1. Medial epicondylitis indicates a potential strain of muscles and tendons, which might impair to perform certain activities of daily living. If you were to manage this condition, what would be your initial concern?

a. Ice the medial epicondyle

b. Prescribe an appropriate treatment plan

c. Determine the cause of the condition

d. Demonstrate rehab exercises for the elbow

2. Sprain of the medial epicondyle indicating that the ulnar collateral ligament had been overstretched while performing a certain activity. Select the most accurate activity.

a. Swinging a bat

b. Racquetball

c. Tennis

d. Football

3. Would you expect that medial epicondylitis might be related to a particular type of injury? If so, select which type of injury might cause this type of injury.

a. Overextension

b. Repetitive trauma

c. Hyperextension strain

d. Acute trauma

4. Severe instability of the elbow indicates one of the following occurrences.

a. Rupture of the palmaris longus muscle

b. Strain of the flexor carpi radialis

c. Golfer’s elbow

d. Avulsion fracture

5. Paresthesias affecting the medial aspect of the hand might cause you to investigate one of the following behaviors. Select the most appropriate cause of the sensory deficit.

a. Sleeping posture

b. Playing too much tennis

c. Working long hours as a carpenter

d. Weightlifting

6. Medial epicondylitis, also known as Golfer’s Elbow, may be the end result of certain activities. Select the one activity that would be the most likely cause of this elbow condition.

a. Tennis

b. Putting a golf ball

c. Racquetball

d. Building a home

7. Abduction stress testing would not challenge one of the following tissues.

a. Ulnar collateral ligament

b. Medial elbow ligaments

c. Radial collateral ligament

d. Medial forearm soft-tissues

8. The most commonly affected nerve to symptomatic expressive due to compression is the ulnar nerve. If overuse were the cause, which of the following activities might you suspect to cause ulnar neuropathy?

a. Pitching

b. Tennis

c. Polo

d. Chess

9. If your patient presented with ulnar neuropraxia due to compression, which of the following activities might impede resolution of the condition?

a. Horseshoe throwing

b. Swimming

c. Finger flexion PRE

d. Chess

10. Which of the following pair of tests are most appropriate to perform if you were to rule-in lateral epicondylitis?

a. Mill’s and Cozen’s tests

b. Adduction and Abduction of the elbow

c. Pinch grip and Mill’s tests

d. Golfer’s and Tennis elbow tests

11. Which of the following pair of tests are most appropriate to perform if you were to rule-in medial epicondylitis?

a. Palpation and O’Donoghue’s testing of the forearm flexor muscles

b. Adduction and Abduction of the elbow

c. Pinch grip and Mill’s tests

d. Golfer’s and Tennis elbow tests

12. Which of the following pair of tests are most appropriate to perform if you were to rule-in ligamentous instability of the ulnar collateral ligament of the elbow?

a. Positive finger point and abduction test of the elbow

b. Abduction and adduction tests

c. Cozen’s and Pinch grip tests

d. Golfer’s and Tennis elbow tests

13. Which of the following test would be negative if you ruled-out medial epicondylitis?

a. Resisted flexion of the forearm

b. Cozen’s

c. Kaplan’s

d. Pinch grip

14. The Pinch Grip Test is positive with anterior interosseous neuropraxia, which is a branch of the median nerve. What is the normal action when performing this test?

a. Pulp of index and thumb to tips of respective digits

b. Tip to tip

c. Pulps of index finger and thumb touch

d. Extension of tips of index finger and thumb

15. Elbow flexion may compress one of the following neural tissues.

a. Median nerve

b. Ulnar nerve

c. Sciatic nerve

d. Long thoracic nerve

16. Wartenberg’s sign is present when the small finger or the fifth digit of the hand is unable to perform one of the following motor activities.

a. Abduction

b. Adduction

c. Extension

d. Flexion

17. Tinel’s sign is present when percussing an inflamed nerve. This sign is present with testing of which of the following nerves?

a. Ulnar

b. Any irritated nerve available for testing

c. Median

d. Sciatic

18. O’Donoghue’s and supination of the wrist would involve one of the following tests. Select one.

a. Kaplan’s

b. Wartenberg’s

c. Mill’s

d. Cozen’s

19. Ulnar nerve compression may involve certain muscles. Please select the muscle that you would suspect as the cause of neuropathy.

a. Pronator teres

b. Triceps

c. Flexor carpi ulnaris

d. Flexor carpi radialis

20. Extension ROM testing from full extension would normally present how many degrees of additional extension?

a. 10 degrees

b. 5 degrees

c. 1 degree

d. Minus 5 degrees

21. Describe the testing procedures that you would utilize to differentiate medial epicondylitis from lateral epicondylitis.

22. List three common orthopedic conditions mentioned by Cipriano that involve the elbow. List two examination procedures for each of the conditions that would enable you to make a working diagnosis.


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