
Part 1: Course InformationInstructor InformationInstructor: Ms. Lindsey Weeden Telephone: *** E-mail: (I will be available to you for questions Monday- Friday. I will not be available on Saturdays and Sundays. I will respond to all questions within 24 hours.)Course DescriptionStudents will study the rise of the nation state in Europe, the French Revolution, and the economic and political roots of the modern world. They will examine the origins and consequences of the Industrial Revolution, nineteenth century political reform in Western Europe, and imperialism in Africa, Asia, and South America. They will explain the causes and consequences of the great military and economic events of the past century, including the World Wars, the Great Depression, the Cold War, and the Russian and Chinese Revolutions. Finally, students will study the rise of nationalism and the continuing persistence of political, ethnic, and religious conflict in many parts of the world. Relevant Tennessee connections will be part of the curriculum, as well as appropriate primary source documents. Students will explore geographic influences on history, with attention given to political boundaries that developed with the evolution of nations from 1750 to the present and the subsequent human geographic issues that dominate the global community. Additionally, students will study aspects of technical geography such as GPS and GIS, and how these innovations continuously impact geopolitics in the contemporary world. Technical AssistanceIf you need technical assistance at any time during the course or to report a problem with your account please contact your teacher or contact:Gina PavlovichAssistant Coordinator for Online Learninggpavlovich@tusculum.edu Part 2: Course Outline**See due dates on the homepage of the course. Module 1- The RevolutionsModule 2- The Industrial RevolutionModule 3- Unification and ImperialismModule 4- Midterm ProjectModule 5- World War IModule 6- World War I continuedModule 7- The Great Depression and World War IIModule 8- World War IIModule 9- The Cold WarModule 10- FinalPart 3: Grading PolicyAssignment TypeProjects 60%Daily Work 40%Late Work PolicyBe sure to pay close attention to deadlines—late work will not be accepted without a serious and compelling reason and instructor approval.Once the due date for your assignment passes you will be given a “0”. You may go back and resubmit the assignment ONE TIME. You will be penalized -10 points for submitting late work. This means that the highest grade you will be able to receive is a 90. You must EMAIL/MESSAGE me when you resubmit an assignment so that I know to go back and correct your grade. If you fail to contact me about a resubmission, your “0” will remain.Viewing Grades in MoodlePoints you receive for graded activities will be posted to your Moodle Grade Book. Click on the Grades link on the left navigation to view your grades and feedback.As each due date passes I will update grades within the following two days. I will send out an email to let you know when grades have been updated. It is your responsibility as the student to check your grades frequently and let me know of any errors. It is especially important that you check any work that you have resubmitted. Part 4: Course PoliciesCommit to IntegrityAs a student in this course you are expected to maintain high degrees of professionalism and integrity.Cheating is “the act of obtaining or attempting to obtain credit for academic work through the use of any dishonest, deceptive, or fraudulent means.”Plagiarism is “the practice of taking someone else's work or ideas and passing them off as one's own.”Course Plagiarism Policy If you are found plagiarizing an assignment there will be a penalty. The first time you are found plagiarizing, the student, school, guardian and Niswonger will be notified and a “0” will be given. You will be allowed to resubmit the assignment ONE TIME with a penalty of -10 points. This means the highest grade you will receive will be a 90. The second time you are found plagiarizing, the student, school, guardian and Niswonger will be notified and a “0” will be given. At this time you will NOT be allowed to resubmit the assignment and the “0” will remain. Each additional case of plagiarism will follow the same penalties as the second case.Important Note: Any form of academic dishonesty, including cheating and plagiarism, will be reported to your parent/guardian and to your school administrators.Build RapportIf you find that you have any trouble keeping up with assignments or other aspects of the course, make sure you let your instructor know as early as possible. As you will find, building rapport and effective relationships are key to becoming an effective professional. Make sure that you are proactive in informing your instructor when difficulties arise during the semester so that we can help you find a plete AssignmentsAll assignments for this course will be submitted electronically through Moodle unless otherwise instructed. If you have any trouble submitting your assignment in Moodle you should email your teacher immediately. Understand When You May Drop This CourseEach school has its own policy on when a student may drop their online course. Please see your school counselor if you have any questions about this. Your teacher can NOT drop you from your course, only your school administrator.Sample Pacing Guide/Course Due Dates:Keep the pace and you will finish the race!!!**To use this pacing guide correctly, you should be submitting work by Monday of each week. Notice that for some Modules you are given two or more weeks to complete the work. Please print this so that you have it with you when working. ?**You may move ahead through the modules at a faster pace if you wish.?How should you plan your week?1. Sit down on Monday of each week and review the assignments to determine about how much time you should spend on each assignment. You should open each assignment to make sure you can access it and see what the requirements are for each one.?2. Make a schedule for the week. In each module there is a suggested pacing schedule for you. The schedule is set for you to work about 1.5 hours a day for 5 days. ?Example: On Monday I will complete the lecture material and the first assignment. This should take me about 2 hours.?On Tuesday I will complete the next two assignments. This should take me about an hour and a half.?3. Plan time to watch the lecture videos, read the lecture notes and to take notes yourself. You should plan at least 1 hour a week for this.?4. Remember that I am not available on the weekends for help. Try to have work in by Friday so that you can enjoy your weekend too!?Module 1 is due by Monday, February 6?Module 2 is due by Monday, February 13Module 3 due by Monday, February 20Module 4 (MIDTERM) due by Monday, March 6Module 5 is due by Monday, March 13Module 6 is due by Monday, March 20Module 7 is due by Monday, March 27?Module 8 is due by Monday, April 3Module 9 is due by Monday, April 10Module 10 (FINAL) is due by Monday, May 1The last day to turn in work for this class is Monday, May 8 at midnight.??Module 1- The RevolutionsIntroduce yourself- DiscussionCauses and Events of the Revolution (Test Grade)Latitude and LongitudeNationalism??Analyzing the Documents?Monarchy to DictatorshipThe Age of EnlightenmentModule 2- Industrial RevolutionIndustrial Revolution Prezi?(Test Grade)Discovery Essay?(Test Grade)Capitalism, Socialism, CommunismRomanticism?in Art"On Liberty" QuestionsSlave TradeModule 3- Unification and ImperialismImperialism QuestionsMeji RestorationImperialism in Africa?(Test Grade)The Rebellions"White Man's Burden"Module 4- Midterm?Midterm AssignmentModule 5- World War 1WW1 TimelineMaps and BattlesZimmerman TelegramGeography and WarModule 6- World War 1 continued..What if... (Test Grade)Trench WarfareTechnology in WW1WW1 Wrap UpModule 7- The Great Depression and WW2Great DepressionHitler, Stalin, and MussoliniThe Book BurningFollowing HitlerModule 8- World War II?Mein KampfThe HolocaustNuclear WeaponsWW2 Wrap UpModule 9- The Cold WarThe beginningGuided QuestionsTruman DoctrineIron CurtainNATO/Warsaw PactCold War MapModule 10- FinalFinal Project?(Test Grade)ALL WORK IS DUE BY MIDNIGHT ON MONDAY, MAY 8. ................

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