Final Exam Review Guide Fall 2017 KEY Skills UnitMeasurements 327660037211000201557435687000-10096547371000The four fundamental measurements most often used in science are: distance (Meters) Mass (Grams) Temperature (Kelvin/Celsius) Time (seconds) Volume (Liters)5640779253252.85 cm4.25 cm002.85 cm4.25 cm30.0 mL45.0 mL 14.0°C 40.0°C 44773855842000Scientific LiteracyWhat is the independent variable in the graph to the right? Time What is the dependent variable in the graph to the right? TemperatureWhat is the title of the graph to the right? Change in temperature over time At about what temperature are all items the same? At 86 degreesWhat is the highest temperature reached? 96°C VariablesAn experiment is done to see what toys make 3 year old boys the happiest. What is the independent variable? Type of toy What is the dependent variable? How happy it makes the boysWhat is a constant? age of the boys, how long they got to play with it, etc The data was compared to a traditional teddy bear, the teddy bear is considered to be the control group of the experiment.Scientific Notation4.6 x 10-4 = 0.00046 1.67 x 108 = 167 000 000 0.0000987 = 9.87 x 10-56.56 x 108 = 656 000 000 0.000 045 = 4.5 x 10-5 218,000,000 = 2.18 x 10817716503746500Metric Conversions 48.76 mg = .4876 dg0.02 km = 20 m11.3 kg = 11300 g600,000 ml = 6 hl586.32 cm = 5863.2 mm34,500 m = 34.5 kmAstronomy Unit 1What is parallax used to determine? Distance to starsWhat is the relationship between parallax and distance? Greater the parallax, the closer the starWhat does the graph below show? As parallax decreases, the distance to the star increases.1181100187960001600200381000857250101600Distance (parsecs)00Distance (parsecs)d = 1 / p or p = 1 / dd is distance in parsecs and p is parallax in arc seconds16. What is the parallax of a star that is 5 parsecs from Earth? 1/5 = .2 arcseconds17. What is the parallax of a star that is 2 parsecs from Earth? 1/2 = .5 arcseconds18. What is the distance of a star that has a parallax of 0.35”? 1/.35 = 2.86 parsecs19. What is the distance of a star that has a parallax of 0.7”? 1/.7 = 1.43 parsecsWhat is the parallax of a star that is 4 parsecs away? ? = .25 arcsecondsWhat is the distance of a star that has a parallax of 13”? 1/13 = .077 parsecsWhat is the parallax of a star that is 24 parsecs away? 1/24 = .042 arcsecondsWhat is the distance of a star that has a parallax of 0.0034”? 1/.0034 = 294.12 parsecsWhat are the main measurements for distance in the solar system and when are they used? AU or Km … Lightyears are used for measuring LARGE distances in space like distances to a star or size of a galaxy, etc. A centimeter ruler is set up to observe the full moon as pictured below. The ruler is positioned 145 cm from your eye. The actual distance to the moon is 384,000,000 m. What is the actual width of the moon? 311150052070005473701905001.3cm145cm=x384000000mX = 3,442,758.62 m An object has an angular size of 4 cm, a sighting distance of 50 cm, and it is known to be 400 m away. What is its actual size? 4cm50cm=x400mx = 32m533400-180975Diagram 100Diagram 1left952400ABWhich one, A or B, has a greater eccentricity? B2274570279400Star 00Star In which does the planet get closer to the Sun? B33147016858100Which one will have the greatest change in velocity? B Label where gravity will be the strongest657225153035Diagram 200Diagram 2left8382000-800735239395Slowest00Slowest-2590800233680Fastest00FastestLabel on diagram 2 where the planet is going fastest and slowest?-16129010731500 In diagram 3, which planet is moving the fastest? Closer planetIf the planets have the same mass, which one has a greater gravitational pull on the star? Closer planet17995905778500Which planet takes longer to orbit the star? Farther planetIs the inner planet speeding up, slowing down, or staying at a constant speed? As it moves closer to the star, it speeds up. As it moves farther from the star, it slows down. left16510Diagram 400Diagram 4-6667563500What force is responsible for keeping the planet in diagram 4 in orbit? Gravity What is the planet doing that keeps it from falling into the star?Moving fast – it has inertia If the star were to suddenly disappear, what would the planet do?Continue in a straight line into space This is called