
Physics Christmas Assignment

In order to retake the 9 week test, you must complete this assignment first.


The retake will be on January 5, 2016, from 7:45am- 8:30am ONLY. It is your job to make plans to be here.

Circular Motion

Fc= mac

ac= v2/ r

Universal Gravitation

F= G (m1m2) G= 6.67x10-11 N•m2

r2 kg2

For projectiles


h=1/2 gt2

a2 +b2= c2

to find sides

sin(θ) = opp/hyp

cos(θ) =adj/hyp

tan(θ) =opp/adj

to find angles

sin-1( opp/hyp)= θ

cos-1(adj/hyp)= θ

tan-1(opp/adj)= θ

Work, Energy, Power, Momentum

v =d/t

KE = ½ mv2

GPE = mgh OR Fg h OR weight x height

Wtotal =Fd = ∆KE=change in kinetic energy = KEf - KEi = ½ mvf 2 - ½ mvi 2

g= 9.8m/s2

ME = KE + PE= ½ mv 2 + mgh


therefore GPE= KE= EPE= mgh=½ mv2=½ kx2




Letter Answers

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1. A projectile is fired from a gun near the surface of Earth. The initial velocity of the projectile has a vertical component of 98 meters per second and a horizontal component of 49 meters per second. How long will it take the projectile to reach the highest point in its path?

A. 5.0 s

B. 10. s

C. 20. s

D 100. s

2. Four projectiles, A, B, C, and D, were launched from, and returned to, level ground. The data table below shows the initial horizontal speed, initial vertical speed, and time of flight for each projectile.


Which projectile traveled the greatest horizontal distance?

F. A

G. B

H. C


3. Four cannonballs, each with mass M and initial velocity V, are fired from a cannon at different angles with the horizontal. Which angular direction of the cannon produces the greatest projectile height?

A 20°

B 45°

C 70°

D 90°

4. t the top of a projectile's path above Earth, the acceleration of an object —

F. is zero

G. goes from positive to negative H goes from negative to positive J remains unchanged

5. A 0.50-kilogram object moves in a horizontal circular path with a radius of 0.25 meter at a constant speed of 4.0 meters per second. What is the magnitude of the object's acceleration?

A 8.0 m/s2

B. 16 m/s2

C. 32 m/s2

D. 64 m/s2

6. An amusement park ride moves a rider at a constant speed of 14 meters per second in a horizontal circular path of radius 10. meters. What is the rider's centripetal acceleration in terms of g, the acceleration due to gravity?

F. 0g

G. 1g

H. 2g

J 3g

7. An object travels in a circular path of radius 5.0 meters at a uniform speed of

10. meters per second. What is the magnitude of the object's centripetal acceleration?

A 2.0 m/s2

B 5.0 m/s2

C 10.0 m/s2

D 20. m/s2

8. The diagram below represents a ball traveling with a uniform clockwise circular motion on a string.


Which of the following best represents the directions of both the velocity and centripetal acceleration of the ball at the instant shown in the diagram?





9. The diagram below represents an object traveling clockwise in a horizontal, circular path at constant speed.


Which of the following arrows best represents the direction of the centripetal acceleration of the object at the instant shown?





10. A 1750-kilogram car travels at a constant speed of 15.0 meters per second around a horizontal, circular track with a radius of 45.0 meters. What is the magnitude of the centripetal force acting on the car?

F 5.00 N

G 583 N

H 8750 N

J 3.94 × 105 N

11. A ball attached to a string is moved at constant speed in a horizontal, circular path. A target is located near the path of the ball as shown in the diagram below.


At which point along the ball's path should the string be released if the ball is to hit the target?

A. A

B. B

C. C

D. D

12. Why was the Law of Universal Gravitation an important contribution to the development of the concept of gravity?

F. It put forth the idea that the force of gravity on an object is equal to the object's mass multiplied by its acceleration.

G. It put forth the idea that the force of gravity on an object is dependent upon the object's mass and how high it is lifted.

H. It put forth the idea that all objects will fall at the same velocity due to gravity.

J It put forth the idea that all objects exert a gravitational force on each other.

