
Level 2 Certificate in Fitness Instructing (Gym)center18288000Learner Evidence PortfolioContents Page1Assessment plan and record of achievement4Worksheets 4Health and Safety11Know how to support your clients who take part in physical activity13Client Interview 17Planning gym-based exercise 22Participant consultation and interview24PAR-Q26Planning and Instructing Gym-based exercise session28Participant information and risk assessment 29Programme template 37 Formative on-course assessment39Summative observed session checklist42Session self-evaluation45Portfolio of evidence – Becoming a self-employed instructor-381000Active IQ Level 2 Certificate in Fitness Instructing (Gym) 00Active IQ Level 2 Certificate in Fitness Instructing (Gym) Assessment plan and record of achievementLearner name: Centre name: EMD UKAssessment PlanRecord of AchievementMandatory units:Stage of assessmentEvidenceAssessment methodPlanned Assessment DatePass/Refer/APL (if claiming APL detail evidence seen)Include % score for MCQ Exams Trainer Assessor’s signature or initials and dateIV initials (if sampled)Anatomy and physiology for exerciseTheory paperExternally set multiple choice question paperKnow how to support clients who take part in exercise and physical activityWorksheetWrittenKnow how to support clients who take part in exercise and physical activity AndPlanning gym-based exercise Participant interviewWrittenHealth, safety and welfare in a fitness environmentWorksheetWrittenPrinciples of exercise, fitness and healthTheory paperExternally set multiple choice question paperPlanning gym-based exerciseWorksheet WrittenPAR-QWrittenProgrammeWrittenProgramme templates x 4WrittenInstructing gym-based exercise Summative observed sessionObservationSession self-evaluationWrittenDeveloping employability skills as a self-employed professional Portfolio of evidence Written Assessment planning and record of achievement declarationDeclarationNameSignatureDateLearner’s agreement: I agree to be assessed according to the assessment plan and am happy that any additional support I require has been discussed and a separate plan put in place for this. I declare that all of the evidence (listed in the assessment plan) that will be produced for this portfolio will be my own unaided work.Tutor Assessor’s agreement:I have discussed the planned assessments with the learner and any additional support required has been planned and recorded separately.Record of achievement declarationDeclarationNameSignatureDateTutor Assessor’s 1 agreement:I declare that all learner evidence (listed in the assessment plan) has been assessed and meets the learning outcomes, assessment criteria and evidence requirements for the qualification.Tutor Assessor’s 2 agreement:(if applicable)I declare that all learner evidence (listed in the assessment plan) has been assessed and meets the learning outcomes, assessment criteria and evidence requirements for the qualification.Tutor Assessor’s 3 agreement:(if applicable)I declare that all learner evidence (listed in the assessment plan) has been assessed and meets the learning outcomes, assessment criteria and evidence requirements for the qualification.Internal verifier’s agreement:I declare that all learner evidence (initialled in the assessment plan) has been internally verified and meets the learning outcomes, assessment criteria and evidence requirements for the qualification.left-427990Name:020000Name:0635Health, safety and welfare in a fitness environment 00Health, safety and welfare in a fitness environment There are 69 marks available in this worksheet. You must score a minimum of 56 marks in total to achieve a pass. In addition to achieving the total pass mark, you must also score at least the minimum marks set for each question to achieve an overall pass.Identify two types of emergencies that may occur in a fitness environment.122 marks (minimum 1 mark)Describe the role of the three external services during an emergency.1233 marks (minimum 2 marks)Give one example of the role that a member of staff may play in an emergency. 1 mark (minimum 1 mark)Why is it important to follow emergency procedures calmly and correctly?2 marks (minimum 1 mark)Complete the table below for a typical emergency. On this occasion, the emergency is a fire. Describe how you would ensure that the safety of the people was maintainedChildrenOlder peopleDisabled people3 marks (minimum 2 marks)Why is health and safety important in a fitness environment?1 mark (minimum 1 mark)Identify two legal requirements that employers must adhere to in order to comply with Health and Safety Law.122 marks (minimum 1 mark)Complete the table below. You will need to give one example of duty of care for each special population group.Special population groupDuty of careLimitations of the fitness instructorYoung peopleOlder peoplePre / post?natal womenDisabled people8 marks (minimum 6 marks)Describe two types of security procedures that you would find in a fitness environment.122 marks (minimum 1 mark)Describe two key, health and safety documents that are relevant to the fitness industry.122 marks (minimum 1 mark)Complete