Inertia-2286007620Diagram 500Diagram 5-25717533591500If a planet is orbiting a star, which of the following is correct?a. the star pulls on the planet b. the planet pulls on the star c. they both pull on each other If the mass of the star in the question above were doubled, what would happen to the force of gravity? ____it would double_______ What would happen to the planets orbit? The planet would either tumble into the star, or it would have to increase its orbital speed to stay in orbit. If the distance of the planet were tripled, what would happen to the gravitational force? It would be 9 times weaker. What would happen to the planets orbit? It would fly off into space, escaping the star’s pull, or it would have to decrease its orbital speed to stay in orbit. Electromagnetic RadiationThe higher the frequency, the greater the energy.The longer the wavelength, the lower the energy.The shorter the wave length, the higher the frequency ,and higher the energy.Red has a longer wavelength than blue, therefore lower energy and lower_ frequency.Yellow has ___less__energy than green and Green has a ____higher__frequency than orange.You can compare an emission spectrum that elements giveoff to an emission spectrum that stars give off todetermine what the star is made of . Youcan also tell if the star is moving toward you or away from you and how fastby how much you need to move your hydrogen lines.381317514097000373062515240000The graph to the right shows Hubble’s Law which states thatThe farther a galaxy is from us, the faster itMoves away from us. A galaxy that is 500 Mpcs away, will be moving at about 40,000 km/s. A galaxy moving at 200,000 km/s will be about 2800 Mpcsaway. Hubbles Law shows us that our universe isexpanding. Hubble learned this by looking atthe emission spectrum and redshift of the galaxies.Determine the elements in Stars 1-4. Star 1.H, He Star 2. H, Ca, C, He Star 3. Na, H Star 4. HWhich stars are moving? 1, 3, 4, Which direction are they moving? 1 & 3 are moving away from us, 4 is moving toward usWhich star is moving fastest? 3 (its spectral lines are shifted the most)65246251276985Star 1Star 2Star 3Star 400Star 1Star 2Star 3Star 409461500Left Blank IntentionallyH-R Diagrams / Stellar Evolution338455444500838200105410C00C4267200219710B00B3181350182880E00E4543425167326A00A1704975107950D00DUse the data below AND the H-R Diagram to answer the questions: Star AStar BStar CStar DStar EAbsolute Mag.15-4-5145Apparent Mag.90-618-8Temperature24003000 3200013,0005800Which star appears brightest? Star E Which star is a white dwarf? Star DWhich star is a supergiant? Star BWhich star between A, C, and E will burn out faster? Star C (Assuming that Star A is a red main sequence star) Which star has the greatest luminosity? Star CWhich star will have the longest lifespan? Star AIs star A closer than 10 pcs, farther than 10 pcs, or 10 pcs.? Is star B closer than 10 pcs, farther than 10 pcs, or 10 pcs.?Is star E closer than 10 pcs, farther than 10 pcs, or 10 pcs.?Which is bigger, star B or star C? Star B is greater in diameter28479751905000Geologic TimeRelative Time2703859643571z→00z→Is there anything in the figure that is younger than layer J? Igneous intrusion Z How do you know? Z cuts across JPut C,D,M and E in order of oldest to youngest. C D E MPut A, K, C, and B in order from oldest to youngest. A, B, K, CWhich is younger, fault M or layer D? MWhich is older, layer I or layer E? E What is the oldest layer in the figure? A What is the youngest layer? Layer means sediment, so J…. but the surface is younger than z or J An unconformity is a surface that represents a break in the rock record, caused by erosion and represents missing information in geologic Time.3601720762000Absolute TimeWhat % of element x is around after 2700 years? 2%What % of element x is around after 1700 years? 10%What % of element x is around after 400 years? 56%What % of element x is around after 800 years? 32%A fossil is found to contain 10% of element x, how old isthe fossil? About 1700 years oldA fossil is found to contain 84% of element x, how old isthe fossil? 110 years old A fossil is found to contain 6% of element x, how old isthe fossil? 2000 years old ................

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