peace under skies above.

Hiking In The Woods

(Tune: "She'll Be Coming 'Round The Mountain")

We'll be hiking in the woods from dawn to dusk.

We'll be hiking in the woods from dawn to dusk.

We’ll be hiking in the woods, yes, we'll be hiking in the woods;

Yes, we'll be hiking in the woods from dawn to dusk.

We'll be swatting fat mosquitoes as we go. Etc.

We'll be tripping over tree roots as we go. Etc.

We'll be scratching poison ivy on our arms. Etc.

We'll be slashing every puddle that we see. Etc.

We'll all be glad to see our beds tonight. Etc.

Can't Tie This Knot

(Tune: "Reveille" )

I can't tie this knot; I can't tie this knot;

I can't tie this knot they showed me.

I can't tie his knot; I can't tie this knot;

I can't tie his knot at all.

My Leader's patience's waning;

My Den Chief's color's draining,

I can't tie this knot; I can't tie this knot;

I can't tie this knot at all.

I don't know this leaf...(etc>)

I can't grasp botany's jive-ey,

Hope it's not poison ivy.

I don't know this leaf...(etc.)

I can't cross this creek...(etc.)

My Den Chief's way too bossy;

Those stones look wet and mossy,

I can't cross this creek...(etc.)

Bug Juice

(On Top of Old Smokey)

At Ft. Clatsop Day Camp, they gave us a drink.

We thought it was Kool-Aid, because it was pink.

But the thing that they told us would’ve grossed out a moose.

For that great tasting pink drink was really bug juice.

It looked fresh and fruity, like tasty Kool-Aid.

But the bugs that were in it were murdered with Raid!

We drank it by gallons ‘cause we couldn’t stop.

But we never noticed the bugs floating on top.

At Ft. Clatsop Day Camp, they gave us a drink.

We thought it was Kool-Aid, because it was pink.

So the next time you drink bug juice and a fly drives you mad.

He’s just getting even ‘cause you swallowed his dad.

Fried Ham Song

Fried ham, fried ham

Cheese and bologna

And after the macaroni

We’ll have onions, pickles and pretzels

And then we’ll have some more fried ham,

Fried ham, fried ham!

Same song, second verse, English accent little bit worse ...

Same song, third verse, Southern accent little bit worse ...

Same song, fourth verse, Opera style little bit worse ...

Same song, fifth verse, Robot style little bit worse ...

Same song, sixth verse, Tongue stuck to teeth little bit worse ...

and on and on and on ...

3. Graces

We are asking that leaders encourage campers to say or sing grace before lunch. Use your favorite, or try a new one from the list below.

(midi files to some of the songs listed below)


(midi available at above website)

Duh duh duh dum (snap, snap)

Duh duh duh dum (snap, snap)

Duh duh duh dum,

Duh duh duh dum

Duh duh duh dum (snap, snap)

We thank You for our food, Lord,

For Mom and Dad and You, Lord.

We thank You for our food, Lord,

To get us through the day.

Duh duh duh dum (snap, snap)

Duh duh duh dum (snap, snap)

Duh duh duh dum

Duh duh duh dum

Duh duh duh dum Amen!


(midi available at above website)

Back of the bread is the flour,

Back of the flour is the mill,

Back of the mill is the wind and the rain,

And the Father's will.


(Midi available at above link)

For health and strength and daily bread,

We praise Thy name, oh Lord.


(Midi available at above link)

God our Father, God our Father,

Once again, Once again,

We will ask Thy blessing, We will ask Thy blessing,

Amen, Amen.


If we all said a prayer for each other every day,

What a wonderful world this would be.

I would ask God to bless you,

And keep you every day,

Knowing you'd be asking the same prayer for me.


(Midi available at above website)

Oh, the Lord is good to me,

And so I thank the Lord,

For giving me the things I need,

The sun and the rain and the appleseed,

The Lord is good to me.

And every seed I sow,

Will grow into a tree,

And someday there'll be apples there.

For everyone in the world to share,

The Lord is good to me.

Johnny Appleseed, Amen!


Neath these tall green trees we stand,

Asking blessings from Thy hand,

Praise we give to Thee above,

For Thy health and strength and love.


(Midi available at above link)

Praise be to God the Father Almighty,

Praise be to God who gives us our bread.

Praise be to God the Spirit Eternal

Praise be to God forever.


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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