the table below for possible hazards within a fitness environment.Fitness environmentGive one example of an associated hazardGive one example of controlling the possible risks of the hazardWho would you refer the risk to if you were unable to deal with it yourself?FacilitiesEquipmentManual handlingClient behaviourSecurityHygiene18 marks (minimum 15 marks)Explain the five steps of risk assessment.123455 marks (minimum 4 marks)Give one example of safeguarding the welfare of children and vulnerable adults.1 mark (minimum 1 mark)Complete the table below by listing the four recognised forms of abuse and the signs and symptoms of abuse that can be identified. Forms of abuseSigns and symptoms of abuse8 marks (minimum 6 marks)Give three examples of procedures that you would expect to find in an organisation’s safeguarding children and vulnerable adults policy.1233 marks (minimum 2 marks)16. If you suspected any possible abuse to whom would you report this?1 mark (minimum 1 mark)Describe two procedures that you would follow to protect yourself from accusations of abuse.122 marks (minimum 1 mark)Complete the table below.Identify two statutory agencies responsible for safeguarding children and vulnerable adultsGive an example of when it may be necessary to contact the statutory agency4 marks (minimum 3 marks)Describe how to maintain the confidentiality of information relating to possible abuse.1 mark (minimum 1 mark)Result total???????? / 69 marks (56 marks in total, with the minimum set marks achieved for each question required to pass)Pass / ReferTutor Assessor’s feedback: left-403860Name:020000Name:038735Know how to support clients who take part in exercise and physical activity00Know how to support clients who take part in exercise and physical activityThere are 8 marks available in this task. You must score a minimum of 8 marks in total to achieve a pass. In addition to achieving the total pass mark, you must also score at least the minimum marks set for each question to achieve an overall pass.Why is it important to form an effective working relationship with your participant?1 mark (minimum 1 mark)Why is it important to present yourself and your organisation positively to your participant?1 mark (minimum 1 mark)Why is it important to value equality and diversity when working with your participant?1 mark (minimum 1 mark)Why is it important to ensure that participant care is upheld within the organisation?1 mark (minimum 1 mark)Why is it important to notify your participant if there is likely to be a delay in meeting their needs?1 mark (minimum 1 mark)Why is it important to “go the extra mile” for your participant?1 mark (minimum 1 mark)Why is it important to handle any participant complaints in a positive manner, ensuring you adhere to organisational procedures?1 mark (minimum 1 mark)Why is it important for your participant to take personal responsibility for their own fitness and motivation?1 mark (minimum 1 mark)Result total???????? / 8 marks (8?marks in total, with the minimum set marks achieved for each question required to pass)Trainer Assessor’s feedback: 0220345Planning gym-based exercise 00Planning gym-based exercise Task – Client interviewThere are 15 marks available in this task. You must score a minimum of 12 marks in total to achieve a pass. In addition to achieving the total pass mark, you must also score at least the minimum marks set for each question to achieve an overall pass.Name of clientDate of birthGender M / FHeight3 marks(minimum 2 marks)WeightBMIWhat are your client’s barriers to participation? 1 mark (minimum 1 mark)For each barrier that your client has given describe a strategy to assist your client to overcome the barrier1 mark (minimum 1 mark)What incentive/ reward schemes will you use to motivate your client? 1 mark (minimum 1 mark)Which methods of communication will help you to motivate your client? 1 mark (minimum 1 mark)List your client’s exercise preferences1 mark (minimum 1 mark)Set out your client’s short, medium and long term goals3 marks (minimum 2 marks)ShortMediumLongHow will you review your client’s short, medium and long term goals?3 marks (minimum 2 marks)ShortMediumLongGive one example of where your client can source relevant information to help meet their needs1 mark (minimum 1 mark)Result total???????? / 15 marks (12?marks in total, with the minimum set marks achieved for each question required to pass)Tutor Assessor’s feedback: 0216535Planning and instructing gym-based exercise sessions00Planning and instructing gym-based exercise sessionsWorksheet - Planning gym-based exerciseThere are 25 marks available in this worksheet. You must score a minimum of 20 marks in total to achieve a pass. In addition to achieving the total pass mark, you must also score at least the minimum marks set for each question to achieve an overall pass.Explain the process of informed consent.1 mark (minimum 1 mark)Describe how you would collect client information using:QuestionnaireInterviewObservationPhysical measurements4 marks (minimum 4 marks)How would you determine which method/s of collecting information are appropriate for