Fonds France Canada pour la Recherche

2021 “New research collaboration” program

Application form

(aussi disponible en français)


Please respond to the following questions

Eligibility questions:

1/ Have you ever received FCRF funding with your partner or with one of the members of the partner team?



2/ Have you ever signed a doctoral or postdoctoral contract with the partner team?



3/ Does your project consist of the organization of a joint symposium?



If you answered YES to any of these questions, you are not eligible to apply


Secondary questions:

1/ Are doctoral students included in your team or are they associated with the project?



2/ Are young researchers involved in the project?



3/ Do you intend to apply to any complementary FCRF financing programs? (see Appendix 1 in the guide)

YES Please specify which one(s)


4/ Your project is related to one of the following field(s), please check (several can be checked):

Bio/ Health

Environment/ Biodiversity/ Agri.

Information Technology/ Security/ Communications

Energy/ Resources/ Transports

Humanities/ Cultural Diversity/ Francophony/ Society


New Scientific Collaboration Support Program

Application form

(Également disponible en français)

Project title:     

Scientific field:

Math/Applied mathematics


Earth & Space sciences


Engineering sciences

2021 Focus: Societal impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic

Biology, Health, Medicine

Human sciences

Social Sciences


Agronomy, Vegetable & Animal Production

1. Partners

| |French team |Canadian team |

|Lead researcher |

|Surname, given name |      |      |

|Position / grade |      |      |

|Telephone |      |      |

|Fax |      |      |

|Email |      |      |

|Laboratory | | |

|Name |      |      |

|Identification No. |      |N/A |

|Director (Surname, given name) |      |      |

|Home institution |      |      |

|Address |      |      |

|Postal code |      |      |

|Telephone |      |      |

|Fax |      |      |

|Email |      |      |

|Names of research unit directors |      |      |

| | | |


(A maximum of 6 pages is allotted for sections 2–7)

2. Project description

|Project focus |

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|Methodology |

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3. Team overview (provide CVs in the Appendix: maximum of 4 CVs)

|Composition of teams involved in the project |

|(surname, given name, position, grade, % of involvement in the project) |

|France: |

|Researchers |

|      |

|Technicians/Research assistants |

|      |

|Students (jointly-supervised doctorates, potential joint PhDs) |

|      |

|Canada: |

|Researchers |

|      |

|Technicians/Research assistants |

|      |

|Students (jointly-supervised doctorates, potential joint PhDs) |

|      |

4. Synergy between the French and Canadian research teams

|      |

5. Resources available for project execution: (ex: field/analytic/bibliographic resources, databases)

|In France: |

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|in Canada: |

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6. Viability of and prospects for collaboration (ex: research-based training, academic collaboration, publications, communication, organization of symposia, economic/social/industrial optimization)

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7. Projected project timeline

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8. Budgetary requests

(1 page maximum)

|Reminder: |

|Amount of funds requested: between $8,000 and $15,000 |

|Funds available for a period of: 2 years |

|Type of eligible expenses |Details of estimated cost (Number of persons involved, number of trips) |Cost |% |

|Air transport |      |      |       |

|Travel expenses in France |      |      |      |

|Accommodations |      |      |      |

|(France) | | | |

|Travel expenses in Canada |      |      |      |

|Accommodations |      |      |      |

|(Canada) | | | |

|Other (not including |      |      |      |

|salaries). 10% maximum. | | | |

|Total | |      |100 |

Budget justification

The candidate must justify each item included in the budget.

|       |

Appendix – detailed CV for each team member

(Lead researcher for each team and other collaborators—maximum of 4 CVs)


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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