Scoil Sheosaimh Naofa

School Closure Programme

Tel: 057 9343615 Email: ballinagarns@ Web: ballinagarns.

Good morning all,

Hope you are all well and keeping safe during these times. Please find attached the 3rd Class timetable for the next week. Remember to keep in mind the times that were set for each class last week.

• English: NO LONGER THAN 45/ 50 minutes

• Maths: NO LONGER THAN 45/ 50 minutes

• Other subjects: NO LONGER THAN 1 hour

You know your child best - you know what they need and what works best for them, so feel free to do it your own way. With regard to the extra activities we have suggested to you, these are designed to occupy your children, allowing them to learn in a different way,

and are entirely optional.

 Some recommendations we have heard about are:

✓ RTÉ 2 is starting their virtual classroom on Monday at 11am (or anytime on the RTÉ Player).

✓ Joe Wicks ‘The Body Coach’ is uploading a PE video every morning- search for ‘P.E with Joe’:  

✓ David Walliams is doing a free audio reading every day at 11am.  (We cannot overemphasise the importance of your child reading regularly).

✓ The Primary Planet and News Flash will be published as an online magazine from April onwards, while related exercises, quizzes and activities will be posted on the website daily.

✓ Remember Twinkl is free to join for the month and they have lot of school closure packs/ coloring sheets/ powerpoints etc to keep your little ones busy ( password is IRLTWINKLHELPS to set up a free account).

I hope seesaw is working well for you all.

Hope you are all enjoying the lovely weather, we are very fortunate to have this weather during these unprecedented times. Keep safe and healthy.

Ranal Kelly

Múinteoir: Ms. R Kelly Rang: 3rd Dáta: 18th-22nd May 2020

|An Luan |An Mháirt |An Chéadaoin |An Déardaoin |An Aoine |

|English |English |English |English |English |

|SpellWell: Week 31: Spellings Box 1- 64/65 |SpellWell: Week 31: Spellings Box 2 – pg.64/65 |SpellWell: Week 31: Spellings Box 3- Pg. 64/65 and |SpellWell: Week 31: Spellings Box 4– pg. |Test: Ask a parent to test you on your English & |

|Activity A |and Activity B |Activity C & D |64/65 E and F |Irish spellings and your tables |

| | | | | |

|R@H: Page. 105 Qs.1-5 |All Write Now: |Word Wizard: Page. 93 D |All Write Now: ½ page or ½ handwriting sheet|R@H: Page. 106 Qs 1-5 |

| |(½ page) or ½ handwriting sheet in pack. |-Page. 94: Phonics ‘gh’, ‘ough’, ‘augh’ – A and B |in pack. | |

|Word Wizard: Page.92 | | | | |

|-Page.91 A and B |Word Wizard: Come to Funland | |Word Wizard: Page.94 C | |

|-Read comprehension Come to Funland |-Page.91 C | |(Seesaw activity) | |

|-Page.93 A |-Page.93 B & C | | | |

| | | | | |

| | | | | |

| | | | | |

| | | | | |

| | | | | |

| | | | | |

|Maths |Maths |Maths | | |

|Tables (÷9) |Tables (÷9) |Tables (÷9) |Maths |Maths |

| | | |Tables (÷9) |Tables Test (÷9) |

|Tables Champion- Day 1 |Tables Champion- Day 2 |Tables Champion- Day 3 | | |

| | | |Fractions pizza activity | |

|Fractions workpack (Page.1)- Print OR Draw in|Fractions workpack (page 2)- Print OR Draw in |Fractions workpack (page 3)- Print OR Draw in copy |(Upload to seesaw) | |

|copy |copy (Seesaw activity) | | | |

| | | | | |

| | | | | |

|Gaeilge |Gaeilge |Gaeilge | | |

|Watch an episode of choice on |Watch an episode of choice on |Watch an episode of choice on | |Gaeilge |

