The Greetings Project.Anomalous Voices Re-visited: A summary of findings from a 14-month investigation into Electronic Voice Phenomenon.Dr. S. (Red) Richards – EVP LondonAbstract.This paper summarises the findings from a 14-month experiment into electronic voice phenomena (EVP’s) and instrumental trans-communication (ITC) by educationalist and part-time psychical researcher Dr. Sean Richards, director of EVP London. During the summer holidays 2014, Dr Richards reviewed the key literature surrounding this controversial subject and was intrigued by some of the acclaimed results that have been reported and wondered whether he too could successfully record anomalous voices. After some prevarication he embarked upon a series of uncontrolled and semi-controlled experiments in January 2015. The results were so remarkable and astounding that he continued to experiment for a further 14 months, completing the work at the end of March 2016. During the course of his experiments Dr Richards conducted 16 hours of recordings in 30 sessions and collected over 800 clear and distinct EVP’s and six potentially anomalous ‘trans-images’. Due to the large number of greetings, names and announcements received, Dr. Richards entitled this work ‘The Greetings Project’. This subject has been largely ignored by official parapsychologists in recent years and continues to draw fire from the sceptics and is often met with derision from the mainstream media. Dr. Richards concludes that although his findings and those of other researchers over the last sixty years have proved consistently promising, important questions remain regarding the conclusions which can be drawn from the results, therefore further multi-disciplinary and multi-community research needs to be pursued in earnest if we are to improve our understandings of this amazing phenomenon. IntroductionArtist and writer Friedrich Jurgenson first accidentally discovered anomalous voices whilst playing back recordings of birdsong in 1959. In 1971 Latvian born psychologist Konstantin Raudive conducted experiments into EVP phenomena for over five years and collected over 70,000 anomalous voices on tape. Many of his recording sessions were conducted under strict scientific conditions in collaboration with many academics of the day. The term ITC (Instrumental Transcommunication) was coined by Professor Ernst Senkowski, a German physicist of the Faculty of Engineering in Mainz, Germany, one of the most eminent figures in the world of ITC research. Researchers Raymond Cass, Sarah Estep, Mark Macy, Tom and Lisa Butler have achieved similar positive results, with Alexander MacRae and Dr Anabela Cardoso’s experiments tested in controlled scientific conditions. Among the official parapsychological community the results of experiments into electronic voice phenomena have largely been ignored and side-lined, especially in more recent years. I have published two articles on this subject, ‘Shocking Observations on the State of Psychical Research’ (2016) - which concerns perceptions among some members of the ITC community, that there’s a lack of interest in EVP and ITC research among mainstream academics and assesses the possible reasons for this. A second article ‘Contemporary Research into EVP and Instrumental Trans-communication’, Paper 1 - Emants Baruss (2016b) evaluates two of Baruss’s articles, ‘Failure to replicate electronic voice phenomena’ (2001) and ‘An Experimental Test of Instrumental Trans-communication’ (2007).In this article I summarise the results of my experiments, bearing in mind the findings of other researchers in the field both past and present. I explain the research approach taken, the methods and equipment used and summarise the findings in full. I then provide a discussion and summary of the phenomenon and discuss possible collaborative approaches for further experimentations in this fascinating field of study.Dr Richard’s articles and samples of EVP’s from the experiments and related reports and resources can be downloaded from the author’s website. Brief Literature ReviewFrom the extensive literature available on the subject over the last sixty years, it is clear that genuine anomalous voices and images have been captured on recording devices – some of these sessions have been conducted in scientifically controlled conditions which have ruled out external transmissions as a cause, and which appear to be free of suspicions of self-deception and fraud. Despite this, current dominant explanations still claim that the phenomena are signals picked up from meteors, satellites, internet, radio, TV, mobile or other transmissions. Work by MacRae (2005) and Cardoso (2012) and the results of my experiments suggest that these explanations on their own, fail to explain the phenomena. The roles of human hearing, belief and the imagination have led some sceptics to conclude that EVP’s are just a trick of the mind - it’s just ‘pareidolia’. In the discussion section I discuss arguments and evidence which suggests that whilst pareidolia may explain some people’s interpretations of some anomalous sounds, it is unreliable as a blanket assertion of causality for EVP’s, because examinations of specific and verifiable evidence provided by and within the messages themselves, casts doubt on ‘pareidolia’ as a general theory. Baruss (2001:2007) suggested that the cause of the anomalies may be psi-based, such as ‘man-mind-machine’ phenomenon. It has also been suggested that the voices are unconscious or telepathic projections - although no-one has provided any specific verifiable evidence to support these theories. There are also spiritualist-orientated and ufological theories and other trans-dimensional, matrix or field-type explanations. These are all reasonable ideas, but currently there is a lack of hard evidence to support most of them, no wonder then that the sceptics and the media are so easily able to brush aside over half a century of serious experimentation in this field. I suggest that the research community re-consider which of these many competing theories best fit the evidence collected so far. It is the author’s hope that the findings from this work and the works of others and the questions which arise from them will lead to more controlled and collaborative experiments which will build upon and extend our understandings of this amazing phenomena. 2.2 Philosophical Approaches.With the current emphasis in research upon the theoretical relationships that might exist between beliefs, expectations and the production of anomalous phenomena, I thought it would be useful to summarise some of the academic and philosophical beliefs I hold that may be relevant to my work, and which no doubt provide a supporting set of ideas and concepts which have influenced the approach and attitude that I have taken. It is difficult to choose any single philosophical perspective to describe my approach since I am essentially a pluralist. Super-complexity theory (Barnett 2000) is a good term to use to sum up all of the contending paradigms which have influenced my thinking over the years regarding what knowledge is, and how far we can rely upon it to be true and how best to direct its contribution to the Socratic ideals of the good life and the good society. I am also persuaded by logic and rationalism and I value the insights that empirical scientific methods provide, but with a nod towards Nietzsche. I acknowledge that one’s own inner processing of sensations and perceptions, emotions, drives and reactions, and our beliefs and intentions complicate simplistic interpretations of a sensible, objective and finite reality. I have always wondered at the immediacy and energetic qualities of the ‘life-force’ found in all of nature, first proposed in Leibniz’s Monadology (1714) and the drives and imperatives inherent in human nature implied by Heidegger’s phenomenology (1962) and Kierkegaard’s existentialism (1844) those conscious and inevitable choices and decisions that we must make throughout life until death. I appreciate narratives of post-modernity which focus on the constant struggle with language and with the meaning-making games that we play with it, as posited by Ludwig Wittgenstein. The poverty of words seems to leave us short when attempting to describe both anomalous phenomena and transcendental experiences. I am in debt to John Hick, whose seminal works on the philosophy of religion have been a wonderful place to gain a thorough understanding of the theoretical issues involved in the discipline, in particular his studies of biblical portents, signs and miracles and how they have influenced today’s ideas regarding paranormality. Although I believe in the possibility of survival after death and in the possible existence of spirits and of an afterlife, I remain open-minded towards all theories provided they can account for the evidence. I was brought up in a Christian family and influenced in my youth by spiritualism and by the contemporary fusion of positive psychology with so-called ’new age’ theories and techniques which originated as Aldous Huxley suggested as a ‘perennial wisdom’, distilled from those ‘age-old’ Mystery traditions of the east and west. David Hay (2007) Gordon Lynch (2007) and Paul Heelas (1996: 2008) have written much about the commercialisation, popularity and re-utilisation of ancient religious beliefs, para-psychism and magic in modern times, with the emergence of alternative religions and DIY approaches to the transcendent, including EVP recording. The ‘integrated consciousness’ approach proposed by Ken Wilbur (2007) the psi-consciousness theories of Dean Radin (2009) and the new biology of Rupert Sheldrake (2012) all in their own way, have a bearing on ITC phenomena that is yet to be fully delineated. The philosophical stance taken prior to the start of this work was that of an interested but unbiased researcher. The research stance is exploratory and open-minded with no expectation of success prior to the experiments.In his early work psychologist John Heron developed a typology for categorizing human interactions which he called the ‘six category intervention analysis’ or 6CIA. Heron’s (1989) model provided a tool for application in person-centred counselling and psychotherapy, and this model provided me with the idea of creating a similar typology to categorise the intentions of EVP messages categorised by their linguistic content. Fifteen categories for the messages were developed from the analysis. (Please see the Prezi presentation and analysis section for further details) John Heron’s more recent work on ‘participative spirituality’ (2010) offers a praxis model for the spiritual life in modern times and provides an interesting and alternative take on transcendental consciousness narratives and these themes will also be returned to in the discussion in relation to possible links, yet to be made, between psychical research, instrumental trans-communication and spiritual activism. It is within this framework of philosophical curiosity that I have approached this work. I hope that one-day ITC will become reliable enough for professionals to use for healing purposes and as a life-coaching and teaching tool.Methodology and Data CollectionEquipmentToshiba Satellite Laptop Model N0:Pentium 2 processor. Windows 8. Standard Model. No adaptations.Built-in sound recorder application. Windows Media Player. Audacity Freeware sound editor. Olympus DM670 Digital Voice Recorder.Mikomi CD Radio-Cassette player with AM and FM reception. Lloytron AM/FM Radio,All of the equipment used are standard models as originally specified by the manufacturers and are completely unmodified.Approach to experimental method The experimenter attempted to remain as unobtrusive and objective as possible when recording. He chose a room (a lounge in his London residence) which was the most suitable for the family and away from shared living areas. He recorded on days and at times when conditions were optimum, e.g. when there were no additional external noises such as neighbours doing DIY, house parties and other such sounds which would be recorded in the