|NATIONS | | |

|[pic][pic] | | |

| |United Nations |Distr. |

| |Environment |GENERAL |

| |Programme | |

| | |UNEP/OzL.Pro/WG.1/21/INF/1 |

| | |4 May 2001 |

| | | |





Twenty-first meeting

Montreal, 24-26 July 2001



Note by the secretariat

Parties are invited to provide the secretariat periodically with updated information on the names and contact details of the focal points in the attached list for inclusion in subsequent circulars, in accordance with the provisions of paragraph 2 of decision IX/8.

Focal Points for Licensing System for Trade in Ozone Depleting Substances

(Decision IX/8)

| |Party |Address |

| |Algeria |Mr. Mohamed El Hadi Bennadji |

| | |Secretariat d'Etat Chargé de |

| | |l’Environnement |

| | |Direction Générale de |

| | |l'Environnement |

| | |Bureau Ozone Algérie |

| |Antigua & Barbuda |Palais Mustapha Pacha |

| | |Avenue de l'Independance |

| | |Algers, Algeria |

| | |Tel: (213) 265 2967 |

| | |Fax: (213) 265 2802 |

| | |Mr. D. Sorhaindo |

| | |Industrilization Commission/ODS Officer |

| | |Ministry of Commerce, Industry and Business Development |

| | |Redcliffe Street |

| | |St. John’s Antigua |

| | |Tel: (1 268) 562-1609 |

| | |Fax: (1 268) 462-1625 |

| | |Email: dsorhaindo@ |

| | |Odsunit@candw.ag |

|3 |Australia |Ms. Annie Ilett |

| | |Director |

| | |Ozone Protection Section |

| | |Environment Protection Group |

| | |Environment Australia |

| | |P.O. Box E305 |

| | |Kingston ACT 2604 |

| | |Tel: (61-2) 6274 1481 |

| | |Fax: (61-2) 6274 1172 |

| | |E-mail: Annie.ilett@.au |

| | |Mr. Milton Catelin |

| | |Director |

| | |Ozone Protection |

| | |Environment Australia |

| | |P.O. Box E305 |

| | |Kingston ACT 2604 |

| | |Tel: (61-2) 6274 1481 |

| | |Fax: (61-2) 6274 1172 |

| | |Email: milton.catelin@.au |

| |Austria |Dr. Paul Krajnik |

| | |Ministry of the Environment, Youth |

| | |and Family Affairs |

| | |Stubenbastei 5 |

| | |A-1010 Vienna |

| | |Austria |

| | |Tel: (43-1) 51522/2350 |

| | |Fax (43-1) 51522/7334 |

| | |Email: paul.krajnik@bmu.gv.at |

| |Azerbaijan |Mr. Astan Shahverdiev |

| | |The State Committee of Azerbaijan |

| | |Republic on Ecology and Nature |

| | |Utilization Control |

| | |31, Istiglaliyyat Street |

| | |370001, Baku, Azerbaijan |

| | |Tel: (99412) 926019 |

| | |Fax: (99412) 925907 |

| |Bahamas |Dr. Donald Cooper |

| | |Director/Ozone Focal Point |

| | |Department of Environmental Health Services |

| | |Nassau Court |

| | |P.O. Box SS-19048 |

| | |Nassau, Bahamas |

| | |Tel: (242) 322 4908 |

| | |Fax: (242) 322 3607 |

| | |Email: dcooper@dehs.bs |

| |Bahrain |Eng. Jameel Eksail |

| | |National Ozone Officer |

| | |Environmental Affairs |

| | |Ministry of Housing, Municipalities |

| | |& Environment |

| | |P.O. Box 26909, Manama, Bahrain |

| | |Tel: (0973) 293693 |

| | |Fax: (0973) 310653/293694 |

| | |Email: ozoneea@.bh |

| |Bangladesh |Mr. Abdur Rab Khan |

| | |Director General |

| | |Department of Environment |

| | |Ministry of Environment and Forest |

| | |Plot-E, 16-Agargaon |

| | |Sher-e-Bangla Nager, Dhaka-1207 |

| | |Tel: 880-2-812461 |

| | |Fax: 880-2-9118682 |

| |Barbados |Mrs. Wendy Walker-Drakes |

| | |Environmental Officer |

| | |Environment Division |

| | |Ministry of Health and the |

| | |Environment |

| | |4th Floor, Sir Frank Walcott Blg. |

| | |Culloden Road, St. Michael |

| | |Barbados |

| | |Tel: (246) 431 7682/80 |

| | |Fax: (246) 437 8859 |

| |Belarus |Mr. Vladimir Minchenya |

| | |Head, Ozone Office, MNREP |

| | |10, Kollektornayan Str. Minsk |

| | |220048 Belarus |

| | |Tel: (375 172) 206050 |

| | |Fax/tel: (375 172) 203972 |

| | |Email: minproos@minproos.belpak.minsk.by |

| |Belgium |Ms.Coppens Lud |

| | |Belgian Federal Department of the Environment |

| | |Studies & Coordination Office |

| | |R.A.C. Vesalius Building |

| | |Pachécolaan 19 box 5 |

| | |B1010 Brussels |

| | |Tel: (32-2) 210 4671 |

| | |Fax: (32-2) 210 4852 |

| |Belize |Mr. Ismael Fabro |

| | |Chief Environmental Officer |

| | |Department of the Environment |

| | |Ministry of Natural Resources and the |

| | |Environment |

| | |10/12 Ambergris Avenue |

| | |Belmopan, Belize, C.A. |

| | |Tel: (501) 8 22816/22542 |

| | |Fax: (501) 8 22862 |

| |Benin |Monsieur Imorou Séidou |

