Health and PE – 9 ~ FINAL Year End EXAM Review 2016-2017Physical Education SectionUltimate Frisbee:“Win-at-all-costs” attitude is not permittedMay NOT take Frisbee from someoneThrower gets a throwing cushion; defender must give them room to throw.Frisbee Physics:Lift: air flows under the Frisbee, causing lower air pressure below the Frisbee and high pressure aboveTo make a Frisbee fly you must control;Angle of flightForce of throwSpeed of the spinUltimate Frisbee is a cardiovascular fitness activity – PACER test for Cardio.Football:Down – one playTouchdown – 6 pointsLine of scrimmage – imaginary line where the ball rests at the beginning of each playInterception – when a defensive player catches a ball intended for an offensive playerPunt – drop kick Quarterback – player that controls the offenseCooperative Games and TeamworkWhen everyone attempts to take charge in a group, everyone does their own thing and nothing gets accomplishedIn a successful team, all members must:Work togetherComplement each other’s strengths and weaknessesKnow their roleLeaders need to listen to their team members and then make a decision.Being part of a group can help you:Learn problem solvingBe a positive member of your communityCommunicate effectivelySuccessful groups have good communicationPickleballDouble bounce rule – the ball must bounce once on each side of the net after the server before it can be hit out of the air.Non-Volley Zone – 7 foot area in front of the net where you cannot hit the all out of the airTchoukball:Rule of Three – 3 passes, 3 steps, 3 shots at each goalForbidden Zone – area in front of the goal where no one can enterDefense – there is no defense in TchoukballFrame – the object you throw the ball atTeam HandballDribbling – players may dribble an unlimited number of time and stepsHolding the ball – player may only take three steps while holding onto the ballSpeedballFootball – when the ball is played in the air, the game is similar to footballAerial ball – ball that has been lifted from the ground by your feet or a teammates feet, legs or hands.Volleyball:Bump – arms extended in front of you; minimal arm swing; power comes from legsSet – arms over head; hands in shape of triangle, contact made with fingersServe – begins a new point25 – points to win a game3 – number of hits per side6 – number of players on the court at on timeBasketballFirst game was played using a “peach basket” and a “soccer ball”10 feet - height of the basketball rimPoints1 – free throw2 – shot made inside the big arc (lay up)3 – shot made outside the big arcPoint Guard – player that controls the offense during the gameHealth Education SectionWellness, Stress and Goal SettingStress management technique – time management, planning, relaxation techniquesPsychosomatic response – when you have a physical ailment due to stress rather than a physical causeComponents of Fitness / Fitness Vocab / Bones:Body Composition – all tissue that makes up the body (muscles, bones, organs, fat)Cardiovascular Endurance – ability of heart lungs and blood vessels to deliver oxygen to the musclesEndurance – ability of the muscles to work over a period of timeFlexibility – ability of the joints to move through their full range of motionStrength – ability of the muscles to exert force or lift a heavy weight one time.Bones to knowULNA – forearm; pinky sideTIBIA – shin bone; front of lower legSCAPULA – shoulder bladeSTERNUM – center of chestRADIUS – forearm; thumb sidePATELLA – knee capHUMERUS – upper armFIBULA – lower leg; outsideFEMUR – upper legCRANIUM – skullNutrition:Carbohydrates:Preferred source of energyFruits, breads, grains, cerealProteins:Building and repairing body tissueNuts, beans, eggs, Fats:Stores energy, vitamins, and protects organsSaturated or unsaturatedVitaminsA, B, C, D, E, and KWater soluble and fat solubleMineralsCalcium, Potassium, iron, fluorideWater6 to 8; 8 ounce glasses per day are neededTo lose weight, burn more calories than you consumeWhy do we eat more than we need?Super sizing food in restaurantsIncreased plate sizesIncrease package sizes (family size)Safe amount of weight to lose – 1 to 2 pounds per weekTo reduce caloriesSubstitute soda for waterSnack on fruits and veggies instead of chipsEating DisordersAnorexia – self starvationBulimia – binging and purgingCompulsive Overeating – eating due to stress or lonelinessIllegal Drugs:Depressant – slows down the body and central nervous systemHallucinogen – heightens your senses, increases sensory awareness, alters your perception of realityStimulant – speeds up your body and central nervous system; temporarily increases alertness and energy.First Aid:First Aid – immediate care Good Samaritan Law – you are not legally required to help and can’t be sued if you do helpMinimizes disease transmission – gloves, breathing devicesDOTS: checks for signs of injuryDeformity, Open wounds, Tenderness, SwellingAnaphylaxis – severe allergic reactionCauses: Medications, food, insect stingsTreatment: Epi-penShock – when the body’s tissues do not receive enough oxygenated blood and the cardiovascular system begins to shut downBleeding Wounds – use direct pressure firstConcussion – temporary disturbance of brain activity caused by a blow to the headObject in eye – do not rub the eyeDislocation = joint comes apart and stays apartFracture – broken boneSprain – injury to a ligament due to stretching or twistingStrain – injury to a muscle (overstretch/torn)RICERest, Ice, Compression, ElevationTreatment for Heat ExhaustionRemove them from heatWound types:Abrasion – skin is rubbed awayAvulsion – Tissue is torn awayPuncture – pointed object penetrates skinLaceration – cut with jagged edgesFitness Knowledge and ConceptsFitness QuestionsPACER - Cardiovascular fitness testPush Up test – Upper body strength/endurancePurpose of fitness tests – shows in which areas fitness has improved or declinedStretchingDynamic – slow controlled movementsStatic – stationary; non moving stretchingWarm up – prepares your heart and muscles for activityWhat does it workPlanks – works abs and corePush ups– arms and chestLunges – legsRunning activities – heart and lungsArm strength:Bicep curls, push ups, tricep dipsEveryone can improve current fitness through effort ................

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