Dry Eyes

Dry Eyes

Treatment Options

1. Use artificial tear drops as often as you would like. Preservative-free drops are less likely to cause irritation. Some brands you might try include: Refresh, Genteal, Tears Naturale Free, Hypotears, Liquifilm Tears, TheraTears, Bion Tears. Generally it is not wise to frequently use eyedrops that “take the red out”.

2. Place a hot, wet compress over your closed eyelids for a couple of minutes first thing in the morning, or when you take a bath or shower. This will enhance the lipid layer of your tear film and decrease tear evaporation. These compresses can be repeated during the day.

3. Purchase a humidifier for your home and/or workplace. To be effective, the humidifier must have the capacity to raise the relative humidity to approximately 60%. The most effective humidifier is one that is installed by the AC/Heater company to cover the entire house.

4. Be sure that you blink frequently and completely, especially when you read, watch TV, and drive a car.

5. Avoid drafts and wind. Do not sit under an AC/Heater vent. This evaporates your tears.

6. Ask the doctor about “punctal plugs”. These tiny plugs preserve your tears by blocking the lacrimal outflow channels in the medial corner of your eyelids. They can be very effective. They are painless to insert, can remain in place for years, and just take five minutes for the doctor to insert. The cost is covered by most insurance plans.


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