Name ______________________________________________________

Date _______________________________________________________

One -p. 1

1. In what city and country did the story start? _________________________________________________

2. Who is the narrator? ________________________________

Why does she refer to Hussain Khan as master? ________________________________________________________________________

3. Describe what you consider the two worst details of the living conditions for most of the workers?

4. Compared to the others, how was life worse for the numskulls?_________________________________

5. What did the slate represent to each worker?

What kind of slate were they all looking forward to? ___________________________________________

How often did that kind of slate happen?

6. How old had the narrator been when she started at the factory? _________________________________

In the story, how long had she already been at the factory? _____________________________________

7. What was the Tomb? ________________________________________________________________________

How often had the narrator been there? _________________________

Why? _______________________

8. List three ways in which the work physically strained the workers?

9. Throughout the chapter, what did the narrator reveal that showed how mentally and emotionally draining life at the carpet factory was?

10. Considering what you've read so far, what was the attitude of Hussain and his wife toward the children? _________________________________________________________________


Name ______________________________________________________

Date _______________________________________________________

Two -p. 9

1. How did Fatima know about heroes and villains? _____________________________________________

What prize did the heroes always get for their courage and success? _____________________________

2. Compare the children's evenings, with what evenings were like in Hussain's house. _______________

3. As Fatima stared at the boy the master had in an iron grip, what were her first impressions of the boy? ___________________________________________________________________________________

4. The master said nothing about the boy to the other children. What underlying feeling was inferred from the way Hussain Khan treated the boy, and the way the boy talked to the master?

5. As the boy started to work, what was there about him that impressed the other workers?

What was his name? ______________________________

• Three -p. 14

1. What did you learn about these workers in the first few paragraphs of this chapter?

Ali ________________________________________________________________________________________

Salman ____________________________________________________________________________________

Maria ____________________________________________________________________________________

3. Where had Salman previously worked? _______________________________________________________

What did he blame for the fact that his family's debt had never been cancelled? ____________________

4. Though no one had ever seen anyone get their debt cancelled, in your opinion, why did they continue to believe it was possible and that it would happen some day?

5. In the dark, what hope did Iqbal give Fatima? ________________________________________________


Name(s) ______________________________________________________

Chart E

Iqbal talked of the contrasts regarding the life that his family faced every day. Read

The situations in the left hand column and then fill in the reality column on the right.

In the comment area, write your reaction to each entry.


A Early in the morning the air was fresh and pleasant. All around there were cultivated fields.




Comment: ....................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................

B "This is blessed land -good and fertile, well irrigated. . . . A family could live

Forever in abundance."



Comment: ....................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................

C Iqbal's brother was sick but the doctor said there was medicine that could be

Bought which would help him.




Comment: ....................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................

D Iqbal worked fast and well at the loom and everyday lines were erased from the





Comment: ....................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................



Name ______________________________________________________

Date _______________________________________________________

Four -p. 23

1. After reading about the increased activity at the factory, use Chart S.

2. In what ways did Iqbal react differently to Hussain than the others did? _________________________

3. How did the boys learn about Hussain's secret? ________________________________________________

4. What was a Blue Bukhara? _________________________________________________________________

What did that have to do with Iqbal? _________________________________________________________

5. Who verified Karim's tale? __________________________

What depressing fact did he slowly add?

6. Comparing your life with that of Fatima and Iqbal, how are sights and sounds that you enjoy in your leisure time, different from theirs? _______________________________________________________

7. Iqbal seemed to remember his family better than the others did. What reason

Did he give for his better memories? _______________________________________

8. As Fatima thought about her situation, what fears kept her from truly wanting to escape? _________

9. Would Fatima ever have tattled on Iqbal? _________ Write a quote that verifies your answer.

10. Usually when people say, "I kept my peace," what do they mean? _______________________________

"Iqbal didn't keep his (peace)." What would you expect that to mean for Iqbal? ____________________


Name ______________________________________________________

Date _______________________________________________________

Five -p. 32

1. What did visitors see at the factory? ________________________________________________________

What did they choose not to see while they were there? ________________________________________