background. The experimenter tended to record on Sundays evenings (other days during holidays) usually between the hours of 10pm and midnight. Common external sounds which could not be controlled include traffic, helicopters and planes, wind and rain noise and dogs barking. Any human sounds or voices which intruded during the recordings (including those made inadvertently by the experimenter) were noted on the recordings at the time. Uncontrolled and semi-controlled sessions.The experimenter conducted 26 uncontrolled recordings, i.e., these were conducted at home with no special RF shielding employed. The experimenter also conducted 4 semi-controlled recordings using a range of household appliances such as the refrigerator and the microwave oven and a series of Faraday shielded bags to introduce a degree of EMR control. PreparationIn order to minimise the opportunity for potential ‘negative’ entities to manifest, candles and incense were lit prior to each recording session, epic, meditative and church music was played in the background prior to recording to provide a relaxing, uplifting and positive atmosphere. A brief opening and closing prayer - written by the author, was said at the beginning and end of each session. Although the exact words used varied somewhat from session to session, this is not important, what is paramount was the intention to connect with the communicators that produce EVP phenomena. ‘’Almighty God, Creator of the universe, I ask a blessing upon these experiments. I ask that the spirits and beings of light, love and truth come close and join with me now and leave their messages on my recording devices. This in the hope that we may further our understandings of the universe and of thy Divine wisdom and will. Amen’’. After each recording session a short closing prayer was said to thank the communicators and wish them a safe return to their natural abodes. The Opening and Closing prayers were chosen for two main reasons. Firstly out of respect. Given that the voices say they are spirits of the departed, it seems appropriate in my cultural setting to offer a prayer at the start and finish of sessions, secondly as a protection against the intrusions of any negative entities who might seek to deceive the experimenter or try to disrupt or dominate the experiments.3.5 Recording Methods1. Sessions 1 to 8 check digital voice recorder files are empty, record and ask for messages. 2. Sessions 9 - 16 switch on sound recorder on laptop, play background white noise through speakers. Ask for messages.3. Sessions 17 - 26 (Includes Faraday bag session) switch on sound recorder with AM Radio/Radio Cassette player tuned between stations between 800 and 1500MHz. Ask for messages.4. Sessions 27 to 30. Switch on sound recorder and AM Radio as above. Ask for messages.5. Listed sessions used both the sound recorder and digital voice recorder simultaneously. 6. Ask the communicators for names and other evidential information and questions regarding messages received in previous sessions. When finished shut down recording equipment and say the Closing Prayer.7. Save Wav files from the sound recorder and WMA files from the digital voice recorder. 8. Playback listening in with headphones at high volume, repeatedly listen to anomalous sounds or voices adjusting the gain and EQ to make clear. 8. Convert WMA to Wav files using on-line converter. 9. Upload Wav files to Audacity for further Graphic Equalisation and gain enhancement and for clipping. Make the anomalous sounds and voices as clear as possible. 10. Final write-up. Take note of the file numbers and time marks where any anomalies are heard, update record sheets with voice's identity, class, interpretation and relevant notes.3.6 SessionsDuring the experiments, there were three different types of recording session, in type 1 sessions the experimenter made a simple request to the communicators to leave messages on the recordings and no further specifications or requests were given, these type of sessions tended to be the early sessions in the series using only the digital voice recorder. Each recording typically lasted between three to five mins and the session length varied from fifteen to forty five minutes depending on conditions and results. In type 2 sessions the experimenter asked the communicators to address and answer specific questions put to them by the experimenter leaving a gap of 2 minutes in the recordings for their replies. In type 3 sessions there were a combination of specific questions and opportunities for the communicators to leave their own messages.3.7 Total sessions and duration.In total there were 30 recording sessions lasting between 15 minutes and one hour and averaging about 30 mins long. (For a full detailed listing of all of the sessions, methods used and results please see the Appendices.)The first 10 sessions were conducted using the Olympus digital voice recorder only. The files from these sessions were downloaded to the laptop and saved as conventional WMA (Windows Media Application) files, they were then played back using Windows media player with the experimenter listening in at high volume using enclosed headphones to check for anomalous sounds. None of the anomalous sounds recorded were heard by the experimenter during the recordings, however there were indications of possible direct radio voice in the final few sessions, this aspect of the work is on-going.4.0 Early FindingsAfter the first five or six sessions had shown consistently positive results, the experimenter felt that it was time to confer with knowledgeable colleagues in the field. A sample of the EVP files was sent by email to Dr Anabel Cardoso during the spring of 2015 for listening-in tests, anomaly verification and interpretations. Dr Cardoso confirmed the presence of the anomalous voices and commented that the voices were of very low volume in the mix and advised the experimenter to introduce some background noise, such as sourced white noise or radio static, which in her experience and that of other experimenters produces more, and clearer louder voices. The experimenter then carried out a series of test recordings using a variety of internet sourced white, pink and brown noise which had been listened to carefully through headphone prior to use, to ensure that no anomalous sounds were present. Many were rejected because they appeared to be contaminated with their own voices. Eventually sources of background noise which appeared clean and free of anomalous sounds were used to conduct further tests. The experimenter then decided to conduct a series of recordings using the sound recorder app on the laptop as well as the sourced variations of white and brown noise from the internet, with the rationale that if this worked, this would save the experimenter time, the experimenter would not have to transfer files from the digital voice recorder to the laptop for analysis. A series of recordings were also conducted using the laptop and Audacity software, again with the rationale that if successful, recording directly from Audacity would save the experimenter time, since Audacity saves the sound files as Wav. Files and anomalous sounds can be isolated directly and cut and spliced into individual EVP files. The experimenter then conducted a range of semi-controlled recordings using the fridge main compartment and the freezer compartment and the microwave oven. The experimenter conducted a test with the digital voice recorder placed inside three plastic ‘Faraday’ bags of various sizes, which still produced positive EVP. The experimenter then conducted a series of experiments using the digital voice recorder, the sound recorder app on the laptop and the Audacity software, with the radio tuned between stations on the AM band between 80 and 150 MHz. 4.1 Witnesses to recordings and Listening-in testsDr. Anabela CardosoDr. Cardoso and I have been corresponding by email for over a year and she has listened to a range of the EVP’s produced during the recordings. Dr Cardoso has also provided advice regarding improving the volume and clarity of the voices.The Hornimann-Farr Group Sessions.Four Friends, Mrs Mary Ahmed, Mr Michael Crowson, Mr Andrew Smith and Mrs Julie Birch participated in listening-in sessions at the experimenter’s home in June 2015. They were able in most cases to corroborate the experimenter’s interpretations of some of the clearer messages from a sample collected to that date.Two further friends Dr Wannette Tuinstra (Doctor of Law) and Dr. Amer Mansoor (Doctor of Medicine) also listened to further samples from the work throughout 2016 and were able to corroborate most of my interpretations.Public Meeting/Open Day Hornimann Farr Group.A presentation of the early findings was attended by approx. 30 people attending this event in a London bookshop in August 2015. The presentation included a listening test to interpret a sample of fairly clear EVP’s and an experimental recording of approximately 5 mins duration using a digital voice recorder which produced 5 class CC EVP’s. Further verification and listening-tests. I corresponded with Dr Ann Winsper during the autumn of 2015 and she was able to verify the presence of anomalous sounds and voices on a sample of the recordings. However her interpretations of the messages were different to mine.I also corresponded with Tom Butler at and Ron Ruiz at I-digital medium. Tom and Ron were very helpful and listened to some of my samples and were able to offer advice on ways to bring the work to the attention of the psychical research communities.5.0 Main Findings.A total of 30 recording sessions were carried out totalling approximately 16 hours and were found to contain 836 clear and distinct anomalous voices (EVP’s) and a series of six potential trans-images in the form of music album covers; see Section 6.0 Appendices. (Full detailed documentation is a work in progress).5.1 Analysis of Classes of EVP.The standard working criteria for assessing paranormality for EVP’s are that sounds and voices can be heard on the recordings that were not present or audible to the researcher at the time of the recording and for which no known cause can be found. Ways of classifying EVP’s varies somewhat according to the researcher but there is general agreement within the ITC community that EVP’s are broadly classified into three types or classes.Class A - Very clear to interpret meaning and of loud volume.Class B – Clear to interpret meaning and moderate in volume.Class C – Less clear to interpret meaning and low in volume.However we probably need to refine this system of classification because as MacRae (2005) suggested one-single criterion cannot account for the measurements of both volume and clarity. It would be better to have a double letter system. For example A – A would be the clearest and loudest possible, and C - C the least clear and quietest. Table 1. Greetings Project: EVP’s Types by Class as % percentage of totalAA1.6%AB1.6AC0.5BA0.3BB21.5BC13CA0CB6CC56%Table 1 (left) shows class ‘A’ EVP’s constituted approximately 3.7 % of the total, with 35 % in class ‘B’ and the majority 62 % in Class C. The low numbers attributed to classes AC, BA, and CA is due to the experimenter’s inability to differentiate these accurately by ear. Volume could have been measured by recording peak db, but the experimenter does not possess equipment to measure this accurately. Clarity is subjective but with the correct equipment phenome comparison verification tests (MacRae 2005) could be conducted to improve the accuracy of this key interpretive measure. 