
САБАҚ жоспары

Күні: 04,12.2012______

Тобы: __ПД-32_____

Пәні:__Шет тілінің ауызша және жазбаша тәжірибесі __________

Сабақтың тақырыбы: __ Travelling. Means of travelling ______

Сабақ түрі: саяхат сабағы

Сабақ типі_аралас _______

Сабақтың мақсаты:

• Білімділік: Алған білімдерін қайталата отырып, деңгейлерін көтеру.

Ой-пікірін кенейту.Сөздік қорын байыту.; _______________________________________________________

• Дамытушылық: Тақырыпқа ынта қоюға, оның мазмұнын түсініп,іс

жүзіне асыра білуге дағдыландыру.


• Тәрбиелік: Ағылшын тіліне қызығушылығын арттыру. Өз пікірін еркін айтуға тәрбиелеу _______________________________________________________

Сабақта қолданылатын педагогогикалық технологиялар: _____

Сабақтың әдісі: ___қорытынды сабақ, дискуссия________________________

Пән аралық байланыс: Орыс тілі, Қазақ тілі, Жағрафия ____________

Сабақты жабдықтау: __Интерактивті тақта, слайдтар_____________________


Good afternoon, dear students. You know that 2 days ago we had the national holiday of our country “the day of the first President of Kazakhstan- Nursultan Nazarbayev”

Today we are going to the museum of our President. In order to go there we must collect some money. We are to pass though the levels each of which has it’s definite value.

On the desks you have the table with some expressions. You must choose the

right answers and count the general number. If you get 11 or 12 points your mark will be 5; 9 or 10 is 4; 7 or 8 is 3

So the first level is associations. The price of this level is getting to the museum

1. Look at the blackboard and write down the words which are associated with the word travelling


Let us speak about different means of transport. Write the words associated with this expression.



As you see, we are in front of the museum. Let me introduce to you our guide. She will lead and show us the expositions of the museum.

The Museum of the First President of the Republic of Kazakhstan - is the museum of the newest history of Kazakhstan. It is created by the Presidents Decree on August 28, 2004. The first visitors came to the museum on March 2005. 

2.The next level is to revise the vocabulary of the lesson. The price of the level is getting in the museum. Give synonyms to the following words:

Railway –

Carriage -

Passenger –

A ticket inspector –

Charge –

Through train –

Time-table –

To depart –

To pull out –


Means of travelling-

3. Look at the pictures and find the different types of transport in the pictures. Put the words in order from fast to slow

A motor bike

A scooter

A taxi

A car

A plane

A bicycle

A bus

A train

An underground train

A tram

4. Match the words with their definitions below:

|1. a single ticket |1. a ticket which allows you to travel any number of times during the stated period. |

|2. a return ticket |2. money that you are asked to pay |

|3. a season ticket |3. a ticket which allows you to travel to a place but not back again |

|4. a through train |4. something arranged for travelers |

|5. service |5. it allows you to travel there and back |

|6. charge |6. a train going from one place direct to another when passengers do not have to change from one train to |

| |another. |

|7.earnings |7.to bring food and put it on the table |

|8.final |8.to do what one is told |

|9.serve |9.a payment made in return for one’s work |

|10.obey |10. coming last at the end of something |

We’ve passed the second level successfully. And you can see the Atrium

|Atrium |

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|      Symbol of vital force and energy, material and spiritual wealth of the people of Kazakhstan, prosperity of the young sovereign state is|

|the model " tree of life ", which occupies the central place in the atrium of the museum. |

5. The third level is the text “Trains – the best way to travel”. Read the text and choose the best prepositions for each ( a, b, c, )place.

