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Center/Classroom:Teachers:Week of:(A) General Information Study/Topic - BIG IDEAS this week: This week, children will explore transformation in new ways as they investigate the properties of solids and liquids, compare water and ice, and observe what happens when they combine water with corn starch (oobleck).Key vocabulary: Solid, liquid 1. Solido, liquidoMelt, Freeze 2. Reditir, CongelarPour 3. VaciarCorn starch 4. Almidon de maízPowder 5. Polvo(Get assistance, if needed, to translate these words/phrases for ALL children.)Monday “To Do” List:Review Planned Read-Alouds; read books through at least once.Review Small Group Activity forms and gather/create materials, including ice cube trays, cornstarch, pitchers, plastic bowls.Arrange to use your center’s freezer to follow up on “Ice & Water, Part 1” (see small-group activity, Tuesday/Wednesday)Review lyrics to “I’m a Little Ice Cube” and create song chart.Gather/create materials for centers and circle time, including rocks, sticks and shells, sponges, chalk, empty coffee can, pre-made ice cubes for Tuesday circle time and Discovery centerWeek of SS-End of this week – ensure you will have ice cubes needed for next Tuesday’s circle time/opening meetingSupport for Dual Language Learners:Emphasize and repeat descriptive words as you engage in activities (“This solution feels sticky!” “These are big bubbles.” “Look at these tiny bubbles.” “This sponge is soaking up all the water”). Similarly, use and emphasize descriptive words throughout daily routines (“The paper towel is soaking up the milk that spilled”; “Look at all the tiny bubbles that the soap made in the sink”; “My hands are sticky from the juice.”)Family/ Community Involvement:Share recipe for Oobleck with families so they can make it at home with their preschoolers.As appropriate, encourage families to have children help them wash the car (or children’s own bikes) and talk about the bubbles in the water, the way they use water from a bucket or hose to clean the car, how the sponge absorbs the water, how a sunny day or drive around the block helps dry the car faster, etc. (B) Materials to Enhance Children’s PlayBlocksDramatic PlayToys and GamesAdd: Rocks, sticks, shellsKeep: Any materials children are particularly interested in. Keep: Lily Pad AlphabetAdd: Lily pads with children’s names or other familiar words or symbols – e.g., mom, dad, stop, exit, or logos/brand names children would know (Home Depot, Cheerios, Toys R Us, etc. – as submitted by families)ArtLibrary/WritingDiscovery/ScienceAdd: Cut up sponges for children to paint with. Have children help cut them and make different shapes or designs. Talk about how the sponges absorb the paint.Add: Chalk Chalkboards or black paperKeep: Science JournalsAdd:“Observing Ice Cubes” (see Snowy Day extension suggestions: Put ice cubes in small plastic containers and invite children to observe (look, touch, smell) and to draw what they see in science journals.)Sand and WaterMusic and MovementComputersAdd:Ice cubes to water tableKeep Oobleck accessibleAdd: Empty coffee cans or other containers filled with different amounts of water. Encourage children to detect the difference in how they sound as they tap them with their hands or drum sticks.Add:OutdoorsCooking“Car wash” (materials to wash children’s bikes/ wagons or small match box type cars): sponges, buckets with soapy water, rags, signs, chalk to designate washing areas, etc.Leave ice cube outside in the sun in a plate/ bowl and observe what happens during outside time. Provide ice cubes for children to “paint” with on the sidewalk or blacktop. Bring bubbles outside and look for rainbows and reflections in the bubbles.(C) Group Experiences Monday Tuesday WednesdayThursdayFridayArrivalOpening CircleMovementRelaxationTransitionsClosing CircleArrival: Attendance graphMorning Circle:Welcome song & one other SS Puppet Script-QOTD: “What did you drink this morning?” (water/milk/juice – or choose other options appropriate for your group) have visuals. Have children answer charting with whiteboard/pocket chart/etc. *See Meal Time Discussion Below Review daily schedule and rules now and throughout the dayTransition:Music/Movement: “Pass the ice cube” – Play a song on a CD and pass an ice cube around the circle. Notice what is happening to the ice cube. When children notice their hands getting wet and the ice cube getting smaller, tell them that the heat from their hands warmed the ice cube and it started to melt. The coldness of the ice made your hands colder. Pass it around until the ice is gone and all that’s left are wet hands. The ice was solid and then it became a liquid!Relaxation:Transition: SS Brain Builder Closing Circle:Review with the full group, counting each column and writing the numeral; then discuss results (what do you notice? which answer has the most? etc.).Goodbye songArrival: Attendance graphQOTD: Which do you