
5520916-17311400Nursery & Reception Curriculum NewsSpring 2019 Topic – Long, Long AgoWe would like to welcome you back after a magical Christmas break. We look forward to an exciting, fun filled and valuable term ahead. We have a great term of fun and exciting activities planned. Teachers: Mrs Hallam & Mrs Perkins HLTA: Mr L MorganTeaching Assistants: Mrs Davies, Miss Clark, Mrs Clarke and Miss RobsonWe have a great topic to welcome the children back called ‘Long, Long Ago’ This topic has a history focus. It will enable the children to learn about toys in the past and explore stories about teddies past and present. We welcome any contributions from parents, family members or friends who have an interest or expertise in our topic.Your child will learn through a variety of differentiated tasks including outdoor learning and learning through play. In line with the new school Curriculum in Wales the children cover six areas of learning and experiences. These areas are:Mathematics and NumeracyLanguages, literacy and CommunicationHealth and Well BeingExpressive ArtsScience and TechnologyHumanities580470411376900As a Church in Wales school your child will also take part in Foundation Phase worships and weekly Religious Education sessions.Health and Well BeingIt is most important to us that every child is a happy learner. We will endeavour to ensure that your child mixes well with others and gains enjoyment from their early school experiences. Children will learn to take care of their physical needs including washing their hands, toileting themselves, taking their coats on and off. They are to be encouraged to share with the other children in the setting and to take turns. The children will participate in many enjoyable circle time activities in order to reinforce these skills. Reception children take part in a PE session in the hall every Wednesday. Please can you ensure that on this day your child brings a PE kit to school. Please provide labelled black shorts and a white top. They may run around in bare foot, but please provide daps if required. PE kits will be returned home every half term.616331051498500Nursery children participate in daily movement sessions and do not require a separate PE Kit. They will be allocated a particular day in which we ask for your son / daughter to come to school wearing comfortable joggers and trainers. Religious Education 5804101111694900Your child will discover the world of Christianity through daily worship sessions. This takes place either collectively in the hall with the whole of the Foundation Phase or during smaller group classroom worship. This term the focus will be on the values of Perseverance and Friendship. Children will learn about significant Christian Festivals, including Epiphany and Easter through songs, stories and creative tasks. They will also listen to and role play many Old and New Testament stories.Mathematics and NumeracyNumeracy skills will be taught through practical activities and play. The children will listen to various number songs, rhymes and stories on a daily basis. They will count using many different types of objects, including those found outdoors, for example, conkers and leaves. They will begin to form numbers correctly by writing in different materials such as foam, gloop, sand, porridge etc.During maths sessions we will be learning to:NurseryReceptionRecite the numbers to 10 (and beyond).Count up to 3 (5) reliably.Recognise numbers 1 to 3 (5).Recognise and compare different patterns.Order 2(3) objects according to size.Recognise and name different colours.recognise and use the names for 2D shapes (circle, square and triangle) within play activities and the environmentRead and write numbers to 20.Use ordinal numbers to 10 in daily activities and play.Begin to read number bine two groups of objects to find ‘how many altogether?’Recognise and name common 2D shapes (circle, square, triangle and rectangle) and some 3D shapes (cube, cuboid and sphere) within play activities and the environment.587082617869200Languages, Literacy and CommunicationDuring our daily sessions children will be encouraged to join in with a variety of nursery rhymes and songs to extend their vocabulary and confidence. Our themed role pay area will help to engage children in asking and answering questions. Children will participate in regular story time to encourage a love of books and reading. The Nursery children will select a Bear Club book of their choice to take home every week. Please can you read the story with your child and talk about the characters, the plot and their feelings towards it. Your child can draw a picture relating to the story and we would also appreciate it if you could make any relevant comments your child made on the page. We will send home a learning log book. This will involve producing pieces of work relating to our topic. The children participate in daily Phonics sessions using the Jolly Phonics actions and the Letters and Sounds Scheme. There is a website dedicated to this with useful interactive games and activities. At first in Nursery the children concentrate on Phase 1 which involves playing many listening type games based on hearing the sounds in words. As the children progress they will gradually be introduced to letters and gain more and more confidence in blending and segmenting as they move through the phases.575471615686900Your child will also have many opportunities to practise mark making in different sensory materials and as they gain greater control begin to practise correct letter formation. The children will be using incidental Welsh daily such as numbers, colours, rhymes, songs and greetings. The children will be learning how to ask and answer a variety of questions in Welsh. They will sing a variety of welsh songs and learn certain vocabulary linked to our topic. Science and TechnologyThe children will be focussing on:Experimenting with materials. Listening to others’ ideas Identifying what they want to find out and how to do it Thinking about what might happen if…Expressive Arts582778017358800The children will be focussing on: MusicListening and identifying environmental.Adding percussion, for sound effects, to the story, We’re going on a bear hunt.Making musical instruments using junk materials. 586257617065400Art/DesignPainting teddy bears. Painting scenes from teddy bear stories.Drawing and painting responses to contrasting music. Designing and creating clothing for Paddington Bear. Create a toy using junk materials. Dance/movementCarry out yoga movements to, ‘We’re going on a bear hunt.’Develop the skill of balancing.Create movements with a partner to a piece of music. 5758646-27096000HumanitiesThe children will be focussing on:58793853486100Focus on the change of teddy bears over time.Explore toys from the past. Discuss similarities and differences. Fruit money:Fruit is ?1 a week. We would be most grateful if you could pay at the beginning of each half term, in a labelled envelope. Our week at a glanceThings to bring to schoolMondayTuesdayWednesdayThursdayFridayDinner Money(Reception)1746256858000Fruit Money18697913183900PE kit (Reception)19396415216600Bear Club(Day on bag) Reading Book(Day on bag)Class Cuddly Toy(if applicable)21145521143100We hope that this information is useful to you and your child as they begin their learning journey with us. Please do not hesitate at any point to contact us should you have any queries, worries or concerns.Mrs. Hallam, Mrs Perkins & Mr Morgan ................

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