
Analyzing Super Bowl Commercials: How well do they work to persuade?Go to and watch and complete two templates for two different commercials. Choose commercials that has enough for you to analyze and also that you can connect to The Persuaders. Then you will choose one and complete the following:Write a rhetorical analysis thesis statement/claim WITH your evaluation: Assert the purpose of your commercial, the audience to which it is directed and how it achieves that purpose and then a sentence about its effectiveness. You can use this formula to get you started, but you don’t have to: Through the use of [list dominate and specific techniques] the commercial communicates [ideas, feelings] to [name the target audience] in order to [describe the purpose or overall meaning- even though you might have to guess]. The commercial is effective/ineffective because….state your reasons.Write the Analysis:Introduction: Begin by describing the basics of the commercial and cover an overview of SOAPS. Make sure you include the company name and commercial name (this is the bold area over the commercial on the website and include your rhetorical analysis thesis at the end of the introduction.Body of the Essay: Now you have to write to prove your thesis. In each body paragraph, write specifically about how techniques that you named in your thesis statement work to prove the purpose and reach the audience. The body should be longer than just one paragraph. Make sure you include evidence- some of it might be textual evidence or it might be you describing the visual- just use details and be very descriptive about the commercial. Make sure you use very specific details that should include all of the following and how effective you believe it is:Image- color, angle, framing, light, focus/filter, etc.Context- remember don’t just discuss the dominate image- what is going on around the main subjectHow choices reach the audience and purposeThe interaction between the image and text- if there is text.Font (if included)Editting- how the commercial is put together- the order of the images Audio- voiceovers, music, sound effects, etc.Key concepts from The Persuaders- think about the terms you learned in the documentary and the concepts that advertisers believe work. Conclusion and Link to The Persuaders: In the final paragraph, evaluate and reflect on how effective the commercial is in communicating its purpose to its audience. Do you think it is effective? Why or why not. Also, include how this commercial connects to the documentary. Think about the key concepts talked about in the film.Expectations:Demonstrate your understanding of how to analyze visuals and its relationship to the rhetorical situation-audience and purpose and a connection to the documentary, The Persuaders. You should use terms and/or quotations from the documentary (use your notesheet).Type and use 12-point font, 1-inch margins, double space the essay. Aim for two pages in length.Place a heading at the top of the writing (single-spaced): Your Name, 11th Honors English, Ms. Cartee-Haring, and the due dateCreate a unique title that captures your writing- center that.Use spell check, re-read and proofread before submitting for a final grade.Make sure that you follow directions.Ask questions if you need help.Turn-in your two commercial analysis chartsTV Commercial Analysis: Image/Editing- what do you see- describe each part? How is the commercial edited together? What do you hear?Slogan- What is the phrase that the ad wants you to remember? How does it make you feel?Diction- What words or phrases are used? List the important words/phrases in the commercial.What associations with those words come to mind?Occasion: What can you tell out what prompted this ad?What in the ad supports this?Target Audience:To whom is the ad speaking? BE VERY SPECIFIC- Gender, income level, social circles, ethnicity/race, marital status, age, etc.How do you know? What in the ad gives that impression?Purpose:What is being sold? Tangible and Intangible? Give evidence of what is being sold?Subtext- What is the ad saying without directly saying it?Speaker:Record the Ad Creator/Name (the bold title above the commercial):Who is producing the ad? What do they want you to believe about the speaker/company?How does the commercial connect with the documentary, The Persuaders?Subject Image/Editing- what do you see- describe each part? How is the commercial edited together? What do you hear?Slogan- What is the phrase that the ad wants you to remember? How does it make you feel?Diction- What words or phrases are used? List the important words/phrases in the commercial.What associations with those words come to mind?Occasion: What can you tell out what prompted this ad?What in the ad supports this?Target Audience:To whom is the ad speaking? BE VERY SPECIFIC- Gender, income level, social circles, ethnicity/race, marital status, age, etc.How do you know? What in the ad gives that impression?Purpose:What is being sold? Tangible and Intangible? Give evidence of what is being sold?Subtext- What is the ad saying without directly saying it?Speaker:Record the Ad Creator/Name (the bold title above the commercial):Who is producing the ad? What do they want you to believe about the speaker/company?How does the commercial connect with the documentary, The Persuaders?Subject Image/Editing- what do you see- describe each part? How is the commercial edited together? What do you hear?Slogan- What is the phrase that the ad wants you to remember? How does it make you feel?Diction- What words or phrases are used? List the important words/phrases in the commercial.What associations with those words come to mind?Occasion: What can you tell out what prompted this ad?What in the ad supports this?Target Audience:To whom is the ad speaking? BE VERY SPECIFIC- Gender, income level, social circles, ethnicity/race, marital status, age, etc.How do you know? What in the ad gives that impression?Purpose:What is being sold? Tangible and Intangible? Give evidence of what is being sold?Subtext- What is the ad saying without directly saying it?Speaker:Record the Ad Creator/Name (the bold title above the commercial):Who is producing the ad? What do they want you to believe about the speaker/company?How does the commercial connect with the documentary, The Persuaders? ................

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