PDF FCE - Article Topics My Favourite Sport

[Pages:3]FCE - Article Topics

My Favourite Sport Tell us about your favourite sport, why you enjoy it and whether you would recommend it to other people.

Cities of the Future What will cities look like in a 100 years time? Write an article and tell us.

A Fantastic Place to Visit Write an article and tell us about a nice place you have visited recently and why you like it. Tell us whether you would recommend this place to other people.

Health and Fitness Write an article and tell us about the importance of health and fitness and what we can do to remain healthy and fit.

The Best Advice I have Ever Received Write an article and tell us about the best piece of advice you have ever received. Who gave it to you and why was it helpful?

A Famous Person Write an article about a famous person in your country. Why is he/she famous? Why do people admire him/her?

A Historical Figure I Admire Write an article and tell us about a person from history you admire. Why do you admire him/her? What did he do?

A Person I Admire Write an article and tell us about a person in your life that you admire. Why do you admire him / her? How has he/she influenced you?

FCE - Article Topics

A Day in My City Write an article and tell us what a tourist could do in your city for a day. Where could he/she go? What could he /she do? What could she /he eat? How could he/she travel around?

The Most Interesting Day in My Life Write an article and tell us about your most interesting day. Why was it interesting? What did you do? Who did you spend it with?

Happiness Write an article and tell us about the things that make you happy

My Favourite Computer Game Write an article and tell us about your favourite computer game. Would you recommend it to other people?

My Favourite Subjects Write an article and tell us about your favourite subjects at school. Why do you enjoy them? Are there things you don't like about them although they are your favourite?

Friends! What qualities are you looking for in a friend? Are your friends similar to you? Is it necessary to always agree with your friends? Write an article and tell us

The Most Useful Thing I Have Ever Learned What is the most useful thing you have ever learned? Who did you learn it from? How has it been useful to you? Write an article and tell us.

An Unusual Object Have you ever had an unusual object? What was it? What made it unusual? Where did you find it? Write an article and tell us.

FCE - Article Topics

Childhood Experiences Write an article and tell us about an experience you had when you were a child and why you have been unable to forget about it


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