
The Plymouth Airport Commission held their regular Commission Meeting on Thursday, May 1, 2014. Present were Chairman Kenneth E. Fosdick, Vice Chairman Douglas R. Crociati and Commissioners William D. Burke, Kenneth E. Laytin, Walter E. Morrison, Jr., Dennis R. Smith and Paul G. Worcester. Also present was Airport Manager Thomas Maher.Approve the minutes of the April 6, 2014 Commission meeting: Commissioner Burke made a motion to accept. Commissioner Smith seconded the motion. Commissioner Worcester requested a few changes for clarity. Vote was unanimous. Circus Update: Manager Maher met with Town Manager, Melissa Arrighi, after Town Meeting passed the article to ban exotic animals, to discuss the Commissions’ previous approval of June 18 & 19 for the Kiwanis to host the Circus at the airport. Ms. Arrighi acknowledged that it would be awkward for the Commission to rescind their approval now. Additionally, Manager Maher did speak with the person who recommended the article and advised her of the commission's previous approval of this years’ circus so as to be forth right. Commissioner Laytin feels the timing is awkward and is uncomfortable with the previous decision. Chairman Fosdick feels it would be unfair to withdraw now. Commissioner Burke is satisfied with the Commission's commitment to continue since the Circus adequately satisfied the airport’s concerns. Commissioner Laytin wanted the minutes to show that the Commission held the Circus to very high standards and requested detailed policy and regulatory requirements regarding the Circus’s care and treatment of the animals. DuBois & King, Inc. EA/EIR – Manager Maher advised that the variance request has been submitted and as required the Department of Environmental Protection (DEP) has scheduled a Public Hearing for May 6, 2014 at Plymouth Town Hall 10:00 AM in the Mayflower room. Directly after Mr. Tom Mahoney, Mass Dot Aeronautics has requested a site walk. Manager Maher advised that a letter would be sent to Southers Marsh regarding the reaffirmation of the Commissions plans for tree clearing and selective planting. Beaton Land Acquisition – Manager Maher advised that the closing date is tentatively scheduled for May 8th but may need to be rescheduled. A couple of last minute challenges have surfaced. 1. Attorney Delaney, the airport’s attorney, advised that an Approval Not Required (ANR) plan is necessary for the closing and needs approval from the Planning Dept. at their meeting next Tuesday. 2. Beaton’s attorney had issue with the wording of the Town Meeting vote authorizing the Commission to sell the 22 ± acre parcel and feels it ultimately needs to be corrected at the Fall Town meeting in November 2014. Manager Maher has discussed this with Mass DOT Aeronautics, the Town Accountant and both attorneys. It has been agreed that the closing, a dry closing whereas no money goes to the buyer it goes in escrow, can go forward and the Mass Dot Aeronautics will release the funds to an escrow account until the article has been amended. 3. Lastly, Beaton’s attorney found a Mortgage for the Wastewater Treatment Plant (WWTP) on the airport property and in order for that 22 ± acre parcel to be sold it will have to be release from the Mortgage by Mass DOT Aeronautics. All interested parties agree on the solution. The goal is to accomplish all this before the Mass Dot fiscal year end.Bill Hallisey, Proposed automotive activity South side of the airport: Mr. Hallisey has not formally submitted a request and has not gotten back to the airport manager. The item will be removed from the agenda. Chairman Fosdick did note that the Commission should consider the south side infrastructure prior to further expansion. Marsh Carter, proposed hangar S-4: Mr. Carter request permission to seek reimbursement from any future proponent in the amount of $22,000 for the site prep work completed at S-4 in the event he should decide not to move forward with the hangar construction at S-4. Commissioner Morrison made a motion to approve. Commissioner Laytin seconded the motion. Vote was unanimous.Richard Carrera, proposed building, S. Meadow Rd: Mr. Carrera presented a new look for the building to make it aesthetically pleasing and less industrial. The Commission discussed landscaping to dress it up also. Commissioner Burke made a motion to approve the conceptual site plan contingent upon obtaining all appropriate permits and approval of the preliminary and final site plans by the Commission. Commissioner Morrison seconded the motion. Vote was unanimous. George Turner, proposed hangar East side, update: Manager Maher advised that the Lease has been approved by Attorney Gilmore and the site plan is finalized and attached to the lease. Mr. Turner advised that the Building has been ordered and once the site plan is approved