13. Point objects A and B are separated by distance R. Object A exerts a gravitational force of F on object B. If the mass of A is doubled and distance R is tripled, what is the new gravitational force that A exerts on B?









14. Two bodies attract each other with a gravitational force of 10.0 newtons. What would be the force of attraction if the mass of each body were doubled?

F. 5 N

G. 10 N

H. 20 N

J 40 N

15. Two objects are moved apart so that they are separated by three times their original distance of separation. Compared to the magnitude of the original gravitational force between them, the magnitude of the new gravitational force is which of the following?

A. One-ninth the amount

B. One-third the amount

C. Three times the amount

D. Nine times the amount

16. When Earth and the Moon are separated by a distance of 3.84 × 108 meters, the magnitude of the gravitational force of attraction between them is

2.0 × 1020 newtons. What would be the magnitude of this gravitational force of attraction if Earth and the Moon were separated by a distance of

1.92 × 108 meters?

F 5.0 × 1019 N

G 2.0 × 1020 N

H 4.0 × 1020 N

J 8.0 × 1020 N

17. The diagram below shows two bowling balls, A and B, each having a mass of

7.00 kilograms, placed 2.00 meters apart.


What is the magnitude of the gravitational force exerted by ball A on ball B?

A 1.17 × 10-10 N

B 8.17 × 10-10 N

C 1.63 × 10-9 N

D 8.17 × 10-9 N

18. The centers of two 15.0-kilogram spheres are separated by 3.00 meters. What is the magnitude of the gravitational force that one sphere exerts on the other?

F 1.11 × 10-10 N

G 3.34 × 10-10 N

H 1.67 × 10-9 N

J 5.00 × 10-9 N

19. What is the magnitude of the gravitational force that two 5.0-kilogram masses separated by a distance of 5.0 meters exert on each other?

A 1.3 × 10-11 N

B 6.7 × 10-11 N

C 3.3 × 10-10 N

D 5.0 × 100 N

20. Which of the following would increase the gravitational force of attraction between two objects?

F. Doubling the mass of both objects, only

G. Doubling the mass of one object and doubling the distance between the objects H Doubling the mass of both objects and doubling the distance between the objects J Doubling the distance between the objects, only

21. If Earth had twice the mass it has now, then the magnitude of the gravitational force between it and the Sun would be which of the following?

A. The same as it is now

B. Four times as much as it is now

C. Twice as much as it is now

D. Half as much as it is now

22. Two objects with equal masses are separated by a distance of 1 meter. If the mass of one of the objects were to be doubled, then the gravitational force between the two masses would be which of the following?

F. One-fourth as much

G. One-half as much

H. H Two times as much

I. J Four times as much

23. Which of the following graphs best represents the gravitational force between two point masses as a function of the distance between the masses?





24. As a meteor moves from a distance of 16 Earth radii to a distance of 2 Earth radii from the center of Earth, what happens to the magnitude of the gravitational force between the meteor and Earth?


It becomes the amount.

G It becomes 4 times the amount. H It becomes 8 times the amount.

J It becomes 64 times the amount.

25. Determine the gravitational force of attraction between two 3.5 kg bowling balls whose centers are exactly 2.0 meters from each other.

A 3.06 N

B 7.00 N

C 4.09 E -10 N

D 2.04 E -10 N

26. Determine the distance between a newly discovered planet and its single moon if the orbital period of the moon is 1.2 Earth days and the mass of the planet it orbits is 9.38E24 kg. You may assume the orbit to be circular.

F 1.18E+6 m G 1.71E+23 m H 8.19E+24 m J 1.13E+25 m

27. What is the distance between a 900 kg compact car and a 1600 kg pickup truck if the gravitational force between them is about 0.0001 N?

A 0.98 m

B 3.10 m

C 9.60 m

D 144 m

28. The force of attraction due to gravity between two objects is F’. If the distance between the two objects doubles and the mass of one object triples, the new gravitational force between them will

be —

F 0.5F’ G 0.75F’ H 1.5F’

J 2.5F’

29. A space probe has just performed a flyby close to the planet Jupiter. It is now heading toward the outer reaches of the solar system where it will arrive in orbit around Neptune. Which of the following graphs best represents the relationship between the gravitational force exerted by Jupiter upon the space probe and the space probe's distance from Jupiter?





