Chinese and Aquarius Month Combination with Dragon Year

Chinese and Western Combinations Aquarius (Tiger) Month

Combination with Dragon Year:

"Understood" Uranus, Air, Fixed"

Take Charge" Yang-Positive Wood

Characteristics: Sentimentality, Individuality, Volubility, Pluck, Cruelty, Braggadocio, Independence, Infatuation, Dissatisfaction, Charity, Thoughtlessness, Enthusiasm, Vision, Tolerance, Separateness, Disobedience, Good Health, Success, Mistrust, Neurosis, Eccentricity, Rigidity, Strength, Originality

If one wants to know who is right, there is no need to look any farther than the Aquarius-Dragon. They will, each and every time, virtually without exception, take over. There are reasons for this. The fact is they are so ambitious that what they do is done not only correctly and properly, but it is done beyond the call of duty. The Aquarius-Dragon is a take-charge type of person. They know they are the leader of the pack and there will be no questioning it. There is a driving ambition that refuses to be deterred and they know everything. They are the quintessential know-it-alls. This combination is a tough cookie once they have their minds made up. They will not be denied. They are in the ball park of Attila the Hun in terms of their desire to conquer and the lengths they will go to in that quest. They are willing to step on competitors like they were annoying insects. They can act and pretend and deceive on their road to power. There is no implication in any of this that the Aquarius-Dragon could be obnoxious. They are not. They are judicious in their approach to everything. They are respectable both in their family life and in their professional life and this respect is earned. They do not want something for nothing. The Aquarius-Dragon is willing to work for what they have; including being the boss.

Romance: This combination is one of those who have the green monster of jealousy in their makeup. They are extremely jealous, controlling and possessive. The Aquarius-Dragon can be charming to the right match, but it is still best to refrain from any hint of interest in a third party. They live in fear of losing their partner to competition and to betray them even mentally is not wise. They are, after all, highly sensitive. The Aquarius-Dragon wants to own and control their romantic partner. Their motive is pure even if the idea itself is not. They want to help their partner and they want to do this because it makes them look better. A happy lover makes the AquariusDragon happy and, since this combination knows everything, they proceed to help their partner in the manner of an Aquarius-Dragon; by being dominating.

Relationships: For compatibility in this combination poor picks include Taurus, Leo and Scorpio-Dogs and at the end of the list and consequently not recommended are Taurus-Monkeys. A superior choice for love is the Gemini-Tiger. Another terrific selection is the Sagittarius-Rat. Continuing the list of possibly good selections in romance are Gemini, Libra and Sagittarius-Monkeys.

Family Life: The Aquarius-Dragon parent is exceptionally conscientious. They help not only their own children but other people's as well. In parenthood groups they will, of course, want to be in charge. They are prone to want to create their children in their own image. The Aquarius-Dragon is a combination that leans toward the pragmatic over the beautiful. Intellectually, they have a good aesthetic sense, but that is not their choice for their personal environment. The most important issue for the AquariusDragon is that things work properly. That means the kitchen must be suitable and completely functional. Their home needs sufficient electrical outlets. Sinks must not drip.

Likelihood: This combination has a realistic philosophy of life and matures at an early age. Their views are well regarded and they fall into being the boss in an instinctive manner. The Aquarius-Dragon is naturally tactful. They also have a bit of a nomad in them. As employees they work well and as bosses, they are excellent. They do tend, however, to relocate or change positions. The Aquarius-Dragon has ability for administration and, of course, management. This ability extends from their home to their workplace. They are superb at human resources as well. They do well in positions of leadership and have a calm demeanor. They are knowledgeable about money and know how to use it properly. They take the middle path relative to finances. They have an aptitude for investing and increasing their financial resources.

Famous Aquarius/Dragons: S. J. Perelman, Ayn Rand, Roger Vadim, Roger Mudd, Neil Diamond, Placido Domingo, Stephanie of Monaco, Smokey Robinson, Jeanne Moreau.


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