your individual clients?2 marks (minimum 1 marks)Explain the principles of screening clients prior to exercise.2 marks (minimum 1 marks)Describe two factors, based on client screening, which may affect safe exercise participation.122 marks (minimum 1 marks)Give two examples of how clent information could affect the planning of an exercise session.122 marks (minimum 1 marks)Identify one reason for the temporary deferral of exercise.1 mark (minimum 1 mark)Explain two reasons why you might refer your clients to other professionals.122 marks (minimum 1 marks)How will you plan your exercise session to meet your client’s different objectives?2 marks (minimum 1 marks)Why is it important to agree goals and objective with your clients?2 marks (minimum 1 marks)Identify two exercises which will help develop the following components of fitness for your clients:Cardiovascular fitnessMuscular fitnessFlexibilityMotor skills8 marks (minimum 8 marks)Identify two cardiovascular and two resistance machines and describe their uses.Cardiovascular machinesResistance machines4 marks (minimum 3 marks)Describe how to plan gym-based exercise using a circuit format.3 marks (minimum 2 marks)Result total???????? / 35 marks (28?marks in total, with the minimum set marks achieved for each question required to pass)Pass / ReferTutor Assessor’s feedback: -635-347345Planning and instructing gym-based exercise sessions00Planning and instructing gym-based exercise sessionsSummative observed session – Participant consultation During the course, your Tutor Assessor will need to observe you consulting with a participant to gather information and demonstrate skills in communication and behaviour change techniques. Please use the participant interview template contained within this LAP.The cumulative consultation time will be a minimum of 10 minutes. The consultation can be with a peer or a real participant. Key: Pass mark a tick () Refer mark a cross (X) Question mark a QConsultation skillsThe learner has:/XReassessment/XUsed appropriate methods, techniques and communication skills to greet the participant, build rapport and gather information.Provided appropriate advice and guidance in response to screening.Asked open questions to gather relevant information from the participant. Used active listening skills to gather information.Checked the participant’s readiness to exercise.Identified the participant’s goals and barriers to exercise.Written process SMART goals to express the participant’s needs and aims.Identified safe and realistic timeframes for achievement of the participant’s physical goals.Agreed on a review plan for checking the participant’s adherence and progress. Recorded the participant’s information appropriately and with regard to confidentiality.Result (delete as appropriate):PassReferDate: Reassessment result (delete as appropriate): PassReferDate:Tutor Assessor’s feedback and questions Performance criteria: Physical Activity Readiness Questionnaire (PAR-Q)First Name:Gender:Last name:Birth date:Email:Phone:Next of kin’s name: Email:Phone:This PAR-Q is designed to help you to help yourself. Many benefits are associated with regular exercise, and completion of the PAR-Q form is a sensible first step to take if you are planning to increase the amount of physical activity in your life.For most people, physical activity should not pose a problem or hazard.The PAR-Q has been designed to identify the small number of people for whom physical activity might be inappropriate or for those who should seek medical advice concerning the type of activity most suitable for them. Common sense is your best guide for answering these questions.1. Has your doctor ever said that you have a heart condition and that you should only do physical activity recommended by a doctor?YES/NO2. Do you feel pain in your chest when you do physical activity?YES/NO3. In the past month, have you had chest pain when you were not doing physical activity?YES/NO4. Do you lose your balance because of dizziness or do you ever lose consciousness?YES/NO5. Do you have a bone or joint problem (for example, back, knee or hip) that could be made worse by a change in physical activity?YES/NO6. Is your doctor currently prescribing drugs (for example, water pills) for your blood pressure or heart condition?YES/NO7. Do you know of any other reason why you should not do physical activity?YES/NOIf you have answered YES to any of the above questions, then you are required to gain consent from your doctor before participating in the group exercise to music session.If you have answered NO to all of the above questions and you have reasonable assurance of your suitability for:A group exercise to music session – which will include: a warm up, a main component (consisting of cardiovascular and muscular strength and endurance exercises) and cool down with stretches.You are advised to postpone entry into the programme if you feel unwell or have a temporary illness. You must inform your instructor of any changes to your health status, whilst engaged in your exercise sessions.Client’s signature:Date:Witness’s signature:Date:Please note that no liability is accepted for any loss of or damage to any articles, which you may bring with you to classes. Equally, liability is not accepted for loss of or damage to motor vehicles or their contents and these are left at the owner’s risk.