30. A 15.0-kilogram object is moving at 7.50 meters per second on a horizontal, frictionless surface. What is the total work that must be done on the object to increase its speed to 11.5 meters per second?

F 120. J

G 422 J

H 570. J

J 992 J

31. The work done in accelerating an object along a frictionless, horizontal surface is equal to which of the following?

A. The change in the object's momentum

B. The change in the object's potential energy C The change in the object's kinetic energy D The change in the object's velocity

32. An archer performs 100 joules of work in pulling back the string of a bow. What will be the initial speed of a 0.5-kilogram arrow when it is fired from the bow?

F. 20 m/s

G. 50 m/s

H. 200 m/s

J 400 m/s

33. What is the work done on a 10.0-kilogram object at rest to give it a speed of

5.00 meters per second?

A 2.00 J

B 50.0 J

C 125 J

D 250. J

34. What is the total kinetic energy gained by an object of mass 2.0 kilograms when 10 joules of work is done on it to accelerate it from rest across a horizontal, frictionless table?

F. 3.2 J

G. 5.0 J

H. 10. J

J 20. J

35. A 10.0-kilogram block rests motionless on a horizontal, frictionless table. How much work must be done to accelerate the block to a speed of 5.00 meters per second?

A 25.0 J

B 125 J

C 3120 J

D 6250 J

36. The work done in raising an object must result in an increase in which type of energy that the object possesses?

F Internal energy

G Potential energy

H Kinetic energy

J Heat energy

37. What is the maximum amount of work that a 6000.-watt motor can do in

10. seconds? A 6.0 × 101 J B 6.0 × 102 J

C 6.0 × 103 J

D 6.0 × 104 J

38. When 20. joules of work is done in 4.0 seconds, what is the power developed?

F. 0.20 watt

G. 5.0 watts

H. 16 watts

J 80. watts

39. How long would it take a machine to do 5000 joules of work if the power rating of the machine is 100 watts?

A. 0.2 s

B. 10 s

C. 50 s

D 5 000 s

40. When a machine does 250 joules of work in 10. seconds, what is the power that it develops?

F. 25 watts

G. 240 watts

H. 260 watts

J 2 500 watts

41. A student running up a flight of stairs increases her speed at a constant rate. Which of the following graphs best represents the relationship between total work done and total time elapsed for the student's run up the stairs?





42. An elevator lifts an object to a certain height in 10 seconds, and a second elevator does the same work in 5 seconds. Compared to the power developed by the first elevator, the power developed by the second elevator is which of the following?

F. Four times as much

G. Twice as much

H. One-half as much

J The same

Directions: The diagram below represents an object being pulled by a force of

20 newtons up a hill at a constant rate of 2 meters per second. Use the diagram to answer any questions that follow.


43. What is the work done against gravity in moving the object from point A to point B?

A. 100 J

B. 200 J

C. 500 J

D. 600 J

44. The work done in accelerating an object along a frictionless, horizontal surface is equal to the object's change in which of the following?

F Potential energy

G Kinetic energy

H Momentum

J Velocity

45. Which of the following is the minimum amount of work done by a hydraulic lift to raise a 150-kg aluminum block 2.0 m vertically?

A. 75 J

B. 300 J

C 1470 J

D 2940 J

46. A 1000-kg car comes to a stop without skidding. The car's brakes do 50,000 J of work to stop the car. Which of the following was the car's velocity when the brakes were initially applied?

F. 5 m/sec

G. 10 m/sec

H. 50 m/sec

J 2 m/sec

47. A 2.5-kg book slides horizontally and falls from a shelf 3.0 m above the floor. How much work does the force of gravity do on the book as it falls 3.0 m?

A. 1.2 J

B. 7.5 J

C 24.5 J

D 73.5 J

48. A warehouse employee is pushing a 30.0 kg desk across a floor at a constant speed of 0.50 m/s. How much work must the employee do on the desk to change the speed to 1.00 m/s?

