
CATHOLIC SOCIAL THOUGHT AND ITS RELATIONSHIP WITH SELF AND COMMUNITYIntroduction ?The catholic principles are based on the nine postulates, the main principle of catholicism are human dignity, common good and community feeling, subsidiarity of goods and universal purpose of goods. Moreover, it needs to be stated here that the stewardship of creation is also an important part of catholic thought and life. Peace is an important proposition here in christianity. Moreover, it needs to be further stated that the participation in community events and endeavours are encouraged in the catholic society. It has been also evident that the christians and the catholics in speciality have an aim of providing alms and grants for the poor and the needy therefore it can be stated that they sponsor preferential treatment for poorDignity of the Human PersonDignity is an inherent quality that every human being possesses in distinct proportion. It cannot be earned by practicing any tangible ritual rather it need to be developed from introspective understanding about oneself. Moreover, the vague notion of dignity cannot be characterized in terms of any circumstantial procurement rather it can be identified thoroughly from the responses one exhibits towards a certain circumstance (George, 2013). From a humanitarian perspective, people need to encourage dignity in order to consolidate the moot essence of humanity itself. As it is considered as an intrinsic feature that subsequently differs across potential human beings, this cannot be empirically aligned with the social perceptions of Catholicism, but the people across the globe suffer from a gross deficiency of dignity that eventually can be cited as the potential drivers of the atrocious activities all around (Poundstone, 2013). Apart from everything, as it is an intrinsic human trait, it is thoroughly incumbent upon all the human beings to endorse, promote and transmit dignity in order to reduce the rife atrocities all across the globe. Common Good and CommunityIn this advent of complacence and self-pleasing, potential human beings are getting smug day by day and literally started to forget the notion of fraternity. Furthermore, the mainstream notion of individual liberty has been condemned as the potential player to lead the respective ambience towards this celebrated smugness. The underlying concept of common good is supposed to address the rudimentary emotional, social, psychological and mental needs and impulses that usually constitute the majority of a human trait (Berry, 2013). It can be further expressed that the individual as well as the corresponding cumulative notion can prosper only if the individual and the society can be driven by a common yet broader causeSubsidiarityThe notion of subsidiarity typically undertakes the social and emotional distance that inevitably underlies among the potential; decision-makers and the corresponding respondents on which they are destined to apply. The application and the corresponding aftermath of the decisions encourage the faculty of policymakers to exercise the faculty in order to maintain the proximity with social quarters (Massaro, 2015). This requisite proximity encourages the consultation with the affected. ???????????????Universal principle of goodsIt has been strongly recommended and advocated that the goods and materialistic options should be available for all and not one. This comes from the socialistic principles where it is meant that all should have equal access to the commodities which is essential ?for humans to flourish (George, 2013). Here under catholic thought and belief ?that this principle has been considered as a natural right in the fraternity. Stewardship of creation Here under this concept it has been considered that stewards are the caretakers of the things that had have created. ?In this regard it needs to be further stated that the people which is us are the stewards of the godly creations. It is the responsibility of the people to fulfil the responsibility and ensure sustainability. It needs to be further stated here that a human being cannot be complete without a healthy and environment and neither humanity can flourish without it.. Therefore stewardship of creation becomes essential becomes essential in order to have a proper and healthy environment. Therefore catholicism portrays that we have to be the caretakers of ?mother earth.Global solidarity ??It needs to be stated that the solidarity and understanding the neess is an essential attribute of human beings human (Clark and Zalewski, 2015). Moreover, it needs to be further stated that the in christianity solidarity is an essential component. It is expect that a true catholic will have a feeling of camaraderie among the society. This essentially means evoking compassion for the other and portrays a feeling of global good.ParticipationThe notion of participation has been principally governed by the essential notion of subsidiarity. CST poses the concept of participation as the associated liabilities of an individual through direct participation or through representative reflection of the realizations. The potential contribution of being a participant is to contribute to the cultural, economic and the political paradigm. The in-depth realization of the essence of participation needs to be characterized as a core component