Gender Inequality and Family Issues

Lecture Outline: Gender & Sexual Orientation Inequality

Sex (Mooney et al., Ch. 10)

Gender & Gender Roles & Androgynous, & Cultural basis of Sexism & Gender Roles (Mooney et al., Ch. 10)

[See Alvarez et al. web rdg. for example of how gender roles have changed in military]

Sexual Orientation –a continuum, not either/or. LGBTQ (what each letter stands for).

Research on frequency of homosexual encounters & on homosexual qualities among general population – not rare… vs. relatively small number who specifically identify as homosexual. (Mooney et al., Ch. 11)

These 3 things are inter-related, esp. first 2, Sex and Gender … and if not then harassment likely re: 3rd –Sexual orientation (Eckholm et al. web rdg., and Mooney et al., Ch. 11)

Gender Inequality on International scene-- & where US first in (Mooney et al., Ch. 10)


Sexism / Structural Sexism (Mooney et al., Ch. 10)

Prejudice & Discrimination (Mooney et al., Ch. 11)

Heterosexism & Homophobia (Mooney et al., Ch. 11)

Changes in US Ed. Gender Inequality in recent decades (Mooney et al., ch 10)

Wage / Pay Gap (Mooney et al., Ch 10) & Walmart example

Occupational Sex Segregation (Mooney et al., Ch. 10)

& 3 main explanations for Wage Gap – Human Capital hypothesis (&mommy track” / motherhood penalty), Devaluation hypothesis, & Discrimination (&Glass Ceiling & Glass Escalator) (Mooney et al., Ch. 10)

Sexual Harassment (Mooney et al. Ch. 10)

Rape & Sexual Assault on College Campuses, in the Military, and what are the barriers to seeking justice, “blaming the victim,” etc. (Valenti et al. web rdg., Alvarez et al. web rdg.)

-- how widespread problem is on college campuses and in military & how poorly each institution handles it, & how victims are forcing changes, esp. on colleges.

-- In military, not just women are victims of sexual assault… (Alvarez et al.)

Sexual violence risk faced by females in poor African American neighborhoods. Frequency of Sexual harassment and Sexual violence against teen girls. Attitudes toward victims. (Miller rdg. 25 in C&V)

Rates of Rape & Sexual Assault—among minors, female and male (lecture only)

Guest Lecture (at least 1 question on this on test)

M/W class only -- Guest Lecture on Domestic Violence by Karen Hughes of Life Crisis Center

T/Th Class only—Guest Lecture on Sexual Violence by Dee Copeland of Life Crisis Center

Mistreatment & Discrimination faced by homosexuals, generally and specifically students, in high schools and on college campuses. How does a “neutral policy on homosexuality” affect the school climate in one High School? (Eckholm et al. web rdg.,& Mooney et al. Ch. 11)

Workplace LGB Discrimination (Mooney et al. Ch. 11)

Cultural Basis of Anti-LGB bias (Mooney et al. Ch. 11)

e.g., Houston anti-Discrimination ordinance vote & opponents

Other things to focus on not covered in class (or only briefly):

Sociological Theories of Gender Inequality (Mooney et al. Ch. 10), & of Sexual Orientation Inequality (Mooney et al. Ch. 11)

Social Construction of Gender Roles & Cultural Sexism (Mooney et al. Ch. 10)

Social Problems & traditional gender role socialization (Mooney et al. Ch. 10)

Strategies for Action for Gender Equality (Mooney et al. Ch. 10) & Sexual orientation equality (Mooney et al. Ch. 11)

Origins of Sexual orientation (Mooney et al. Ch. 11)

Cultural Origins of Anti-LGBTQ bias (Mooney et al. Ch. 11)


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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