|TABLE PDO-1—Offerings of Regular Weekly Treasury Bills |

|[In millions of dollars. Source: Bureau of the Fiscal Service, Division of Financing Operations] |

| | | |On total competitive bids |

| | | |accepted |

|Issue date |Description of new issue |Amounts of bids accepted |High |High |High |

| | | |price per |discount |invest- |

| | | |hundred |rate |ment rate |

| | | |(7) |(percent) |(percent) |

| | | | |(8) |4 |

| | | | | |(9) |

| |Maturit|Number |Amount |Total |On |On non- | | |

| |y |of days to |of bids |amount 2 |competiti|competitive| | |

| |date |maturity 1 |tendered |(4) |ve |basis 3 | | |

| |(1) |(2) |(3) | |basis |(6) | | |

| | | | | |(5) | | | |

|Regular weekly: | |

|1 All 13-week bills represent additional issues of bills with an original |2 Includes amount awarded to the Federal Reserve System.3 Tenders for |

|maturity of 26 weeks or 52 weeks. Certain 26-week bills represent |$5 million or less from any one bidder are accepted in full at the |

|additional issues of bills with an original maturity of 52 weeks. All |high price of accepted competitive bids. All Treasury Marketable |

|4-week bills represent additional issues of bills with an original maturity|auctions are conducted in a single-price format as of November 2, |

|of 8 weeks. |1998. |

|September 2020 |4 Equivalent coupon-issue yield. |

|TABLE PDO-2—Offerings of Marketable Securities |

|Other than Regular Weekly Treasury Bills |

|[In millions of dollars. Source: Bureau of the Fiscal Service, Division of Financing Operations] |

|Auction date |Issue date | Description of securities 1 |Period to final maturity |Amount |Amount |Accepted |

| |(1) |(2) |(years, months, days) 2 |tendered |accepted 3, 4 |yield/discount |

| | | |(3) |(4) |(5) |margin and |

| | | | | | |equivalent price |

| | | | | | |for notes and |

| | | | | | |bonds |

| | | | | | |(6) |

| | |


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