For many people, going(1)___ trains is the most exciting way to travel. You don’t have to wait (2)___ hours at the airport with thousands (3)___ other passengers. You just go(4)___ station a few minutes before the train leaves , buy a ticket, get (5)___ train and the journey begins. You can look at things (6)___ the windows; have asleep, read abook or go for a walk up and down the train. There is usually someone interesting to talk (7)___ and when you get hungry, you can eat your picnic. If you didn’t bring picnic (8)___ you, there’s often a restaurant or a small café on the train where you can buy (9)___ food and drink.

| | A | B | C |

|1 | on | at | by |

|2 | for | in | at |

|3 | and | from | of |

|4 | at | to | in |

|5 | in | off | on |

|6 | by | through | inside |

|7 | for | at | to |

|8 | a | some | the |

|9 | a | any | some |

You pass though the level and now we are in the hall

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|Hall. Exposure "Symbols of state of the Republic of Kazakhstan" |

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|      Exposure the "Symbols of state" completes theme "Independent Kazakhstan". Main attributes of political independence and sovereignity of|

|Republic of Kazakhstan are represented here: Flag, Coat of arms, Hymn and Constitution.  |

|      The represented exhibits give the possibility to be introduced to the history of the creation of the state symbolism of Kazakhstan and |

|its authors.  |

6 Now the turn is to your home task.

You were to read the text “Travelling” and now answer the questions given on the blackboard


Modern life is impossible without travelling. Thousands of people travel every day either on business or for pleasure. They can travel by air, by rail, by sea or by road.

Of course, travelling by air is the fastest and the most convenient way, but it is the most expensive too. Travelling by train is slower than by plane, but is has its advantages. You can see much more interesting places of the country you are travelling through. Modern trains have very comfortable seats. There are also sleeping cars and dining cars, which make even the longest journey enjoyable. Speed, comfort and safety are the main advantages of trains and planes.

Travelling by sea is very popular. Large ships and small river boats can visit foreign countries and different places of interest.

Travelling by car is very convenient. You needn’t reserve tour tickets. You needn’t carry heavy suitcases. You can stop wherever you wish, and spend at any place as much time as you like.

People began to travel ages ago. The very first travelers were explorers who went on trips to find wealth, fame or something else. Their journeys were very dangerous bit still people keep on going to unknown lands.

Nowadays it is not as dangerous and much more convenient. Hundreds of companies are ready to help you. They will take care about your tickets and make all the reservations needed. You can choose the means of transport you like: plane, train, ship, bicycle or you can travel hiking.

Tourism became a very profitable business because people are ready to spend their money for the great opportunity to have a great time learning about new countries, going sightseeing, resting and enjoying themselves.

6. Answer the questions:

1. Why is modern life impossible without travelling?

2. What is the fastest and the most convenient way of travelling?

3. Why travelling by sea is very popular?

4. Why travelling by car is very convenient?

5. Who were the first travelers?

6. Were their journeys safe?

7. Why did they go on trip?

8. Is it more convenient to travel now?

9. What kind of transport can you choose ?

10. Is tourism a profitable business? Why?

10 Now listen to the dialogue and answer the questions


Bert: Do you know a more exciting place than a big railway-station.

Cecil: I do.

Alex: And that is?

C: A big sea port. For me there is no travel so fine as by boat. I love to feel the deck of the boat under my feet, to see the rise and fall of the waves, to feel the fresh sea wind blowing in my face and hear the cry of the sea-gulls. And what excitement, too, there is in coming into the harbour and seeing round us all the ships, steamers, cargo-ships, sailing ships, rowing boats.

Well, I suppose that’s all right for those that like it, but not for me. I’m always seasick, especially when the sea is a little bit rough.

B: I’ve heard that a good cure for seasickness is a small piece of dry bread.

Maybe; but I think a better cure is a large piece of dry land.

1. What arguments did Cecil give to prove that travelling by boat was the finest?

2. What did Cecil see round them while coming into the harbour?

3. What cure and for what illness did Bert advised?

Well done. You’ve prepared for the lesson very good. And see the next exposition

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|Hall of the first reception room. Exposure "Atameken" |

|      "Atameken" is translated from Kazakh as the "earth of fathers". The exposure, placed in Hall, gives to visitors the rare possibility to |

|be introduced to the early life period of the First President of the Republic of Kazakhstan. |

|      The authentic exhibits of ХVIII-ХIХ cc., works of decorative- applied skill, the household articles, photos and archive documents tell |

|about the native land, family, childhood, school years of N.A.Nazarbayev. |

|      Diorama of the picturesque natural boundary of Zailiyskiy Alatau Ushkonyr completes the exposure "Atameken". Video clip of song |

|"Ushkonyr" for the words N. A. Nazarbayev is also demonstrated here. |

11. Now the turn is for speech practice. This is the most difficult level of our travel. Tell us about your favourite method of travel:

