2. 3 Million Commercial Risk

1. Why does Anheuser-Busch get to run their ad first? Is this a justifiable method for choosing whom it is that goes first? What is the name of the spot that airs first?

2. Why does Anheuser-Busch covet the first spot so badly?

3. What does the term 2A describe?

4. What is the largest soda consumption day in the U.S.? Which day is second?

5. What is the risk/reward of advertising later in the game (4th quarter)?

6. Based on all the information presented in this article: If you were to buy ad space on the Super Bowl, when would you want to air your spot? Justify your answer using the article.

Art of the Super Bowl Commercial

7. How much does it usually cost to produce a 30 second spot for the Super Bowl?

8. Did AOL choose wisely in using the Teutuls family?

9. Did you like Gillette’s logic or take on the use of advertising on the Super Bowl? Explain.

10. Do you think people truly get the “company” message, or is seeing a shaving ad just another giant razor associated with the shaving industry in general? Explain using product differentiation in your answer.

Super Infringement Article

1. What exactly is “ambush marketing”? Cite a specific infraction from the article.

2. Analyze the ad campaigns of Scott Bath Tissue, Miller, ConAgra Foods, and Best Buy. Is this an effective concept? Make mention of the celebrity in your analysis.

3. Why do you feel the NFL is so protective of the term “Super Bowl”? Are the measures they take justified?

All Time Super Bowl Commercials Worksheet

Rate your top 3 commercials and explain why they are so highly regarded by you.

List at least 1 commercial that didn’t achieve its goal in your eyes.

Compare this year’s commercials with the all time top 10. Would you put one from this year on the list? Explain.

Outside The Lines - Super Bowl Worksheet

1. What makes the Super Bowl so important for commercial purposes?

2. Assess the behind the scenes action needed to create a commercial. List and explain each step outlined for the creation of the commercials.

3. Will a good commercial save your company? Explain using

4. What makes a good Super Bowl commercial?

5. Would you advertise your company on the Super Bowl? Explain.

6. Take a look at and assess at least one commercial from this site.

Super Bowl Commercials Worksheet

Rate your top 10 commercials and explain why they are so highly regarded by you.

List at least 1 commercial that didn’t achieve its goal in your eyes.


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