Sports Affect ApplicationsSports reflect on our daily lives in many ways that can potentially affect our decisions later in life. These decisions include anywhere from choosing what school one wants to attend to deciding where you want to live based on where the sports team you love is located. “Sports are taken seriously in this country and not just by those who cheer for professional teams” (Bowen). Sports are a big role in society today at every level especially college level because of its affects on the community, future applicants, and fans. Most fans pride their sports team over their own needs like sleep when they stay up late just to see their team win a ball game. “Football and basketball success has significant increase on the quantity of applicants to a school, with estimates ranging from 2% to 8% for the top 20 football schools and top 16 basketball schools each year” (Pope). College athletics affect many different things but mostly at the future applicants area. The success of sports directly relates to the amount of applicants a college receives the next year.To be accepted into a college one must go through an application process. This requires oneself to fill out questions about ones achievements in school and simple questions about oneself. The process varies on every school because they each have their own application and have different criteria for different schools.“Applying for college can be a stressful time for the high school senior or other college applicant” (Kosur). Applicants have to go through many different time consuming processes and also have to choose the right school for them. This process causes a lot of stress on the applicants on top of their senior year in college which can cause frustration with school. “College applications vary from one college to the next, and every college and university has slightly different criteria for determining which students to admit” (The College). Many applications are affected my multiple things including sports, campus, party life, fraternities, sororities, and many more. By using many different techniques and criteria for each application it makes it a long process for the applicants to do every application and do it with accuracy. When these applicants chose to apply to different schools they are affected by many different things, one of the big factors is college athletics.The application process changes over time and will never be constant over generations of time. Schools are now not looking at the ACT and SAT scores as much as they used to and are leaning to just take that out of the process. “By adding more options colleges are attempting to make the application process more student friendly” (College). Colleges are making it more friendly to relieve the stress for people during the application process and also deciding which school is right for them. These universities are trying to make the process easier on the applicants but also a lot easier on themselves for admissions because they already have to look at a lot of applicants. “College and universities use fairly standard definitions to describe each form of application which makes it easier for students to learn about the methods available and understand the differences between each university’s programs” (College). Colleges also use the process to show what is available at their college and what it will be like if one attended their university. The application process is a very difficult and stressful time and is key for the colleges to get lots of applicants from sports success because those colleges want a wide variety of applicants to choose from. Applicants care a lot about there sports programs at these schools and the national championships they can watch their school win.College sports are very important in the college life and keeps students interested in showing pride in their school. Students show lots of pride for their school by showing up to their home games and even traveling on the road to watch the team play in big games. “The NCAA conducts 89 national championships in 23 sports across divisions 1, 2, and 3, with 44 championships administered for women and 42 men” (Championships). The NCAA is a very broad organization and has many sports, which provide many times for fans or non-fans to watch a team succeed. There are many opportunities for the teams to succeed they just need to find the right one to benefit the school. “It is important to us that our championship have a positive impact on the communities that host them. We have youth clinics, fan events and salutes to complement the competition – creating what we hope is a winning moment for everyone involved” (Championships). College sports and the NCAA take pride in creating a good image for the schools participating in their events. Collegiate sports provide an experience for college students and fans everywhere and help influence if one likes a school or not.Collegiate athletics host many different championships and have many different winners who end up showing off their school. Winning a championships mean a lot for your team but also can benefit the university at the same time. “The championship bracket consists of 64 teams, sixteen, four-team regionals will be conducted at non-predetermined sites” (Championships). The college world series is just one of the main tournaments that gets advertised and talked about all over TV and shows the best college baseball team that year. “The Bowl Championship Series is a five-game college football showcase. It is designed to ensure