5.2 Double recording tests - anomaliesResults from using the sound recorder on the laptop and the digital voice recorder to record simultaneously, showed that it is incorrect to assert that the voices only record onto one device at a time. In these sessions messages were received on both recorders, but not over the top of each other in time, but separated by a few seconds. Sometimes the voices alternate between the two recording devices. Different messages appear on the sound recorder compared to those recorded by the digital voice recorder. Some of the messages can only be heard on the original WMA files from the digital voice recorder and others can only be heard on the Wav files from the sound recorder or Audacity. However during the playback further voices were sometimes revealed on both file types by experimenting with the gain and EQ.6. AnalysisThe analysis focuses upon four key fundamental issues, first ‘message interpretation’ which focuses upon the difficulties of interpreting the messages in order to assess their paranormality and evidential value. Secondly ‘message verification’, provides a linguistic and content analysis of the evidential information recorded during the study; thirdly, ‘messenger verification’ attempts to analyse where and from whom the messages claim to originate, and fourthly, to assess the purposes the messages serve. The linguistic analysis employed draws upon ideas derived from John Heron’s (1989) work ‘Six Category Intervention Analysis’ a matrix of categories of human intervention which have an application in counselling and psychotherapy, I categories the messages into fifteen categories, according to their content and the context of the questions. See Table 2 below.Table 2: Anomalous Voices - Linguistic Analysis – Category definitionsGreetings and AnnouncementsThese include Hello, Hi, and announcements, names followed by ‘speaking’ or ‘here’.ForenamesSole forenames onlySurnamesSole surnames onlyWhole Names Complete names including group names and place namesDeclarationsStatements referring to the declared content of messageIntentions & RequestsStatement referring to intentions and requestsConfirmation Confirmatory statements such as, yes, that’s right, Ok,InformationStatements containing specific informationInstructions Statements instructing the researcher or other communicators (cross talk)Commands Statements with emphatic content. Expletatives are also noted.QuestionsQuestionsAdvisories Statements containing adviceComments General commentsNounsObjects, places,Paradoxical and ObscureStatements which don’t make sense or are not understood or may need translation from another language into English.Table 3. Below shows the results of a linguistic analysis of the 836 EVP’s recorded during the Greetings Project. Table 3: Linguistic Analysis – Greetings Project Breakdown of Results by category.Category Total N0 of EVP’s recorded ExamplesGreetings & Announcements70Hi, Hello, Hello Sean. Terry Here, Adam Speaking.Forenames 125Sean, Jing, Adam, Chris, Rachel, Russell, Daniel, Kevin, TomSurnames 8Richards, Fontana, Hankie, Raudive. More.Whole Names27Peter Hale. Vince Russell. Konstantin Raudive. Peter Cussing.Declarations200We come from out of the shadows. This is spirit speaking. I’m dead. This is the graveyard speaking.Intentions21We will help you prove survival. We will get the proof, proof of survival. Confirmations 34Ok, Yes, that’s right. Go for rmation16Peter Hale is with us. Russell’s been taken to hospital.Instructions 72Lift the 80 rule. Open the window. Add more mands 15Take a risk. This is the way you have to do it. Look your best.Questions30When are you coming back to mine Father?Advisories 60Lay on the pillow. It’s really getting harder. Smooth ments 74You’re giving us hope. I bet he checks the records.Nouns60Washing Machine. Ancient Pathways. 8 Hertz. Hospital. Paradoxical and Obscure24Bolshi-bo. Alkhudra Baha. This is an experience of Mecca.836Graph 1. Total number of EVP’s by linguistic categoryGraph 2. Percentage of total EVP’s by linguistic categoryPicture 1. Prezi Presentation. A graphical illustration of the linguistic analysis employed for categorising the EVP’s in the study - complete with sound (wav) files containing examples of EVP’s from the experiments can be viewed and listened to here; Discussion of findings 6.1 Message interpretation.Having no equipment to accurately measure the volume of the EVP’s or to test for phenome similarities and comparisons, I had to rely upon my ear and the results from a limited number of listening-in tests. However I am of the opinion that our perceptions of EVP messages suffer the same fallibilities as does interpreting any audio communication, whether these are face-to-face verbal communications, or listening to the radio and on the telephone. All kinds of internal states and external noise interference can distort audio messages and our interpretations of it. This is why I accept the general theory of pareidolia in the sense that it can account for the generation of and attributions of meanings to sounds, when those sounds are unclear or obscured, especially those on the threshold of our hearing. However the theory fails to account for those loud and clearly audible messages, especially where these consist of several words which are coherent, logical and relevant to questions asked and to the context of the narrative and which provide verifiable information.6.2 Message verificationI roughly follow Raudive’s methods here, listing all the EVP messages recorded and noting any which claim to come from deceased family and friends and other deceased persons and noting where the messages also refer to living friends and family. Then the messages are examined for evidential content and arranged in linguistic categories to allow further analysis of their themes and purposes and to conclude the interpretation.6.3 Messenger verificationFrom the results of the experiment I have identified a core group of around a dozen main messengers or ‘communicators’ who identify themselves by name, and from whom I received most of the messages. I recorded dozens of names of deceased and living relatives and friends and the names of some deceased psychical researchers. In the main findings section I assesses the evidential features of specific messages in relation to the questions asked. But to date I still know very little about the identities of many of the communicators. 6.4 ‘Telos’: What are the purposes of the messages?From a study of the messages, the main aims of the messages are;To provide evidence for survival after death, the existence of spirits and an afterlife To provide information, comfort and guidance to the bereavedTo provide an awareness of after-life conditions and issuesTo advance our knowledge and understanding of ITC6.2 Examples from the recordingsThe following section summarises some of the content of the sessions, providing a linear analysis of the key messages as they appeared through the experiment. I provide some of the names of the communicators and insights into the personalities speaking with examples of their messages and observations made from the literary category analysis. I assess the informational and evidential significance of the messages in the context of the questions asked and illustrate some of the more ambiguous and obscure phenomenon produced.Sessions 1 to 6.Sessions 1 and 2 were by far the most memorable because not only did they occasion the first appearance of positive results, including a first recording of the name ‘Chris’, a name that has featured throughout the experiments along with the name of a close friend on the second recording. Through the next four sessions, I was to receive my own name twice and my wife’s name and recorded many names known to me as the names of living and deceased family members. In Session 4 I asked the question, ‘do any of you know Dr. Anabela Cardoso?’ To which a female voice responded, ‘she is our patron’. The name ‘Adam’ first appears here and then features regularly throughout the recordings. There are inspirational messages, such as ‘you trust spirit’ and ‘there is hope’ together with a recording of a London Underground train whistle, perhaps an acknowledgement of my regular use of ‘the tube’ to commute to work. The sense of humour of the communicators also comes through in the early recordings with retorts such as ‘who rang departed?’ The first six sessions also occasioned the mysterious appearances of music album covers on the WMA files collected by the digital voice recorder. Trans-image analysis.The appearance on the digital voice recordings of six images from music album covers is fully detailed in a separate report, ‘EVP Experiments Composite Report February 2015’. They also feature in the Prezi presentation and on the website. I’ve pondered the meaning of these for over a year now and have concluded that if they were received by paranormal means, then it is their symbolism which has significance rather than the titles. ‘Echoes of Nature’ shows a picture of a young deer in the wild and was the first trans-image received in session 2, followed by ‘Xotox Psi – Winterblut’ and the associated video showing the international symbol for Psi (Neptune’s trident) falling to Earth from space. This was followed by DDP’s ‘Esquina del crème’ with its esoteric church-portal imagery followed by a relaxation and meditation soundtrack entitled ‘Ocean Voyages’. At the end of session 3 the album cover associated with Latin singer Andy Martinez ‘Mi Historia’ appears as well as the soundtrack from the film ‘Requiem for a Dream’, with its imagery of the ‘all-seeing eye’ positioned above a wide seascape. Taken together the images seem to be pointing to the connection between the world of earth, nature and the sea, with psi, music, meditation and spirit and the worlds of dreams. Sessions 7 to 12.During these sessions, comments were recorded that were directed toward my cat who was often nearby during the recordings; for example, ‘give him that mouse’ ‘give him football’ (his favourite toys) ‘let the cat in’ and ‘give him treats’. I received many more forenames and surnames in these sessions, including my own and that of my wife. In session 8 I received the words ‘washing machine’, this was interesting since my washing machine had caught fire and caused a small drama the week before. Locations began to be mentioned, including Enfield in North London which for many years was my home town. Enfield by strange synchronicity was also where Konstantin Raudive came to conduct scientific tests on his EVP recordings at the facilities of the Electronics Company Belling and Lee. The unmistakeable Irish brogue of my adopted father’s voice appeared during session 11 and in response to asking about Raudive’s technicians at Belling and Lee, I received the message ‘Peter Hale is with us’. I received this name prior to discovering that Peter Hale was indeed one of Raudive’s technicians. I also began to receive group names such as ‘Timestream’, ‘London for Lovers’ and ‘Century’ and clearly recorded the amazing message, ‘this is spirit speaking’.Sessions 13 to 18.In subsequent sessions I received many more forenames, including that of my grandson and granddaughter, the name of a dear childhood friend and a close Uncle, who in a very recognizable voice says, ‘hoping you’re free’- presumably, free to make recordings. I was adopted shortly after birth and therefore know very little about my biological family’s identity. Looking to the communicators for help to put together some of the missing details of my early life may have been an unconscious motivation to engage with this work and a number of statements have been made in relation to this topic, but to date I have been unable to verify them. This is a work in progress. The communicator ‘Adam’ in particular shows the full range of human emotions across his messages, although he is usually positive, he tells me off when things go wrong and in no uncertain terms when it’s my fault, ‘this is a bad dream’ ‘an idiot could do it’, ‘that’s ruined everything’. It was during these sessions that I discerned a very faint voice that says ‘David Fontana’. During one of the recordings, I had said that I could not record for very long on a particular evening because I had an early alarm for a work meeting. One of the messages recorded in the session clearly says, ‘remember the time’. Several excellent loud and clear class A’s occurred during these recordings, including the questions ‘when are you coming back to mine Father?’, and the humorous, ‘is this a new form of necromancy?’ And after expressing how tired I was during one session, I was advised to, ‘lay on the pillow’. Sessions 19 to 25.This series of recordings continued to produce yet more names and advisories such as ‘Simon speaking’ and ‘lift the 80 rule’ which referred to my use of this frequency on the AM radio. In terms of Christian names I have almost all of the 12 disciples’ names now! But few surnames accompany them and I wonder why this is and regarding most of the full names that I have recorded, I don’t know any of them, why is this? During the sessions I received the humorous message, ‘this is the graveyard speaking’, and the announcement, ‘hear the voices on tape’. And an advisory, ‘this is the way you’ve got to do it’ along with ‘welcome to the ends of the earth’. After playing Epic rock music by Thomas Bergerson and Two Steps to Hell, prior to one of the sessions, I received the message, ‘this is the man of mighty tunes’. In session 22 I was reminded that I had skipped the prayer at the start of the session, ‘you haven’t said your opening prayer’ which upon playback was absolutely true, I had forgotten to say it. I received many more new names, my pre-adoption name and the declaration ‘talking to spirits’. I also received a handful of swearwords and strong expletatives on three occasions, showing that those communicators were unafraid to express the full range of their emotions.Sessions 26 to 30.The final sessions elicited yet more names including a startling ‘Fontana’. Session 27 elicited a number of variable quality recordings of the name ‘Konstantin and Raudive’ and the amazing Class A, received ‘we will get the proof, proof of survival’. It has to be said that when I compare Raudive’s human voice recorded on tape and compare this with the voice I have recorded, they are indeed extremely similar. I also received the name ‘Dr Socrates’ but to whom this name refers I can only conjecture.Under Observation!Throughout the sessions the communicators were able to provide information about my activities regarding day-to-day issues and events which imply that they were able, to some extent, to see me. For example, on one occasion I received the message ‘you burnt your dinner’ and indeed I had burnt toast about an hour before I began the recording. They also told me that I had been ‘listening to Black Star’, David Bowie’s last album, and indeed I had listened to this the evening before the recording session. And they seem to be able to see me at work during the recordings and on this basis give technical advisories, such as ‘lift the 80 rule’ and ‘what’s that noise’ and ‘not too loud’. I also received very funny statements -things that my wife often says to me as a joke, and with fair regularly, such as ‘I have to be rude to you’ and ‘very unfortunately you do need a mama’. And there are other messages which caution me about some of my habits, ‘the bottle’s a killer’, well, I occasionally enjoy a tipple. 6.3 Difficulties in the data receivedTaking another look at the results from the linguistic analysis, I realised that as well as the low number of complete names received and the little information provided to make links between the many different names received, meant that I had to make inferences about the identities and roles of the communicators based largely on logic. The low number of recordings providing specific verifiable information is also a problem, despite constantly asking for more of these as the sessions progressed. It may well be that sometimes when I was recording, the communicators could not hear me, certainly I have a small number of EVP’s which say ‘I can’t hear you’, but what if this lack of being able to hear me, has at times played a more major problem in making connections between my questions and the messages. This would explain why sometimes, the communicators seemed to be ignoring my questions. I had assumed that because it was evident that they could see me, that they could also always hear me. Perhaps in future sessions I will ask the communicators if they can hear me in a test prior to the main recording - although I’d have no way of knowing quickly if they became unable to hear me at any point during a session.6.4 limitationsShielding TestsThe fridge, microwave and Faraday bag sessions although useful do not substitute for recordings conducted in a properly screened professional recording studio.CorroborationThere is a limited amount of witness testimony available from the small number of group tests conducted and from a limited number of listening in-tests.7.0 A note on fakery and fabrication.It is true that EVP recordings could be fabricated by anyone with the knowledge equipment and time to construct them. But this would require many hours of skilled production in a professional studio along with a host of voice actors (although with an advanced sound editing programme one could try editing and using pre-recorded samples to produce the messages) either way, fake anomalous voice recordings could be made. But to do this I would have needed double the time and I would need to understand and be able to use advanced recording technologies and sound manipulation techniques which I do not have knowledge of. I could not have produced such a fakery from just a digital voice recorder a laptop and radio at home. I would have to design and record all the fake messages and/or brief voice actors on the many different types and kinds of voices I needed to mimic all of my deceased friends and relatives, complete with all their correct local accents and personality inflections. Such a fabrication would be very easily exposed. Sound production and sound file editing at this level leaves forensic traces which can be discerned by audio experts. Secondly there would be an audit trail from my bank account, to receipts for use of the studios and actors or at least the software and samples, unless I paid for it all in cash. How many days in a professional recording studio would be required to produce such a large series of recordings and how many voice actors’ hours (or voice samples) would I need to hire or buy to produce 836 faked anomalous recordings? The cost would be astronomical. Conspirators also leave a trace. I can provide witness testimony that I was home or with a group at the times and dates the recordings were made. Then there are the date and time stamps on the recordings themselves and although these do not reveal where the recordings took place, they give the exact day and time. Professional sound studios are not open for business at these late hours on Saturdays and Sundays. Voice actors would not work these late hours weekend after weekend. Finally, I firmly believe that to fake evidence in any scientific endeavour is immoral and unethical. I still have a fair stretch of time to go before I can afford to retire from my university work. I enjoy and excel in my career and I need it to support my family. I wouldn’t jeopardise my family, my career and reputation as a professional educator by fabricating evidence of anomalous voices, it just wouldn’t be worth it under any circumstances.Telepathy and unconscious projection.If I produced all of the voices and anomalous phenomena which appear on the recordings, purely by the conscious effort of projecting my thoughts, intention or will or some other as yet unknown paranormal capability - perhaps from my unconscious, then perhaps I can apply the same powers to winning the lottery and I can think about part-retiring early and devoting more time and resources to this work!8.0 ConclusionsWhat can be concluded from these experiments? Despite these promising results, there are still many more questions than answers, therefore much more multi-disciplinary and multi-community research is needed to continue to advance our understandings of these fascinating phenomena. For example, why has so much been said on the recordings that I cannot immediately relate to or identify with? Although I can accept roughly 60 percent of the messages as being accurate and relevant to me personally, what is the purpose of the messages in the remaining 40 percent that I cannot understand the relevance of? And why, when I have continually asked for full names to be given whenever possible and requested that the communicators try to link forenames together with surnames and to provide other evidential facts that could be given in the messages, such as places, locations, objects, roles and relationships, occupations and dates, that these evidential features often seem to elude the communicators and feature least in the data recorded? And what is the purpose of the small number of obscure words or phrases that I do not understand? On the technical side, the introduction of static noise after the 8th session and a radio after session 16, did enhance the number and quality of voices on the recordings, however, session results were unpredictable. I had at least six sessions where no anomalous voices were recorded and several sessions where few were produced. But there were also long series of sessions in which I received consistently positive results, with EVP’s stacked in their dozens a few seconds apart. I only received the music cover trans-images during the first two months of recording, why is that? We don’t yet understand the variables involved. When there are problems with the coherence, volume, clarity and quality of the messages, how much can be attributed to earth-side issues such as the weather, electrical fields, astrological, stellar or planetary phenomenon? How much are results also dependent upon the health, attitude, mental state, mediumship or other psi-qualities of the experimenter? How do variables among the communicators and their environments affect the results? The communicators have consistently told experimenters over the years that whether the voices appear or not is largely down to the communicators. They have consistently said that this form of communication with us is not easy for them and that it is difficult for them to see into and hear us in our world and that it takes a lot of effort on their and our part to ‘build the bridge’ to achieve success. I feel that we have to choose whether or not to take the voices’ words for it that they are indeed spirits of the departed and/or other beings living in worlds beyond this earthly life and although the evidence from the voices suggests this, in themselves they do not conclusively prove it. Until science discovers an astral plane or other such dimensions, energies and life-forms currently unknown and we develop technologies which can demonstrate their existence and perhaps even one day, to be able to see, hear and interact with them vividly, many people are unlikely to be fully convinced by ‘tiny voices on tape’, however there are potential applications to explore if we can improve their volume, clarity, reliability and evidential value. 