F 3.75 J

G 7.50 J

H 8.44 J

J 11.3 J

49. Which of the following is the best evidence that work has been done on or by an object?

A. The energy of the object has changed.

B. The velocity of the object remains constant.

C. The mass of the object has changed.

D. The direction the object is moving remains constant.

50. An object resting on a shelf 10.0 meters above the floor has a gravitational potential energy of 980. joules with respect to the floor. The object is moved to a shelf

8.00 meters above the floor. What is the new gravitational potential energy of the object with respect to the floor?

F 196 J

G 490. J

H 784 J

J 960. J

51. The graphs below relate the kinetic energy, gravitational potential energy, and total mechanical energy of a moving block to the distance it travels.


Which of the following best describes the motion of the block?

A. Accelerating on a flat horizontal surface

B. Sliding up a frictionless incline

C. Rising at constant velocity

D. Falling freely

52. At what point in its fall does the kinetic energy of a freely falling object equal its potential energy?

F. At the start of the fall

G. At all points during the fall

H. Halfway between the start and the end

J At the end of the fall

53. The diagram below shows a cart at four positions as it moves along a frictionless track.


At which positions is the sum of the potential energy and kinetic energy of the cart the same?

A. A and C, only

B. A, B, C, and D

C. C and D, only

D. A and B , only

54. A 55.0-kilogram diver falls freely from a diving platform that is 3.00 meters above the surface of the water in a pool. When she is 1.00 meter above the water, what are her kinetic energy, KE, and gravitational potential energy, PE, with respect to the water's surface?

F PE = 1620 J and KE = 0.00 J

G PE = 810. J and KE = 810. J

H PE = 540. J and KE = 1080 J

J PE = 1080 J and KE = 540. J

55. At a height of 10.0 meters above Earth's surface, the potential energy of an object is 196 joules. After the mass falls 5.00 meters, how much kinetic energy does it gain?

A 49.0 J

B 98.0 J

C. 147 J

D. 196 J

56. A diver of mass 75.0 kilograms is located 3.00 meters above the surface of the water in a swimming pool. What is her gravitational potential energy with respect to the water's surface?

F 2.29 × 101 J

G 2.25 × 102 J

H 2.21 × 103 J

J 2.17 × 104 J

57. An object weighing 15 newtons is lifted from the ground to a height of 0.22 meter. What is the increase in the object's gravitational potential energy?

A 0.34 J

B. 3.3 J

C. 32 J

D. 310 J

58. A force of 10. newtons holds a stretched spring 0.20 meter from its rest position. What is the potential energy stored in the stretched spring?

F. 1.0 J

G. 2.0 J

H. 5.0 J

J 50. J

59. A force of 0.2 newton is needed to hold a spring compressed by 0.02 meter. What is the potential energy stored in this compressed spring?

A 2 × 10-5 J

B 4 × 10-5 J

C 8 × 10-5 J

D 2 × 10-3 J

60. The diagram below shows block A with mass 2m and speed v, and block B with mass m and speed 2v.


Compared to the kinetic energy of block A, the kinetic energy of block B is which of the following?

F Four times as great G One-half as great H Twice the amount J The same amount

61. What is the total kinetic energy gained by an object of mass 2.0 kilograms when 10 joules of work is done on it to accelerate it from rest across a horizontal, frictionless table?

A. 3.2 J

B. 5.0 J

C. 10. J

D. 20. J

62. The drawing below represents a roller coaster car at different positions on a track.


At which of these positions on the track was the potential energy being transformed into kinetic energy for the roller coaster car?

F. A

G. B

H. C


63. Which of the following graph represent the relationship between mechanical energy v. time as a ball rolls down a frictionless hill?


A. A

B. B

C. C

D. D

64. The magnitude of the momentum of an object is 64.0 newton-seconds. If the velocity of the object were to be doubled, what would then be the magnitude of its momentum?

F 32.0 N-s

G 64.0 N-s

H 128 N-s

J 256 N-s

65. What is the momentum of a 30-kilogram cart moving with a speed of 10 meters per second?

A. 3 N-s

B. 20 N-s

C. 40 N-s

D. 300 N-s

66. What is the momentum of a 1200-kilogram car traveling at 15 meters per second due east?

F. 1.8 × 104 N-s due west

G. 80. N-s due east

H. 80. N-s due west

J 1.8 × 104 N-s due east

67. What is the momentum of a car of mass 1.5 × 103 kilograms as it travels at

30. meters per second due east for 10. seconds?