that the top two teams in the country meet in the national championship game and to create exciting and competitive matchup among eight other highly regarded teams in four other bowl games” (BCS). The BCS is one of the biggest college sporting events held and is important because it brings in publicity and revenue for schools nationally. The affect of sports on students decisions is very important because by getting just one win in a sports event can increase fans and future applicants. There have been many different research studies on how success in sports relate to the amount of applicants in the next year. “One of the first real studies to compare intercollegiate athletic success and undergraduate application rates for admission was Toma and Cross” (Trivette). They conducted this study to find that there is a correlation between the two and there will be many other researchers are to follow and agree with this theory. “Monks and Ehnrenberg (1999) found that a drop in college rank leads to a declining applicant pool, resulting in the university accepting a greater percentage of applicants and a generally lower quality entering the class” (Cox). This shows that the amount of applicants’ does not just increase with success of sports it also declines when a sports team does not have a great season. There have been many pioneers of the theory of its relation and they have all found that there is a direct relation between success and the amount of applicants they receive the next year.Sports help give publicity to collegiate programs that can reflect a good image on all applicants or future applicants. “Many researchers believe that successful athletic programs can act as advertising for their respective institutions” (Trivette). When a college has a successful sports program they are televised on the TV nationally and are given major spotlight that promotes that college. “ The schools featured in these yearly contest receive and enormous amount of television and radio airtime as well as countless newspaper, magazine, and internet articles as well as many other types of media attention” (Trivette). When schools get this type of airtime it shows how great the school is. National exposure can really help promote the schools image and help get more applicants to come to that school from their sports programs.When a school goes to the national championship or has just a successful season it brings that school positive attention and catches the peoples eye. “The authors explore the reasons why students might be influenced by these sporting events and present evidence that attention/accessibility helps explain these findings” (Pope). Most high school students want to go to school that is put in the spotlight and love hearing their schools name being called over TV or radio. “As a consequence of national exposure and positive publicity, potential new students may find the new university more attractive” (Cox). When that spotlight is put on a future potential school and one hears the name being talked about it puts and attractive image on the school and influences people to go there. This national exposure influences people to apply to that school because all the attractiveness from their sports success.Football is valued very high at the collegiate level and has a great impact on the community, fans, and future students. “For a football team that improves its win total by five games from one season to the next, Anderson estimates the school will see an increase in $682,000 in alumni donations, an extra 677 applications, and the schools acceptance rate to drop 1.5 percentage points” (Toporek). Future students are influenced by football and show an increase in interest in a school that is showing success in a particular sport. Alabama’s applicants increased after they won back-to-back national championships according to their admissions page to 22,136 applicants the next year. This is a prime example of a school having two successful years in a row in football and increasing their amount of applicants. Football impacts the society today in many ways but one of the key things it does is when a team is successful it generates more popularity and more applicants for the next year. Not only can teams affect the amount of applicants a school will receive the next year but a certain player can affect it too. “This class of students applied to colleges after the Jimmermania and BYU’s 2011 run to the sweet sixteen” (Bringham Young University). Players like Jimmer from BYU can influence a students mind by making them think about how they could be going to that school the next year with an amazing player. “McEvoy (2006) noted that institutions received a 6.59 percent increase in undergraduate applicants for admission in the year following having a football player finish among the top 5 players considered for the Heisman Trophy, an award given to the best college football player in the nation” (Trivette). If winning a trophy can increase the amount of applicants by 6.59 percent imagine a whole team of good players and how that influences students to come to your school. Players that have success can play a large effect on getting students to make that move and go to your school. Another one of the vital sports is basketball and it provides students with a fun experience they wont want to miss out on. “When the University of Florida won the national championship in both football and basketball in 2006, they receive 25, 400 applications the following year, which was an eight percent increase over the previous