“I confirm that where any medical condition, discomfort or injury which may be affected by physical activity applies or becomes applicable at any time when I am participating in a class, I am responsible for checking with my doctor to ensure I am able to participate in this activity.”Signed:Print Name:Address:Post Code:Date:Email:Phone:Emergency Contact Name (please print):Emergency Contact Telephone Number:EMD UK store and process the personal data that you provide in order to deliver the product that you have purchased. Please read the EMD UK Product/Service/Activity Privacy Noticeleft5715In addition, if you would like to receive updates about group exercise activities/products/opportunities that EMD UK think you may be interested in, tick here.?left34925If you are interested in taking part as a participant in EMD UK’s future assessments, please tick this box if you would like to be added to our database.-171450Planning and instructing gym-based exercise sessions00Planning and instructing gym-based exercise sessionsA gym-based exercise session You will need to plan a full 45-60 minute programme for a client. You will need to complete each of the steps in the following guidance: Step one – programme planningYou will need to plan a programme and complete a programme card for a client to include:Warm-upCool downThree types of cardiovascular equipmentFour resistance machinesFour free weight lifts Three body weight exercises Additionally, you will need to complete the participant information and risk assessment; providing:An overview of the participant e.g. age, gender, activity levels, health status, outcomes of any screening,Common goals of session participant and level or experience A summary of hazards and risk management measures for the environment and equipment.Any special considerations or arrangements, e.g. room temperature, floor surface, space, number of participants, footwear checks, drinking water.Emergency information – location of nearest telephone, first aid kit and name of duty first aider.Guidance for use of electrical equipmentStep two - mock assessment Your Tutor Assessor will observe you instructing your gym-based exercise session and provide you with detailed feedback in preparation for your summative assessment.Step three - summative observationAn assessor will observe you instructing your gym-based exercise session. Step four - evaluationUsing a combination of your own self-reflections and feedback collected from your participant during the programme, complete the session self-evaluation included in this LEP.Step five– adaptations / session planningYou will need to plan four separate session plans to demonstrate knowledge of how to adapt a range of exercises to meet the needs of the four special population groups listed below:14-16 age rangeOlder adultsPre and post-natal clients (adaptations for both must be included)Disabled clients (learners must detail a different form of disability for each of their four session plansand then describe how the chosen exercise would be adapted to meet those client’s needs.In order to meet the qualification requirements learners must select one CV exercise, one fixed resistance exercise, one free-weight exercise and one body weight exercise (four session plans in total) from their programme card and complete a detailed session plan for each demonstrating knowledge of appropriate exercise timings/intensities/reps/sets, teaching points, alternatives, prime movers and specific exercise adaptations to meet the four special population groups listed above.Adaptation - this will be a modification to the originally planned exercise that indicates a specific adaptation that demonstrates sufficient underpinning knowledge and makes the exercise more suitable for the special population groups such as:A change to the set up/positioning of the exercise i.e. changing a standing prone flye to a seated prone flye for older adults to improve stability.A change in the duration of the exercise i.e. changing a 30 minute LSD (Long Slow Duration) CV component to three blocks of 10 minutes for 14-16 age range to assist in the management of thermoregulation.A change in the type of exercise i.e. fixed resistance exercise to the free weight version.It is also necessary to demonstrate knowledge of how to adapt a range of exercises to meet the needs of four special population groups (1) 14-16 age range; (2) older adults; (3) pre and post-natal participants; (4) disabled participants.Please note, in order to meet the requirements for each of the four special population groups learners must record a specific adaptation to the originally planned exercise that demonstrates sufficient underpinning knowledge. The following statements do not meet the qualification requirements:Smaller movementsFewer repsDepends on the disability.Programme planning information and risk assessment template