A 4.5 × 104 N-s, east

B 4.5 × 105 N-s, west

C 4.5 × 105 N-s, east

D 4.5 × 104 N-s, west

68. Which of the following objects has the momentum with the greatest magnitude?

F A 100-kg object moving at 2 m/s G A 20-kg object moving at 20 m/s H A 1-kg object moving at 200 m/s J A 10-kg object moving at 30 m/s

69. A laboratory cart with a mass of 5 kilograms rolls a distance of 2 meters in 10 seconds. Which of the following mathematical expressions can be used to determine the magnitude of the momentum of the cart?

A (5 kg + 10s) ÷ 2 m

B 5 kg × 2m ÷ 10 s

C 5 kg × 10s ÷ 2 m

D (5 kg + 2m) ÷ l0 s

70. Which of the following objects has the momentum with the greatest magnitude?

F A 9-kg mass moving at 3 m/s G A 4-kg mass moving at 4 m/s H A 5-kg mass moving at 2 m/s J A 12-kg mass moving at 1 m/s

71. An object of mass 25 kilograms travels east with a constant velocity of 40. meters per second. What is the momentum of this object?

A 1.0 × 103 N-s, east

B 1.0 × 103 N-s, west

C 9.8 × 103 N-s, east

D 9.8 × 103 N-s, west

72. Which of the following situations produces the greatest change in the magnitude of the momentum of a 1.0-kilogram cart?

F Accelerating it from 2.0 m/s to 4.0 m/s G Applying a net force of 10.0 N for 0.5 s H Accelerating it from rest to 3.0 m/s

J Applying a net force of 5.0 N for 2.0 s

73. There are four balls with equal masses moving on a level lab table. The one with the most momentum is the ball that has the greatest —

A. altitude

B. hardness

C. temperature

D. velocity

74. A 0.25-g paint chip comes off a satellite orbiting Earth. The velocity of the paint chip is 7000 m/s. Which is the kinetic energy of the paint chip?

F 1750 J

G 6125 J

H 12,250 J

J 24,500 J

75. A 2-kilogram block is dropped from the roof of a building at the same time a 6- kilogram ball is thrown horizontally from the same height. Which of the following statements best describes the motions of the block and ball?

A. The 2-kg block hits the ground first because it has no horizontal velocity.

B. The block and the ball hit the ground at the same time because they have the same vertical acceleration.

C. The 6-kg ball hits the ground first because it has more mass.

D. The 6-kg ball hits the ground first because it weighs more.

76. Four cannonballs, each with mass M and initial velocity V, are fired from a cannon at different angles with the horizontal. Which angular direction of the cannon produces the greatest projectile height?

F 20°

G 45°

H 70°

J 90°

77. A machine launches a tennis ball at an angle of 45° with the horizontal, as illustrated in the diagram below. The ball has an initial vertical velocity of 9.0 meters per second and an initial horizontal velocity of 9.0 meters per second. The ball reaches its maximum height 0.92 second after its launch.


The total horizontal distance traveled by the tennis ball during the time it is in the air is closest to which of the following?

A. 4.1 m

B. 8.3 m

C. 17 m

D. 23 m

78. A child kicks a ball with an initial velocity of 8.5 meters per second at an angle of 35° with the horizontal. The ball has an initial vertical velocity of 4.9 meters per second and a total time of flight of 1.0 second.


The maximum height reached by the ball is closest to which of the following?

F. 1.2 m

G. 2.5 m

H. 4.9 m

J 8.5 m

79. A 10.-kilogram object and a 5.0-kilogram object are released simultaneously from a height of 50. meters above the ground. Which of the following will be different for the objects after they fall freely for 2.0 seconds?

A. Their speeds

B. Their displacements

C. Their accelerations

D. Their kinetic energies

80. At a height of 10.0 meters above Earth's surface, the potential energy of an object is 196 joules. After the mass falls 5.00 meters, how much kinetic energy does it gain?

F 49.0 J

G 98.0 J

H 147 J

J 196 J

81. Which of the following graphs best represents the relationship between the gravitational potential energy of a freely falling object and the object's height above the ground?






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