
Dear Parents, Carers and Learners,I hope this newsletter finds you all safe and well, whatever the circumstances you are currently facing, during this time of ‘lock-down’ within your own household and in those of your wider family and friends. There has been a considerable volume of information coming towards us all and you may have had times when you’ve felt overwhelmed but the priority over the past week has been to take time to transition into a new way of working and to prioritise health and wellbeing during what is a strange and alarming time for everyone. I hope that you have been able to figure out routines that work for your family, that allow for a good balance of the things that nourish and sustain you. A balance of active, creative and outside activities and perhaps a chance to check in with some of the learning on offer. It’s been brilliant to see the Happy News on the school website page.We are getting settled into our base at Holyrood High School for children of key workers. We have been learning how far 2 Metres is and doing our best to keep that distance apart from each other in our space! We made some rainbows today which we shared on twitter and had some fun in the school grounds. Look out for more activities we will share on twitter and ‘happy news’ on the school website. If you want to add any of your happy news please e mail it to Miss Smith.If you would like to share what you’re getting up to on twitter, then please use the tag @DuddingstonPS along with any of the class pages that you may be following. Please take what you need from the following, as suits your circumstances:Mon 30th March Weekly Challenges….How many skips can you do in a day??Create something happy from recycled/junk materials.Active Schools A-Z challengeConnect with your teacher – through twitter, say hi or share something you’ve been up to. Learning Links:Please see Learning Grids on the Classes pages of the school website: email your class teacher for any queries and to share learning – feel free to send in any writing, photos of things you’ve been doing or questions. These will continue to go via the Admin email account at present: admin@duddingston.edin.sch.uk? and/or, use twitter @DuddingstonPS or your class twitter account.Sumdog and Accelerated Reader are both platforms that your class teacher can check into and see how you’re getting on. Fischy Music Info:Monday morning assembly on YouTube:?Tune in and join us for our weekly online assemblies, 11AM on Mondays at?fischymusicFischyTunes:?Our music video website for?children. They can watch?our songs?for free at??(we've just added some more?Fischy favourites this week).Spotify (and other streaming platforms):?Pop on our “Twenty Years of Fischy Music” album on Spotify, Apple Music, Amazon Music or wherever you stream your music.Fischy Music Online:? This is our website for schools and has a huge range of resources to accompany over 100 Fischy song videos. (Our Duddingston login can be shared with you during this time: Go to and select ‘Login’ from the top bar. Enter the Username Karen.Brown and Password (Duddingston)If you have trouble logging in, please contact Mrs McCay).Top 5 Things for Our Mental Health & WellbeingAn attachment came out in an update last week with 5 things that can help at this time: Connect, Be Active, Learn, Give, Take Notice. This attachment had links and suggestions and will be on the school website next week under the News tab along with other links. A List of Links for other ideas:9am – PE with Joe Wicks – Maths with Carol Vorderman? – Elevenses with David Walliams – Oti Mabuse Dance Classes – Lunch (cooking with Jamie Oliver) – Music with Myleene Klass?? and other events include:BBC? Bitesize at BBC Scotland? with Glasgow Science Centre: with Profession Brian Cox, Robin Ince and Guests (older learners) with Steve Backshall: ................

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