| | |Directeur de Cabine, Président du Comité National Ozone |

| | |Ministère de l’Environnement, de l’Habitat et de l’Urbanisme |

| | |01 BP 3621 Cotonou |

| | |Republic of Bénin |

| | |Tel: (229) 312065 |

| | |Fax: (229) 315081 |

| | |Monsieur Tchabi Vincent Isidore |

| | |Directeur de l’Environnement |

| | |Coordonnateur du Bureau National Ozone, Point Focal |

| | |Ministère de l’Environnement, de l’Habitat |

| | |Et de l’Urbanism |

| | |Addresse: 01 BP 3621 Cotonou |

| | |Bénin |

| | |Tel: (229) 312065/315596 |

| | |Fax: (229) 315081 |

| |Brazil |Mrs. Marilia Marreco Cerqueira |

| | |Coordinator of PROZON |

| | |Director of the Department of |

| | |Environmental Administration |

| | |Ministry of the Environment, Water |

| | |Resources and the Legal Amazon |

| | |Region |

| | |Esplanada dos Ministerios, |

| | |Bloco B, 8 Andar |

| | |70.068-900, Brasilia, DF |

| | |Tel: (55 61) 317 1215 |

| | |Fax: (55 61) 323 8318 |

| | |Email: MMCERQUEIRA@.BR |

| |Brunei Darussalam |Head, Environment Unit |

| | |Ministry of Development |

| | |Bandar Seri Begawan BB 3510 |

| | |Negara Brunei Darussalam |

| | |Tel: 383222 |

| | |Fax: 383644 |

| |Bulgaria |Ms. Lidia Assenova |

| | |Senior Expert |

| | |Ministry of Environment and Water |

| | |67 Gladstone Str. |

| | |1000 Sofia |

| | |Republic of Bulgaria |

| |Burkina Faso |Monsieur Yameogo T. Victor |

| | |Coordonnateur du Programme de Pays Ozone |

| | |Bureau ozone |

| | |Minist(re de l’environnement et de l’eau |

| | |03 BP 7044 Ouagadougou 03 |

| | |Burkina Faso |

| | |Tel: (226) 306397 |

| | |Fax: (226) 318134/306767 |

| | |Email: yam.t.v@fasonet.bf |

| |Burundi |Monsieur Gabriel Hakizimana |

| | |Ministère de l’Aménagement du Territoire et |

| | |de l’Environnement |

| | |Coordonnateur National du Bureau Ozone |

| | |B.P 1365 Bujumbura |

| | |Tel: (257) 235964 |

| | |Fax: (257) 228902 |

| | |E-mail: biodiv@ |

| |Cameroon |Mr. Joseph Janvier Mvoto Obounou |

| | |Coordinator, National Ozone Programme |

| | |Ministry of the Environment and Forests |

| | |P.O. Box 14276, Yaounde, Cameroon |

| | |Tel: (237) 239227 |

| | |Fax: (237) 229489/239461 |

| |Canada | |

| | |Mr. Bernard Made |

| | |Chief, Chemicals Control Division |

| | |Commercial Chemicals |

| | |Evaluation Branch |

| | |Environmental Protection Service |

| | |Environment Canada |

| | |14th Floor, 351St |

| | |Joseph Boulevard, Hull, QC |

| | |K1A 0H3 |

| | |Tel: (819) 994-3648 |

| | |Fax: (819) 994-0007 |

| |Central African Republic |Mr. Laurent Ganguenon |

| | |Coordinator, Ozone National Office |

| | |P.O. Box 828 |

| | |Bangui |

| | |Central African Republic |

| | |Tel: (236) 611942 |

| | |Fax: (236 614918 |

| |Chad |Mr. Ali Ngaram |

| | |Point Focal Ozone du Tchad |

| | |Ministère de l’Environnement et de l’Eau |

| | |P.O. Box 4205 |

| | |Ndjamena, Chad |

| | |Tel: (235) 523123 |

| | |Fax: (235) 523839 |

| |Chile |Mr. Carlos Canales |

| | |Coordinador |

| | |Programa Ozono |

| | |Comision Nacional del Medio |

| | |Ambiente |

| | |Av. Obispo Donoso 6, Providencia |

| | |P.O. Box 265, Santiago 55 |

| | |Santiago, Chile |

| | |Tel: (562) 2405726 |

| | |Fax: (562) 2443436 |

| |Colombia |Dra. Piedad Helena Estrada Correa |

| | |Subdirectora T(cnica Aduanera |

| | |Direcci(n de Impuestos y Aduanas |

| | |Nacionales, Carrera 8 No.6-60, piso 6 |

| | |Santaf( de Bogot(, D.C. Colombia |

| | |Tel: (571) 3334956 |

| | |Fax: (571) 3338148 |

| | |Ing. Marco Aurelio Pinz(n Peńa |

| | |Coordinator Nacional |

| | |Unidad T(cnica Ozono |

| | |Ministerio del Medio Ambiente |

| | |Santaf( de Bogot(, D.C. Colombia |

| | |Tel: (571) 3383900 Ext. 470 |

| | |Fax: (571) 3406215 |

| | |Email: utrozono@.co |

| |Comoros |Mr. Said Hachim OUSSEIN |

| | |Coordinator and Focal Point |

| | |National Ozone Unit |

| | |Ministere de las Production |

| | |Et de P’ Environment |

| | |BP 41, Moroni, Comores |

| | |Tel: 269-74-46-30/73-56-30 |

| | |Fax: 269-74-46-32 |

| | |Email:Kassim.fao@sntp.km |

| |Costa Rica |Msc. Alfonso Liao Lee |

| | |Comisión Gubernamental del Ozono |

| | |Ministerio del Ambiente y Energia |

| | |Apartado: 7-3350-1000 |

| | |San José, Costa Rica |

| | |Tel: (506) 233 1791 |

| | |Fax: (506) 233 1837 |

| |Croatia |Ms. Hana Mesic |