By air

By train

By sea

By car

On foot

Now open your books at page 298 ex. 13 text “The only way to travel is on foot” You have 5 min. to read it then I’ll divide you into 2 groups

| The first group must say some arguments for the travelling on foot, the second against it. |

|Your discussion was very interesting. I hope now you can speak about advantages and disadvantages of any methods of travelling. And you are |

|awarded to enjoy |

|Gold hall. Exposition “Kazakhstan and the world community”  |

|      The thematic exposition “Kazakhstan and the world community” is located in the Gold hall now. There negotiations on the high level, |

|official meetings and discussions of Head of the State with the representatives of the international, government and non-government |

|organizations, foreign business representatives were held here. The foreign policy priorities of republic, the history of formation and |

|development of the diplomatic relations of Kazakhstan more than with 120 states of the world are reflected in the materials of exposition. |

|Role and place of the Republic of Kazakhstan in the international community are shown in the dynamics of bilateral relations, regional |

|partnership and active operation in the international organizations. |


12. The next task is to have a rest. Rearrange the words to make sentences

a. a bicycle – children – learn – most – to ride

Most children learn to ride a bicycle.

b. many - not - on - people - Sundays – work

c. on holiday – British people – a lot of – go to Spain

d. can’t – coffee – drink – without sugar – people – some

e. lot of – flying – like – people – a – don’t

f. not many – understand – Japanese – European people – can

g. enjoy – to tourists – most – in my town – people – talking

h. drive – night – at – some – people – dangerously

you’ve also managed this level easily and now you can see some exhibitions

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|Silver hall. Exposure "Award to President - gratitude to people" |

|         The exposure of silver hall presents the collection of the awards, by which the first President of Kazakhstan was awarded in the |

|different time and it is the first part of the exposure, dedicated to the recognition of N.A.Nazarbayev’s merits. |

|        "Sign of honour" - his first award, is got at 32, 1972. This award was given to people for the high production indices in |

|industry, agriculture, building and other branches. |

|          For the salient contribution to development of friendship and cooperation between the peoples of Kazakhstan and other countries |

|of the world N.A.Nazarbayev was honoured the highest awards of the Russian Federation - "Holy apostle Andrei first-called " order, Austria|

|- "Big star of honour", Great Britain - "Big cross of the order of Holy Mikhail and Holy George" of the first degree, Poland - order of |

|White Eagle, Kingdom Saudi Arabia - "Necklace of Uly Badra" and other. |

14 Now students I want you to write a Sinkwain poem. You have 2 minutes to prepare it

15. All right students, fill in the table, mark youself and comment you decision .

16. Now please write down your hometask for the next lesson: write the composition “My dream is to travel to…” Today at the lesson we have talked about different means of travelling, revised the vocabulary of the theme, gave arguments for and against, discussed travelling and different means of travelling. You have taken an active part at the lesson and I hope you’ve got a lot of useful things. Thank you very much.

Mark the boxes that are right for you

| |easy |good |difficult |Need more practice |

|Grammar | | | | |

|I can form and use the Present Simple, Present Continuous, Present Perfect and I | | | | |

|know when to use them | | | | |

|Vocabulary | | | | |

|I know the words and word expressions of the lesson | | | | |

|And I can use them in my speech | | | | |

|Speaking | | | | |

|I can speak on the topic “Travelling”. Make conversation and discuss with people | | | | |

|Reading | | | | |

|I can read the information of such kind without dictionary | | | | |

|Writing | | | | |

|I can write about different means of travelling | | | | |

|New information | | | | |

|I get a lot of useful things about our country and our president. Ican discuss | | | | |

|this theme | | | | |

Easy – 2 points; good – 1,5 points;

difficult – 1 point; need more practice – 0,5points

13. Choose the correct words to go together

1 drive / ride a car


2 drive / ride a bicycle

3 travel with / by car

4 fly in / to Chicago

5 wait to / for a bus

6 get on / in a train

7 get off / out a train

8 walk to / in work

9 ride / take a train

рефлексия настроения и эмоционального состояния;

What emotions do you feel?

I feel


Сначала предлагаю высказывать свои мысли всем желающим, но постепенно в этот процесс включаются и остальные ребята.

На этапе чтения по методике Зайцева ребёнок должен осознавать, для чего он это делает.