Location of nearest telephone:Location of nearest first aid kit:Duty first aider:Safety checks required: (details checks carried out and any subsequent action taken)Any special arrangements or adaptations made: (in response to available time, equipment or facilities, or clients present on the day)Location:Total length of session:Give a brief overview of the session. What equipment and facilities are required for the session? What health and safety checks will be carried out prior to the session? (Detail checks and any subsequent actions)What hazards may occur during the activity session? How would you deal with the identified hazards?What health screening is to be carried out prior to your session?Why is this important?Gym-based exercise programme card Safety checks required: (detail checks carried out and any sub-sequent action taken) Any special arrangements or adaptations to be made: (in response toLocation of nearest telephone: Location of nearest first aid kit: Duty first aider: Warm Up: (appropriate stretches listed overleaf)CV equipment / activity:Time:Workload / target training zoneTeaching pointsMain CV component:CV equipment / activity:Time:Workload / target training zoneTeaching pointsMain Resistance Training Section FixedResistance Machines:Exercise:Equipment:Sets/Reps:Teaching PointsMain Resistance Training Section Free Weights:Exercise:Equipment:Sets/Reps:Teaching PointsBody Weight ExercisesExercise:Equipment:Sets/Reps:Teaching PointsCool Down: (appropriate stretches listedbelow)CV Equipment:Time:Workload/ Target Training ZoneTeaching PointsWarm Up stretches (diagram and time to be held)Cool down stretches in addition to above (diagram and time to be held)Reps/SetsExercise / muscle groupsTeaching pointsalternativesAdaptions forReps/SetsExercise / muscle groupsTeaching pointsalternativesAdaptions forTutor Assessor’s feedback and questions Session planning support log and feedback recordDateSummary of feedbackRecommended actions for developmentUpdate / next stepsFinal submission – summative assessmentPerformance criteria:Preparation for summative assessmentTrainer assessor name:Learner name:Date: Meeting your clientYour Tutor Assessor will need to observe you introducing your session. You must achieve all criteria to pass. Formative AssessmentKey: Competent mark a tick (P) Not competent mark a cross (x) Competent with a comment mark a bullet point (l) Question mark a QDelivering the exercise session (A): The learner has:CV3P/XRM4P/XFW4P/XBW2P/XBW3P/X1. Demonstrated correct technique and safe use of equipment and exercises1. Given clear / accurate explanations of each exercise to the client3. Selected safe and effective exercises4. Adapted the exercise appropriately for the client when necessary5. Given appropriate alternatives to the client when necessary6. Used / reinforced key instruction points to improve client’s performance and encourage independence7. Used appropriate teaching position to enable observation / correction of client8. Selected the correct speed for exercisesPlease date when each piece of equipment has been observedPlease initial when each piece of equipment has been observed (Assessor)Result: Delete as appropriateCompetentNot competentAssessor’s feedback and questions- summative observed sessionPerformance criteria:-73025-308610Name:020000Name:Summative observed session checklistInstructing gym-based exerciseUnit accreditation number: A/600/9020Summative observed session checklist Key: Competent mark a tick () Not competent mark a cross ( x ) Competent with a comment mark a bullet point ( ● ) Question mark a Q Date: Starting the session (A): The learner has:/XPrepared the environment and checked equipment for the sessionWelcomed clients appropriatelyExplained all necessary health and safety informationCarried out verbal screening and PAR?Q giving appropriate advice to the clients based on prior informationOutlined the purpose & structure of the sessionPresented a positive image of self and organisation to the clientDelivering the exercise session ( B ): The learner has:W-up CV1/XW-up stretch/XRM1/X RM2/X RM3/X FW1/X FW2/X FW3/X BW1/X C-down CV2/XC-down stretch/XDemonstrated correct technique & safe use of equipment & exercisesGiven clear/accurate explanations of each exercise to the clientSelected safe & effective exercisesUsed supportive & motivational behaviour with the clientCommunicated clients clearly & accurately providing feedback and instructing points which are timely, clear and motivationalAdapted the exercise appropriately for the client when necessaryGiven appropriate alternatives to the client when necessaryMonitored intensity appropriately for the client when necessaryUsed/ reinforced key instruction points to improve client’s performance & encourage independenceUsed appropriate teaching position to enable observation/correction of clientGained feedback from the client to check understanding of their performanceDemonstrated safe & effective lifting & passing techniques appropriate for each exercise N/AN/AN/AN/AN/AManaged the timings of the session effectivelySelected the correct speed for exercisesEstablished