| | |Adviser |

| | |Air Protection Department |

| | |State Directorate for the Protection of Nature and Environment |

| | |Ulica Grada Vukovara 78 |

| | |10000 Zagreb |

| | |Croatia |

| | |Tel: (385) 161 54689 |

| | |Fax: (385) 161 54689 |

| | |Email: hana.mesic@duzo.tel.hr |

| |Cote D’Ivoire |Mr. Zadi Dakouri Rapha(l |

| | |Assistant-Chef du Projet Ozone |

| | |Ministere du Logement, du Cadre de Vie |

| | |Et de L’Environnement |

| | |Direction Centrale de L’Environnement |

| | |Citad tour D 11eme BP |

| | |V 153 Abidjan, C(te d’Ivoire |

| | |Tel: (225) 210623 |

| | |Fax: (225) 210495 |

| |Cuba |Dr. Nelson Espinosa Pena |

| | |Director de la Oficina Técnica de |

| | |Ozono de Cuba |

| | |Ministerio de Ciencia, Tecnologia |

| | |y Medio Ambiente |

| | |Calle 47 e/ J8A y 20 |

| | |Miramar, Municipio Playa |

| | |Ciudad de La Habana, Cuba |

| | |Tel: (537) 221592 |

| | |Fax: (537) 244255/244041 |

| |Czech Republic |Mr. Jiri Dobiásovsky |

| | |Ministry of the Environment of the |

| | |Czech Republic |

| | |Vrsovická 65, 100 10 Prague 10 |

| | |Tel: (4202) 67122365 |

| | |Fax: (4202) 67310166 |

| | |Email: dobiasovsky@env.cz |

| |Denmark |Central Customs and Tax Administration |

| | |René Ringsted-Binderup |

| | |Oestbanegade 123 |

| | |DK-2100 Copenhagen q |

| | |Tel: (45 35) 292368 |

| | |Fax: (45 35) 434720 |

| |Dominican Republic |Ing. Rafael Veloz |

| | |Coordinador Comité Gubernamental de Ozono |

| | |Secretaria de Estado de Agricultura |

| | |Carretera Duarte Km. 71/2, Edif. Secretaria de |

| | |Estado de Agricultura, Santo Domingo D.N. |

| | |Dominican Republic |

| | |Tel: (809) 547-3284 |

| | |Fax: (809) 547-3305 |

| | |Email: cogord@.do |

| |Ecuador |Ingeniero Jorge Fernando Carvajal |

| | |Jefe de la División de Gestión Ambiental |

| | |Ministerio de Industrias, Comercio Exterior |

| | |Integración y Pesca |

| | |Avenida Eley Alfaro y Amazonas, Edificio MAG |

| | |Direción de Industrias 3o. Piso |

| | |Tel: (593 2) 542565 |

| | |Fax: (593 2) 546691 |

| |Egypt |Mr. El-Sayed About El-Komsan |

| | |Section Head of Foreign Trading |

| | |Ministry of Trade, Cairo, Egypt |

| | |Tel: 2037726/2037674 |

| | |Fax: 2037383 |

| | |Mr. Mohsen Abdel Rasool Mohammed |

| | |General Manager of the Commercial Exchange |

| | |Researches Department |

| | |Section of Foreign Trading |

| | |Ministry of Trade, Cairo, Egypt |

| | |Tel: 2035736 |

| | |Fax: 2037383 |

| |El Salvador |Sr. Francisco E. Guevara |

| | |Coordinador |

| | |Oficina de Protección del Ozono |

| | |Ministro del Medio Ambiente y |

| | |Recursos Naturales |

| | |Edificio IPSFA 2o Nivel |

| | |Avenida Roosevelt entre 55 y 57 |

| | |Avenida Norte |

| | |San Salvador, El Salvador |

| | |Tel: (503) 260 8900 |

| | |Fax: (503) 260 5637 |

| | |Email: sema@sal. |

| |Estonia |Mr. Jaan Saar |

| | |Head of Air Management Office |

| | |Ministry of the Environment |

| | |Toompuiestee 24 |

| | |EE0100 Tallinn |

| | |Estonia |

| | |Tel: (372) 6262800 |

| | |Fax: (372) 6262801 |

| |Ethiopia |Mr. Kinfe Hailemariam |

| | |Assistant ODS Officer |

| | |P.O. Box 1090 |

| | |Addis Ababa, Ethiopia |

| | |Tel: 251-1-512299 Ext.239 |

| | |Fax: 251-1-517066 |

| | |Email: NMSA@.et |

| |European Community |Mr. Prudencio Perera |

| | |European Commission |

| | |Directorate-General XI.D.4 |

| | |Rue de la Loi 200 |

| | |1049 Bruxelles |

| | |Belgium |

| | |Tel: (32) 2 295 4099 |

| | |Fax: (32) 2 296 9557 |

| |Fiji |Mr. Epeli Nasome |

| | |Director, Department of Environment |

| | |18 Richards Road Domain |

| | |P.O. Box 2131 Govt. Buildings |

| | |Suva, Fiji Islands |

| | |Tel: (679) 311699 |

| | |Fax: (679) 312879 |

| |Finland |Mrs. Eliisa Irpola |

| | |Finnish Environment Institute |

| | |Chemicals Division |

| | |P.O. Box 140 |

| | |FIN-00251 Helsinki |

| | |Finland |

| | |Tel: (358-9) 40 300 525 |

| | |Fax: (358-9) 40 300 591 |

| | |Email: eliisa.irpola@vyh.fi |

| |France |Mme Laurence Musset |

| | |Chef du bureau des substances et |

| | |préparations chimiques |

| | |Sous-direction des substances et |

| | |déchets |

| | |Direction de la prévention des |

| | |pollution et des risques |

| | |Ministere de l'Aménagement du |

| | |Territoire et de l'Environnement |

| | |20, avenue de Ségur |

