REL / HUM 293 Beginning Latin Week 2 NAME (Anglica

GREK 1110 Greek I Beginning Greek Module 14 Study Report 14


1. Reading Practice Read Matthew 6:9b-13 aloud from the GNT

Check here when done ___

2. Chapter 27, Section 27.4 - Writing Practice

Write out the Greek text by hand, while saying the Greek aloud

Check here when done ___

3. Chapter 27, Section 27.6

Add the vocabulary words to your stack of flash-cards

Check here when done ___

Go through your stack of flash cards at least once

Check here when done ___

4. Chapter 27, Sections 27.1 - 27.2

Write out the Future Indicative Active of κρίνω once, while saying the Greek aloud

Check here when done ___

Write out the Future Indicative Active of βάλλω once, while saying the Greek aloud

Check here when done ___

Write out the Future Indicative Active of αἰρω once, while saying the Greek aloud

Check here when done ___

Write out the Future Indicative Active of ἐγείρω once, while saying the Greek aloud

Check here when done ___

Drill the Practice Sentences until you can do them easily Check here when done ___

5. Videos : at


These videos are for John 2:18-19 Translation helps are at Chapter 27, Section 27.5

Check here when done ___

Note : Dr. Plummer translates 'λύσαte' as ‘destroy’ – it would be more correct to say ‘pull down’ (in the sense of ‘loose’)

What is the lexical form (dictionary form) of ἀπεκρίθησαν, and how is it translated here ______________________________________________

What verb is εἶπαν a part of, and how is it translated here ___________________

What is the lexical form of ἐγερῶ ___________________________

Parse ἐγερῶ : Tense _________ Voice _________ Mood _________ Person ______

Number (singular or plural) ____________

See Chapter 3 if you are not sure what this means

How is ἐγερῶ translated here ____________________________



1. Reading Practice Read Matthew 6:9b-13 aloud from the GNT

Check here when done ___

2. Chapter 27, Section 27.4 - Writing Practice

Write out the Greek text by hand, while saying the Greek aloud

Check here when done ___

3. Vocabulary : Go through your stack of flash cards at least once

Check here when done ___

4. Chapter 27, Section 27.3 - Sentences for reading and translation

Read aloud and translate the sentences











5. Videos : at


These videos are for John 2:20-21 Translation helps are at Chapter 27, Section 27.5

Check here when done ___

How does the author of John’s Gospel often use ἐκεῖνος _______________________

How does the author of John’s Gospel often use οὗτος ________________________

What term is used for a particular person’s style of writing _____________



1. Reading Practice Read Matthew 6:9b-13 aloud from the GNT

Check here when done ___

2. Chapter 28, Section 28.5 - Writing Practice

Write out the Greek text by hand, while saying the Greek aloud

Check here when done ___

3. Chapter 28, Section 28.7

Add the vocabulary words to your stack of flash-cards

Check here when done ___

Go through your stack of flash cards at least once

Check here when done ___

4. Chapter 28, Sections 28.1 - 28.2

A. Complete the following table

|English |Present |Future |Aorist |

| |ἔρχομαι | | |

| | | |ἔφαγον |

|I say | | | |

| | |ὄψομαι | |

|I run | | | |

| | | |ἤνεγκον or ἤνεγκα |

B. Chant each line of the table 6 times

Check here when done ___

C. Drill the Practice Sentences until you can do them easily

Check here when done ___



1. Reading Practice

Read Matthew 6:9b-13 aloud from the GNT

Check here when done ___

Read John 1:1 - 5 aloud from the GNT

Check here when done ___

2. Chapter 28, Section 28.5 - Writing Practice

Write out the Greek text by hand, while saying the Greek aloud

Check here when done ___

3. Vocabulary : Go through your stack of flash cards at least once

Check here when done ___

4. Chapter 28, Sections 28.1 - 28.2

Drill the Practice Sentences until you can do them easily

Check here when done ___

5. Chapter 28, Section 28.5 - Sentences for reading and translation

Read aloud and translate the sentences













1. Reading Practice : Read Matthew 6:9b-13 aloud from the GNT

Check here when done ___

2. Chapter 28, Section 28.6 - Writing Practice

Write out the Greek text by hand, while saying the Greek aloud.

Check here when done ___

3. Vocabulary : Go through your stack of flash cards at least once

Check here when done ___

4. Chapter 28, Section 28.7

a) In your GNT, read Matt. 12:18-21 aloud several times

Check here when done ___

b) Without referring to an English Bible, write out your translation of this passage :

c) Now look at the passage in the KJV, and compare it to your translation

What corrections might you make to your translation :

Review and Consolidation : Review chapter 20 Check here when done __

Discussion Board : Post your Thread to Discussion Board 14 :

“What insights did you get from this week’s videos?” Check here when done __

7. When you feel confident that you are ready, you should proceed to Test 14 on Canvas

You make take the test as many times as you like before the cut-off time.

Your highest score will count towards your course grade

8. Make a note here of any questions you have about this Module :

On the Monday following the Module :

1. by 9am - Post Replies to two of your classmates’ Threads on Discussion Board 14

2. by 9am - Save and Submit Study Report 14 (this file) to the relevant box on Canvas

3. by 12 noon - Complete Test 14 on Canvas


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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