an effectively working relationship with the clientEnding the session (C): The learner has:/XGiven constructive feedback to the client based on their performanceGained feedback from the client as to how well their goals were met and how effective the planned activities wereGained feedback from the client as to how effective the motivational and instructional styles wereChecked that the environment & equipment was left in good orderResult: Delete as appropriateCompetentNot competentAssessor’s SignatureAssessor’s feedback and questions- summative observed sessionPerformance criteria:left-427990Name:020000Name:-190500Planning and instructing gym-based exercise sessions00Planning and instructing gym-based exercise sessionsSession self-evaluationReview the outcomes of working with clients and any feedback gained from your client.How well did the exercises meet your client’s needs?How effective and motivational was the relationship with your client?How well did your instructing style match the client’s needs?How would you adapt the exercises to progress or regress according to your client’s needs?Identify how you could improve your personal practice.Explain the value of reflective practice.Describe how you would change your instructional style and incorporate the principles of behaviour management for group inductions.Result: Pass / ReferAssessor’s feedback: 0360680DeclarationTo be signed at consultation with Assessor post practical assessment:I, the learner, have understood the result that has been given to me todayI, the learner, have understood the actions that have been provided todayI, the learner, have understood the feedback that has been provided to me todaySignature of Learner:Date:Signature of Assessor:00DeclarationTo be signed at consultation with Assessor post practical assessment:I, the learner, have understood the result that has been given to me todayI, the learner, have understood the actions that have been provided todayI, the learner, have understood the feedback that has been provided to me todaySignature of Learner:Date:Signature of Assessor:left-427990Name:020000Name:-285750Developing employability skills as a self-employed professional00Developing employability skills as a self-employed professionalPortfolio of evidence – Becoming a self-employed instructor There are 51 marks available for this activity. You must score a minimum of 41 marks in total to achieve a pass. In addition to achieving the total pass mark, you must also score at least the minimum marks set for each section to achieve an overall pass.You will need to produce a portfolio of evidence; your portfolio may contain a variety of evidence, including leaflets, screenshots of research, evidence of professional discussions and verbal questioning as well as products of work. You are about to become a self-employed exercise, movement and dance instructor.You will need to:Complete on-course tasks – these will be guided by your trainer and can be found in your course book.Submit a CV and other supporting evidence as plete the CPD/action plan template.Take part in discussion and group questioning (please see guidance below).During your on-course sessions, your trainer assessor will work with the group to discuss some of the topics below. Trainer assessors will record particular question responses and activities coordinated to develop your understanding of this unit and complete your assessments.Professionalism – This session will provide an opportunity to discuss the role of the fitness instructor and dance teacher and professional opportunities within your sector. You will have four tasks to complete during this session. These will cover:The importance of being able to plan, organise and manage own time effectively.Effective communication methods to enhance professional opportunities (verbal communication, written communication, creating a positive impression, developing rapport and communicating any delays or disruptions to services).Adaptations to communication styles when trying to reach inactive participants.Establishing professional responsibilities and boundaries with participants.You will need to submit evidence of your ability to:Create a curriculum vitae (CV).Being self-employed – This session will explore employability skills and becoming self-employed. You have three tasks to complete during this session. These cover:UK tax requirements (registration, self-assessment tax returns, income tax and NICs).Financial business records and expenses. Where to find relevant information and support.Industry relations and EMD UK – This session will cover the requirements of being an instructor and professional organisations that can support your work and help you market yourself. You have two tasks to complete during this session. These cover:The role and key skills of marketing yourself to include personal characteristics and interpersonal, critical, creative thinking and practical skills.Impact of digital profiles, to include social media and internet presence.You will also need to submit evidence of your ability to:Identify and use marketing resources including