2. How was life phony in the factory on this particular morning? ___________________________________

3. What was about to happen that caused both Iqbal and Hussain to be pale? _______________________

4. What emotions was Iqbal feeling? ___________________________________________________________

What emotions was Hussain feeling? ________________________________________________________

As the other children watched, what were they feeling? ________________________________________

5. In addition to the pieces of carpet, for Hussain what else was scattered on the floor? _______________

6. What did the mistress order to be done with Iqbal? _____________________________________________

How would that help anything? _____________________________________________________________

7. What inner conflict did Fatima think Iqbal had? _______________________________________________


What unspoken gesture caused her to come to that conclusion about Iqbal? ____________________________________________________________________

Six p. 38

1. In addition to suffocating, what are the other words starting with "s" that made the Tomb so awful?

2. As it was summer, how would the Tomb be even worse? ________________________________________

3. In Karim's story, what was the boy like before he was put in the Tomb? ___________________________

What was he like afterward? __________________


Name ______________________________________________________

Date _______________________________________________________

Six (continued)

5. How did Fatima plan to make sure Karim's prediction would not come true? ______________________

6. What was Karim's response to the plan some of the other workers suggested? ____________________

What changed his mind? ___________________________________________________________________

7. After reading what the four workers did for Iqbal under cover of night, summarize in six steps what they did. Use the six panel cartoon-like sheet to illustrate your summary.

8. Despite his fear, how did Karim help the others? ______________________________________________

9. "We went back every night." Evaluate those five simple words! ___________________________________

Seven p. 49

1. As Iqbal recovered - what reason did he give for his defiant act? ___________________________________________________

-how did he acknowledge what the others had done for him? ___________________________________

-which person summed up all the hopelessness most of them felt? _______________________________

2. Once again how did Iqbal show he wasn't conquered? __________________________________________

3. In what manner did Hussain show that the children were nothing more than tools to him? _________

4. As Fatima thinks back, how had the mood around the factory changed for the children? _____________

5. Who started suggesting that they run away? ____________________ What else did he suggest that they should do? ___________________________________________________________________________

6. What alternative did Mohammed mention? ___________________________________________________

Why didn't that idea appeal to Twig? _________________________________________________________

7. Water, as with rain, frequently is used to symbolize washing away the old and bringing new growth. What did Iqbal promise Fatima that would be new to her? ______________________________

How did Iqbal use the rain to start his own life anew? ___________________________________________


Name ______________________________________________________

The Tomb Visit

Illustrate by hand drawings, the night time visit to help Iqbal in the Tomb (Ch. 6). You may make life-like drawings or use stick figures; either way, colors your work. Under each illustration, write a phrase drawn from your summary that explains what is happening in your illustration.



Name ______________________________________________________

Date _______________________________________________________

Eight -p. 56

1. What were two desires of Hussain's that this punishment would satisfy?

2. Compare Iqbal with the kite

3. Read each CAUSE; fill in the right side of the chart with the EFFECT that resulted from each cause.



A neighbour came to Hussain's door and spoke very fast to the master.




One of the factory workers saw Iqbal at the door with two policemen.




Hussain grabbed Iqbal and the mistress took Iqbal into the house.




Hussain counted out two small piles of money.




Name ______________________________________________________

Date _______________________________________________________

Eight (continued)

What punishment did Hussain command?

Who spoke up first? ________________________

What did he say? ______________________________________

7. What caused Hussain confusion? ___________________________________________________________

In what way must he have felt defeated? ______________________________________________________

8. Iqbal was back, and alive. Explain who you think won the day? _________________________________

Nine -p. 67

1. After you read Iqbal's outside experience, use Chart C.

2. If Hussain had taken the time to search Iqbal, what item of value would he have found and taken

3. As they passed the paper around, Salman pointed out an important point to the other children.

4. Who spoke and surprised everyone? ________________________

What valuable skill did that person possess? __________________________________

Ten -p. 75

1. How were the weather and the children's mood similar? ________________

2. What did the author write that created anticipation for the reader?

3. When did Maria teach? _____________________________________________

What did she use for?

4. What did Maria tell the children that kept them focused on her lessons? __________________________________________________________________________________________________________


Name(s) ______________________________________________________

Chart C

Read through Iqbal's city experience of freedom (Ch. 9) once again. As you read, on the lines below, make point form notes of all seven parts of that experience.

