From the Desks of Mrs

TK & Kindergarten Note

From the Desk of ...

Mrs. Romano – Room 3

For the Week of: October 20, 2015

Dear Families:

Parent/Teacher Conferences have begun and will continue this week. Thank you to the parents I have already met with and I look forward to seeing the parents that are scheduled this week!

1. Reminders:

← Monday is Early Out Schedule

o Early Birds attend 8:10 – 11:30

o Later Gators attend 10:15 – 1:35

← Tuesday – Friday is Minimum Day Schedule

o Early Bird and Later Gator students attend school

8:10 – 11:30

Homework Note to Later Gators:

This week we will be reviewing letters A – E.


Please remember to return in the homework folder …

✓ the calendar of activities that you have completed.

✓ the completed story paper

✓ and include any papers you have completed that are indicated on the calendar.

← Directions for the Story Paper…Draw a colorful picture of what you see outside during the season of autumn. Do you see leaves changing, leaves falling on the ground, pumpkins? Use at least 5 colors in your picture and leave no white showing (shade the background). Trace the sentence in pencil. Challenge yourself: Write a complete sentence about your picture on the back of the story paper.

← The Clue Bag is Optional. Use the worksheet provided. Give us at least three clues about your item so that we may guess what it is. Practice at home giving clues to a family member.

← The object must start with: Aa, Bb, Cc, Dd or Ee.

← We will be working together this week on numerous activities with the Early Birds. We get to spend our days (all 32 of us) sharing and learning.


I like autumn.


What do you see outside during the season of Autumn?

It is Autumn!


Trace the words in pencil.


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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