networks. Identify insurance requirements and suitable products for being a self-employed instructor.Personal and professional development – This session will explore the opportunities for development within your sector and where to find further information for support and additional training. You are required to submit one template to complete this assessment. This will cover:The importance and benefits of personal and professional development, self-reflection, evaluation and improvement. Transferable skills.Identification of learning opportunities.Sources of information and further support.STUDENT NAME:Summary of evidence(Highlight all that apply)Completed (Date)Feedback from Trainer/XPossible MarksActual MarksUnderstanding the employability skills needed to become a self-employed instructor Research and list the key tax requirements for the self-employed in the UK, to include; RegistrationKeeping business records Completing a self-assessment tax return Paying income taxBusiness expensesNIC’sSummary written notes providedORWeb page print outs providedORNotes of the Q&A co-ordinated by trainer on course with a separate transcript or notes of answers from the learner5(minimum 4 marks)Describe the insurance requirements (and identify suitable products) for being a self-employed instructorSummary written notes providedORNotes of the Q&A co-ordinated by trainer on course with a separate transcript or notes of answers from the learner1(minimum 1 mark)Create a curriculum vitae (CV)Copy of professional CV12(minimum 9 marks)Outline the importance of being able to plan, organise and manage your own time.Summary written notes providedORNotes of the Q&A co-ordinated by trainer on course with a separate transcript or notes of answers from the learner1(minimum 1 mark)Understanding the key skills of marketing yourself – “Industry relations & EMDP”Explain the role and key skills of marketing yourself to include;Personal characteristics Interpersonal skillsCritical and creative thinking skillsPractical skillsSummary written notes providedORNotes of the Q&A co-ordinated by trainer on course with a separate transcript or notes of answers from the learner4(minimum 3 marks)Explain how you can utilise marketing resources available to youSummary written notes providedORNotes of the Q&A co-ordinated by trainer on course with a separate transcript or notes of answers from the learner1(minimum 1 mark)Research your local networks and explain how you would create new connections and join established networksSummary written notes providedORWeb page print outs providedORNotes of the Q&A co-ordinated by trainer on course with a separate transcript or notes of answers from the learner2(minimum 1 mark)Describe the potential damage of having a negative digital profile, to include; Social networking e.g. Twitter, Facebook, InstagramInternet presenceSummary written notes providedORNotes of the Q&A co-ordinated by trainer on course with a separate transcript or notes of answers from the learner1(minimum 1 mark)Summarise how effective communication and professionalism can enhance professional opportunities, to include:verbal communicationwritten communication creating a positive impression developing rapportcommunicating any delays or disruptions to servicesSummary written notes providedORNotes of the Q&A co-ordinated by trainer on course with a separate transcript or notes of answers from the learner5(minimum 4 marks)Explain how you will adapt your communication styles when trying to reach inactive participants.Summary written notes providedORNotes of the Q&A co-ordinated by trainer on course with a separate transcript or notes of answers from the learner4(minimum 3 marks)Summarise how you will establish professional responsibilities and boundaries with your participants.Summary written notes providedORNotes of the Q&A co-ordinated by trainer on course with a separate transcript or notes of answers from the learner2(minimum 1 mark)Explain the importance and benefits of: personal and professional development self-reflection, evaluation and improvement Summary written notes providedORNotes of the Q&A co-ordinated by trainer on course with a separate transcript or notes of answers from the learner4(minimum 3 marks)Looking at your own skills base identify three transferable skills Summary written notes providedORNotes of the Q&A co-ordinated by trainer on course with a separate transcript or notes of answers from the learner3(minimum 2 marks)Personal and professional development planGoals – Areas where I need to develop (include where you are now and where you would to be)**Include at least ONE learning opportunity; rather than all skills/ professional development targets**Actions I need to take to achieve thisWhere can I access information and support to help me achieve this?Who do I need to help me with this?How do these skills relate to employability?Review date6 (minimum 4 marks)Result total /51 (41 marks in total, with the minimum set marks achieved for each section required to pass) Trainer Assessor’s feedback:Pass/ ................

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