You'll have to sort through the chapter and eliminate conversation that commented on

His experiences, but wasn't actually part of time in the city.

You'll need to generalize, at times combining several similar parts of single events into one big statement.

A. ________________________________________________________________________________________

B. _________________________________________________________________________________________

C. _________________________________________________________________________________________

D. ________________________________________________________________________________________

E. _________________________________________________________________________________________

F. ________________________________________________________________________________________

G. ________________________________________________________________________________________

Using the steps above, write two paragraphs summarizing his experiences; Include topic sentences, words that act as transition between ideas, and a concluding sentence.

Some examples of transition words:

First, at first, next, then, after, later, at one time, eventually, meanwhile, although, nevertheless, and furthermore

Do not use any of these more than once. Feel free to use others.

The summary will be 150 to 200 words long.


Name ______________________________________________________

Date _______________________________________________________

Ten (continued)

6. How did Maria's father's dedication to the children of poor farmers cause him to have to make a big personal sacrifice? _____________________________________________________________________

7. Maria said, "You named me. You're my family," What went through Fatima's mind upon hearing those words? _______________________________________________________________________________

8. What personal victory caused the children to yell, "Hooray", and wake the mistress? ________________

9. Who was the flyer intended to help? __________________________________________________________

Who were the two groups the flyer blamed? ___________________________________________________

In your opinion, which of the above two groups was the worst? Why? ____________________________

10. "JOIN US!" Who was "US"? _________________________________________________________________

What was that organization's goal? ____________________________________________________________

11. What precious information was at the bottom of the flyer? _______________________________________

What would have to happen in order for that information to be helpful to the children? _____________

12. As reported to Hussain, what was the reason for the brawl? ______________________________________

Write the quote that lets the reader know it was a staged event. ___________________________________

13. How long did it take before the workers could get back to work on the looms? _____________________

Why is that time period important? _________________________

14. Which two workers were sent to the Tomb? ____________________________________________________

15. What news did Karim share with Hussain Khan that the reader already knew? _____________________

16. How effective was it for the author, early in the chapter, to let the reader know what was going to happen by the end of the chapter? ____________________________________________________________


Name ______________________________________________________

Date _______________________________________________________

Eleven -p. 82

1. How did Eshan Khan look impressive? ________________________________________________________

What personal traits did Eshan have that caused people to admire him? ___________________________

2. Fatima thought about her traditional parents. What was the biggest difference she noticed between them and Eshan Khan? ______________________________________________________________________

3. What methods did Hussain again try to use to avoid arrest? ______________________________________

Did they work? ____________ Explain

4. Fatima was free. Why, then, did she feel lost and frightened?

5. For probably the first time, what things did the children experience?

At the Headquarters that you take for granted everyday? _________________________________________

6. As she sat on the top stair, Fatima cried. She said she wasn't crying because she was frightened.

What other emotions and situations cause people to have tears? __________________________________

Which of these do you think applied to Fatima? _________________________________________________

7. What was Fatima's main thought about her family? _____________________________________________

8. How was Iqbal's thought about his parent’s evidence of his understanding of life for himself?

9. Iqbal fulfilled his promise to fly kites. What other promise for the future did the kite flying represent?



Name ______________________________________________________

Date _______________________________________________________

Twelve -p. 91

1. What did Iqbal declare he wanted to do? _______________________________________________________

After you read Eshan and Iqbal's discussion answer;

2. Which of the children stayed with the Liberation Front? _________________________________________

Where did the other children go? _____________________________________________________________

What could happen again to the other children? ________________________________________________

3. How well did Iqbal's missions succeed? ________________________________________________________

4. Which group did they think was to blame for everything_ _______________________________________?

How was that so dangerous?