7. Complete the sentences with the following words:

Prefer, travelling, hiking, expensive, development, tours, trip, cruise, voyag

1 The whole world is open for … .

2 We know that travelling by plane is very … .

3 … are not very expensive.

4 Many people … travelling by car .

5 Hiking is a great … for lovers of nature.

6 You’re looking pale. A … to the seaside will do you good.

7 The Italian … was really exciting. We visited a number of wonderful towns and then returned to Rome.

8. I’d like to go on a sea … but my wife has never been a good sailor, so we can’t join you.

14. Let’s play a game “Hidden cities” Find the name of the big cities, hidden in the sentences.

1. Here is the draft of your letters. If you mark it “ok “ your secretary will type it.

2. Those who were against the war saw that their voices were heard.

3. To make underground water potable, scientists first used ammonia, then sand later on

4. Can karate movies really make children aggressive?

5. No slot machine is needed here.

6. The idiom “on a par» is used to mean “equal”.

7. Housekeepers usually prefer washing to not doing anything at all.

8. A cobra battle against a mongoose often ends with the defeat of the former.

9. If you use this kind of herb on noodles, the result will be fantastic.

10. If you have an inflection in your colon, don’t eat fats or any other rich food.

1. Here is the draft of your letters. If you mark it “ok “ your secretary will type it.

2. Those who were against the war saw that their voices were heard.

3. To make underground water potable, scientists first used ammonia, then sand later on

4. Can karate movies really make children aggressive?

5. No slot machine is needed here.

6. The idiom “on a par» is used to mean “equal”.

7. Housekeepers usually prefer washing to not doing anything at all.

8. A cobra battle against a mongoose often ends with the defeat of the former.

9. If you use this kind of herb on noodles, the result will be fantastic.

10. If you have an inflection in your colon, don ’t eat fats or any other rich food.


Railway – railroad

Carriage – car

Passenger – commuter

A ticket inspector – a ticket collector

Charge – fare

Through train – direct train

Time-table – schedule

To depart – to leave

To pull out – to leave

Travel-journey, voyage, trip, tour

Means of travelling-methods of travelling

a. Bus

b. motorbike

c. scooter

d. bicycle

e. car

f. aero plane

g. tram

h. train

i. underground

j. taxi


Добро пожаловать в Музей!



     Символом жизненной силы и энергии, материального и духовного богатства народа Казахстана, процветания молодого суверенного государства является модель «древа жизни», которая занимает центральное место в атриуме музея. Это образ мирового дерева, растущего на вершине горы в центре мира и связующего четыре стороны света и три сферы мироздания: подземную, куда уходят корни, земную, место жизни людей и животных, небесную – обитель богов и птиц. У подножия древа расположились барсы, а наверху птица – вестница богов. В казахской символике образ барса занимает значительное место. Именно это гордое, сильное и красивое животное сегодня олицетворяет собою молодое государство, которое стремительно заявило о себе всему миру и благодаря своему творческому, духовному, научному потенциалу народ Казахстана добился признания международного сообщества.

|"Государственные символы Республики Казахстан" |

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|3 этаж. Холл. Экспозиция "Государственные символы Республики Казахстан" |

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|       Экспозиция «Государственные символы Республики Казахстан» завершает тему «На пути к независимости». Здесь представлены главные |

|атрибуты политической независимости и суверенитета Республики Казахстан: Флаг, Герб, Гимн и Конституция.  |

|       Представленные экспонаты дают возможность познакомиться с историей создания государственной символики Казахстана и ее авторами.  |

"На пути к независимости" (1985-1991гг.).

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2 этаж. Холл. Экспозиция "На пути к независимости (1985-1991гг.)"               