| | |75302 Paris cedex 07 SP |

| | |Tel: (33-1) 4219 1585 |

| | |Fax: (33-1) 4219 1468 |

| |The Gambia |Mr. Baboucar A. Badjan |

| | |ODS Officer |

| | |National Environment Agency |

| | |PMB 48, 5, Fitzerald Street |

| | |Banjul, The Gambia |

| | |Tel: (220) 228056 |

| | |Fax: (220) 229701 |

| | |Email: nea@ |

| |Georgia |Ms. Lia Todua |

| | |Head, Division of International Programmes |

| | |Main Division of Air Protection |

| | |Ministry of Environment of Georgia |

| | |68a, Kostava str., 380015, Tbilisi, Georgia |

| | |Tel: (995 32) 333952 |

| | |Fax: (995 32) 943670 |

| | |Email: airdept@ |

| |Germany |Dr. Heinrich W. Kraus |

| | |Head of Division |

| | |Protection of the Ozone Layer |

| | |Federal Ministry for the Environment, Nature |

| | |Conservation and Nuclear Safety |

| | |Bernkasteler Strabe 8 |

| | |D-53048 Bonn |

| | |Germany |

| | |Tel: (49 228) 305 2750 |

| | |Fax: (49 228) 305 3524 |

| | |Email: ig252003@wp-gate.bmu.de |

| |Ghana |The Executive Director |

| | |Environmental Protection Agency |

| | |P.O. Box MB.326 |

| | |Accra, Ghana |

| | |Tel: (233-21) 664697/8 |

| | |Fax: (233-21) 662690, 667374 |

| |Grenada |Mr. John Auguste |

| | |Senior Energy |

| | |Ministry of Communications, Works & |

| | |Public Utilities |

| | |Young Street, St. George’s |

| | |Grenada |

| | |Tel: (473) 440 1339 |

| | |Fax: (473) 440 4122 |

| |Guatemala |Dr. Hugo Figueroa |

| | |Oficial ODS |

| | |Instituto Nacional de Meteorologia |

| | |7 Av. 14-57 Zona 13 |

| | |Código Postal 0013 |

| | |Tel: (502) 334-79-22 |

| | |Fax: (502 334-7922 |

| | |Email: oznet@quik. |

| |Guyana |Mr. Sheikh M.Khan |

| | |Coordinator, Guyana’s Country Programme |

| | |18 Brickdam, Stabroek |

| | |Georgetown, Guyana |

| | |Tel: 592-2-60341 |

| | |Fax: 592-2-60341 |

| | |Email: smkhym@.gy |

| |Haiti |Mr. Moïse Jean-Pierre |

| | |Ministère de l’Environnement |

| | |181, Haut Turgeau |

| | |Port-au-Prince, Haïti |

| | |Tel: (509) 245 1562/245 0635 |

| | |(509) 245 1360 |

| | |Email: moisejp8@ |

| |Honduras |Mr. Francisco J. Argenal |

| | |Coordinator UTOH |

| | |Subsecretaria del Ambiente |

| | |Apartado postal #4710 |

| | |Honduras |

| | |Tel: (504) 237 5725 |

| | |Fax: (504) 237 5726 |

| | |Email: utoh@.hn |

| |Hungary |Mr. Robert Tóth |

| | |Head of Department |

| | |Department of Integrated Pollution |

| | |Control |

| | |Ministry for Environment and |

| | |Regional Policy |

| | |1011 Budapest I., Fo utca 44-50 |

| | |Levélcim: 1394 Budapest |

| | |Postafiók: 351 |

| | |Tel: (36-1) 457 3300 |

| | |Fax: (36-1) 201 3056 |

| | |Email: robert.toth@ktm.x400gw.itb.hu |

| |Iceland |Ms. Sigurbjorg Gisladottir |

| | |Environmental and Food Agency |

| | |Armuli la |

| | |108 Reykjavik |

| | |Iceland |

| | |Tel: (354) 568 8848 |

| | |Fax: (354) 568 1896 |

| | |Email: sigurbjo@hollver.is |

| |India |Mr. Atul Bagai |

| | |Director (Ozone Cell) |

| | |Zone IV, East Court |

| | |2nd Floor, India Habitat Centre |

| | |Lodhi Road, New Delhi 110003 |

| | |India |

| | |Tel: (91-11) 4642176 |

| | |Fax: (91-11) 4642175 |

| |Indonesia |Mr. Gunardi |

| | |Deputy Assistant to the Minister |

| | |Ozone Officer |

| | |Jl.D.I. Panjaitan kav.24 – Kebon Nanas |

| | |Jakarta 13410 |

| | |Indonesia |

| | |Tel: (62 21) 8517164 |

| | |Fax: (62 21) 8580111 |

| | |Email: ozonenet@.id |

| |Iran |Mr. Mostafa Sarmadi |

| | |Director of the International Affairs and consultant to the Minister of Commerce, Ministry of |

| | |Commerce |

| | |Tehran ValieAsr SQ, Arjang St. #2 |

| | |Tel: (9821) 892566 |

| | |Fax: (9821) 893945 |

| |Ireland |Mr. Matthew Collins |

| | |Air/Climate Section |

| | |Department of the Environment and |

| | |Local Government |

| | |Custom House |

| | |Dublin 1, Ireland |

| | |Tel: (353-1) 679 3377 |

| | |Fax: (353-1) 874 2423 |

| | |Email: matthew_collins@environ.irlgov.ie |

| |Israel |Mr. Avi Moshel |

| | |Montreal Protocol Coordinator |

| | |Division of Air Quality |

| | |Ministry of the Environment |

| | |P.O. Box 34033 |

| | |Jerusalem 95464, Israel |

| | |Tel: (972 2) 655 3780 |

| | |Fax: (972 2) 655 3763 |

| |Italy |Ms. Giuliana Gasparrini |

| | |Ministry of Environment |

| | |Department of Air and Acoustic Pollution, Global Atmosphere, Industrial Risks |