5. Why were the events that Iqbal started participating in familiar to him? ____________________________

6. Who shouted and threw things at Iqbal and the others on the platform? ____________________________

7. At the events, why were some people afraid to show their support? _______________________________

8. As riots inevitably broke out, why did the police only do their job unwillingly? _____________________

9. What does that say about the police? ______________

10. The newspaper articles and pictures gave Iqbal reasons to be encouraged.

What was Eshan Khan’s reaction to Iqbal's enthusiasm? _______________________________________________________________

11. Why were the foreign visitors important to the Liberation Front according to Eshan? ________________

12. What happened that supported Eshan's fears for their group? ____________________________________

13. After you have read all of Chapter 12, use Chart R.



Name(s) ___________________________________________________

Chart A

In the debate chart below, fill in the two sides of the discussion at the beginning of Chapter 12

Regarding whether Iqbal stayed or left the Headquarters.

Eshan's Argument Points Iqbal's Counter arguments














Who supported Iqbal? How? ............................................................




Chart R

Briefly note two situations that occurred in Chapter 12 that are addressed in our Constitution’s Bill of Rights. After each example you cite, write the number of the amendment that applies, and a few words or phrases that verify your selection.

Situation That Occurred Amd.


Bill of Rights Wording














Name ______________________________________________________

Date _______________________________________________________

Thirteen -p. 101

1. What was the Liberation Front's goal in the story Iqbal told the others? ____________________________

2. "I felt like laughing, but something stopped me. Everybody felt strained." What was humorous to Iqbal? ____________________________________________________________________

Why did he not laugh? _____________________________________________________________________________________

3. Describe a day in the life of brick factory families.

When did they start? ___________________________________________

Why? _________

What did boys do? ________________________________________________________________________

What did girls do? ________________________________________________________________________

What did the father do? _____________________________________________________________________

4. For what reasons did the family not want to talk to Iqbal and Eshan? ______________________________

5. What other task had to be done to finish the bricks?

What was so horrible about that last step?

6. Though they earned a lot of money, why did they never get the debt paid off? ______________________

7. When would the debt be paid off? _________________________

Why? _____________________________

8. What is a munshi? _____________________________________________

How did he react when he first saw the Liberation Front members? _______________________________________________________

9. Eshan had earlier said, "Be careful! Be careful!" What happened that proved his warning was correct?

10. Considering what Iqbal had already survived, in your opinion, what did it say about Iqbal's self- esteem that he was frightened at the brick factory?______________________________________________

11. "I wish I had been brave enough to actually touch him." Why would Fatima need bravery in order to touch Iqbal at that point? __________________________________________________________________


Name ______________________________________________________

Date _______________________________________________________

Fourteen -p. 107

1. What was the "brightly coloured ball"? __________________________________________________________

2. As he ignored the children's remarks, what wonderful news did Eshan report? _____________________

3. Where would both of them travel so Iqbal could receive the prize? ________________________________

4. What did Sweden have to do with Iqbal's trip? _________________________________________________

5. What other wonderful gift was awaiting Iqbal in Boston? ________________

6. How did Fatima share in the happiness? _______________________________

How did she react? _________________________________________________

7. What regrets did Fatima have? _______________________________________________________________

8. As she helped Iqbal with his speech, what did Fatima keep thinking about? ________________________

9. Where would Fatima herself soon be going with her family? _____________________________________

10. What were Fatima's divided feelings about Iqbal's departure? ____________________________________

11. What were Fatima's many feelings as she was taken "home"? _____________________________________

Was she happy there? ______________

Write a quote that verifies your response. ____________________

12. Did Iqbal do as well as expected in Stockholm and Boston? ____________

What was Iqbal's main complaint? ________________________________________________________________________

13. What did Fatima's use of the chalk remind you of? ______________________________________________

What was very different about these marks? ___________________________________________________

14. What was the day like, as the lame man brought a letter to Fatima? _______________________________

15. Why would Fatima start crying before the man reached her? _____________________________________


Name ______________________________________________________

Date _______________________________________________________

Fifteen -p. 116

1. What feelings did Maria reveal in her salutation? _______________________________________________

2. Maria asked Fatima to "forgive my cowardice." Why did she think of herself as a coward? ___________

3. In her story, where had Iqbal gone? ___________________________________________________________

What good things happened while he was there? _______________________________________________

4. As Maria described the car, which words made the car seem threatening? __________________________

How did the weather, perhaps add to the feeling of dread? ______________________________________

5. What was probably the source of the flashes coming from the window? ___________________________

6. What horror had occurred? __________________________________________________________________

7. Maria wrote that she didn't believe what was being said about Iqbal. Who came to the garden door and startled Maria back to reality? ____________________________________________________________