|Déan cur síos ar an aimsir inniú I bhur |(Déan cur síos ar an aimsir inniú I bhur |(Déan cur síos ar an aimsir inniú I bhur |Gaeilge |Watch an episode of choice on |

|gcóipleabhar. |gcóipleabhar (Write about the weather today in |gcóipleabhar (Write about the weather today in |Watch an episode of choice on |(Déan cur síos ar an aimsir inniú I bhur |

|(write about the weather today in you Gaeilge|your Gaeilge copybook |your Gaeilge copybook ) |(Déan cur síos ar an aimsir inniú I bhur |gcóipleabhar (Write about the weather today in |

|copybook) | | |gcóipleabhar (Write about the weather today |your Gaeilge copybook |

| | |Abair Liom – An aimsir ar fud an domhain |in your Gaeilge copybook ) | |

|Abair Liom: An aimsir ar fud an domhain |Abair Liom – An aimsir ar fud an domhain |Lch. 131 | |Abair Liom: An aimsir ar fud an domhain |

|Lch. 30 |Lch.131- A Freagair na ceisteanna |B Ceangail |Abair Liom – An aimsir ar fud an domhain |Lch. 132 |

|Léigh an aimsir | | |C Críochnaigh na habairtí |D. Cé chomh minic? = How often? |

|(Éist leis an múinteoir ag léamh an | | | |Go minic= often |

|leathanach) | | | |Anois is arís- now and again |

| | | | | |

| | | | | |

| | | | | |

| |SESE |SESE | | |

|SESE |Small World Geography and Science - Unit 17 |Small World Geography and Science - Unit 17 | | |

|Small World Geography and Science - Unit 17 |The Sun |The Sun |SESE |SESE |

|The Sun |-Unit to be completed over the week. Read pages |-Unit to be completed over the week. Read pages |Small World Geography and Science - Unit 17 |Small World Geography and Science - Unit 17 |

|-Unit to be completed over the week. Read |100-104. Answer all Qs from page 100-104. |100-104. Answer all Qs from page 100-104. |The Sun |The Sun |

|pages 100-104. Answer all Qs from page | | |-Unit to be completed over the week. Read |-Unit to be completed over the week. Read pages |

|100-104. |Art |Art |pages 100-104. Answer all Qs from page |100-104. Answer all Qs from page 100-104. |

| | (free registration) : | (free registration) |100-104. | |

|Art |Puppy drawing and tutorial (seesaw activity) |Puppy drawing and tutorial (Seesaw activity) | |Art |

| (free registration) : | | |Art | (free registration) |

|Puppy drawing and tutorial (seesaw activity) | | | (free registration) |Puppy drawing and tutorial (Seesaw activity) |

| |Religion |Religion |Puppy drawing and tutorial (Seesaw activity) | |

|Religion |Daily Prayer |Daily Prayer | | |

|Daily Prayer |* Grow In Love |* Grow In Love | |Religion |

|* Grow In Love |Veritas Ireland have given FREE access to the |Veritas Ireland have given FREE access to the Grow |Religion |Daily Prayer |

|Veritas Ireland have given FREE access to the|Grow in Love website. You may login on |in Love website. You may login on|Daily Prayer |* Grow In Love |

|Grow in Love website. You may login on | with the following details: |with the following details: |* Grow In Love |Veritas Ireland have given FREE access to the Grow |

| with the following details:| | |Veritas Ireland have given FREE access to the|in Love website. You may login on|

|Email: |Email: |Email: |Grow in Love website. You may login on |with the following details: |

|Password: growinlove |Password: growinlove |Password: growinlove | with the following details:| |

| | | |Email: |Email: |

|Our class are following the Fourth Class |Our class are following the Fourth Class |Our class are following the Fourth Class programme |Password: growinlove |Password: growinlove |

|programme and are on Theme 9: The Pilgrim |programme and are on Theme 9: The Pilgrim Church-|and are on Theme 9: The Pilgrim Church- Lesson 1 | | |

