
ApplicationsTo effectively demonstrate SOAP and REST, we developed 4 applications. Namely:eTafuta – This will demonstrate SOAP capabilities using a public web service.Twita – This will demonstrate REST capabilities using a public web service.PipoSearch – This will demonstrate SOAP capabilities using a local server and client,Soap UI Mock Up – This will demonstrate SOAP capabilities using the SOAP UI tool..eTafutaThe objective of this application is to write a PHP sample that will effectively utilize a SOAP web service to search for an item in the eBay site. Prerequisites included:Joining eBay Developers Program.Installing Apache HTTP Server 2.2.25 and PHP 5.2.10Once you run , the search page will show up:Enter an item to search, used item id as it was what was provided in the sandbox. Enter 123456789012.Click on search. It will return an item which you can buy or bid for.Click on item description.SOAP Request XML for the eTafuta:<soap:Envelope xmlns:soap="" xmlns="urn:ebay:apis:eBLBaseComponents"> <soap:Header/> <soap:Body> <GetItemRequest> <ItemID>123456789012</ItemID> </GetItemRequest> </soap:Body></soap:Envelope>TwitaThe objective of this application is to write a .NET C# sample that will effectively utilize a REST web service to retrieve tweets and trending topics from Twitter. Prerequisites included:The Twitter REST API v1.1Creating an application on with your twitter credentials.Authenticate using OAuth settings.Run the application.This will take you to the homepage.Click submit with the query to retrieve your timeline tweets.To retrieve trending topics on a given hashtag, use the query with your trending topic and click submit.PipoSearchThe objective of this application is to write a .NET application that will effectively utilize a SOAP web service to search for people using their national ID. It comprises of a server and a client.Server Front End:Server Sample Code:.Client Front End:Client Sample Code:WSDLDatabase End:SOAP UIThis is a mockup of the request and response XML for the above application.RequestResponse ................

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