What did he want? ________________________________________________________________________

How had he probably known where to come for help? ___________________________________________

8. Who came later? What did their arrival mean was happening? ___________________________________________________________

9. How would Iqbal "be with us forever"? ________________________________________________________

10. What was Maria's new goal? _________________________________________________________________

11. What was it that Maria asked of Fatima? _______________________________________________________

Did Fatima fulfill that wish? ___________

How do you know? ____________________________________




Study Questions


One -p. 1

1. In what city and country did the story start?

2. Who is the narrator? Why does she refer to Hussain Khan as master?

3. Describe what you consider the two worst details of the living conditions for most of the workers?

4. Compared to the others, how was life worse for the numskulls?

5. What did the slate represent to each worker? What kind of slate were they all looking forward to?

How often did that kind of slate happen?

6. How old had the narrator been when she started at the factory? In the story, how long had she already been at the factory?

7. What was the Tomb? How often had the narrator been there? Why?

8. List three ways in which the work physically strained the workers?

9. Throughout the chapter, what did the narrator reveal that showed how mentally and emotionally draining life at the carpet factory was?

10. Considering what you've read so far, what was the attitude of Hussain and his wife toward the children?

Two -p. 9

1. How did Fatima know about heroes and villains? What prize did the heroes always get for their courage and success?

2. Compare the children's evenings, with what evenings were like in Hussain's house.

3. As Fatima stared at the boy the master had in an iron grip, what were her first impressions of the boy?

4. The master said nothing about the boy to the other children. What underlying feeling was inferred from the way Hussain Khan treated the boy, and the way the boy talked to the master?

5. As the boy started to work, what was there about him that impressed the other workers? What was his name?

Three -p. 14

1. What did you learn about Ali, Salman, and Maria in the first few paragraphs of this chapter?

2. After reading Iqbal's story, use Chart E.

3. Where had Salman previously worked? What did he blame for the fact that his family's debt had never been cancelled?

4. Though no one had ever seen anyone get their debt cancelled, in your opinion, why did they continue to believe it was possible and that it would happen some day?

5. In the dark, what hope did Iqbal give Fatima?

Study Questions

F o u r -p. 23

1. After reading about the increased activity at the factory, use Chart S.

2. In what ways did Iqbal react differently to Hussain than the others did?

3. How did the boys learn about Hussain's secret?

4. What was a Blue Bukhara? What did that have to do with Iqbal?

5. Who verified Karim's tale? What depressing fact did he slowly add?

6. Comparing your life with that of Fatima and Iqbal, how are sights and sounds that you enjoy in your leisure time, different from theirs?

7. Iqbal seemed to remember his family better than the others did. What reason did he give for his better memories?

8. As Fatima thought about her situation, what fears kept her from truly wanting to escape?

9. Would Fatima ever have tattled on Iqbal? Write a quote that verifies your answer.

10. Usually when people say, "I kept my peace," what do they mean? "Iqbal didn't keep his (peace)."

What would you expect that to mean for Iqbal?

F i v e -p. 32

1. What did visitors see at the factory? What did they choose not to see while they were there?

2. How was life phony in the factory on this particular morning?

3. What was about to happen that caused both Iqbal and Hussain to be pale?

4. What emotions was Iqbal feeling? What emotions was Hussain feeling? As the other children watched, what were they feeling?

5. In addition to the pieces of carpet, for Hussain what else was scattered on the floor?

6. What did the mistress order to be done with Iqbal? How would that help anything?

7. What inner conflict did Fatima think Iqbal had? What unspoken gesture caused her to come to that conclusion about Iqbal?

S i x -p. 38

1. In addition to suffocating, what are the other words starting with "s" that made the Tomb so awful?

2. As it was summer, how would the Tomb be even worse?

3. In Karim's story, what was the boy like before he was put in the Tomb? What was he like afterward?

4. What did Karim predict would be Iqbal's reaction to the Tomb?

5. How did Fatima plan to make sure Karim's prediction would not come true?

6. What was Karim's response to the plan some of the other workers suggested? What changed his mind?

7. After reading what the four workers did for Iqbal under cover of night, summarize in six steps what they did. Use the six panel cartoon-like sheet to illustrate your summary.