the building permit can be applied for. He acknowledged that he would be adding pavement and would correct any disturbed area. Mr. Turner advised that Manager Maher would need to sign any Utility Company documents required. Commissioner Worcester made a motion to approve the lease agreement and to authorize the Manager to execute any utility documents necessary. Vice Chairman Crociati seconded the motion. Vote was unanimous.Driftway, Mike Orla, proposed hangar, lease: Manager Maher recommends that the Commission approve their lease. Vice Chairman Crociati made a motion to approve the lease. Commissioner Morrison seconded the motion. Vote was unanimous.FAA obstruction survey, impacts on IFR operations, update: Mrs. Jeannie Phillips, Airport Coordinator, briefed the Commission that 2 quotes had been received for topping the trees off airport (Carreau’s land) and the lowest was $36,000. The airport was hoping the quotes would be less than $25,000 so a formal bid wouldn’t be required. Mass DOT Aeronautics did approve the Steeple for the proposed Church on Federal Furnace Road and the Federal Aviation Admin. (FAA) is still conducting their review. Manager Maher advised that Mr. Adler would work on the scope of the tree topping to get in under $25,000.Noise/Safety Complaints, monthly review: No complaints for April. Manager Maher sent a letter to the State Police and Medflight reminding them to avoid training before 7 AM and after 9 PM.Conference Room upgrade: Manager Maher briefed that the effort to replace chairs is ongoing, the roof issues will be repaired under Capital Improvements and the carpet replacement was being looked into. Commissioner Smith indicated that Tom Constantine will work with Manager Maher regarding the purchase of tables and chairs from the Aero Club donation. Commissioner Smith suggested an airport diagram be permanently mounted to the wall and inquired about the Capital process with regard to the kitchen upgrade. He suggested that used appliances could be utilized but the floor needs replacing. He also suggested that the Commission nameplates be consistent. He would like the image of the room to look as good as possible and suggested establishing a rental policy. Chairman Fosdick would like to review what other town and/or school facilities charge for a comparable facility.Other BusinessT-19 Joseph Fava lease – Manager Maher recommends the Commission approve the land lease. Commissioner Burke made a motion to approve the lease. Vice Chairman Crociati seconded the motion. Vote was unanimous.The Plymouth County in conjunction with the Plymouth and Carver Fire departments has requested permission to conduct a “mass casualty’ training exercise on the airport on May 15th at Gate 4. The accident situation drill will involve multiple municipalities responding to the scene and directing transport by ambulance to the Jordan Hospital. Commissioner Morrison made a motion to approve. Commissioner Burke seconded the motion. Vote was unanimous.Manager Maher will have a Request for Proposal (RFP) and a Final master plan available for the next Sign Committee meeting. The Commission tentatively scheduled May 17th at 5 PM for the next Sign Committee meeting. AOPA meeting - The Aircraft Owners and Pilots Assoc. (AOPA) held a scoping meeting earlier in the day and approx. 25 people attended. The purpose of the meeting was to develop a preliminary scope of the various facets and responsibilities associated with the AOPA event scheduled for July 12, 2014 at Plymouth Airport. AOPA will coordinate the volunteers and register the attendees utilizing online sign-up. After their next event on May 31st they will concentrate on the Plymouth event. Mr. Marsh Carter has offered his middle hangar bay to AOPA for their staff and aircraft.Mr. Tom Hurley, Aero Club President, informed the Commission that Jim Moore, an AOPA reporter/photographer, would be at Plymouth Airport on May 8 & 9th to write a story and get pictures of Plymouth Airport for an upcoming issue of AOPA missioner Smith would like to add the Hangar design/siting considerations plan to the next agenda for completion and implementation.The Aero club Mayflour drop is scheduled for Sunday May4th at 9:30 AM.Administration Building project: Chairman Fosdick recommended going into executive session to discuss negotiations and contracts that could be sensitive to the purchase of real estate relative to the project. The Commissioners were each polled and voted in the affirmative. The Commission advised that they would take a 5 minute break and then go into Executive Session and not return to regular session after.As there was no further business at this time the regular meeting adjourned at 8:45 P.M. ApprovedKenneth E. FosdickChairman ................

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