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Automated Transcriptions, Video Search, and Captions

Digital Anarchy Smart tools for creative minds.

w w w. d i g i t a l a n a r c h y. c o m

Transcriptive: Table of Contents

Transcriptive Contents

Keyboard Shortcuts4

Navigation4 Capitalization4 Line Merging/Splitting4 Punctuation Shortcuts:4 About This Manual5


Mac Demo:6 Windows Demo:6 Your Serial Number7

What is Transcriptive?8

How it works? 8

Why do we make you do this?


What are the costs?*9

Which Speech Algorithm Should I Use?


System Requirements10

Transcription Basics and User Interface


Launching Transcriptive11

First Thing...11

Signing Up with Watson and Speechmatics


Speech Engine Setup13

Critical Things to Know14

Clicking on The Transcriptive Panel


Load Transcripts: 14

Accuracy: 14


Maximum Length of transcript:


Closed Captions: 15

Edit Mode vs. Tracking Mode


Selecting Video/Audio to Transcribe


Transcribing A Sequence16

In/Out Points 16

? 2017, Digital Anarchy : Smart Tools for Creative Minds | Transcriptive

Transcriptive: Table of Contents

Batch Processing16

Batch Files16

Batch Folder 16

Batch Project 17

Transcriptive User Interface18

The Top Bar18

Main Menu18

New Transcripts18

Load Transcripts19

Import Transcript19

Plain Text 19

Existing Text File as A Transcript


SRT 19


Speechmatics 20

Speaker Management20

Getting Rid of Speakers20


Transcribe Dialog Box21

What we tell you21


Speaker Identification22

Identify Questions22

Align Current Text22

Transcription Status Field23


Group/Sentence View 25

Punctuation Bar26

Text Edit Window27

Speaker Identification Column27

Timecode Column27

Bottom Nav Bar28

Playback And Cursor Controls



Closed Captions and Subtitles (SRT, VTT, STL, SMPTE-TT) 28


? 2017, Digital Anarchy : Smart Tools for Creative Minds | Transcriptive

Transcriptive: Table of Contents


Plain Text31

Speech Analysis31

Sequence Markers31

But, you know... it's complicated.


... because size matters.32

Clip Markers32


Saving The File33

Text Edit Window34

There are two editing modes in Transcriptive.


Tracking Mode35

Here are the keyboard shortcuts:


Navigation36 Capitalization36 Line Merging/Splitting36 Punctuation Shortcuts:36 Edit Mode37 Playback Speed Button37


Search in The Transcriptive Panel


Search The Metadata Panel (Speech Analysis)


Speech Analysis for Video Clips


Searching The Source Panel


Speech Analysis for Sequences


Search The Markers Panel40

Working with Closed Captions41

Using SMPTE-TT with Premiere's Caption Panel


Syncing An Existing Transcript to Audio (adding timecode to a text file)


Importing A Text File42 Aligning The Text with Timecode (Syncing it with the speech in your video) 42 Troubleshooting section 46

? 2017, Digital Anarchy : Smart Tools for Creative Minds | Transcriptive

Transcriptive: Table of Contents

How to Get The Best Results from Transcriptive


Recording Your Audio 46

The Microphone 46

Background Noise 46

Talent That Can Enunciate 47

? 2017, Digital Anarchy : Smart Tools for Creative Minds | Transcriptive

Transcriptive: Install & Requirements

Keyboard Shortcuts

These shortcuts are available in Tracking Mode for easy editing. Learning to use these can make basic editing much faster. Especially when combined with increasing the Playback Speed to 1.5x or 2x.


Play/Stop: Next Word: Previous Word: Next Sentence: Previous Sent.: Next Speaker: Previous Sp.:

Spacebar Right Arrow Left Arrow Alt/Option+Right Arrow Alt/Opt+Left Arrow Alt/Opt+Shift+Right Arrow Alt/Opt+Shift+Left Arrow

Capitalization Make Upper case: Up Arrow Make Lower case: Down Arrow

Line Merging/Splitting Merge with line above: Split sentence and make new line:

Alt/Option + Up Arrow Alt/Opt + Down Arrow

Punctuation Shortcuts:

Period:.Left Single Quote: `



Right Single Quote: Command/Control + `

Question Mark:


Left Double Quote: Shift + "

Exclamation Point: !

Right Double Quote: Cmd/Cntrl + Shift + "


Left Parenthesis:


Right Parenthesis: )

Delete Word: Backspace/Delete Delete Punctuation: Cmd/Cntrl+Backspace


? 2017, Digital Anarchy : Smart Tools for Creative Minds | Transcriptive

Transcriptive: Install and Requirements

About This Manual

While the manual is a good resource, we recommend checking out the videos on Transcriptive to really get an understanding of how it works. Often it's easier to show something than to try to explain it with words, especially with something that's visual to begin with.

However, it can be hard to go into lots of detail in a video, so this manual usually provides more info than you'll find in the tutorial videos. The videos and manual are designed to complement each other.

Here are the tutorial videos, they're all 8 minutes or less:

Transcriptive Tutorial - Editing Transcripts and Keyboard Shortcuts

Transcriptive Tutorial - Speech Engine Setup

Transcriptive Tutorial - Requesting New Transcripts

Transcriptive Tutorial - Caption Formats

Transcriptive Tutorial - Installation and Activation

Transcriptive Tutorial - Installation and Activation


? 2017, Digital Anarchy : Smart Tools for Creative Minds | Transcriptive

Transcriptive: Install & Requirements


You can always download the most up-to-date version of Transcriptive from our Demo page. Your serial number will activate the demo.

Mac Demo: Download the .dmg file and run the Installer that's on the dmg.

This will install the Transcriptive panel and associated files into: Macintosh HD/Library/Application Support/Adobe/CEP/

It will also install the FLAC exporter into: Macintosh HD/Library/Application Support/Adobe/Common/Plugins/7.0/MediaCore/Digital Anarchy

Once the installer finishes, it'll bring up the Digital Anarchy Registration page. Please fill out the registration and close the installer.

Restart Premiere Pro and Transcriptive should show up in Premiere under Windows>Extensions>Transcriptive

If at some point you wish to uninstall Transcriptive completely (this is sometimes helpful in troubleshooting problems with a new version), run the Un-Installer.

Windows Demo:

Open the .zip file and launch the Transcriptve_Installer.exe. If you are updating or upgrading, you'll be asked if you want to uninstall Transcriptive. Click OK to run the un-installer. (highly recommended)

Click through the installer, agreeing to the license terms. The installer will automatically select the correct directory, don't change this unless you have an unusual system and you know where the panel should go.

This will install the Transcriptive panel, Premiere Power Search panel and associated files into: C:\Program Files\Adobe\Adobe Premiere Pro CC 2017\CEP\extensions

It will also install the FLAC exporter into: C:\Program Files\Adobe\Common\Plug-ins\7.0\MediaCore\Digital Anarchy

Once the installer finishes, it'll bring up the Digital Anarchy Registration page. Please fill out the registration and close the installer.

Restart Premiere Pro and Transcriptive should show up in Premiere under Windows>Extensions>Transcriptive

If at some point you wish to uninstall Transcriptive completely (this is sometimes helpful in troubleshooting


? 2017, Digital Anarchy : Smart Tools for Creative Minds | Transcriptive


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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