Soroptimist is a global volunteer organization that provides women and girls with access to the education and training they need to achieve economic empowerment.-19050-48260SOROPTIMIST INTERNATIONAL OF THE AMERICAS, INC.?2559050690245Region Membership Chair Position DescriptionA. Eligibility Requirements and QualificationsEligibility Requirements:Be a member in good standing in their club.Cannot hold the following offices during the two years as membership chair: region governor, federation board member, fundraising council member or SI appointment.Have an active email account that is checked regularly; communicate this email address to our headquarters.Be able to participate in web-based and/or audio informational and training sessions and annual face-to-face meetings with federation leadership and our headquarters.Read and write English or be willing to arrange translation/interpretation services for webinars at own or region expense.Qualifications:Be an advocate for our SIA mission.Understand our strategic direction and be able to influence the region and clubs in the region to advance it.Have the ability to be an articulate spokesperson and change champion for our mission and the social change we wish to make.Be able to write clearly and effectively.Be knowledgeable about effective recruitment and retention tactics and the club chartering process.Have analytical skills and the ability to manage and work with volunteers.B. Area of ResponsibilityThe region membership chair will be responsible for the following objectives and strategies aligned to the Engagement pillar of SIA’s and the region’s strategic plan:Increasing new clubs by providing guidance to region teams on chartering new clubs, and educating regions on how to support new clubs.Increasing members in clubs by providing proactive member retention/recruitment support.Increasing the quality of engagement within our organization, by championing a quality member experience.C. Objectives1More new clubsIncreased members in clubs Members and supporters find value through engagement with our mission 1See Club Year 19/20 Region Diamond Campaign Goals.D. Specific DutiesAttend region conferences, region chair orientation, and regular webinars led by SIA staff to continue learning and sharing membership experiences with other chairs. Conduct workshops or make presentations at region meetings about recruitment, retention, club building and other membership topics. Review and provide feedback on membership tools and materials as requested by headquarters, and offer suggestions for new resources for the region chair website. Prepare the membership entry for the region’s Shaping the Future Award.Form and serve as chair of region’s membership committee.The membership committee is comprised of chairs from the Chartering, Newly Chartered Development and Membership Development sub-committees.Alternatively, if these three sub-committees are not formed, a committee should be formed with separate individuals responsible for the three areas of Chartering, Newly Chartered Development, and Membership Development as described below.Form and oversee the following sub-committees:Chartering Subcommittee (scope: charter new clubs)Charter new clubs by implementing the "New Club Building Guide." Be familiar with the federation’s resources and encourage charter teams to leverage.Newly Chartered Development Subcommittee (scope: develop/mentor new clubs)Mentor/develop new clubs by implementing the “Soroptimist Club Mentor Guide.”Be familiar with the federation’s resources and encourage clubs to access them in order to succeed. Membership Development Subcommittee (scope: develop/mentor existing clubs)Develop and implement initiatives to grow membership and meet goals defined by SIA membership campaigns such as the Diamond Campaign.Support the introduction form process by ensuring prompt follow-up with prospective members by local clubs.Contact clubs with fewer than the recommended 12 or more regular members to provide counsel and assistance with recruitment and retention efforts. Contact lapsed members using lists provided by SIA headquarters as part of regular win-back campaigns.Analyze membership reports sent by SIA headquarters to develop growth strategies. Be familiar with the federation’s resources and encourage clubs to use these materials to recruit and retain members.Encourage clubs to share activities that enhance the club membership experience by submitting entries for Soroptimists Celebrating Success Awards.E. Reports toSIA Senior Director, Membership and Leadership Development and the region governor, according to region bylaws and procedures.F. CommunicationIn order to effectively achieve the goals and outcomes of the position, the membership chair must communicate with a number of different groups in the region and federation:SIA’s membership staff (through in-person training, emails throughout the year and webinars).The region governor and other region leadership as outlined by the region governor (varies by region).Other six federation region chair positions (program, public awareness, fundraising, Soroptimist Live Your Dream Awards, Dream It Be It, and Soroptimist Celebrating Success Awards) as outlined by the region governor (varies by region.)Twenty-eight region membership chairs (through in-person training, emails throughout the year and webinars).Club presidents and members (through in-person meetings, emails and phone calls throughout the year).G. Term of AssignmentTwo years, with one additional consecutive biennium renewal with the approval of the governor-elect and SIA’s Senior Director, Membership and Leadership Development. Region membership chairs who are not performing their duties can be asked to step down with concurrence of SIA’s s Senior Director, Membership and Leadership Development and the region governor. A vacancy will be filled upon recommendation of the governor. H. FinancesPer region procedures, the region may cover expenses incurred in carrying out the duties of the position. If an assignment is specifically made by SIA, expense reimbursement is arranged in advance. I. Application ProcessApplications shall be completed and returned to the region governor-elect who will screen applicants against the eligibility requirements and qualifications. The region governor-elect may submit a single name for appointment to the post or if desired or will rank the applications in order of preference and forward them to SIA headquarters for final selection. ................

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