        Экспозиция «На пути к независимости» посвящена сложному процессу обретения республикой суверенитета и независимости.        Хронологически она охватывает период с середины 80-х гг. ХХ века и до провозглашения независимости страны 16 декабря 1991 г. Представленные в зале экспонаты – исторические документы, архивные материалы, предметы материальной и духовной культуры дают посетителям возможность ознакомиться с основными этапами становления суверенитета нашей страны: политическими и социальными реформами, интеграцией Казахстана в мировое сообщество, экономическими и культурными преобразованиями, а также раскрывают историческую роль Н. А. Назарбаева в создании независимого государства – Республики Казахстан.

|«Атамекен» |

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|Холл первой приемной. Экспозиция «Атамекен» |

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|      «Атамекен» в переводе с казахского значит «земля отцов». Экспозиция, размещенная в холле, предоставляет посетителям редкую возможность |

|познакомиться с ранним периодом жизни Первого Президента Республики Казахстан. Подлинные экспонаты ХVIII-ХIХ вв., произведения |

|декоративно-прикладного искусства, предметы домашнего обихода, фотографии и архивные документы рассказывают о родине, семье, детстве, |

|школьных годах   Н. А. Назарбаева. Завершает экспозицию «Атамекен» диорама живописного урочища Заилийского Алатау Ушконыр. Здесь же |

|демонстрируется видеоклип c песней «Ушконыр» на слова Н. А. Назарбаева. |

|«Трудовая деятельность Н.А.Назарбаева» |

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|Первая приемная. Экспозиция «Трудовая деятельность Н.А. Назарбаева» |

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|      Экспозиция «Трудовая деятельность Н.А. Назарбаева» разместилась в бывшей Приемной Резиденции. Стационарная выставка освещает начало |

|трудовой деятельности и политической карьеры Н.А. Назарбаева.  |

|      Представленные экспонаты знакомят посетителей с периодом работы на металлургическом заводе в г. Темиртау, учебы в Днепродзержинском |

|техническом училище № 8 при Днепровском металлургическом заводе.  |

|      Экспонируемые фотодокументы, ежедневник, поздравительные телеграммы, удостоверение о делегировании от Карагандинской области на XXVI съезд|

|КПСС отражают начало политической карьеры Н.А. Назарбаева.  |

|      Выставка завершается периодом перестройки, когда Казахстан делает первые шаги на пути к независимости. |

|«Казахстан и мировое сообщество» |

|Золотой зал. Экспозиция «Казахстан и мировое сообщество»  |

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|      В Золотом зале, в котором ранее проводились переговоры на высшем уровне, встречи и беседы Главы государства с представителями |

|международных, правительственных и неправительственных организаций, иностранных деловых кругов, располагается тематическая экспозиция |

|«Казахстан и мировое сообщество». Внешнеполитические приоритеты республики, история становления и развития дипломатических отношений |

|Казахстана более чем со 120 государствами мира отражены в материалах экспозиции. Роль и место Республики Казахстан в международном сообществе|

|показаны в динамике двусторонних отношений, регионального партнерства и активной работы в международных организациях |

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|«Награда Президенту - признательность народу» |

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|Серебряный зал. Экспозиция «Награда Президенту - признательность народу» |

|      Экспозиция Серебряного зала является первой частью тематической выставки, посвященной общественному признанию Первого Президента |

|Казахстана и представляет собрание наград, которыми в разное время награждался Н.А. Назарбаев.  |

|      Своей первой награды – «Знак почета» – он был удостоен в 1972 году. Орденом «Знак почета» в СССР награждали за высокие производственные|

|показатели в промышленности, сельском хозяйстве, строительстве и других народнохозяйственных отраслях.  |

|      За выдающийся вклад в развитие дружбы и сотрудничества между народами Казахстана и других стран мира Н.А. Назарбаев был удостоен высших|

|наград, в том числе:  |

|• орденом Святого апостола Андрея Первозванного (Российская Федерация),  |

|• Большой Звездой Почета (Австрия),  |

|• Большим Крестом Ордена Святого Михаила и Святого Георгия Первой степени (Великобритания),  |

|• Орденом Белого Орла (Польша),  |

|• Ожерельем Улы Бадра (Королевство Саудовская Аравия). |

|«Коллекция оружия» |

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|Зал Совета Безопасности. Экспозиция «Коллекция оружия» |

|      В зале, где под председательством Верховного главнокомандующего, Президента страны Н.А. Назарбаева, проводились заседания Совета |

|безопасности, встречи и совещания с руководителями министерств и ведомств, как продолжение экспозиции, представленной в холле, развернута |

|выставка различных видов оружия, преподнесенных в дар Президенту Республики Казахстан от глав государств, руководителей министерств и |

