
Health, Social and Environmental Responsibility

Grade 8 TERM 2: WEEKS 6-8 (3 HOURS)

Topic: Social Factors that contribute to substance abuse including community and media


|LESSON NUMBER |CONTENT |Teaching Plan |Time |Resources |Assessment |Strategies for |Literacy Improvement |

| | | |Allocation | | |Inclusion | |

| |Social Factors which contribute |Read Lyrics |5 min |Red to Black Lyrics |Informal through |Written to verbal |Learners required to |

| |to substance abuse including the|Discussion |10 min |Questions regarding the song “Red to |- discussion |expression, visual, |read and respond to |

| |media |Questions | |Black”. |- activities |auditory, reading |the statements, |

| | | | | | |and writing styles |questions |

| | |Pharrel Williams ad show |10 min |Youtube Smirnoff advert of Pharrell | |accommodated. | |

| |[pic] |twice Analysis of advert | |Williams | | | |

| |Creative Arts Grade 8 Term 1 | | | | | |

| |Drama p39 | | |xKlLGQ | | | |

| |[pic] | | | | | | |

| |Creative Arts Grade 8 Term 2 |Role Play about drinking | |Questions regarding the Pharrel | | | |

| |Visual Arts p71 |and driving | |Williams advert | | | |

|1 |[pic] |Questions and discussion | | | | | |

| |Social Sciences Grade 8 Terms 1 |at end of role play |5 min |Role Play scenario about drinking and| | | |

| |and 2 p16 |Teacher reflection, | |driving | | | |

| |[pic] |summarizes | | | | | |

| |Natural Sciences Grade 8 Term 2 | | | | | | |

| |p45 | |10 min |Questions about role play | | | |

| | | | | | | | |

| | | | | | | | |

| | | | | | | | |

| | | | | | | | |

| | | |10 min | | | | |

| |Teaching Refusal skills and how |Introduction by teacher |3 min |Role Play Scenario - Drugs and Peer |Informal through |Written to verbal |Learners required to |

| |to resist pressure to use |Role Play | |Pressure |discussion |expression, visual, |read and respond to |

| |substances |Discussion |4 min | |Completion of |auditory, reading |the statements, |

| | |Questions |6 min |Role Play Questions |refusal skills |and writing styles |questions |

| | |Teach Refusal Skills |5 min | |worksheet and role |accommodated. | |

| | |Refusal skills scenario |10 min |Assertive Refusal Skills |play | |Informal assessment: |

| | |demonstrate skill | | | | |evaluate learners’ |

| | |Learners complete refusal |3 min | | | |participation in group|

| | |skill worksheet | | | | |activity |

| | |Reflection: learners share | | | | | |

|2 | |answers | | | | | |

| | |Teacher summarizes |10 min |Refusal Skills Worksheet | | | |

| | | | | | | | |

| | | | | | | | |

| | | | | | | | |

| | | |8 min | | | | |

| | | | | | | | |

| | | | | | | | |

| | | |1 min | | | | |

| |Long and short term consequences|Introduction by teacher |2 min |Article:” 10 Ways Drug Abuse Hurts | |Written to verbal |Learners required to |

| |of substance abuse: link to |Discuss consequences of | |You” – one page of article for each | |expression, visual, |read and respond to |

| |crime, violence and educational |substance abuse with class.|5 min |group | |auditory, reading |the statements, |

| |outcomes |Brainstorm | | | |and writing styles |questions |

| | |Divide Class into ten | |Need: koki pens and one sheet of | |accommodated. | |

| |Rehabilitation options: where to|groups. Group work and | |newsprint for each group | | |Informal assessment: |

|3 |find help, care and support |making of posters | | | | |evaluate learners’ |

| | |Presentations |10 min | | | |participation in group|

| | |Learners can put posters up| | | | |activity |

| | |in classroom or around the | | | | | |

| | |school | | | | | |

| | |Discussion about what | | | | | |

| | |warning signs the learners | | | | | |

| | |are aware of/have seen |10 min | | | | |

| | |Teacher tells class what | | | | | |

| | |the warning signs are | | | | | |

| | |Teacher shares resources |5 min | | | | |

| | |for help and writes these | | | | | |

| | |on the board. Learners | | | | | |

| | |write these in their LO | |Warning Signs of Substance Abuse | | | |

| | |books. |10 min | | | | |

| | | | | | | | |

| | | | | | | | |

| | | | | | | | |

| | | | | | | | |

|3 | | | | | | | |

| | | |5 min | | | | |

| | | | | | | | |

| | | | |Resources for help and support | | | |

| | | | | | | | |

| | | |3 min | | | | |

| | | | | | | | |

| | | | | | | | |

TEACHER NOTE: A recent study found that learners were often NOT AWARE of their school’s policy and regulations relating to illegal substances and use thereof on school property. You may wish to start a lesson by referring to your school’s policies and regulations in this regard.

Lesson 1

Social Factors that contribute to substance abuse including community and media


Whenever we deal with the topic of substance abuse with our learners, it is very important to never show them visuals of the drugs. The reason for this is that some of the children in the class may be in recovery and the visual may serve as a trigger which may contribute to their relapsing. Secondly, some of the children, who are innocent, may be stimulated to experiment if they get too much information.

Before the lesson:

Identify four learners who will be the actors in Stage 3 of this lesson.

Lesson 1

1. Stage 1 (15 minutes): Write the topic down on the board

2. Play a song by “Fort Minor” entitled “Red to Black” or give the class the Red to Black Lyrics document to look at. NB!! There are one or two sentences with swear words in them, so please delete the words before handing the lyrics to the learners as some may find the words offensive. Also please be aware of this if learners are to listen to the song via YouTube or other sites

Someone reads the lyrics.