9. Recommendations for further research.1. A similar series of recording could be undertaken in a sound-proofed faraday shielded recording studio where measurements of background noise and the levels of the anomalous voices could be accurately measured in decibels and compared with the results of MacRae (2005) and Cardoso (2012). However, I am not sure of the purpose of yet another replicability study since, I would expect very similar results in terms of the measurements found. A phenome comparison test could also be repeated - but again I would expect to replicate results that MacRae (2005) has already reported. Nonetheless, another set of positive recordings conducted under controlled conditions would add to and strengthen the quality, record and lineage of EVP and ITC research.2. Efforts should be made to verify more of the information and names provided in the first 30 sessions of the Greetings Project. This could be done more quickly if I had access to research assistants.3. Group recordings need to be conducted with others. This could aim to contact relatives to give comfort to the bereaved and further the search for message and messenger verification.4. Multiple researchers (at least 10) located in friendly time-zones across the world, could conduct synchronous recording trials, in controlled conditions and could all ask the same pre-determined set of questions and record their results.10. Dissemination events and future publicationsThis study may provide ideas for further research from a range of academic disciplines and be of interest to associated practitioners, professionals and lay experimenters. Dissemination of the results of the Greetings Project may be adapted for presentation at national and international conferences and seminars. The work may be amended for future publication as a book and/or for publication in academic journals. This report and the accompanying Prezi presentation and other reports are available on the author’s website. It is hoped that the experimenter will be able to continue this research in the future and provide regular updates at ReferencesBarnett, R. (2000) University Knowledge in an age of supercomplexity. Higher Education. Vol 40. Pp. 400-422.Baruss, E. (2001) ‘Failure to Replicate Electronic Voice Phenomenon’. Journal of Scientific Exploration, Vol. 15, No. 3, pp. 355–367.Baruss, E. (2007) ‘An Experimental Test of Instrumental Trans-communication’. Journal of Scientific Exploration, Vol. 21, No. 1, pp. 89-98. Butler, T. & Butler, L. (2004) ‘There is no death and there are no dead’. Nevada. AA-EVP Publishing.Cardoso, A. (2010) ‘Electronic Voices: Contact with another dimension?’ O Books.Cardoso, A. (2012) ‘A Two-Year Investigation of the Allegedly Anomalous Electronic Voices or EVP. NeuroQuantology. Volume 10, Issue 3 Pages 492-514.Edwards, M.H. (2012) Speaking to the Dead with Radios. Gt Britain. Amazon.Fontana, D. (2003) ‘Annabella Cardoso and EVP’. A paper by David Fontana. ITC Journal. Issue 30. Pp.16 – 20.Fontana, D. (2009) Life beyond Death: what should we expect? London. Watkins. Gallitto, R. (2012) Modern Technology & Paranormal Research. United States. CPSIA.Gruber, Dr. J. (2010) EVP Lab 1.0. Milton Keynes. Lightning Source.Hay, D. (2007) Why Spirituality is Difficult for Westerners. United Kingdom. Societas. Heelas, P. (1993) The New Age Movement: Religion, Culture and Society in the Age of Postmodernity. Wiley Blackwell.Heelas, P. (2008) Spiritualities of Life: New Age Romanticism and Consumptive Capitalism. Wiley Blackwell.Heidegger, M. (1962) Being and Time. London: SCM PressHeron, J. (1989) Six Category Intervention Analysis. University of Surrey.Heron, J. (2010) Participatory Spirituality: Farewell to Authoritarian Religion. Hick, J. (1989) Philosophy of Religion. London. Pearson Publishers.Hick, J. (1999) The Fifth Dimension. An exploration of the spiritual realm. One world books.Hick, J. (2006) The New Frontier of Religion and Science: Religious Experience, Neuroscience and the Transcendent. One world books.Hong, A. Hong, V. (1985) Kierkegaard: Philosophical Fragments. Princetown University Press.Huxley, A. (2009) The Perennial Philosophy. Harper.Kemp, D. (2004) New Age - A Guide. Edinburgh University Press.Keen, M. Ellison, A. and Fontana, D. (1999). The Scole report. Proceedings of the Society for Psychical Research. 58, 222. Lynch. G. (2007) The New Spirituality. An introduction to Progressive Belief in the Twenty-first Century. London. New York. I.B Taurus.Macey, M. (2001) ‘Miracles in the Storm. Talking to the other side with the new technology of spiritual contact’. New American Library.MacRae, A., (2005), 'Report of an Electronic Voice Phenomena Experiment inside a Double Screened Room', Journal of the Society for Psychical Research, October, 2005.Radin, D. (2009) The Conscious Universe: The Scientific Truth of Psychic Phenomena. Harper One; Reprint editionRaudive, K. Morton, J. Coxhead, E. Fowler, N. (1971) Breakthrough: An Amazing Experiment in Electronic Communication with the Dead. Colin Smythe LTD.Rescher, N. (1992) G.W. Leibnitz’s Monadology. Taylor and Francis.Richards, S. (2016) ‘Shocking Observations on the state of Psychical Research’. ITC Journal, Vol 52, June 2016. Richards, S. (2016: b) ‘Contemporary Research into EVP and Instrumental Trans-communication. Paper 1. Emants Baruss. , R. (2012) The Science Delusion. Coronet publishers.Wilbur, K. (2007) Integral Spirituality: A Startling New Role for Religion in the Modern and Postmodern World. Shambhala Publications.Wittgenstein, L. (2001) Philosophical Investigations. Wiley-Blackwell. 3rd edition.Appendix 1. Full Listing of Anomalous RecordingsGreetings Project @ EVP London. Jan 2015 to March 2016. Results: EVP Messages & Trans-image Listings.The following table shows the current results from the Greeting Project and subsequent recording sessions. I have only recently had time to return to the sound files to conduct further listening tests and as a result of these, some of the timings and/or classifications and interpretations have changed compared to earlier versions of the table. This is a work in progress.Session date : time File name/noDurationMessagesClarityVolumeGenderNotes: Questions, Context and Identity cluesSession 18.1.1523:0020 minsWMA760018Can you play?BCM0My first EV (o) P. A young male voice? It sounds electronic – message may refer to my guitar playing.WMA760019ManipuraABF1Mature woman perhaps Irish, the word may be Moneygall – the name of my father’s village in Eire but vowel sound at the end sounds more like Manipura, the solar plexus chakra.Session 22.2.1520 minsWMA670024Trans-image 1Echoes of Nature Astonishing! A WMA Music Album visual.American Wilds 5. Crickets and WolvesThe Natural Sounds of the WildernessLaser light Production No video. No soundtrack.My first EV(i)PWeak EVP near the end, ‘That’s right’.WMA760026When you’re readyBBM1Near the end, just before I stop the tape. Probably the same voice as M1 or an M2 WMA670030Trans-image 2Xotox PSI 3. Psi - Winterblut Another WMA Music Album visualNo video. No soundtrack.WMA670033Trans-image 3DDP La Esquina del Crem 11. Bosita 5.1 WMA Music Album visualNo video. No soundtrack.WMA670034Trans-image 4Relaxation and Meditation with Music and Nature. Ocean Voyages 1. Sparrow hawk Cove David Miles Huber Laser light Productions WMA Music Album visualNo video. No soundtrack.WMA760037This is a recordingABM1Same voice as above, again sounds like me when younger maybe in my thirties.WMA760041ChrisCCM2Male voice says name Chris, this is short for Christine is my Niece’s nameSession 37.2.1545 minsWMA760042Zephyr’s my friendABM2M2 again? I’ll have to ask Zephyr whether she recognises this voice.WMA760043aHi mumBBM3Afro-Caribbean?WMA760043bGrandpaBBM3Afro-Caribbean? This word is repeated elsewhere. I discover a week later I am a Grandfather again.WMA760043cAlkhudra bapaBAM4Arabic?WMA760044Hi Five or I’m Fine?ABF2Female Voice 2WMA760045a OkBBM5European accent on the vowel sound?WMA760045bGuessing SlightlyBBM1Again sounds like my voice when younger?WMA670046aYou’ll trick us BBM3Sounds like M3 again.WMA670046bBless YouCCM3MuffledWMA670046cGrandpaCCM3Clear, this is the 2nd time, same voice. WMA670046dYou’re doomedCCM1UnclearWMA670047He drives me madBBM3WMA670048aI’m Terry?CCM4UnclearWMA670048bI’m hereBBM6Same as M1 but sounds like my Uncle Stan in spirit?WMA670048cDetailsBCM1UnclearWMA670049aReadyBBM1ClearWMA670049bFinal Steps AAM7Very ClearWMA670049cThere is HopeBBM6Same as M1 or Stan?WMA670050I love you I love you etc.AAF2 F3 + M5Foreign Man? European + 2 femaleWMA670055aHello SeanBBM8My Uncle Mick, is he in spirit? I asked for message recipients namesWMA670055bBeautiful Pleasant GraveABF2Educated/Eloquent FemaleWMA670055cI think Jing…CBM1Jing is my wife’s name. Sounds like a younger me! WMA670056aOk Sean soonBBM1WMA670056bDo your bestABM9I recognise this voice from somewhere, but can’t place it?WMA670056cRussell’s been takento Brussels BBM1Can’t decipher this oneWMA670056dNo strategyBBMWMA670056eLondon Tube Train WhistleAB_This is the sound of the train whistle on the London Underground – these can’t be heard physically from my location.WMA670056fUrgh!BBFSounds like a woman receiving a blowWMA670058Little does he still…BBFWMA670058bLittle daddy’s jewelBBF4Female WMA670060MichaelCCMConditions were not great for the next 2 dozen EVP’sWMA670060bYeahCCMI had altered the settings on the DVR and as a result I had lots of gain noise and little else, this made the EVP’s difficult to hear.WMA670062Trans-image 5Andy Montanez Mi Historia Josephina WMA Music Album visualNo video. No soundtrack.WMA670063Trans-image 6Requiem for a dream Clint Mansell Colney Island Low WMA Music Album visual. No video. No soundtrack.Session 419.2.1520 minsWMA670064 Alf 3Wrong side of the hillBC?This series was conducted by using set questions. Some questions were not responded to.WMA670064 Ardane 1Blue cheeseBC?WMA670064 Alf 1Alf is fineBCFWMA670064 Alf 2Lois x 2 CBFWMA670067aYes…many moreBBFReturn to this one and re-listen to Question asked at 02:05:00WMA670067bShe is our patronBBFIn response to asking whether they knew Dr Anabela CardosoWMA670067cAdamBBMSpontaneousWMA670068a TrueBBMAfter I gave my opinion about something.WMA670068bLast Year/There is/like toCBMRe-listen to againWMA670069c That concludesAB MThis was said, a split second before I said the same to end the recording!WMA670069ammm…sure I do…mmmBBFIn reply to asking if there was a message for Mike.WMA670069bBlue jeansBBFWMA670069c …lose faith…I love youBBFWMA670069dLois, LuceBBFWMA670069eRob or BobBBMWMA670070aOpen your heart MommyAAFThis series was conducted using a verbal invitation to leave messages on the tape.WMA670070bThank YouBBWMA670071aD for DeborahBBMI think this is Richard (M) in spiritWMA670071bWe shall overcomeBBMWMA670071cThink FirstBBMWMA670072aNo don’t do thatCB FAll these are very faint, so I have reset the settings on the DVRSession 524.2.1530 minsWMA67007602:15 you shouldn’t be – agenda?03 30 SpiritSure? Should be?4 50 He’s not going to believe us5 04 Daddy’s here05 24 oh that’s a good question06 20 wonder why I’m sick of06 49 About 48 of them06 52 You trust spirit06 58 Nathan07 00 hotels a home07 03 we will bring other person07 20 We can’t find RichardAll CCWMA670077Dante678CCCCFFName of one of my spirit guides said twice at 025’ and 034’Repeated like a rhythmWMA670078Yes I do, LuceChristineMore SeeYou give me loveDo itCCF M In reply to message for Alf.Message for WilliamWMA6700790000 Creator0056 Didn’t do it.It’s tricky.You need my helpCCWMA670080GrandpaMichaelDon’t do that (Music)This one’s for MikeCCM Australian accentWMA670085Inconclusive05:55 Walter x 4And someJust a bitCCVarious whispers Walter was my first father-in-law now deceased.WMA670086aChrisBBM WMA670086bRomaABF Deceased Mat AuntieSession 63.3.1520 minsWMA670087cChristopher MacburkeAAM After some experimentation with recording levels, this is much better. But who is he?WMA670088Ode HallaBBM Swedish?WMA670089Don’t know or Go homeBBM9000:32 course I can/one second00:32 One present/ wrong person/ Ron present?40 Hiya44 Monster US1: 19 Come on Come on - - 1 29 Can I help you?1:33 HelloCCF Very Faint9100:16? Weird noise1:08 Do a weaponCCVery Faint920:28 Sound1:12 Hello1:47 Who rang departed?1:57 This is the secret02 06 we’ll help youCCVery FaintWMA670093Can I see the boy 1:09CCEnhance and re-listen.Session 720.3.1520 minsWMA67009402 06 we invite you02 08 give him that mouse02 44 get in the river tone03 30 hello03 52 there my baby0400 give him football04 12 This is London for Lovers04 12 We come to help others04 27 let me free04 49 get the cat in08 36 Cheers Kevin09 40 Walk over?11 48 he will in a minute11 58 Petra/petrol13 36 Wait a minute17 16 (female something recorded over the call)36 04 Bloody hell!AllClass CBThis is a 37 minute segment, left recording by mistake. It’s Negative for EVPS but positive for neighbours who were having a party next door.But he won’t, because he doesn’t know he’s recording.Then there’s a phone call from Jing at 14 00Session 830.3.201540 minsWMA670095aAdam SpeakingBCM EVP between my speechWMA670096Background burbling, sounds02 25 (something)I moved the DVR to the desk to avoid neighbour noise. This is the earliest recording of continuous background burbling. Can be heard when WOW increased to max.WMA67009700:55 You know who I am.Open the window02 10 I love you07 56 Andrew hereCCVery Faint.WMA670098Richard or Rachel CBMWMA670099Let him know BCMIn response to asking my guide to put his voice on the recording.WMA6700100D for DeborahBCMRichard MWMA6700101a???Not clear WMA6700102aBMessageThank you for co-operationBBBCM FWMA6700103Sean RichardsBBM WMA670010400 12 Grandfathers01 32 Can you hear usBBFaint, in the burble.WMA6700105aBWhy go there? Are you there?Bolshie - BoCBBBM MNot English.WMA6700106aWashing MachineBBF My washing machine had burnt out the previous week!Session 918.4.151 hr107 Negative for EVPSDamn mic noise and dog barking!108?