
ENGLISH LITERATURE 8 – Term 2PART I – LITERATUREUnit 4 – Mood, Tone, and StyleDark They Were, and Golden-Eyed (by Ray Bradbury) pg. 460-481Genre: Science FictionSkills: Cite textual evidence to support inferences; Analyze how particular elements of a story interact; Determine the meaning of words and phrases as they are used in a text, including figurative and connotative meanings (Mood, Imagery, Author’s Style, Elements of Style)Materials: Literature Book, Notes, Worksheets, Graphic Organizers, Partial Test, Google Classroom, Blog, PresentationUnit 8 – Information, Argument, and PersuasionWhat do You Know about Sharks? (by Sharon Guynup) pg. 906-917Genre: Magazine ArticleSkills: Cite textual evidence to support analysis; Determine central ideas in a text; provide an objective summary; Determine the meaning of phrases as they are used in a text, including figurative meanings; Analyze the structure an author uses to organize a text (Structure and Purpose, Graphical Aids, Main Ideas and Supporting Details, Organizational Patterns)Materials: Literature Book, Notes, Worksheets, Graphic Organizers, Partial Test, Google Classroom, Blog, Presentation, Study Packet, VideosGreat White Sharks (by Peter Benchley) pg. 918-927Genre: Magazine ArticleSkills: Determine an author’s point of view and analyze how the author distinguishes his position; Trace specific claims in a text (Evidence in Informational Text, Recognize Author’s Bias)Materials: Literature Book, Notes, Worksheet, Graphic Organizers, Google Classroom, Blog, Presentation, Study Packet, MovieWhy We Shouldn’t Go to Mars (by Gregg Easterbrook) pg. 968-975Genre: Magazine ArticleSkills: Analyze how the author distinguishes his position from that of others; Trace and evaluate the argument and specific claims in a text, assessing whether the reasoning is sound (Counterargument and Paraphrase)Materials: Literature Book, Notes, Worksheet, Graphic Organizers, Google Classroom, Blog, Presentation, Study Packet, MoviePART II – GRAMMAR AND WRITINGPrepositional Phrases: Literature Book, Write Source pg. 494-495, 742-743, Skills Book pg. 176, Worksheets, Google Classroom, Blog, Jeopardy, Partial Test Outline an Article: Literature Book, Presentation, Graphic Organizer (Google Classroom), Partial TestPART III – VOCABULARYDark They Were, and Golden-Eyedconvivial, subtly, pendulum, dwindle, recede, flimsy, forlorn, muse, atom bomb, anachronism, bacterial specimen, polishing the appleWhat do You Know about Sharks?aquatic, buoyancy, carcass, decimate, diffuse, ecosystemGreat Sharkdemonize, anecdotal, consensus, scrutiny, visceral, prospective, inadvertence, travesty, wreak havoc, sporadic outburst of macho mayhem, aggressive social interactionWhy We Shouldn’t Go to Marsamenable, exhilarating, tantalizing, automated, proponent, rationality, Louisiana Purchase, geology, low-Earth orbit, federal deficit ................

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