|Church- Lesson 1 Pilgrimages at Home and |Lesson 1 Pilgrimages at Home and Abroad |Pilgrimages at Home and Abroad |Our class are following the Fourth Class |Our class are following the Fourth Class programme |

|Abroad | | |programme and are on Theme 9: The Pilgrim |and are on Theme 9: The Pilgrim Church- Lesson 1 |

| | | |Church- Lesson 1 Pilgrimages at Home and |Pilgrimages at Home and Abroad |

|SPHE |SPHE |SPHE |Abroad | |

|Practise hand hygiene and discuss correct |Practise hand hygiene and discuss correct |Practise hand hygiene and discuss correct coughing/| | |

|coughing/ sneezing technique. |coughing/ sneezing technique. |sneezing technique. | |SPHE |

| | | |SPHE |Practise hand hygiene and discuss correct coughing/|

| | | |Practise hand hygiene and discuss correct |sneezing technique. |

|P.E. |P.E. |P.E. |coughing/ sneezing technique. | |

|At least 30 minutes activity |At least 30 minutes activity |At least 30 minutes activity | | |

|Why not check out Youtube: The Body Coach for|Why not check out Youtube: The Body Coach for |Why not check out Youtube: The Body Coach for daily| |P.E. |

|daily workout live at 9 a.m? |daily workout live at 9 a.m? |workout live at 9 a.m? |P.E. |At least 30 minutes activity |

|Music | | |At least 30 minutes activity |Why not check out Youtube: The Body Coach for daily|

|Go to a separate room | | |Why not check out Youtube: The Body Coach for|workout live at 9 a.m? |

|(maybe ( ) |Music |Music |daily workout live at 9 a.m? | |

|and practise your tin whistle: it’s a great |Go to a separate room |Go to a separate room | | |

|chance to catch up, especially if you were |(maybe ( ) |(maybe ( ) | |Music |

|finding it hard to play the tunes we’ve been |and practise your tin whistle: it’s a great |and practise your tin whistle: it’s a great chance |Music |Go to a separate room |

|learning lately. |chance to catch up, especially if you were |to catch up, especially if you were finding it hard|Go to a separate room |(maybe ( ) |

|Go back to the start and revise how to play |finding it hard to play the tunes we’ve been |to play the tunes we’ve been learning lately. |(maybe ( ) |and practise your tin whistle: it’s a great chance |

|each note (starting with B, and so on). |learning lately. |Go back to the start and revise how to play each |and practise your tin whistle: it’s a great |to catch up, especially if you were finding it hard|

|If you are struggling, check Youtube for |Go back to the start and revise how to play each |note (starting with B, and so on). |chance to catch up, especially if you were |to play the tunes we’ve been learning lately. |

|“learning to play the tin whistle”. |note (starting with B, and so on). |If you are struggling, check Youtube for “learning |finding it hard to play the tunes we’ve been |Go back to the start and revise how to play each |

|If you are well able to play, go ahead and |If you are struggling, check Youtube for |to play the tin whistle”. |learning lately. |note (starting with B, and so on). |

|challenge yourself with the rest of the tunes|“learning to play the tin whistle”. |If you are well able to play, go ahead and |Go back to the start and revise how to play |If you are struggling, check Youtube for “learning |

|in the book or tunes online. |If you are well able to play, go ahead and |challenge yourself with the rest of the tunes in |each note (starting with B, and so on). |to play the tin whistle”. |

|Other suggestions that you might enjoy: |challenge yourself with the rest of the tunes in |the book or tunes online. |If you are struggling, check Youtube for |If you are well able to play, go ahead and |

| |the book or tunes online. | |“learning to play the tin whistle”. |challenge yourself with the rest of the tunes in |

|How about keeping a daily diary in your | | |If you are well able to play, go ahead and |the book or tunes online. |

|Writing Copy? It could be just a few | | |challenge yourself with the rest of the tunes| |

|sentences, or however long you choose. Maybe | | |in the book or tunes online. | |