| | |Via della Ferratella in Laterano, 33 |

| | |1-00184 Roma, Italy |

| | |Tel: (396) 703 62403 |

| | |Fax: (396) 772 57016 |

| | |Email: ggasparrini@pelagus.it |

| |Jamaica |Mrs. Veronica Alleyne |

| | |Ozone Officer |

| | |Natural Resources Conservation Authority |

| | |53½ Molynes Road |

| | |Kingston 10, Jamaica |

| | |Tel: (876) 923-5155/923-5125 |

| | |Fax: (876) 923-5070 |

| |Japan |Ms. Akiko Ono |

| | |Chief, ozone Layer Protection Office |

| | |Ministry of International Trade and |

| | |Industry (MITI) |

| | |1-3-1 Kasumigaseki, Chiyoda-Ku |

| | |100 Tokyo, Japan |

| | |Tel: (81-3) 3501 4724 |

| | |Fax: (81-3) 3580 6347 |

| | |Email: faaa2559@miti.go.jp |

| | |Mr. Masatoshi Sato |

| | |Assistant Director |

| | |Global Issues Division |

| | |Multilateral Cooperation Department |

| | |Foreign Policy Bureau |

| | |Ministry of Foreign Affairs |

| | |Kasumigaseki 2-2-1 |

| | |1100 Chiyoda-Ku |

| | |Tokyo, Japan |

| | |Tel: (81-3) 3581 3882 |

| | |Fax: (81-3) 3592 0364 |

| | |Email: masatoshi.sato@mofa.go.jp |

| |Jordan |Eng. Ghazi Odat |

| | |Deputy Director General & Head |

| | |Ozone Office |

| | |P.O. Box 1512 |

| | |Al Jubaiha - Amman, Jordan |

| | |Fax: (962) 6 5350084 |

| |Kiribati |The Permanent Secretary |

| | |Ministry of Environment and Social |

| | |Development, Environment Unit |

| | |P.O. Box 234, Bikenibeu |

| | |Tarawa, Republic of Kiribati |

| | |Tel: (686) 28593 |

| | |Fax: (686) 28334/28593 |

| |Democratic People’s Republic of |Mr. Pak Hyok |

| |Korea |Desk Officer, National Co-ordinating Committee |

| | |for Environment, DPR of Korea |

| | |Jungsongdong, Sungri Street, Junggu District |

| | |Pyongyang, DPR of Korea |

| | |Tel: (850-2) 382 7224 |

| | |Fax: (850-2) 381 4660 |

| |Republic of Korea |Mr. Kyung-Moon Park |

| | |Deputy Director |

| | |Chemicals and Biotechnology Industries Division |

| | |Ministry of Industry and Energy |

| | |Kwacheon 427-760 |

| | |Republic of Korea |

| | |Tel: (82-2) 500 2547 |

| | |Fax: (82-2) 503 9492 |

| |Kuwait |Dr. Mohammad A. Al-Sarawi |

| | |Director General |

| | |Environment Public Authority |

| | |C/o Dr. Saud Al-Rashied |

| | |Chairman National Ozone Committee |

| | |P.O. Box 24395 |

| | |Safat 13104 |

| | |Kuwait |

| | |Tel: 965 4 821285-9 Ext390/99 |

| | |Fax: 965 4 820599 |

| |Lao |Mrs. Keobang Keola |

| | |Deputy Director of Cabinet of the Science |

| | |Technology and Environmental Organization (STENO) |

| | |Science Technology and Environmental |

| | |Organization (STENO) |

| | |P.O. Box 2279 Vientiane Municipality |

| | |Republique Democratique Populaire Lao |

| | |Mr. Khampha Keomanichanh |

| | |Officer, Cooperation Division |

| | |Technology and Environmental Organization (STENO) |

| | |Science Technology and Environmental |

| | |Organization (STENO) |

| | |P.O. Box 2279 Vientiane Municipality |

| | |Republique Democratique Populaire Lao |

| |Lebanon |Mr. Mazen Hussein |

| | |Ozone Office Project Manager |

| | |P.O. Box 70-1091 |

| | |Antelias, Lebanon |

| | |Tel: (961) 4-522222 |

| | |Fax: (961) 4-418910 |

| | |Email: mkhussein@.lb |

| |Libya |Eng. Khalifa Abdulla Elawej |

| | |Pollution’s Combat & Emergency |

| | |Technical Center for Environment Protection |

| | |P.O. Box 83618, Turkya Street |

| | |Tripoli, Libya |

| | |Tel: (218) 21 4445795/4446868 |

| | |Fax: (218) 21 3338097/3338098 |

| |Liechtenstein |Mr. Manfred Frick |

| | |Environment Office |

| | |Stadtle 38, FL-9490 Vaduz |

| | |Liechtenstein |

| |Lithuania |Marija Teriosina |

| | |Ozone Focal Point |

| | |Environmental Protection Ministry |

| | |of the Republic of Lithuania |

| | |Juozapaviciaus 9 |

| | |2600 Vilnius, Lithuania |

| | |Tel: (370 2) 722509 |

| | |Fax: (370 2) 728020 |

| |Luxembourg |Monsieur Théo Weber |

| | |Directeur adjoint |

| | |Administration de l'Environnement |

| | |1, rue Bender |

| | |L-1229 Luxembourg |

| | |Tel: (352) 405656 241 |

| | |Fax: (352 485078 |

| |Macedonia |Mr. Ko-ov Marin |

| | |Ministry of Urbanism, Civil |

| | |Engineering and Environment |

| | |Ozone Unit |

| | |Skopska Crvena Optina b.b. |

| | |91000 Skopje |

| | |Republic of Macedonia |

| | |Phone/Fax: (389 91) 136 220 |

| | |Email: ozonunit@.mk |

| |Malawi |The Director of Environmental |

| | |Affairs |

| | |Private Bag 394 |

| | |Capital City |

| | |Lilongwe 3, Malawi |

| | |Tel: 265-781 111 |

| | |Fax: 265-783 379 |

| |Malaysia |Mr. Abd. Kadir Yaakup |

| | |Secretary General |

| | |Ministry of International Trade and |

| | |Industry, 10th Floor, Block 10 |

| | |Government Office Complex |

| | |Jalan Duta |

| | |50622 Kuala Lumpur |

| | |Malaysia |

| | |Tel: (603) 6510033/6516022 Ext.4662 |

| | |Fax: (603) 65123026 |

| |Malta |Mr. Joseph Callus |

| | |Head |

| | |Pollution Control Coordinating Unit |

| | |Starkey Annexe |

| | |Vittoriosa |

| | |Malta |

| | |Tel: (356) 678034 |

| | |Fax: (356) 660108 |

| |Mauritius |Mr. M.A. Busawon |

| | |Environment Officer |

| | |National Ozone Unit |

| | |Ministry of Local Government & Environment |

| | |Ken Lee Tower |

| | |Barracks Stree, Port Luis |