|организаций, представителей зарубежной общественности, жителей Казахстана.  |

|      Здесь экспонируется уникальное собрание парадного, охотничьего, оборонительного и огнестрельного оружия. Коллекция позволяет |

|сопоставить достоинства и особенности раритетов с образцами, изготовленными современными мастерами на основе многовекового опыта в сочетании |

|с новыми замыслами и технологическими новациями. |

|"Подарки Президенту Республики Казахстан" |

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|Фойе Купольного зала. Экспозиция "Подарки Президенту Республики Казахстан" |

|      В фойе Купольного зала, где устраивались торжественные приемы от имени Президента Республики Казахстан по случаю праздничных дат и |

|событий, экспонируются подарки – произведения живописи, скульптуры, декоративно-прикладного искусства, преподнесенные Главе государства во |

|время деловых встреч и переговоров, официальных визитов. |

|      Традиция обмена дарами между главами государств является одной из древнейших в социальной истории человечества. Дар тогда и сегодня – |

|залог доверия и добрых намерений. В международном и межгосударственном диалогах обмен дарами подразумевает открытость к сотрудничеству, |

|взаимный акт уважения |

|      Подарки Главе государства являются свидетельствами уважения и признания международного авторитета нашей республики и Президента. Общее |

|количество единиц хранения в коллекции подарков Президенту сегодня составляет более семи тысяч, а география их происхождения насчитывает |

|свыше 50 стран мира. |

Собрание по коллекциям

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|Коллекция сувениров и декоративной посуды |Наградной фонд |Коллекция нумизматики и оружия |

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|Коллекция изделий из драгоценных металлов и |Коллекция предметов изобразительного искусства |Коллекция одежды, мягкого инвентаря |

|драгоценных камней | | |

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|Коллекция предметов материальной культуры | | |

|"Public recognition of the merits of N.A.Nazarbayev" |

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|Hall of "Silver hall". Exposure "Public recognition of the merits of N.A.Nazarbayev" |

|      Exhibition is the continuation of the exposure of Silver hall and acquaints with the honourable titles and the awards, favoured to the |

|leader of Kazakhstan. |

|      The activity of Kazakhstan in the international arena, directed toward the development of friendly relations and cooperation in the |

|most varied regions, finds wide response in the world community and causes the deep feeling of respect for people and leader of the country. |

|The recognition of the merits of the First President of Kazakhstan before the country and the world finds in the numerous awards of different|

|states, republic and international public organizations, domestic and foreign higher educational institutions. |

|      Video subjects from the archive fund with the records of the official ceremonies of awarding of N.A.Nazarbayev transmitted in the hall |

|recreate these events. |

|"Collection of weapon" |

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|Hall of the Security Council. Exposure "Collection of weapon" |

|            In the hall, where under the chairmanship of the supreme commander-in-chief, President of RK N.A.Nazarbayev, were conducted the |

|sessions of the United Nations Security Council, encounter and conference with the leaders of ministries and departments as the continuation |

|of the exposure, which is represented in Hall, the exhibition of different specific weapon presented into the gift to the President RK from |

|the Heads of The State, leaders of ministries and organizations, representatives of foreign of community, inhabitants of Kazakhstan was |

|expanded here.  |

|            The unique collection of ceremonial, hunting, defensive and firearms is exposed here also. Collection makes it possible to |

|compare merits and special features of rarities with the models, prepared by contemporary masters on the basis of centuries-old experience in|

|combination with the new concepts and technological innovations. |

|"Gifts to President of the Republic of Kazakhstan" |

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|Foyer of Domelike hall. Exposure "Gifts to President of the Republic of Kazakhstan" |

|      In the Foyer of the dome hall where conducted holydays and celebrations on behalf of the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan, |

|nowadays there are the presents: artworks, sculptures and decorative-applied art gifted to the President during the business meetings, |

|negotiations and the official visits. |

|      Tradition of gifting between the heads of the states is one of the most ancient in social history of humanity. From the ancient times |

|gift is pledge of trust and kind intentions. In the international and intergovernmental dialogues a gifting means openness to the |

|collaboration, a mutual act of respect. |

|      Presents to the Head of the state are the certificates of respect and recognition of international authority of our republic and the |

|President. Today collection of gifts to the President has more than 7 000 units, and they are from more than 50 countries of the world. |



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