

What are the responsibilities of committee members?

If a meeting has been held to set up the group and agree its constitution,

those attending will elect the first committee members and officers. The

key roles are generally the Chair; Secretary and Treasurer

Committee members have overall responsibility for meeting the

organisation’s legal duties, and for ensuring it is properly managed and

good practice is promoted in all its activities.

The committee members have:

1. Legal duties – such as:

· Ensuring the organisation meets its objectives as set out in

the constitution

· Ensuring the organisation complies with the rules set out in

its constitution and acts legally in its activities

· Acting in the interests of the organisation and not for

personal benefit

· Informing the meetings of any interest in a contractual or

other decision that could lead to a conflict of interest

· Providing proper accounts of the organisation’s activities to

members / funders; producing annual reports and director’s

reports; ensuring accounts, annual returns etc are filed on


· Seeking professional advice where relevant

· Ensuring the organisation’s resources are well managed and

used to pursue its objectives

· Keeping up to date and informed regarding the

organisation’s activities

· Keeping abreast of legislation that may affect the


· Complying with relevant legislation

· Ensuring the organisation has effective health and safety

policies and that these are effectively monitored

· Ensuring that necessary insurance policies are taken out and


Ensuring the organisation meets its contractual obligations –

including employment contracts, tenancy and licence

agreements, funding contracts, equipment licences

· Regularly attending committee meetings and working jointly

with other committee members

2. Managerial Tasks – such as:

· Setting overall policy and short, medium and long term objectives

· Identifying, discussing and agreeing new areas of work

· Ensuring there are systems for regularly monitoring and evaluating

the organisation’s work

· Being a good employer

· Supervising and supporting senior staff and ensuring other

employees and volunteers are properly supervised and supported

· Ensuring the organisation’s equal opportunities and other policies

and procedures are implemented

· Promoting the organisation

Who will ‘run’ the Management Committee?

In your constitution it will explain how members are to be elected – and

how many members will form the management committee.

Committee members in most organisations appoint a:

· chair

· committee secretary

· treasurer

In some organisations the role of the secretary would differ. For


· A limited company, which must appoint a company secretary.

· Industrial and provident societies must have a secretary to meet

statutory responsibilities


Key tasks are:

1. Planning and running the organisation’s meetings

Planning a meeting

· ensuring the organisation holds the meetings required by its


· helping to plan the agendas for each meeting, checking the minutes

of previous meetings and ensuring that these and any background

papers are distributed beforehand

· being briefed about each item on the agenda

· ensuring outstanding matters are followed up

· ensuring compliance with the procedures for giving notice of


Running a meeting

· ensuring that there are enough voting members present to take


· gaining agreement of the minutes of the previous meeting and then

signing them

· making sure all relevant items on the agenda are discussed

· ensuring all participants who wish to do so have the opportunity to

make a contribution, or in large meetings deciding who is chosen

to speak

· fairly summarising issues and options before a decision is taken

· making sure voting procedures are complied with

· clarifying decisions made so everyone is clear what has been


· ensuring proper minutes are taken

2. Dealing with matters relating to the membership, other officers

and users

· ensuring members’ rights as stated in the constitution are met

· helping to deal with disciplinary actions against members and other


· helping to deal with disputes between members, users and the


3. Helping with the management of the organisation

making decisions and taking action between committee meetings if

this is appropriate

· acting as a sounding board for senior staff

· signing cheques and liaising with the treasurer

· helping to deal with any staff problems

· assisting with staff recruitment

4. Other duties

· representing the organisation at external events

· liaising with the press on behalf of the organisation

· taking an active role in fundraising activities

NOTE: Chairing meetings is the only legal duty of a chair.


Key duties include:

1. Preparing for meetings

· Sending notices of all meetings to members, within the time

required by the constitution

· Making arrangements for meetings, e.g. organising

refreshments, booking rooms, ensuring there are facilities for

participants with special needs

· Preparing the agenda in consultation with the chair, and

distributing the agenda with any background papers

· Checking that members have carried out tasks agreed at the

previous meeting

2. Helping in meetings

· Making sure the minutes of the previous meetings are agreed

and that they are signed by the chair

Taking and producing minutes of the meetings, recording names

of those attending and apologies, major decisions, and any votes

taken and agreed further action

3. Other administration

· Dealing with incoming correspondence

· Keeping records of outgoing correspondence

· Keeping records of membership subscriptions

· Ensuring members are provided with the organisation’s

constitution, annual report and policies

· Sending out publicity about the organisation


Key duties:

· In a small organisation the treasurer may deal with all aspects of

financial management including keeping records

· Larger organisations with paid staff may delegate day-to-day

financial management to a paid finance worker or another staff

member, who would report to the treasurer / staff member

· Final responsibility for financial matters always rests with the

committee as a whole

Key tasks

· General financial oversight i.e. advising on all aspects of finance

· Managing income – funding contracts, fundraising and sales

· Financial planning and budgeting – i.e. preparing cash flows and

budgets; presenting these to the committee for approval; making

day to day financial decisions on behalf of the committee

· Financial reporting – preparing and presenting financial reports

Approved............................................Andy Price..... Chair 31st January 2016






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