8. Despite his fear, how did Karim help the others?

9. "We went back every night." Evaluate those five simple words!


Study Questions


S e v e n -p. 49

1. As Iqbal recovered what reason did he give for his defiant act? How did he acknowledge what the others had done for him? Which person summed up all the hopelessness most of them felt?

2. Once again how did Iqbal show he wasn't conquered?

3. In what manner did Hussain show that the children were nothing more than tools to him?

4. As Fatima thinks back, how had the mood around the factory changed for the children?

5. Who started suggesting that they run away? What else did he suggest that they should do?

6. What alternative did Mohammed mention? Why didn't that idea appeal to Twig?

7. Water, as with rain, frequently is used to symbolize washing away the old and bringing new growth. What did Iqbal promise Fatima that would be new to her? How did Iqbal use the rain to start his own life anew?

E i g h t -p. 56

1. How were the other children punished for what Iqbal had done? What were two desires of Hussain's that this punishment would satisfy?

2. Compare Iqbal with the kite that Fatima told Maria about.

4. Where was Iqbal sent? For how long? How much help did he get from the others this time?

5. Who was the next worker to rebel How? What was especially surprising about what she did?

6. What punishment did Hussain command? Who spoke up first? What did he say?

7. What caused Hussain confusion? In what way must he have felt defeated?

8. Iqbal was back, and alive. Explain who you think won the day?

Study Questions.

N i n e -p. 67

1. After you read Iqbal's outside experience, use Chart C.

2. If Hussain had taken the time to search Iqbal, what item of value would he have found and removed?

3. As they passed the paper around, Salman pointed out an important point to the other children.

What did he say?

4. Who spoke and surprised everyone? What valuable skill did that person possess?

T e n -p. 75

1. How were the weather and the children's mood similar?

2. What did the author write that created anticipation for the reader?

3. When did Maria teach? What did she use for tools?

4. What did Maria tell the children that kept them focused on her lessons? Was she right? Explain.

5. Why was it that Maria could read?

6. How did Maria's father's dedication to the children of poor farmers cause him to have to make a big personal sacrifice?

7. Maria said, "You named me. You're my family," What went through Fatima's mind upon hearing those words?

8. What personal victory caused the children to yell, "Hooray", and wake the mistress?

9. Who was the flyer intended to help? Who were the two groups the flyer blamed? In your opinion, which of the above two groups was the worst? Why?

10. "JOIN US!" Who was "US"? What was that organization's goal?

11. What precious information was at the bottom of the flyer? What would have to happen in order for that information to be helpful to the children?

12. As reported to Hussain, what was the reason for the brawl? Write the quote that lets the reader know it was a staged event.

13. How long did it take before the workers could get back to work on the looms? Why is that time period important?

14. Which two workers were sent to the Tomb?

15. What news did Karim share with Hussain Khan that the reader already knew?

16. How effective was it for the author, early in the chapter, to let the reader know what was going to happen by the end of the chapter?

E l e v e n -p. 82

1. How did Eshan Khan look impressive? What personal traits did Eshan have that caused people to admire him?

2. Fatima thought about her traditional parents. What was the biggest difference she noticed between them and Eshan Khan?

3. What methods did Hussain again try to use to avoid arrest? Did they work? Explain.

4. Fatima was free. Why, then, did she feel lost and frightened?

Study Questions

5. For probably the first time, what things did the children experience at the Headquarters that you take for granted everyday?

6. As she sat on the top stair, Fatima cried. She said she wasn't crying because she was frightened.

What other emotions and situations cause people to have tears? Which of these do you think applied to Fatima?

7. What was Fatima's main thought about her family?

8. How was Iqbal's thought about his parent’s evidence of his understanding of life for himself?

9. Iqbal fulfilled his promise to fly kites. What other promise for the future did the kite flying represent?

T w e l v e -p. 91

1. What did Iqbal declare he wanted to do?

2. After you read Eshan and Iqbal's discussion, use Chart A.

3. Which of the children stayed with the Liberation Front? Where did the other children go? What could happen again to the other children?

