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Kindergarten Lesson Plans- Month 4, Week 4

| |Monday |Tuesday |Wednesday |Thursday | Friday |

|Sentences | Complete the sentence, then point to |Put the words from the sentence back |Repeat yesterday’s activity, then glue|Write the sentence on the same page. |Point to and read the sentence. |

| |and read it. |in order (velcro-notes) |onto 12 x 18” const. paper |Draw a matching pic. | |

|Phonemic awareness |Introduce words that end in /-ame/ |Cut, sort word cards from yesterday’s|Introduce words that end in /-ate/ |Cut, sort word cards from yesterday’s|Practice reading –ame and –ate words |

| |like came and same. Pass out cards and|activity, onto a graphic organizer. |like came and same. Pass out cards and|activity, onto a graphic organizer. |with a partner, in small groups, |

| |have children sort by Yes/no, it ends | |have children sort by Yes/no, it ends | |and/or with the teacher, as needed |

| |in -ame | |in -ate | | |

|Reading |Choose a favorite book or author and |Ind. read some of the books from the |In small groups, share about each |Write about and illustrate your |Make a graph of your favorite book by |

| |discover her/his other books |library on via Youtube |other’s book. |favorite book. |that author. Present yesterday’s work.|

|Math |Practice with goldfish snacks (ex: |Practice subtraction with another |Practice with cube towers of 5 and |Draw word problems: 5 apples are in a|Draw more word problems: Joe has 5 |

| |give five, subtract 1 by eating) |food item. |taking off 1 and more. |tree. 1 fell off. *cross it out |candies. He gave 2 to Amy (draw). |

|Science |

|Can |you |get |that | |

| |

Crossword Puzzle

Directions: Find and circle the sight words, “get “that.”

|g |e | t |t |o |u |

|t |h |a |t |t |t |

|u |w |a |g |e |t |

|t |h |a |t |t |a |

|b |m |t |h |a |t |

/-ame/ and /-ate/ word endings

|came |same |name |

| hate |gate |rate |

|mate |fame |lame |

|tame |date |late |

Math Word Problems – Subtraction

Math Word Problems – Subtraction

Math Word Problems – Subtraction

Math Word Problems – Subtraction

Math Word Problems – Subtraction


Get, that

Can you get that


Author Study


Rain, rainbows


5 Apples are in the tree. 1 fell off. How many apples are left in the tree. (Draw 5 apples in the tree, then cross one off to show subtraction, or use apple stickers to stick on then cross one off)


4 Apples are in the tree. 2 fell off. How many apples are left in the tree. (Draw 4 apples in the tree, then cross 2 off to show subtraction, or use apple stickers to stick on then cross one off)


2 Apples are in the tree. 1 fell off. How many apples are left in the tree. (Draw 2 apples in the tree, then cross one off to show subtraction, or use apple stickers to stick on then cross one off)


Joe has 5 candies. He gave 3 to Amy. How many candy does Joe have now? (Draw 5 candy pieces in Joe’s hand. Then cross one off 3 pieces. Now, draw those 3 pieces in Amy’s hand. Circle the remaining amount of candy in Joe’s hand. This is the answer to the word problem!

[pic] [pic]

Joe has 5 candies. He gave 4 to Amy. How many candy pieces does Joe have now? Draw 5 candies in Joes’ hand. Cross out 4, then draw those 4 in Amy’s hand. Now, circle how many pieces of candy is left in Joe’s hand. This is the answer to the word problem!

[pic] [pic]


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