-Possibly deleted.109-Test110Oh big catInterest x 4CC111Oh dear o dearHelloBoingCC112When you’re readyCC113Opening Prayer114Yes we doSpur in the darkI’m FineCCBBM M F Do you have any messages for me?1153 30?4 50 YesCCAsked about involving Jing1161 03 Bob1 20 Ashim or Ashley1 42 Keep the lightCCI was asking for trans-images, but didn’t get.11700 38 I am Richard107 That wasn’t me1 27 He’s just like him1 45 you don’t have to do thatCC11800 12 it doesn’t matter …this tapeCC119Argent, argentNatpal?CCAnother session12000 32 This is Vince Russell hereCCVery faintVince Russell Artist/Cartoonist for Marvel Comics – living?Another VR is living CEO of ‘The Cloud’12127 minutes negative.122Negative Deleted1231 42 JingCC1241 24 this is a bad dreamCCLots of noise from me.12500 15 I really want to **** you 01 00 Rachel Name01 18 Newcastle Place-name01 32 NTCC Negative Statement(quiet female)April was not a great month for EVP’s. I was very busy at work and spent much of the time I had available to devote to EVP recording gathering samples of white, brown, pink, purple and every other permutation of noise sourced from the internet and listening to these to make sure they were clear or any sounds, then looping the samples to test during recordings. I wasn’t very successful.Session 10 4.5.1530 mins126I’m speaking/I’m specialHe cannot believe itCheesecakeCCCBF Declarative communicationDeclarative NounBrown Noise sourced from the internet and checked to be clear of EVP’s was used at low level and this seems to produce better quality and greater number of EVP.127 In our hands3 x inaudible Easy maCCDeclarative128Puno yesI would guessYou can get hereHang on or bang onRedemptionAdamLost, lust or lastCCAll MaleFConfirminformationInstructionNounNameNounCould this be Juno?129NazisI thank youThat’s all rightThank youBe for first yearsFast Lane or Park LaneDavidwho shall help meBAll Male NounThanksConfirmationThanksDeclarative obscurePlace nameNameQuestion pleading130Song: Listen to it, listen to me.Enfield2 x inaudibleYes somethingOkCCFemale InstructionPlace nameConfirmatoryConfirmatoryEnfield is where I grew up and where Raudive et al. conducted experiments at Belling and Lee.131NoCCM Dissent132Damn thisCCM Expletative133It’s really getting harder__numberUndecipherableCCMAdvisory 134 Yes I canCCM Confirmatory135God will help youCCM DeclarativeSession 1123.5.151 hour137Peter P for Peter, PearlsSean Richards x 2AtmosphereReally tiredOk SeanI nearly ** killed myself last timeWe’ll come for dinner ah?You’re taking the mick away… look at the geriatric.I say go for it…go for itNo SpittinglaughterBCCCBBBCBCBCBCBCBCBCMMAll male NameNameNoun advisoryF DeclarativeMDeclarative IntentionalHumourAdvisoryCommandReference to P A in spirit?But the voices are really low in the mix. I’ll have to use the white noise again, but at very low levels. Finding the right volume for the background noise is tricky, too little and it is ineffective and too much obscures the EVP’s .These seem to be two different male voices one a few seconds after the other.138We’re helping our mothersMore time _ _?We got itR for RichardCBCCCCM Declarative ConfirmatoryNameSounds Irish?Again!139Mr RichardsI want to help you…I want powerCBCCF F/M Name IntentionInteresting duo140Ardane’s giving you --Laughter (again)Are you really happy?CCAAMFQuestionInteresting and clear female voice141God will keep youCCMDeclarative142Sean Richards – Rodriquez?-- callingCCF/M namesTime stream calling?143FatherABMNameUnmistakable. The Irish Brogue of my father (deceased).1440 18 I saw a train coming0 55 This is Montpassant1 53 you pick up 2 26 HelloBCMDeclarativeIdentification communication place nameAnnounce146OmadakName’s Dean, does that name surprise you?BBABMM?Name declarative announcementDean was my best friend at school. He has a current website his last posting was March 29th 2015.147RPA or Our PATrain WhistleBBABM NounSimulation148Doing that in my homeAll those years02:34 Maud? (female)03:29 Him or Kim (female)04:04 We continue the recordingBBCCMCommentPaternal Aunt NameNameInstructionalThis is interesting! When I turn the WOW right up, I hear something new. Have spirit introduced their own source of background noise, a carrier waveform to enhance the voices?1491:32 Something (female).Listened to again there is some background burble I’ve not picked up before.150?Background Noise151?Background Noise15200:56 This is spirit speaking.1:08 I’m tired? 03:04 Grandpa?4:18 this is Century?Same background burble.BBMDeclarative identityDeclarativeNameGroup name Identity153Negative for EVP’s. Background burble.15400 03 Time StreamCCMM Declarative group name155Background burble.3 Negative takesPhase of the Moon?Session 1210/7/1519 mins156Peter Hale is with usNo (faint)Time streamIf you’d be so kind/Give me somethingHello there, hello there.BBCCCCBCM MStatement name identityGroup nameInstructional Announce greetingIn response to Raudive’s English technicians at Belling and Lee.In response to asking if R knows of my work.In response to visuals and Schreiber’s work.In response to asking if David Fontana is aware of my work.157Tony or TobyHassle, MNameIn response to asking about a sympathetic contact at the SPR.Session 1324.7.1535mins1581:18 Yes.BCMConfirmatoryOpen Invitations to leave MessageNo Background burble.159Negative for EVP1601:10 Coming Hello mum?CCMDeclarativeGreeting family1611:59 Time stream?CCMGroup Name162No or Don’t know04:00 Yes04:33 You help us do that06:14 Something? Dante --?FaintMNegationConfirmInstructionalWill I receive further trans – imagesWill you confirm you are from Timestream?1631:20 ---?1:48?Theme or Topics1640:38 yes, yes.02:04 Not real MConfirmCommentAre we being silenced?Is there danger in doing this work?1650:44 Give him the rest.01:22 My girlfriend’s in loveCCMInstructionDeclarative emotiveI was in kitchen giving food to the cat!1660:06 Something weird.0:43 Hope for all of them 1:24 I believe you?2:16 Add more MStatementDeclarativeInstructional.Very faint today1670:33 I love himCCFDeclarative 1680:12 Timestream?01:36 Something.02:07 ManCCFGroup NameNounSession 145 mins169 GD9th Aug 150026: HelloSeveral indistinguishable. 00:36 1:08 02:34-36No passages or passengers??Hello –It’s you I’m prayingAnd you said CCFGreetingStatementDeclarativeThere’s a very noisy projector in the room which was being used for presentations and this noise obscured the EVP’s. It should have been turned off.Session 1511 Oct 201520 mins170 Roger speakinggo home or don’t know0345 nuggetsI’ve nothing against you6 00 dirty or thirtyKevin or heavyfun heckle yes0830 couplesYes and me or human beingMore or less beenHoping your free, StanNothing to lose0900 this doesn’t bother me1005 Link us or Lynn CastleWe think soIf I gave you the names would you recognise themI’ll tell you who my father isTake life in the fast lane Sean11 00 Mr Richards I love youMick - - maybeFemale cryYesCCCBAll MaleNameInstructNounDeclarativeNounNameObscureNounConfirmClarificationNameAdvisoryDeclarativePlace nameDeclarative confirmationQuestionIntentionalAdvisoryDeclarative emotionalNameEmotiveConfirmatoryMat. Uncle, deceased.171ExtremelyI’ll tell you04 47 She was born –(in Southend can you believeIn the kitchen05 49 Not English Irish NationalThis is an experience of Mecca05 58 I wanna tell you a love storyTalk to spirit10 26 We come here to help youBCAll Male IntentionInformationalInformationalDeclarativeDeclarativeInstruction Declarative intentionLots of background environment noises next door including music and voices, EVP‘s hard to discern.In response to asking about my biological parents.Chimes with my thinking about Baruss’s use of Baileys White Magick.Session 1612.12.1545 mins172There won’t be time for thatWe have come to help youYou can come hereGoing to be nice to youl really want to thank you yesI love youJacobBe preparedAncient BridgesReligionGet down to itI don’t think it’s happeningSplitting soon yes stopThe other side you are on itIt is dangerous or DennisWhy do you think that’s funnyBridgeHello I did the path workBCBCMAdvisoryFemale Declarative intentionAdvisoryThanksemotionalNameAdvisoryDescriptive nounNounInstructionDeclarative AdvisoryInfoAll MaleFemale Child QuestionNounGreeting informativeI decided to stop using the Olympus digital voice recorder and try the inbuilt app ‘Sound Recorder’ on my Toshiba Satellite Laptop; the reason is that I won’t have to transfer the files to the laptop, so if it works it will be much quicker. The results were just as good as those received through the digital voice recorder. And as some experimenters have noted, adding the right background noise at the right volume seems to increase the number of EVP’s received. The voices appear quite close together and although some of the voices are different in terms of gender, voice-tone, volume and content they seem to be stacked in batches at approximately 30 second intervals. Jacob is my Grandson173Halloween 20150124 Guten Tag2 00 Gentry (or time stream)3 07 Country or Time stream3 18 Time stream4 33 Go for it4 39 Ambitious x 2 Timestream Sung4 45 Time stream - this is Spirit5 07 KR?5 19 Henri Coates (WMA)5 20 Hello Advertise5 37 This is your trans female5 58 that’s a silly question isn’t it6 00 Not Cupid (WMA)6 08 Trust us (WMA)6 15 Dirk Hanky6 20 it must be my brother WMA6 40 Don’t pick up the dirt around you. WMA7 12 What a nutty burden WMABCBCMainly MFFMGreetingGroup NameidentificationAdvisoryNameStatement identityAdvisoryComment *Some EVPS’ do not copy clearly when converted from WMA to WAV for Audacity therefore I have indicated where they can only be heard on the original WMA.The famous Cambridge mathematician or basketball player?Hankey is a village in South Africa settled by missionaries and contains SA’s largest Sundial, report by a guy named Dirk!1740 23 soon0 37 go1 30 I bless you1 35 this time I’m going to leave a message.2 00 this is the – channel2 25 this is a bad dream2 35 That’s ruined everything2 40 help us3 12 I’d like to thank you3 29 Rotherham can’t stand through it3 37 Regina or Vagina4 26 – for it4 36 AboundCCBBMInformationalDeclarativeDeclarativeAnnounce CommentCriticismInstruction/requestThanksPlace name obscureNameInstCommentThe first 7 are barely audible on the WAV file but are faintly audible on the original WMA file. 1752 01 This is a hard time2 29 I want you to help me2 33 you better be happy3 06 Were killing a mongrel?4 30 just a second4 49 Hello David Fontana?5 08 This is John speaking5 51 ChristineCCCCMMF?CommentRequestImperative commandObscureAdvisoryGreeting identificationNameAgain some are barely audible on the WAV file but they are faintly audible on original WMA file.Unconfirmed, enhance and re-listen.1760 45 –2 02 time stream calling2 15 White noise3 00 Remember the time3 16 you kill me3 31 Janet3 40 You’re giving us a hope4 02 whatever4 12 Fox Henri4 19 Weird Noise5 52 When are you coming back to mine Father*6 13 Give me that fortune6 16 The Light6 34 Adam Speaking6 41 I bet he checks the records7 00 Hello Sean7 10* Is this a new form of Necromancy7 17 Train whistle?8 05 lay on the pillowCCAABBAAAll MaleAnnounce Group nameAdvisory CommentNamedeclarativeCommentNameQuestionInstruction obscureDeclarative NounAnnouncementCommentGreeting nameQuestionSimulationInstruction commandAgain some are barely audible on the WAV file but are faintly audible on the original WMA file.18th Century Baron and politician.These Class A are very clearThe 3 class A’s register on the Audacity Wave form as loud as my own speech!