|even draw a picture as you go along? Write |Other suggestions that you might enjoy: |Other suggestions that you might enjoy: | | |

|about what is happening today (don’t forget | | | | |

|to write the day and date on top); how you |How about keeping a daily diary in your Writing |How about keeping a daily diary in your Writing |Other suggestions that you might enjoy: |Other suggestions that you might enjoy: |

|are feeling etc… |Copy? It could be just a few sentences, or |Copy? It could be just a few sentences, or however | | |

|Or you could write a letter to your |however long you choose. Maybe even draw a |long you choose. Maybe even draw a picture as you |How about keeping a daily diary in your |How about keeping a daily diary in your Writing |

|grandparents/ a neighbour who is self |picture as you go along? Write about what is |go along? Write about what is happening today |Writing Copy? It could be just a few |Copy? It could be just a few sentences, or however |

|isolating telling them your news/ how much |happening today (don’t forget to write the day |(don’t forget to write the day and date on top); |sentences, or however long you choose. Maybe |long you choose. Maybe even draw a picture as you |

|you are missing them etc |and date on top); how you are feeling etc… |how you are feeling etc… |even draw a picture as you go along? Write |go along? Write about what is happening today |

| |Or you could write a letter to your grandparents/|Or you could write a letter to your grandparents/ a|about what is happening today (don’t forget |(don’t forget to write the day and date on top); |

|RTE2 11a.m. (or anytime on RTE Player) is |a neighbour who is self isolating telling them |neighbour who is self isolating telling them your |to write the day and date on top); how you |how you are feeling etc… |

|doing a daily scheduled oral classroom for |your news/ how much you are missing them etc |news/ how much you are missing them etc |are feeling etc… |Or you could write a letter to your grandparents/ a|

|all primary school children | | |Or you could write a letter to your |neighbour who is self isolating telling them your |

| | | |grandparents/ a neighbour who is self |news/ how much you are missing them etc |

| webcam | | |isolating telling them your news/ how much | |

| |RTE2 11a.m. (or anytime on RTE Player) is doing a|RTE2 11a.m. (or anytime on RTE Player) is doing a |you are missing them etc | |

|David Walliams audiobooks |daily scheduled oral classroom for all primary |daily scheduled oral classroom for all primary | | |

|(he reads one of his stories everyday) |school children |school children |RTE2 11a.m. (or anytime on RTE Player) is |RTE2 11a.m. (or anytime on RTE Player) is doing a |

| | | |doing a daily scheduled oral classroom for |daily scheduled oral classroom for all primary |

|Go for a nature walk: watch, feel and listen | | |all primary school children |school children |

|out for signs of spring (don’t forget to | webcam | webcam | | |

|practise Social Distancing) | | | webcam | |

| | | | | webcam |

| |David Walliams audiobooks |David Walliams audiobooks |David Walliams audiobooks | |

| |(he reads one of his stories everyday) |(he reads one of his stories everyday) |(he reads one of his stories everyday) | |

| | | | |David Walliams audiobooks |

| |Go for a nature walk: watch, feel and listen out |Go for a nature walk: watch, feel and listen out |Go for a nature walk: watch, feel and listen |(he reads one of his stories everyday) |

| |for signs of spring (don’t forget to practise |for signs of spring (don’t forget to practise |out for signs of spring (don’t forget to | |

| |Social Distancing) |Social Distancing) |practise Social Distancing) |Go for a nature walk: watch, feel and listen out |

| | | | |for signs of spring (don’t forget to practise |

| | | | |Social Distancing) |

| | | | | |

| | | | | |

| | | | | |

| | | | | |

NB. Please don’t feel pressured to get all this done. Hope the seesaw app is working ok for you, any problems at all just contact me using the comment box on the app.


Useful Websites to aid learning on topics given this week.

|English |Maths |

| | |

| | |

| | |

|oxford |General websites |

| | |

| | |

| | |

| | |

| | |

|Reading | |

| |interactivesites. |

|Gaeilge |PE |

| |go- |



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