| | |Mauritius |

| |Mexico |Francesco Castronovo Solana |

| | |Coordinator |

| | |Ozone Protection Unit |

| | |National Institute of Ecology |

| | |Environment Ministry |

| | |Av. Revolucion No.1425 |

| | |Torre Nivel 30 |

| | |Col. San Angel, C.P. 01040 |

| | |Mexico City, Mexico |

| | |Tel: (52 5) 624 3548/49 |

| | |Fax: (52 5) 624 3627 |

| |Monaco |Mr. Patrick Cellario |

| | |Director |

| | |Direction de l’Environment, de l’urbanisme et de la construction |

| | |23, avenue Price Hereditaire Albert |

| | |MC 98000 Monaco |

| | |Tel: (377) 9315 8276 |

| | |Fax: (377) 9315 8802 |

| |Mongolia |Mrs. Batsukh Bolormaa |

| | |Department of International |

| | |Cooperation |

| | |Government Building No.3 |

| | |Baga Toiruu - 44 |

| | |Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia |

| | |Tel: (976-1) 312269 |

| | |Fax: (976-1) 321401 |

| |Morocco |Mr. Abderrahim Chakour |

| | |Chef de la Division des Industries Chimiques |

| | |et Parachimiques |

| | |Direction Production Industrielle |

| | |Ministère de l’Industrie, du Commerce et de |

| | |l’Artisanat |

| | |Quartier Administratif-Chellah |

| | |Rabat, Morocco |

| | |Tel: (212 7) 762297 |

| | |Fax: (212 7) 763637 |

| |Mozambique |Ministry for the Coordination of |

| | |Environment Affairs |

| | |Av. Acordos de Lusaka, 2115 |

| | |C.P. 2020 - Maputo |

| | |Mozambique |

| | |Tel: 465843/48/51 |

| | |Fax: 465849 |

| | |Email: micoa@ambinet.uem.mz |

| |Myanmar |Mr. Daw Yin Yin Lay |

| | |Director, National Commission for |

| | |Environmental Affairs (NCEA) |

| | |No.(37) Thantaman Road |

| | |Dagon P.O, Yangon Myanmar |

| | |Tel: (951) 221594 |

| | |Fax: (951) 221546 |

| |Namibia |Mr. Eliakim W.Shiluwa |

| | |Ozone Officer |

| | |Ministry of Trade & Industry |

| | |Private Bag 13340 |

| | |Windhoek, Namibia |

| | |Tel: (264) 61283 7278 |

| | |Fax: (264) 61259 676 |

| |Netherlands |Dr. J.A. van Haasteren |

| | |Ministry of Housing, Spatial Planning and |

| | |the Environment |

| | |Directorate Industry and Consumer Policy, ipc 650 |

| | |Products and Consumer Division |

| | |8, Rijnstraat, P.O. Box 30945 |

| | |2500 GX The Hague |

| | |The Netherlands |

| | |Tel: 31 70 339 4879 |

| | |Fax: 31 70 339 1293 |

| | |Email: vanhaasteren@icb.dgm.minvrom.nl |

| |New Zealand |Terry Collier |

| | |Senior Advisor, Industry and |

| | |Environment Unit |

| | |Resources and Networks Branch |

| | |Ministry of Commerce |

| | |P.O. Box 1473 |

| | |Wellington, New Zealand |

| | |Tel: (64 4) 472 0030 |

| | |Fax: (64 4) 473 2489 |

| | |Email: CollierT@t.nz |

| |Nicaragua |Ms. H. Espinoza Urbina |

| | |Punto Focal del Ozone |

| | |Ministerio del Ambiente y Recursos Naturales |

| | |Apdo. Postal No.5123 |

| | |Managua, Nicaragua |

| | |Tel: (505 2) 233 1504/2632353 |

| | |Fax: (505 2) 263 2620 |

| |Niger |Monsieur Laoualy Ada |

| | |Directeur de l’environnement au |

| | |Minist(re de l’Hydraulique et de |

| | |L’environnement |

| | |BP: 578 Niamey, Niger |

| | |Tel: (227) 733329 |

| | |Fax: (227) 732784/735591 |

| |Nigeria |Dr. David B. Omotosho |

| | |National Ozone Officer |

| | |National Ozone Office |

| | |Federal Environmental Protection Agency (FEPA) |

| | |Environment House |

| | |Independence Way South, Central Area |

| | |P.M.B. 265, Garki, Abuja |

| | |Nigeria |

| | |Tel: (234) 9 234 6596/6597/ 2807 |

| | |Fax: (234) 9 234 6596/ 2807 |

| | |Email: FEPA@.ng |

| |Norway |Ms. Anne-Margit Bull |

| | |State Pollution Control Authority |

| | |P.O. Box 8100 Dep, N-0032 Oslo |

| | |Norway |

| | |Tel: (47 22) 57 3400 |

| | |Fax: (47 22) 57 6706 |

| |Pakistan |Mr. Mahboob Elahi |

| | |Director |

| | |Ministry of Environment, Local |

| | |Government & Rural Development |

| | |Government of Pakistan |

| | |8th Floor, UBL Building |

| | |Jinnah Avenue, Islamabad, 44000 |

| | |Pakistan |

| | |Fax: (92-51) 9202211 |

| |Panama |Sección de Sustancias y Desechos Peligrosos |

| | |Subdirección General de Salud Ambiental |

| | |(Ministerio de Salud) |

| | |Sra. Bernadina de Stavropulos, Jefa de la Sección |

| | |Coordinadora Nacional de la Unidad de Ozono |

| |Paraguay |Dr. Victor Morel |

| | |Unidad de Acción Ozono |

| | |Dirección de Odenamiento Ambiental |

| | |Subsecretaria de Estado de Recursos Naturales y Medio Ambiente |

| | |Ruta Mcal. Estigarribia Km.10,5. San Lorenzo |

| | |Paraguay |

| | |Fax: (595) 21 570512 |

| | |Sr. Carlos Martini |

| | |Departamento Resguardo Central |

| | |Dirección General de Aduanas |

| | |Paraguayo Indpendiente y Colón.Asunción |

| | |Paraguay |

| | |Fax: (595) 21 497797 |

| |Peru |Sr. Miguel Arriola Luyo |

| | |Intendente Nacional de Técnica |

| | |Aduanera |

| | |Superintendencia Nacional de |

| | |Aduanas |

| | |Av. Gamarra No 680, Chucuito |

| | |Callao, Lima, Peru |

| | |Tel: (511) 465 6966 |

| | |Fax: (511) 469 0058 |

| |Philippines |Mr. Elmer S. Mercado |

| | |Undersecretary for Environment and Program |

| | |Development |

| | |Department of Environment and Natural Resources |

| | |Visayas Avenue, Diliman, Quezon City |

| | |Philippines |