think is the hardest? (tape 3 small solid objects under question, such as plastic cup/ pattern block/ rock) Morning Circle:Welcome song & one otherDiscussion: Follow up on QOTD: Talk about the 3 items – What do they have in common? What do we know about them? Can we change their shape? Can we pour them? Help children recognize that they are solids. Have children recall how solids are different from liquids. Have children name a few solids.Review daily schedule and rules now and throughout the dayTransition: Choose a math activityMusic/Movement: Freeze Dance (see below) & I'm a Little Ice Cube(tune: I'm a Little Teapot) I'm a little ice cube, frosty and square,I make things icy cold everywhere.If it gets too warm, I better watch out,"Cause I will melt, there is no doubt.Relaxation:Transition: Up and Down, pg, 44 Transition MagicianClosing Circle:Goodbye songArrival: Attendance graphMorning Circle:Welcome song & one otherDiscussion: Transformation means change. Water can transform into ice and back to water again. What else can transform?Have this message written in advance and read it aloud during meeting, asking for children’s “help.” Engage children in noticing concepts of print, such as where to start reading and which direction to go, a long word vs. a short word, etc.Review daily schedule and rules now and throughout the dayTransition: What’s Beneath the Bowl? Pg. 53 Transition MagicianMusic/Movement: SS song & one otherRelaxation:Transition: SS Skill ActivityClosing Circle:Goodbye song Arrival: Attendance graphMorning Circle:Welcome song & one otherQOTD: Does everything transform (change)? (yes/no) Help children by listing the things you saw change in the last two weeks (colors, water/ice, water and cornstarch mixed together). What else can change? Ask children to explain their thinking. “How do you know that changes?”Review daily schedule and rules now and throughout the dayTransition: SS Skill ActivityMusic/Movement: Freeze Dance & I’m a Little Ice CubeRelaxation:Transition: SS Brain Builder-Closing Circle:Goodbye songRead-AloudsGroup 1: The Puddle Pail by Elisa Kleven OR similiar(Help children recall the story/characters from when they previously read this book, during “Light & Shadow” theme) (Emphasize new concepts related to Transformation, such as liquids and solids)Group 2: The Snowy Day by Ezra Jack Keats(Help children recall book from “Wind, Water & Weather” theme; make connections between Peter’s snowball and recent freezing/melting small-group activities)Group 1: The Snowy Day by Ezra Jack Keats(Help children recall book from “Wind, Water & Weather” theme; make connections between Peter’s snowball and recent freezing/melting small-group activities)Group 2: The Puddle Pail by Elisa Kleven OR similiar(Help children recall the story/characters from when they previously read this book, during “Light & Shadow” theme) (Emphasize new concepts related to Transformation, such as liquids and solids)Group 1:SS Book-Group 2: SS Story and Discussion-Group 1: SS Story and Discussion-Group 2: SS Book-Small-Group ActivityGroup 1: Group 1 – Making OobleckGroup 2: Ice and Water, Part 1Group 1: Ice and Water, Part 1Group 2: Group 1 – Making OobleckGroup 1: Group 1 – Dry OobleckGroup 2: – Ice and Water, Part 2Group 1: – Ice and Water, Part 2Group 2: Group 1 – Dry OobleckSpecial ActivitiesTangible Acknowledgement System:Meal Time Discussion: Follow up on QOTD: What did children drink for breakfast? Ask children to describe their drinks. What did it feel like as they drank it? What happens when they pour it into a cup, what does it look like if it spills, etc...? Tell them that their drinks are called liquids. They can pour it and drink it. See if children can come up with any other liquids or guide them to do so.Freeze dance – Tell children that when they are dancing they are a liquid and when they music stops they are frozen like the ice.Repeat freeze danceOutsideInclement Weather Plan: Individual Child Planning FormCenter/Classroom:Teachers:Week of:Focus DateChild’sNameSchool Readiness Goal Focus Domain(s)Focus TS GOLD Objective(s) Why Chosen?(IFSP, TS Gold Report, family input, conference goal, etc.)Strategy/ActivityNOTE: Children with similar needs may benefit from differentiated instruction (e.g. during small-group activity). You can use the “Small Group” column at right to make notes about possible groupings.Example: 1. Routine – activity, state how you are individualizing for this child.Possible small-group?CHECK when implementedSoc-EmotionalApproaches to LearningLanguage & LiteracyCogn./ Gen. KnowledgePhysicalTuesday1.2.3.Tuesday1. Child PlanningChild’s NameIFSP GoalsClassroom Plan: What’s the Activity/Who’s Supporting the Child*Please review all IFSP plans including Speech Only to ensure implementation of all classroom goals.*For speech goals the what/who would be: Directed by the Speech Language Therapist ................

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