*but is it English Dutch or German? Last word sounds like Necromancy!Male with a US AccentSession 177th Jan 201620 minsRec 103 30 coming togetherCCAdvisoryMThese were more laptop recording tests. This time instead of sourced noise, I decided to try DRV Direct Radio Voice (but not sweep radio) I de-tuned my radio to a broadcast free slot on the AM band, around 800 KHz – The Jurgenson Wave.Rec 201 10 we want to help youCCMDeclarative personalRec 30Rec 400 Uncle JoachimCCMName ?Rec 5205 Hi mumCCMGreeting nameRec 6NegativeRec 70450 Does that mean we done it?CCMQuestionSession 18LR 6th Feb 1635 mins3 20 difficultWave12 37 Bad dream or day dream14 19 Believe you15 21 Dr Richards15 43 We’re so far up16 59 Malkuth17 32 I’m on it18 50 It’s over Christopher19 22 It wouldn’t be nice for me19 56 Long time lost - - Isabella20 12 Bottle’s a killer24 53 Testing Faith25 12 This is Russell speaking2909 Sean Richard’s Studies30 27 Gramps I love youCCCCMComment technicalCommentComment/imperativeNameDeclarative location positionDeclarativesNameDeclarative commentComment nameAdvisory CommentAnnouncement nameDeclarative NameName declarative emotionalThe Radio and laptop tests went well so here are the results. These are all class C. They are audible on the WMA at high volume, but barely audible on the WAV through Audacity, not sure why. But this has resulted in an increase in the numbers of distinct EVP’sChristopher (Macburke?)My Granddaughter’s nameI’m uncertain who Russell is? Session 19LR 7thFeb 1620 mins0 40 Selfish3 44 Doing my job5 01 All your friends here5 22 This is the graveyard06 12 Hear the voices on tape06 49 This is the way you’ve got to do it07 00 Thank you thank you08 44 Yeah we come from another placeWe healed the planetHello there Dr Richards14 57 Your sister’s being stubbornI help you with VickyBCAll MaleCommentCommentDeclarative personalDeclarative locationInstructionAdvisoryThanksDeclarative locationGroup declarativeGreetings nameComment nameComment nameAnother laptop and radio session.These are all class C. Again they are audible on the WMA at high volume, but barely audible on the WAV through Audacity.Vickie is my eldest daughterSession 2016.2.1630 minsWM6700051:36 Right Oh!1:39 Yes4:42 Simon Speaking7:02 God help us07:11 Horrible07:20 Help07:29 That’s right (Irish accent)11:00 Different pathways12:10?12:35 Sean common parlance13:56 Puss!14:37 Thank you for your patienceCCCCMMCommentConfirmAnnounce namePrayerDescriptiveRequestConfirmDescriptive nounComment nameNameThanksThese sessions were attempts to receive pictures and trans-images, but to no avail. I was using my new Olympus DVR recorder which was placed inside three Faraday Bags of increasing size. However 11 anomalous voices were recorded.WM67000601:43 Strange animal sounds02:18 Rubber Gasket or Madagascar?3:00 Quickly!03:38 Adam04 41 I survive our future05:01 I am speaking06:51 Maurice07:26 I live in the moon10:36 Thank you11:56 Sean12:06?CCMInstructionNameDeclarative intentionalNameDeclarative locationThanksNameSession 2127thFeb 201630 mins 1 Test Laptop02 52 Critical, dedication.03 22 critical03 27 There is a problem here03 38 Timestream testing04 04 Pretty Noisy05 02 PrayerCCMAdvisoryAdvisoryAdvisoryCommentComment27 Feb 2016 Test 303 13 You listened to Black Star03 41 (indistinguishable)04 06 No fighting05 14 I can’t hear you05 46 Guten Tag6 16 Hear the transformers06 40 I’m dead 07 14 Just me07 17 s’alright 07 46 I’m going to help you---08 10 Change the mirror08 33 We come from out of the shadows08 45 I’m in another sphere09 07 We’re game in here09 18 We come for sinners09 55 Ladies and GentlemenABCCBBMInformationalcommandAdvisoryGreetingInstructionalDeclarationInstructionalDeclarative locationscommentThe latest David Bowie album. Yes I did, the night before.27 February 2016 Test 51 46 yes you did2 39 Open the letter3 27 we like you3 54 Random Spirit4 24 Nice to hear from you4 36 Open the window4 48 Are you experienced5 18 can you train 2 on the camp?5 33 take 3 angles5 36 thank you very much05 40 I’ve a feeling its going negative. 05 42 help me Mercury05 45 Another day another choice05 50 The voice setting05 57 It’s Adam vin Rybinsky05 59 I love you06 04 Jewish Ma’am?06 10 petrol06 15 very good atmosphere06 26 there’s no disapproval06 29 welcome to the ends of the earth06 31 this is Tom speaking06 38 Pilgrim06 45 this is Pilgrim?0658 I would like to BCBCBBBCBCAll MaleAll MaleConfirmationInstructionDeclarationGreetingInstructionQuestionInstructionInstructionThanksCommentRequest PayerCommentInstructionAnnouncementDeclarationNounNounCommentCommentdeclarationNameAnnounce nameIntentionIn response to ‘remember I got a D in physics!’(Song Jimi Hendrix)This might be significant. Follow up.But which Tom? I have asked for surnames, if they have them!Significant! Pilgrim was the nick-name of one my American friends, now deceased.27th February Test 1 DRV00 15 it is 00 21 A ha02 50 Dalai Lama03 21 let him go through03 29 Something…indistinct03 36 this is Daniel speaking03 47 I hear you03 52 Ancient pathways04 03 that’ll build the datum04 28 The art of building them04 30 it’s come clean04 33 Uncle Stan there or understand now04 37 Clare or clear living04 43 foreseeable04 46 Manhandle04 49 let it be05 00 Later onCCCCFMDeclarativeNameCommandAnnounce NameConfirmatoryNounAdvisoryAdvisoryInformationCheckCheckFutureVerbAdvisoryProximalI was playing oriental music, not Tibetan though.Daniel who?Song by the Beatles27th Feb Test 400 30 Ok professor00 45 Saturday is usually a holy day or holiday for me00 53 go for it01 37 yes, lay on the pillowTo 02 01 panic. lots of indistinguishable0202 remember spirits of - - 02 19 the nest is empty02 24 pick up the memories02 30 were going to help you02 34 thanks for waiting / thank you03 06 Very noisy here03 17 this is the man of mighty tunes?03 24 in heaven04 06 Are you allowed to get up04 11 On liberty04 14 little tricks/trips04 32 this is Mold here04 42 can you tell us05 06 different time05 17 this is a blindfold05 30 Roger or Richard05 37 we thought you’d say that BCBCBCMaleMaleConfirmatoryCommentAdvisoryDeclarativeInstructionIntention ThanksCommentCommentLocationQuestionBook JS MillCommentAnnounce NameQuestionAdvisory? Location?StatementNamecommentMany others barely distinguishable, most sound like AdamPrior to recording I had been playing epic music, Two Step from Hell, Thomas Bergeson, Audiomachine.Session 2228 Feb Test 150 mins1 44 You haven’t said your opening prayer2 07 Vickie2 18 Vic Hasting2 25 Pluto2 30 to 2 40 indistinct02 41 our first recording03 05 Can you tell us any voice03 22 possible, possible3 30 can your sister help me03 39 there’s a different theme?4 11 I’m Thomas4 16 - - - - -your sister?4 18 Theo this is Theo4 21 Coming from me04 26 ladies and Gentlemen around here4 30 speaking4 50 no escape BCBCAll MaleAll MaleReminderNameNamePlanet/GodCommentQuestionConfirmatoryQuestionCommentAnnounce nameNameCommentDeclarationIt’s true, I forgot!28 Feb Test 200 nearly there – no, takes a full spectrum.01 57 very unfortunately do need a momma,0256 Move over04 34 Timestream05 00 thank youABAACCMAdvisorycommentInstructionGroup nameThanksBut then something goes wrong, there a sudden buzzing sound that obliterates everything else, including my questionings. Did something short out?Back to class C’s.In response to Jurgenson wave and frequency for radio.28 Feb Test 402 10 Rogers thank you02 19 Here we go02 31 yes02 40 Randolph here02 47 DuchessCCMName thanksAdvisoryConformAnnounce NameNounThe buzzing noise is back and I sound like I’m sitting in a box.28 Feb Test 702 03 Ruskies02 07 Hello Sean04 44 We are here07 32 Back in the UK08 36 Leopold09 15 Lecturing is hard09 52 Macdentions?10 41 God bless – LulaCCAAABAAMMFNounGreetingAnnouncementsNameComment?Intentional NameNo Radio. Using the internal mic the laptop fan noise obliterates EVP’s. So need an external mic.28th Feb Test 303 23 Ash-ley RichardsBBMNameFirst time I have received my full pre-adoption name.The Buzz is from the radio. It’s too loud and too close. Try with radio on opposite side of the room to the laptop.Feb 28 Test 6 no Ext mic02 30 this isn’t going well.02 59 I want to thank you.04 00 female voice0656 Danke?08 04 is with you08 40 thank youCCMCommentThanksThanksDeclarativeThanksAs Test 3 Radio Buzz obliterates EVP’s.Feb28 Test 502 08 message for me.04 27 We love you - RoosCCMCommentDeclarationAs Test 3 Radio Buzz obliterates EVP’s.Session 235th March 201635 minsTest 1Test 2Test 3Test 4Test 5Test 6Test 702 08 TomNegativeNegative1:23 PolkaNegativeNegative1:57 Hi2:06 Hello Sean2:53 Izzy – Rachel4:30 All the elementsCCMName, but Tom who?DanceGreetingNameNameCommentNote: Due to the sheer number of EVP’s I am have been accruing lately I shall not routinely clip and edit every single EVP, I just haven’t the time. I will continue to log them all here in this document, but I will select for clipping those which are significant and not routine, such as Class A’s, and those with evidential or other significance. Session 246th March 201630 minsRec 1Rec 2Rec 3Rec 40030 YesMy instructions negativeWe bless you x 20206 Too much02 14 Minor testing05 24 Lift the 80 rule00 48 How can it be01 09 He’s got a fistful of fingers.02 22 Listen04 15 what’s the noise there?We’re going to raise… to fit you.CBAll MaleConfirmatoryStatementAdvisoryStatementAdvisoryQuestionCommentInstructionQuestionintentionProbably refers to the volume of radio static.I wonder if this means I am wrong just to tune to the Jurgenson frequency and should try others? Rec 505 31 Resist05 44 F*** Party – I’m AndreaABFCommandExpletativeNot sure why the expletative but it’s very clear.Rec 60039 John Gotha1 03 Goodnight1 27 I call the friends, Michael.BBMNamePart greetIntention NameWho is John Gotha? 18th Century German Prince John August of Saxe-Gotha-AltenburgAs a final experiment in this series I decided to use Audacity, not just as a wav editor to enhance the volume and clarity of the voices with EQ and gain, and clip them - but as a primary means of recording along with my detuned AM radio static. I had resisted this thinking that recording and saving WMA files, (being nearer to CD quality than Wav files) would produce better results. However, I reasoned using the laptops’ in-built mic and recording directly with Audacity would be much quicker than having to convert all the WMA files into Wav files prior to editing – providing Class A EVP’s could be obtained using this method. Here are the results.Session 259.3.1625 minsAudacity Test 1Audacity Test 2Audacity Test 302 16 ---- indistinguishable03 50 We’re going to help you Sean, we are.02 14 There’s no colours.05 40 It’s the general05 47 Phantom05 09 Move the air, (then lots of coughing.) 06 00 McDonalds06 16 The Lion0059 Granddaughter1 08 Indistinguishable1 24 I gave you a second film where is it?3 20 Talking to spirits4 04 Love5 05 make it work, cruel person05 53 Contact Mouther05 54 Go to sleep!06 42 BobClass CC’s with some CB’sAABBMI think the communicators are talking to each other.Audacity Test 400 55 The guilt he feels01 35 ---02 05 the field’s gone02 16 The Crankies02 50 Silicon03 06 You bled03 34 Tune this station04 00 - - - 05 07 Victor05 24 I’ve never been to themEverything’s cool07 53 We will help you prove survival.*08 30 AACCMMAgain I am recording around the Jurgenson frequency.