4. How well did Iqbal's missions succeed?

5. Which group did they think was to blame for everything? How was that so dangerous?

6. Why were the events that Iqbal started participating in familiar to him?

7. Who shouted and threw things at Iqbal and the others on the platform?

8. At the events, why were some people afraid to show their support?

9. As riots inevitably broke out, why did the police only do their job unwillingly? What does that say about the police?

10. The newspaper articles and pictures gave Iqbal reasons to be encouraged. What was Eshan Khan's reaction to Iqbal's enthusiasm?

11. Why were the foreign visitors important to the Liberation Front according to Eshan?

12. What happened that supported Eshan's fears for their group?

13. After you have read all of Chapter 12, use Chart R.

T h i r t e e n -p. 101

1. What was the Liberation Front's goal in the story Iqbal told the others?

2. "I felt like laughing, but something stopped me. Everybody felt strained." What was humorous to Iqbal? Why did he not laugh?

3. Describe a day in the life of brick factory families. When did they start? Why?

What did boys do? What did girls do? What did the father do?

4. For what reasons did the family not want to talk to Iqbal and Eshan?

5. What other task had to be done to finish the bricks? What was so horrible about that last step?

6. Though they earned a lot of money, why did they never get the debt paid off?

7. When would the debt be paid off? Why?

8. What is a munshi? How did he react when he first saw the Liberation Front members?



Study Questions


9. Eshan had earlier said, "Be careful! Be careful!" What happened that proved his warning was correct?

10. Considering what Iqbal had already survived, in your opinion, what did it say about Iqbal's self-esteem that he was frightened at the brick factory?

11. "I wish I had been brave enough to actually touch him." Why would Fatima need bravery in order to touch Iqbal at that point?

Fourteen -p. 107

1. What was the "brightly coloured ball"?

2. As he ignored the children's remarks, what wonderful news did Eshan report?

3. Where would both of them travel so Iqbal could receive the prize?

4. What did Sweden have to do with Iqbal's trip?

5. What other wonderful gift was awaiting Iqbal in Boston?

6. How did Fatima share in the happiness? How did she react?

7. What regrets did Fatima have?

8. As she helped Iqbal with his speech, what did Fatima keep thinking about?

9. Where would Fatima herself soon be going with her family?

10. What were Fatima's divided feelings about Iqbal's departure?

11. What were Fatima's many feelings as she was taken "home"? Was she happy there? Write a quote that verifies your response.

12. Did Iqbal do as well as expected in Stockholm and Boston? What was Iqbal's main complaint?

13. What did Fatima's use of the chalk remind you of? What was very different about these marks?

14. What was the day like, as the lame man brought a letter to Fatima?

15. Why would Fatima start crying before the man reached her?

F i f t e e n -p. 116

1. What feelings did Maria reveal in her salutation?

2.Maria asked Fatima to "forgive my cowardice." Why did she think of herself as a coward?

3. In her story, where had Iqbal gone? What good things happened while he was there?

4. As Maria described the car, which words made the car seem threatening? How did the weather, perhaps add to the feeling of dread?

5. What was probably the source of the flashes coming from the window?

6. What horror had occurred?

7. Maria wrote that she didn't believe what was being said about Iqbal. Who came to the garden door and startled Maria back to reality? What did he want?

8. How had the boy probably known where to come for help?

9. Who came later? What did their arrival mean was happening?

10. How would Iqbal "be with us forever"? What was Maria's new goal?

11. What was it that Maria asked of Fatima? Did Fatima fulfill that wish? How do you know?

Novel Study Rubric

|Responding to the Text  |

|Independent Novel Study |

|  |D |C |B |A | |

| |1 |2 |3 |4 | |

|Understanding of Content  |D |C |B |A | |

|Concepts, ideas and themes. | | | | | |

| |demonstrates |demonstrates |demonstrates |demonstrates | |

| |limited understanding |some understanding |considerable |thorough understanding | |

| |of content  |of content  |understanding |of content  | |

| | | |of content  | | |

|Expression / Organization of |D |C |B |A | |

|Ideas  | | | | | |

|Clear expression and logical |expresses and |expresses and |expresses and |expresses and | |