| | |Tel: (63-2) 929-2965/928-5595 |

| | |Fax: (63-2) 926-2535/926-2567 |

| | |Dr. Marlito L. Cardenas |

| | |Director, Environmental Management Bureau |

| | |99-101 Topaz Bldg., Kamias Rd. cor. Kalayaan |

| | |Diliman, Quezon City, Philippines |

| | |Tel: (63-2) 929-5698, 928-3792 |

| | |Fax: (63-2) 929-5698, 924-7540 |

| | |Ms. MA. Lourdes Sioson |

| | |Coordinator, Philippine Ozone Desk |

| | |Dept. of Environment and Natural Resources |

| | |Visayas Ave., Diliman, Quezon City, Philippines |

| | |Tel: (63-2) 929-2965, 928-5595 |

| | |Ms. Angelina Barbane |

| | |Chief, Chemical Management Section |

| | |Environmental Quality Division |

| | |Environmental Management Bureau |

| | |99-101 Topaz Bldg., Kamias Rd. cor. Kalayaan |

| | |Diliman, Quezon City, Philippines |

| | |Tel: (63-2) 928-3773, 436-0614 |

| | |Fax: (63-2) 929-5698, 924-7540 |

| |Poland |Mr. Ryszard Purski |

| | |Chief Expert |

| | |Ministry of Environmental Protection, |

| | |Natural Resources and Forestry |

| | |Department of Environmental Protection |

| | |00-922 Warsaw |

| | |52/54 Wawelska street |

| | |Poland |

| | |Tel: (48 22) 825 4560 |

| | |Fax: (48 22) 825 8463 |

| | |Email: rpurski@.pl |

| |Romania |Mrs. Carmen Dumitrescu |

| | |ODS Expert |

| | |Ozone Unit |

| | |Ministry of Waters, Forests |

| | |and Environmental |

| | |12, Libertatii Str. |

| | |Bucharest, sector 5 |

| | |Romania |

| | |Fax: (401) 411 1436 |

| |Russian Federation |Prof. Alexandre Solovianov |

| | |Deputy Chairman |

| | |State Committee of the Russian Federation |

| | |for Environmental Protection |

| | |Russia, 123812, Moscow, GSP |

| | |B. Gruzinskaya Str. 4/6 |

| | |Russian Federation |

| | |Tel: (7 095) 252 3270 |

| | |Fax: (7 095) 254 8283 |

| |Saint Lucia |Mr. Bernard La Corbiniere |

| | |Permanent Secretary |

| | |Ministry of Finance and Planning |

| | |P.O. Box 709 |

| | |Castries, Saint Lucia |

| | |Tel: (758) 452 2611 Ext.7115, 7118 |

| | |Fax: (758) 452 2506 |

| |Samoa |Department of Lands, Survey and Environment |

| | |Private Bag |

| | |APIA, Samoa |

| | |Tel: (685) 25670/23800 |

| | |Fax: (685) 23176 |

| | |Email: enydlse@ |

| |Senegal |Mr. Ndiaye Cheikh Sylla |

| | |Coordinnateur du Programme de pays ozone du Senegal |

| | |Direction de l’Environnement 23 |

| | |Rue Calmette, B.P 6557 |

| | |Dakar, Senegal |

| | |Tel: (221) 8226211 |

| | |Fax: (221) 8226212 |

| |Seychelles |Mr. Maurice Loustau-Lalanne |

| | |Principal Secretary |

| | |Ministry of Environment & Transport |

| | |P.O. Box 445 |

| | |Mahe, Republic of Seychelles |

| | |Tel: (248) 225505 |

| | |Fax: (248) 225131 |

| | |Email: maurice@ |

| |Singapore |Head, International Environment and |

| | |Policy Department |

| | |Ministry of the Environment |

| | |40 Scotts Road #11-00 |

| | |Environment Building |

| | |Singapore 228231 |

| | |DID: 65 731 9647 |

| | |Fax: 65 738 4468 |

| |Slovak Republic |Mr. L’ubomír Ziak |

| | |Head of Air Protection Group |

| | |Air Protection Department |

| | |Ministry of the Environment of the |

| | |Slovak Republic |

| | |Námestie L’udovíta Štúra 1 |

| | |812 37 Bratislava, Slovak Republic |

| | |Tel: 421 5956 2543 |

| | |Fax: 421 7 5956 2031 |

| | |5596 2367 |

| |Slovenia |Mrs. Marjana Kovacic |

| | |Ministry of Environment and Physical Planning |

| | |Nature Protection Authority |

| | |Vojkova 1b |

| | |Sl-1000 Ljubljana |

| | |Slovenia |

| | |Tel: (386 61) 1784543 |

| | |Fax: (386 61) 1784051 |

| | |Email: marjana.kovacic@gov.si |

| |South Africa |Mr. S.S. Manikela |

| | |Air Pollution Control |

| | |Department of Environmental Affairs and Tourism |

| | |Private Bag X447 |

| | |Pretoria 0001, South Africa |

| | |Tel: 27 12 3103481 |

| | |Fax: 27 12 3200488 |

| |Sri Lanka |Dr. W. L. Sumathipala |

| | |Coordinator |

| | |Montreal Protocol Unit |

| | |Ministry of Forestry & Environment |

| | |P.O. Box 1583 |

| | |Unity Plaza |

| | |Colombo 04 |

| | |Tel/Fax: (94-1) 592927 |

| | |Email: Sumathi@ |

| |St. Vincent & Grenadines |Dr. Reynold Murray |

| | |Environmental Services Coordinator/Ozone Officer |

| | |Ministry of Health & the Environment |

| | |Kingstown, St. Vincent |

| | |Fax: (1 784) 457 2684 |

| |Sudan |Dr. Abdel Ghani A/Galil Hassan |

| | |ODS Officer, Ozone Office |

| | |Ministry of National Industry |

| | |P.O. Box 2184, Khartoum, Sudan |

| | |Tel: 249-11 777770/784279 |

| | |Fax: 249-11 777603/774852 |

| |Swaziland |Mr. Mboni Zacharia Dlamini |

| | |Swaziland Environment Authority |

| | |Ministry of Tourism, Environment and |

| | |Communications |

| | |P.O. Box 2652 |

| | |Mbabane, Swaziland |

| | |Tel: (268) 46420/1 or 41719 |

| | |Fax: (268) 46438 |

| | |Email: sea@realnet.co.sz |

| |Sweden |Ms. Maria Ujfalusi |

| | |Swedish Environmental Protection Agency |

| | |Chemicals Control Section |

| | |Blekholmsterrassen 36 |

| | |S-106 48 Stockholm, Sweden |

| | |Tel: (46-8) 698 1140 |

| | |Fax: (46-8) 698 1222 |

| | |Email: maria.ujfalusi@environ.se |

| |Switzerland |Mr. Blaise Horisberger |

| | |Office fédéral de l’environnement, |

| | |des For(ts et du Paysage |