*This is a remarkable class A and it came after I was urging spirit to provide more full names and more verifiable information.Session 2630 mins17.3.16 WMAPart 101 37 it didn’t work?02 39 Timestream…coming02 43 were coming to help you04 17 Richard04 42 Arts going to the top man now.04 49 - - - - not going to help you05 25 Instant message, there’s a letter from Japan let through…letter from Japan..05 33 NewmanAdam let’s do it.05 38 Come here or near05 52 room for Daddy x 207 34 - - - Konstantin?07 45 to 55 something but unclear, this is redemption?08 12 bonding10 08 don’t remind me11 31 Brother Michael13 06 this is - - - - - - by the sea13 31 I don’t want - - to have been there agreed?13 46 Michael or My call.13 57 here we go14 16 Mark14 20 tell him14 21 Rupert or Peter, Rachel14 35 Michael14 37 Sean14 48 RobertCBCCBBCCCCMFMMaleDeclarativeIntentionsNameCommentInformationNameName instructionInstructionCommentNameNounCommentKin NameAnnounceAgreementNameInstructionNameCommandNameNameNameNameNameAgain lots of names, but often without a surname or context despite my insisting that these be given where possible. I suppose if deceased persons have been in spirit for many years, they may not identify themselves with surnames anymore. Similarly if the communicators are from another dimension or another planet, why should they use names, except to provide us with identification?17.03.16Part 2.WAVWhat’s going on to make your neck rawRaudive hereI just sent it to youFontanaI’m homeFutureBBBBAll MaleQuestionAnnounce nameReplyNameDeclarationNounIt’s really strange, how although I can hear some of the same EVP’s on the Audacity Wav file as also recorded on the WMA file, some were more pronounced on the Wav – others were more pronounced on the WMA file.EVP g and d - I had asked to be given these names, but I didn’t get forenames?Session 2720.3.1625mins Part 10210 to 0217 Have you seen the professor? …not really - - -2 23 circumstances 2 45 much better2 52 Would be, look, common3 40 can you hear me?3 48 what a birthday may change3 58 grumbling4 10 sorry4 15 I believe x 24 20 I’m speaking with Kevin ok4 46 Michael4 51 Female voice?5 03 That’s right5 24 What is heaven5 30 Mr5 38 Konstantin Raudive5 52 That’ll make you happy!6 42 Astral6 57 I will get the proof, proof of survival7 03 Has he done7 21 Peter or Beacon7 37 Bob8 00 Praise for everything8 10 board of directors…join together all.8 25 We’re going to help Jing8 25 Alisha 8 34 Raudive here8 36?8 40 8 45 ---- indistinguishable9 29 Fatima floats round here9 55 Smooth connection10 01 Thank you.BCBCBBAACCCCAll MaleAll MaleQuestion and answerNounAdvisoryQuestionCommentApologyDeclarativeCross talkNameConfirmQuestionNameCommentNounIntentionConfirmNameNameCommentCommentIntentionNameAnnounce NameNameAdvisorythanksLap top and sound recorder + detuned am radio as usual.Sounds like Christopher MacburkeI had reduced theVolume of the radio.I think the communicator is asking me whether I can hear them in real time from the radio speaker, and not just on the recordings, the answer is not clearly yet, at times I have heard something there and I will make a notes when this occurs clearly and unequivocally.It sounds just like KR too, and yes it did make me happy! 20.3.16 Part 25 40 ----want it5 46 Dunster or Dunstead6 15 Tom6 21 He won’t be leaving Russell6 24 Fontana 7 12 F***7 18 Whistle7 34 Action Stations8 15 P-A-L-M9 02Now I have a very loud spirit9 08 Hello Sean9 15 Malkuth9 55 hello thank youSpecial 10 13 I do like England11 25 Peter x212 30 - - Hello13 10 RemembranceCCAll MaleNameNameComment NameNameExpletativeNounAdvisory?DeclarativeGreeting NameNoun Greeting thanksDeclarativeNameGreetingNoun(Qabalah – Earth)Session 2825.3.1635minsPart 1Part 2Part 3Part 401 15 Jehovah’s01 48 we missed you03 43 We are freedom03 51 We are Chuck, Mark Bruze… Sean Richards 05 35 little man06 11 Think of the country02 12 Can you help us?02 56 Tony02 55 Billy R03 02 Keith04 05 Hello Sean, Gottfried.04 15 We have the means to do the job04 24 We all love your crusade x 207 19 Chelsea Barracks10 16 Anna Croft10 50 Yes please P for Peter12 33 It’s a funeral job02 42 Peter Cussing03 00 living room04 01 This is important…ok04 12 Brian speaking4 16 behaving4 38 Yeah I’ll do that straight away05 03 There’s nothing here0600 Liquid Fire (female)0630 Monitor, Chris, Ray.0743 Peter08 41 The notebook, he’s so embarrassing*09 03 Father, have to be rude to you**.09 45 Take a risk10 03 Vin, Protect the country0201 atmosphere, run itBCBCCCBBBBAll MaleAll MaleAll MaleNounDeclarativeDeclarativeAnnounce namesCommentInstructionQuestionNameNameNameGreeting NameNameDeclarativeDeclarativePlace nameFull nameConfirmatoryNameCommentNameLocationDeclarativeAnnounce nameNounCross talk confirmDeclarativeObscureInstruction nameNameCommentInstructionInstructionAdvisoriesAdvisoryWho are these two people?Again lots of names, with and without surnamesThe tennis player?*My notebook is a bit of a scribble pad.**What my wife says to me all the time, but without the Father!Session 2926.3.1650 mins Audacity revisited 1201 36 Gap Removal02 14 Cheetham03 30 Robin -- -NegativeCCAll MaleObscureNameNameSound Recorder 301 08 - - 03 00 Michaels’ here04 12 don’t want it too loud04 38 Sean Richards06 22 ---07 30 -- Japanese - - (again)08 42 The help here was appallingCCAll MaleName announceAdvisoryNameNationalityComment4 on sound recorder0303 NuggetsBBAll MaleNounThis was awful, I used an external mic but computer sounds plus radio static drowned out EVP’s.5 on Sound Recorder06 40 Are you still there?09 24 Hey!0945 Mercy10 44 Burnt your dinner*12 38 Red Star16 00 It’s Russell speakingJing Um1950 Come on19 55 Give him a stroke22 05 Artist is an artist22 36 Still ask able22 44 Remind me not to make too many peaks.23 01 Nick Nelson…Wisbech.David23 28 We repeat24 04 so difficultCCCCAll MaleAll MaleQuestionCallingNounInformation(my nick name)NamesInstructionInstructCommentCommentAdvisoryName… place nameAdvisoryI did, I burnt toast just before recording these*.5 on DVR03 52 Maureen04 50 TomCan you hear me?05 20 Adam07 47 Behind All MaleNameNameQuestionNameAdvisoryPaternal Aunt deceased.Session 3030.3.1601 48 I’m not sure 03 00?04 21 Hello Sean04 40 - -05 58 Welcome06 56 -- 07 53 Charming.08 35 loud but indistinguishable?09 20 I’m trouble09 45 Harrison09 48?10 16 Give us a rope (on DVR)11 09?11 30? (On DVR)11 40 It depends which grave I put it on.13 54 Adam14 29 Are you Adam?15 45 This is Dr Socrates (DVR)18 37?19 18 Problem (DVR)20 04 Your - - down somewhere, I guess so.(DVR)20 07 You really knock me out20 11 He really wants to love me (DVR)20 13 Back noise20 18 You are late Ciano (DVR)20 44 He called me yesterdayWhole world I see DVR20 45 He’s normally at the aeroCCCCAll MaleAll MaleAll MaleFFMBetter result around 80 – 82 KHzGreetingGreetingNounDeclarativeNameand at 90 KHzResults at 100KHz.115KHz130 to 145 MHzTesting the new radio, a Lloytron simple 2-band AM/FM receiver at different AM and FM frequencies. Recording using both the laptop sound recorder, and digital voice recorder. All recorded as WMA files. I also decided to test double recording using the laptop Sound recorder SR and the digital voice recorder DVR at the same time to compare results.EpiloguePost-experimentalSessionsApril 2016Session 312.4.1615minsNames fem 12.4.16 2.Session 325.4.16 12Session 337.4.16 The King’s Lynn Sessions 1 DM302 KL1 Sound Rec3 DM314 KL2 Sound Rec1 06 storm damage4 01 were hear - - -4 07 Thank you7 15 Information this is Peter?8 25 thank you08 Taurus016 laughing60 we want you to help her1 05 its ok112 please119 little toe - air force120 Peter131 balloon140 to protect you154 this is Bartholomew2 00 we will continue er er er Timestream207 thank you2 20 Mum4 00 the mercy were going to return to you412 can you get it a bit louder love…are you sure520 the dollar5 30 Peter Hale here?1 06 storm damage4 01 were with the wind save earth4 07 thank you7 15 this is information from Peter8 25 Thank you08 Taurus16 Laughing60 we want you to help her1 05 It’s ok1 12 please1 20 Peter 1 31 Balloon1 40 to protect you1 54 This is Bartholomew2 00 We will continue, er, er, er, Timestream2 20 Mum4 00 The mercy we’re going to return to you4 12 Can we get it a bit louder love…are you sure?1 45 Hi Sean 2 28 Terry3 50 Hello there Mr Richards4 15 This is Richard here why don’t you help me?6 10 God help you8 15 MargaretMany undecipherable.Same as above.7 40 Contact1 30 Ok4 20 that’s right.All MaleMainly DC almost inaudibleWhy?All MaleRelates to our broken fences in King’s Lynn propertyNot sure what has happened here, some repetition in the cut and paste!Very difficult to hear todayThese were all very low in the mix. CC’sSession 3411.4.161hr 501.Gauss Reading, DVR prior to prayer2.Sound recorder - as above3, Gauss Reading, DVR after prayer4. Sound recorder as above00 16 Willing or William00 51 Ambiguous04 08 Vote for Gary, Pat(Laugh)06 31 Chemistry makes em07 10 Permanent hash02 27 Mogadishu01 41?06 54 Come in1 07 Got a female1 22?8 08 Do your intention9 53 You have oversight10 28 Praise sit on you13 20 If you love me19 20 hospital1936 hospital19 to 21 mins*22 33 Mama Help22 37 Look the best23 15 Alf?23 42 The voices of heaven23 49 The voices are trying to talk32 59 You ready to tape it for us?34 23 same old plants for the Summer34 27 They are breathing34 33 Leo Bretto or Leah Bretto34 49 Minus for energy35 18 Can you hear us?35 53 I want to help you38 36 Idiots can do39 23 You need help40 01 Chris46 16 Really help her46 51 Pick your moment here, Justice, you’re a genius.47 27 The deep47 35 8 HTz47 58 My disciple x 247 41 Hello hello.47 42 Raudi48 45 My disciple49 54 Victor49 58 Nightmare merge56 20 Come to do the prayer01 02 00 Write upx2 (check)01 03 31 Man of Vervain01 03 35 More’s is recording now01 03 40 Holy Shit01 03 42 Do you realise you - - through that?01 03 46 Be naked01 03 49 Cropping03 55 Thank you Neil, Bartholomew01 08 01 Your time01 09 16 Come to Rachel’s knees01 25 53 I had the vision01 28 22 Digging can be verified01 28 34 Tank, tank.1 28 53 V I bless you…I know, Raudi hearing.BCCCBBABABBCBCBCBCBBNounInformational namesCommentCommentPlace nameInstruction Question?InstructionDeclarativeCommentNounNounIntentionInstructionNameDeclarationDeclarationQuestionCommentThe plants?NameAdvisoryQuestionDeclarative IntentionCommentAdvisoryNameInstructionAdvisoryNoun(Amazing)DeclarativeGreetName (nick-name)DeclarativeNameComment obscureIntention instructionInstructionName ObscureInformationExpletativeCommentInstruction?InstructionThanks nameLocationImperative instructionDeclarativeObscureDeclarativeNameBetter results today, but not consistent.No significant EMR Readings on Gauss Meter.*Need to re-listen here.Helicopter intermittently circling close and overhead over the next 30 mins.Verlaine?*Some EVPs do not yet have time marks. **The linguistic categories of some EVP’s are not yet shown. These will be provided in an update.Appendix 2.Spirit Characters’ Links and Message Verification Matrix to 26th March 2016My Name I am mentioned 17 times.Adopted Name Ashley/ Ashley Richards x 2Close relatives. Wife (Jing) x 3Father, Mick, (adopted father deceased) x 2Michael (living brother and middle name of father) x 5Vickie (Daughter) Roma (Auntie Deceased)Uncle Steve and Uncle Stan + plus I’m here. (Uncles Deceased)Jacob (living grandson)Isobel and Izzie (living granddaughter)Other Family Chris (a living cousin) and Terry (Christine’s husband deceased)Christine x 1Victor (maternal uncle) x 2Ray (Maternal Uncle)Adam vin Rybinsky and Rybinsky (son in law’s family names)David* (a living cousin Roma’s son) as aboveMaud (Aunt Deceased)Walter (My ex-stepfather deceased) x 4 (same place)Friends and colleagues Peter, Pearl. (Close family friends - haven’t seen them for 20 years may be deceased)Janet – living colleagueRichard (deceased) Debbie (wife living) x 4Pilgrim x 2Ardane (living friend)Zephyr (living friend)Mike (living friend)Alf (living friend)Dean (Best friend at school I haven’t seen him for thirty years) Is this message from Dean or for Dean – need a surname to go with this?Claimed names of Communicators.Adam x 5 other names, link to me, interestsChris x 2ChristineRachel x 4RichardPetraRussell x 2Peter x 4 (Peter Cussing) Bander?Nathan x 1Kim? (Confirm?)SimonTony (surname) x 2John (Surname)Andrew Luce x 2 (my friend Alf’s guide)David DanielBrianTom x 4Simon (surname)Bob or Rob Robert x 4Kevin (surname)Tony (surname) x 2Hans (surname) Hans Otto K?nig?Maurice (surname)Dante x 1Roger (surname)Billy RRay, Keith - Ray Brickett and Keith Attwood were technicians with Raudive – according to Cardoso.Rudolf LeopoldAndreaAlishaGottfriedTheo Theodor Rudolf. (The parapsychologist?)BartholomewVin (Vince)Christopher Macburke (life work context, relationship to me?)Peter Hale – one of Raudive’s technicians.Vince Russell (Who is he?) x 1 Henry Coates (Who is he?)Dirk Hanky (who is he?)Henry Fox (Who is he?)John GothaAnna Croft – The Tennis player?Uncle Joachim (Who is he?)Leo Chuck and Mark Bruzer David Fontana x 2Konstantin Raudive x 4 ................

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