Could play ‘Red to Black’ song performance on YouTube

Could play song featuring the lyrics from YouTube:

3. The teacher has a discussion with the class around the themes raised in the song and asks the class questions (see Questions re Red to Black lyrics document) about the issues raised in the song to engage them.

4. In the process, the information which we want to convey to the learners can be woven into the discussion.

5. Stage 2 (10 minutes): Show the class the youtube advert of ‘Smirnoff - Pharrell Williams’ .

Read the questions aloud, show video and let learners answer the questions

Pharrell Williams Ad: Questions to ask class:

5.1 Does this advert appeal to the teenage audience? Why / Why not?

5.2 Which techniques and words are used to manipulate the audience into wanting to buy the product? (Look at words like “pure” used a few times, the colours of red and white which are quite prominent and used subliminally, the drumming and beats to add a vibe and excitement and a party atmosphere, the use of “cool” images (identify these).

5.3 Do you think that the media is responsible for encouraging underage drinking or excessive drinking?

What messages do they send out regarding the drinking of alcohol?

Below are other examples of alcohol adverts which are “cool” in order to manipulate the target market into drinking alcohol by making drinking alcohol seem like a “cool” activity to engage in. The learners can analyze these adverts with the teacher’s input.

Keep Walking Brazil – The Giant is no longer asleep


Tiger Beer - Enjoy Winning


6. Stage 3 (15 minutes): Identify FOUR “actors” at the beginning of the lesson, give each learner a script and a role and at this point in the lesson, tell them to act out the scene entitled: “Drinking and Driving” (attached). Alternatively, this could be handed out before the lesson, so that learners can prepare and to save time.

7. Once they have acted out the scene, the teacher summarizes what happened and poses questions to the class for discussion.

8. Questions (attached)

9. Stage 4 (10 minutes): Teacher reflection, summarizes

Integration Opportunities with other Grade 8 subjects:


Creative Arts Grade 8 Term 1 Drama p39 – for Topic 2 learners need to ‘Research and discussion on a theme related to a social or environmental issue for the drama’. The teacher can check whether any learners made reference to substance abuse as their chosen theme in Term 1 Creative Arts?


Creative Arts Grade 8 Term 2 Visual Arts p71: For Topic 3 learners need to explore : ‘Values development: discuss fashion as an example of popular culture to engage in moral, ethical and philosophical discussions, to formulate values and to learn respect for the opinions of others; explore the world of work in visual arts/design.

Look at the values conveyed in Pharrel Williams’ advert about “Smirnoff Vodka”. Critically look at how 3D is used as well as colour, sound, music to manipulate and move the viewer.

Look at the street artist, Banksy’s art and how he has used some of his art to send a message against substance abuse.


Social Sciences Grade 8 History Terms 1 and 2 p16

Look at the influence that the Industrial Revolution may have had on people: as they lose their identity and feel alienated from the land, they possibly may have turned to substances like alcohol in order to cope with these changes. The moves to the city would have enticed them to visit drinking establishments which may have encouraged drinking.


Natural Sciences Grade 8 Term 2 p45 could link with the making of solvents and the brewing and fermentation processes – used in the manufacturing of substances and alcohol and how different substances are imbibed.

Lesson 2

A note to Teachers: Our teenagers are under immense pressure to conform and to engage in high risk behaviours. Whilst many may have the confidence to resist these pressures, others do not.

This lesson will try to teach the latter group how to say “NO” with confidence by giving them the (refusal) skills and words to do so.

Lesson 2:

Stage 1 (18 minutes):

1. Start off the lesson with the role play (scenario provided) about peer pressure around drug use. See Role Play Scenario of Drugs, Peer Pressure and Questions document

2. Discuss the questions at end of the document.

Stage 2 (32 minutes):

3. Teach the Assertive Refusal Skills strategies (refer to Assertive Refusal Skills document)

4. Demonstrate the refusal skills by way of a scenario e.g a learner is being encouraged to drink some alcohol at a party when he/she does not want to drink alcohol.

5. Provide each learner with a copy of the Refusal Skills Worksheet document to complete. Assess their understanding of this newfound skill. Alternatively the teacher can write down some scenarios on paper and give groups of two to four learners an opportunity to role play/demonstrate the assertive refusal skills to the class. This is often fun.

6. Discuss the Refusal Skills Worksheet document and do a reflection exercise to ensure that all the learners grasp the new skill.

Lesson 3

• Short and long-term consequences of substance abuse and use

• Resources should they wish to reach out for help.

Before the lesson:

You will need newsprint and kokis for this activity.

Lesson 3 (50 minutes):


1. Provide groups of 4-6 learners with information regarding some of the effects of substance abuse: Use the article 10 Ways Drug Abuse Hurts You document.

Divide the 10 topics between the groups. Each group must make a poster and present one of the 10 points on the poster to the class.

Group 1: Physical effects of substance abuse

Group 2: Financial effects

Group 3: Effects your freedom

Group 4: Effects romantic relationships

Group 5: Effects your job

Group 6: Effects your friendships

Group 7: Effects your family

Group 8: Effects your mental health

Group 9: Effects people you don’t know

Group 10: Effects the community

2. The teacher summarizes the Warning Signs of Substance Abuse for the class:

1. Withdrawal from family and good friends

2. Lying and stealing

3. Evidence of drinking or taking drugs to feel happy, relaxed or to forget problems.

4. Changes in behavior and attitude becoming negative

5. Aggressive behavior and mood swings.

Resources for help with substance abuse:

Display these important numbers for the learners to see:

1. The South African Depression and Anxiety Group (SADAG)

Toll free: 0800 121314

SMS 32312

2. Alcoholics Anonymous

0861 435 722

3. Narcotics Anonymous

083 900 69 62


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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