|organization. |organizes ideas |organizes ideas |organizes ideas |organizes ideas | |

| |and information |and information |and information |and information | |

| |with limited |with some |with considerable |with a high | |

| |effectiveness  |effectiveness  |effectiveness  |degree of effectiveness | |

|Use of conventions  |D |C |B |A | |

|Grammar, spelling and | | | | | |

|punctuation usage. |uses conventions, |uses conventions, |uses conventions, |uses conventions, | |

| |vocabulary, and |vocabulary, and |vocabulary, and |vocabulary, and | |

| |terminology of |terminology of |terminology of |terminology of | |

| |the discipline |the discipline |the discipline |the discipline with | |

| |with limited |with some |with considerable |a high degree of | |

| |effectiveness  |effectiveness  |effectiveness  |effectiveness  | |

|Summarizing  |D |C |B |A | |

|Summarizing of main ideas and | | | | | |

|themes |summarizes main ideas and themes|summarizes main ideas and themes|summarizes main ideas and themes|summarizes main ideas and themes| |

| |with limited |with some |with considerable |with a high degree | |

| |effectiveness  |effectiveness  |effectiveness  |of effectiveness  | |

|Character Sketch  |D |C |B |A | |

|Describes character traits and | | | | | |

|provides supporting details |Describes character traits and |Describes character traits and |Describes character traits and |Describes character traits and | |

| |provides supporting details with|provides supporting details with|provides supporting details with|provides supporting details with| |

| |limited |some |considerable |a high degree | |

| |effectiveness  |effectiveness  |effectiveness  |of effectiveness  | |

MYP English

Criterion A: Content (receptive and productive)

How well can the student:

- understand and analyse language, content, structure, meaning and significance of both familiar and previously unseen oral, written and visual texts?

- Compare and contrast works, and connect them to themes across and within genres?

- Analyse the effects of the author’s choices on an audience?

- Express an informed and independent response to literary and non-literary texts?

- Compose pieces that apply appropriate literary and/or non-literary features to serve the context and intention?

- Apply language A terminology in context?

|MYP |Descriptor |ON |

|0 |The student does not reach a standard described by any of the descriptors given below. | |

| | |R |

| | | |

| |The student demonstrates very limited understanding of the text and topic, and little or no awareness of the author’s choices. |1- |

|1-2 |There is little or no detail, development or support. | |

| |In creative work, pieces show very limited imagination or sensitivity; the student rarely employs literary features, or employs |1 |

| |literary and/or non-literary features that do not serve the context or intention. | |

| |The use of terminology is missing, inconsistent and/or incorrect. |1+ |

| | | |

| |The student demonstrates limited understanding of the text and topic, and sometimes shows an awareness of the author’s choices, |2- |

|3-4 |although detail, development and/or support are insufficient. | |

| |In creative work, pieces show limited imagination or sensitivity; the student attempts to employ literary and/or non-literary |2 |

| |features; these sometimes serve the context and intention. | |

| |The use of terminology is sometimes accurate and appropriate. |2+ |

| | | |

| |The student demonstrates a sufficient understanding of the text and topic, and an awareness of the author’s choices, using |3- |

|5-6 |adequate detail, development and support. | |

| |In creative work, pieces reflect some imagination and sensitivity; the student generally employs literary and/or non-literary |3 |

| |features that serve the context and intention. | |

| |Terminology is usually accurate and appropriate. |3+ |

| | | |

| |The student demonstrates a good understanding of the text, topic and the author’s choices, using substantial detail, development |4- |

|7-8 |and support. | |

| |In creative work, pieces reflect imagination and sensitivity; the student employs literary and/or non-literary features that serve|4 |

| |the context and intention. | |

| |Relevant terminology is used accurately and appropriately. | |

| | | |

| |The student demonstrates a perceptive understanding of the text, topic and the author’s choices, consistently using illustrative | |

|9-10 |detail, development and support. |4+ |

| |In creative work, pieces reflect a lot of imagination and sensitivity; the student employs literary and/or non-literary features | |

| |effectively that serve the context and intention. | |

| |The student shows a sophisticated command of relevant terminology, and uses it appropriately. | |

Comments/ Next Steps:


__________= MYP Level Ontario Level/Percent =___________


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