| | |3003 Bern, Switzerland |

| | |Tel: (4131) 322 9024 |

| | |Fax: (4131) 324 7978 |

| | |Email: blaise.horisberger@buwal.admin.ch |

| |Syria |Mr. Khaled Klaly |

| | |Coordinator, NOU |

| | |Ministry of State for Environment |

| | |P.O. Box 3773 Damascus |

| | |Syria |

| | |Tel: (963) 11 3310381 |

| | |Fax: (963) 11 3314393 |

| |Tajikistan |Hon. Mr. Abdulkarim Kurbanov |

| | |Deputy Minister and Coordinator of the |

| | |National Ozone Programme |

| | |Ministry of Nature Resources Protection |

| | |12 Bokhtar Street |

| | |Dushambe 734 025 |

| | |Tajikistan |

| | |Tel: (7 3772) 216 530/211 785/211 839 |

| | |Fax: (7 3772) 211 839 |

| | |E-mail: kurbanov@academy.td. |

|114 |Tanzania |Mr. Eric K. Mugurusi |

| | |Director of the Department of Environment |

| | |P.O. Box 5380 |

| | |Dar es Salaam |

| | |Tanzania |

| | |Tel: 255 55 118416 |

| | |Fax: 255 51 113856 |

| | |E-mail: vpodoe@ |

| |Thailand |Mrs. Somsri Suwanjaras |

| | |Manager, Ozone Layer Protection Unit |

| | |Hazardous Substances Control Bureau |

| | |Department of Industrial Works |

| | |Ministry of Industry |

| | |75/6 Rama VI Bangkok 10400 |

| | |Thailand |

| | |Tel: 662-2024228 |

| | |Fax: 662-2024015 |

| |Trinidad and Tobago |Dr. Dave Mcintosh |

| | |Chief Executive Officer/Managing Director |

| | |Environmental Manaement Authority |

| | |2nd Floor, The Mutual Centre |

| | |16 Queen’s Park West |

| | |P.O. Box 150, Newtown |

| | |Port of Spain, Trinidad, W.I. |

| | |Tel: (868) 628 8042/8044/8045 |

| | |Fax: (868) 628 9122 |

| | |Email: dmcintosh@ema.co.tt |

| |Tunisia |Monsieur Hassen Hannachi |

| | |Directeur de la Direction Controle |

| | |et Dépollution |

| | |Agence Nationale de Protection de |

| | |l’Environnement |

| | |Rue due Cameroun, Belvedere |

| | |1002 Tunis, BP52 Belvedere |

| | |Tunis |

| | |Tel: (216-1) 847122: Fax: (216-1) 848069/841715 |

| |Turkey |Ms. Fatma Can |

| | |Cevre Bakanligi |

| | |Eskisehir Yolu 8. Km. |

| | |(Bilkent Kavsagi) |

| | |06530 Lodumlu |

| | |Ankara, Turkey |

| | |Tel: 90 312/287 99 63 Ext. 5211 |

| | |Fax: 90 312/285 58 75 |

| |Turkmenistan | |

| | |Mr. Batyr B. Ballyev |

| | |Coordinator of National Ozone Unit |

| | |of the Ministry of Nature Protection of Turkmenistan |

| | |Turkmenistan, Asgabat, Bitarap Turkmenistan str. 15 (r.42) |

| | |Tel: (99 312) 357 091 |

| | |Tel/Fax: (99 312) 511613/357493 |

| | |Email: bballyev@cat.glanet.ru |

| |Uganda |Mr. Rwothumio Thomiko |

| | |National Environment |

| | |Management Authority (NEMA) |

| | |P.O. Box 22255, Kampala, Uganda |

| | |Tel: (256 41) 226817, 251064/5/8 |

| | |Fax: (256 41) 257621/323680 |

| | |Email: NEIC@starcom.co.ug |

| |Ukraine |Dr. Alexander Shevchenko |

| | |Head, Montreal Protocol Division |

| | |Main Environmental Inspection of Ukraine |

| | |82-A Turgenivska St., Kyiv-50 |

| | |252050 Ukraine |

| | |Tel/Fax: (380-44) 2658978 |

| | |Email: inter@ozone.freenet.kiev.ua |

| |United Kingdom |Ms. Maria Nolan |

| | |Global Atmosphere Division |

| | |Department of the |

| | |Environment, Transport & the Regions |

| | |Floor 3, Ashdown House |

| | |Victoria Street, London |

| | |SW1E 6DE |

| | |Tel: (44-171) 890 5215 |

| | |Fax: (44-171) 890 5219 |

| |United States of America |Lars Wilcut |

| | |U.S. Environmental Protection Agency |

| | |Stratospheric Protection Division |

| | |401 M Street, SW (6205J) |

| | |Washington, DC 20460 |

| | |Tel: (1-202) 564 2411 |

| | |Fax: (1-202) 565 2093 |

| | | |

| |Uruguay |Ing. Quim Luis Santos |

| | |Comision Técnica Gubernamental de |

| | |Ozono |

| | |Dirección Nacional de Medio |

| | |Ambiente |

| | |Rincón 422 - Tereer Piso - Apto.5 |

| | |"Edificio Federica" |

| | |Montevideo, Uruguay |

| | |Tel: (598 2) 916 1899 |

| | |Fax: (598 2) 916 1895 |

| |Uzbekistan |Mrs. N. Dosthenko |

| | |Principal Specialist |

| | |Air Protection Department |

| | |State Committee for Nature Protection |

| | |5a, Kadyri Str, |

| | |Tashkent |

| | |700 128, Uzbekistan |

| | |Tel: (3712) 410442 |

| | |Fax: (3712) 413990 |

| |Venezuela |Ing. Angela Di Domenico |

| | |Directora de Calidad del Aire |

| | |Direcci(n General Sectorial de Calidad Ambiental |

| | |Ministerio del Ambiente y de los Recursos Naturales Renovables |

| | |Centro Sim(n Bolivar, Torre Sur, Piso 28, Caracas, Venezuela |

| | |Tel: (58-2) 483 2728/408 1423 |

| | |Fax: (58-2) 481 0236 |

| |Yemen |Eng. Faisal Ahmed Naser Bin Aali Gaber |

| | |Coordinator for National Ozone Unit (NOU) |

| | |Environmental Protection Council(EPC) |

| | |P.O. Box 19719, Sana’a |

| | |Republic of Yemen |

| | |Tel: 967 1 264072/262350 |

| | |Fax: 967 1 264062 |

| | |Email: EPC@.ye or agool@ |

| |Zambia |Mr. G. Chasaya |

| | |ODS Officer |

| | |Environmental Council of Zambia |

| | |Box 35131 |

| | |Lusaka, Zambia |

| | |Tel: 260-1-254130/31 |

| | |Fax: 260-2-254164 |

| | |Email: necz@zamnet.zm |

| |Zimbabwe |Mr. David A. Marongwe |

| | |Ozone Manager |

| | |P.Bag 7753, Harare |

| | |Zimbabwe |

| | |Tel: (263-4) 751720/2 |

| | |Fax: (263-4) 757431/755006/7 |


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