year (Kipp 2007)” (Cox). Florida winning the national championship in basketball that year led to the image put on their school that they were an elite athletic program. “ Examining the University of North Carolina in Chapel Hill, who recently won the NCAA Basketball Championship in March of 2009, we can see an increase in the number of applications since 2008 by 2,957, or 15%” (Judah). In the graph below shows examples of schools and how their applicants were increased after they won the national championship. This is another example that shows winning the March Madness thriller tournament can really increase the amount of applicants you receive the next year.Championships Reflect Increase in Applicants School NamePercent of Increase in Applicants after winningNumber of applicants the year after Winning University of North Carolina15%22,957University of Florida 8%25,400Butler41%4,950This graph gives many examples like UNC, Florida, and Butler that have basketball success and their results from being a winning team. By winning the NCAA National Title, it shows an increase in in the number of applicants by a great percentage.There also is a consistent result from a team who does not have successful sports season. “Without this balance, fans loose interest and you wont get as many applicants” (Fizel). If a collegiate team is loosing it will decrease the interest and publicity then putting a bad image on the school and the interest will go down. Sports affect the number of applicants the next year even if you lose it will affect the number in a bad way causing a decrease.The success can affect all types of people from any background, sex, race, or country. “Males seem to have the tournament on their radar early on, but if your team gets to the championship, males and females are influenced about equally” (Pope). Sports are not only relating to all guys, the collegiate sports success also has a correlation in girls and their decisions with applications. Success in important football games also bring in donations to improve the sports teams in many ways which makes more students want to apply to that college with the best facilities and stadiums. “When colleges and universities continue to pour millions of dollars into big time football programs, they of ten justify spending by claiming that successful programs end up repaying the campus with other benefits” (Toporek). The other benefits that the sports teams are helping the college with is making students have the desire to apply there. “A new working paper published by the National Bureau of Economic Research estimates that each extra win from a major football program results in an increase of alumni athletic donations of $136,400” (Toporek). Just one win can get a school a good bit of money to help their athletic programs. Donations to the college through sports teams success can also affect the increase in applicants because of the nice facilities they have that influence them to go there.Some people may say that sports success does not affect the quality of the applicants but it does. “Consistent with increased applications, acceptance rates are lower and SAT scores are higher” (Cox). This shows that the quality of people applying to the college with success have better SAT scores and it means the quantity of the applicants are smarter than they were last year. “We find that with schools with basketball success tend to exploit an increase in applicants by being more selective in the students they enroll” (Pope). When applications go up it causes the acceptance rate to drop and makes it harder to get in a school and makes them more competitive. The success of a collegiate sports team cause to have more applications, which makes the application process more competitive and make the school a more intelligent place. The successes of sports directly relate to the amount of applications a school receives in either a decrease or increase in the amount of applicants. “Using a unique, national data set that indicates where students choose to send their SAT scores, the authors find that college sports success has a large impact on student application decisions” (Pope). Applicants have a direct correlation to the success of college sports teams and where students chose to send their scores and applications.Works Cited Page"The BCS is ..." BCS. Brigham Young University. "March Madness brings September students: Out-of-state students drawn by college sports success." ScienceDaily. ScienceDaily, 23 August 2012."Championships." NCAA Public Home Page. 25 Feb. 2014 "The College Application Process." What Students Should Know. 25 Feb. 2014 Cox, Steven R. "Quality perception and the championship effect: Do collegiate sports influence academic rankings?" Research in Higher Education Journal. Kosur, Heather M. "Basic Information on College Applications." Bright Hub. 25 Feb. 2014 "Newswise." Butler University's 2010 Tourney Exposure Lifts All Boats. N.p., n.d. Web. 22 Apr. 2014.Pope, Devin G. "The Impact of College Sports Success on the Quantity and Quality of Student Applications." Southern Economic Journal 75.3 (2009): 750-80. JSTOR. Web. 23 Feb. 2014. "Road to the Championship." NCAA. Toporek, Bryan. "College Football Success Leads to Uptick in Applications, Donations." Education Week. Trivette, Michael. "The Effects of Increased Intercollegiate Athletic Success on Undergraduate Applications for Admission.""University of Alabama." Admissions Statistics and Chances. 25 Feb. 2014 ................

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