of human trait. ??Preferential option for the poor The community portrays a global and preferential for the poor. This is basically a postulate and a policy of social upliftment. The postulate aims at creating some sort of a equality and equity within the community. Especially targeting the down trodden. ???Interrelationship between Self and CommunityThe fundamentals of the catholic social thought upholds the proposition of a mutual relationship that prevails between an individual and the community. The CST proposes an individual entity of a community member and believes that the traits of a community are mere reflections of individual perceptions (Poundstone, 2013). A similar thought has been portrayed as the fundamental for religion by a major segment of catholics all around the globe. The society proposes that the protection of individual entity is an effective paradigms that reflects the behavioural traits of a community. Flourishing:Flourishing can be considered as an integral part of that needs interpretation in order to evaluate the simultaneous relationship that prevails between the society and the community members. This indicates that a person who is a fragmented representative of a community should possess few typical virtues that includes physiological, psychological, emotional and social aspects of a human behaviour (Thompson, 2015). CST indicates that an assertive individual attempts ensure appropriate reflections of the behavioural traits on the community members. This provides crucial evidence to the need of a simultaneous relationship or the interrelationship that prevails between an individual and the members of the community. Eudiamonia and Virtues:The term ‘Eudiamonia’ is of Greek origin and typically used to mean merriness or tranquility. It is associated with human flourishing since most of the academic scholars tend to associate with the sense of Individual and Cumulative flourishing eventually. It is the governing driver of the postulates of Aristotle’s notion of Virtue and Ethical Wisdom. Furthermore, Aristotle vehemently tried to integrate the notion with his realizations of Ethics and Political philosophy. As per the ancient Greek ritual, The essence of Eudiamonia is to cater the will, cause or actions that intends to flourish an individual. The scholarly illustrations of the term ‘Virtue’ has been discussed within a diverse oeuvre of ideas. As per the simulations of Aristotle, the cultivation of virtue is the signifying component of being Eudemonic. Furthermore, he has associated the notion of virtue with the exterior traits of an individual as well which is mainly the diversity of perceptions based on.According to Aristotle, being an eudiamon is to embellish one’s life with objective and reasonable desires and being ethical towards the practice of living. He further classified the notion within three sections in order to discern the tangible activities that may lead to a fair lifestyle and those are Life of pleasure, Life of Political activity and a Philosophical life. Furthermore, according to several catholic bishops, well-being can be accomplished by leading a virtuous life with reasonable objectives.This is very interesting to note that the sense of virtue as per the Greek Ancients is not only driven by moral impulses rather it has included exterior and other corporeal action of being within the consideration. On that note, it can be concluded that every characteristic inclination of a human being is potentially unique and owns an unique set of virtues to exercise. On the other hand, the desirable qualities can be characterized as the moral analogues of the principles of living. Human being as a Social animal:Human Beings are an essential component of the evolving cosmos. The human race has evolved in accordance with the constraints of time. As indicated by CST fundamentals, the individual perceptions and behavioural traits are essential reflectors of the behavioural attributes of a society (Swift, 2017). The society proposes that it is the moral responsibility of a community member to contribute to the development of the community. This indicates to the mutual relationship that prevails between the community and the members of the community. A potential relationship will abide by the propositions of relationship and influence a positive momentum in the development of the concerned community. Principles of CST and community Flourishing:The principles of CST propose an interrelationship that will influence a simultaneous benefit to the improvement of the entire community along with the upliftment of the society. It ?indicates that an integral member of the community should be bound by virtues to contribute to the society (Massaro, 2015). The core principle indicates to the Golden Rule which uplifts the equal treatment and equity in opportunity to the community members.ConclusionIn concluding the article it needs to be stated that the postulates of the catholic thoughts are based on the concepts of the social welfare and healthy living. The postulates basically aims ??towards achieving ?a high moral grounds . in the project the interrelationship between self and community has been thoroughly explored in terms of the corresponding postulates of Catholic Social Thought. ????? ................

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