
Willow Class Learning Activities Monday 30th March

|Subject |Lesson discovery |Lesson break down |

|Phonics |Review the following sounds: |Starter- 10 am speed sounds sessions with Ruth Miskin = |

|and reading | | |

| |u-e | |

|(40 minutes) |ue |Or 10.30 set 3sounds session with Ruth Miskin |

| |ew | |

| | | |

| | | |

| |Reading- children to practise|Main activity- Children work through PowerPoint and sound out and read words that contain the sounds:. |

| |developing fluency |u-e, ue, ew, |

| | |Once read through, children to log onto spelling shed and complete activities for these sounds. |

| | |Children to read the attached paragraph from the story ‘I Can Hop and Other Stories’. |

|English writing |Book Review | Read with the children the attached PowerPoint of The Snail and the Whale. Ask the children to then |

|(60 minutes) | |complete the attached book review template to describe the story. If you can’t print off the template use|

| | |the headings as guide for what the children need to write. The children can also draw pictures on the |

| | |blank pages of their favourite parts of the story (if they have any). If it’s a struggle to get them to |

| | |write about The Snail and the Whale then ask them to write about a book they know well. |

|Science |Nature walk |If you are lucky to go on a walk safely then the children could complete the attached activity while they|

| | |take a walk. If not the children could complete the sheet in their garden. If you don’t have a garden the|

| | |children can pretend to be a rainforest explorer and complete the sheet imagining that they are in the |

| | |rainforest. |

|Maths (60 |Data collection | Continuing on from Friday. Children can present their data as a bar chart. Show the children how one |

|minutes) | |vote is equal to one ‘bar’. If you have cubes a great visual to show children this is one cube is one |

| | |vote stacked on top of each other (see the attached photo on the class blog). Ask the children to draw a |

| | |bar chart from their data collection on Friday and the write sentences about the data using the phrases |

| | |‘most popular’ and ‘least popular’. Once completed they can then complete the attached challenge sheet. |

|History |Queen Victoria | After the Easter holidays we would usually be starting our new history topic where we compare a |

| | |Victorian childhood to the childhood of today. Show the children the attached photo of Queen Victoria. |

| | |Ask the children to write down who the think she is any why. Explain who she is. Ask the children to |

| | |start page one of their next project which all be about Queen Victoria. They need to create a page |

| | |either with drawings and writing underneath, on the computer, whatever is easiest at home. On the page |

| | |they need to write down some facts that they have learnt about Queen Victoria. |

|Extra Activities|Joe Wicks P.E session |

| |Make an Easter bonnet (I would love to see any photos of these if they are made) |


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