
Name _____________________________________ Date ___________________

Trends in Health Care

Reading Guide

This assignment is a self-paced study of Section 1:2: Trends in Health Care, in Health Science Career Exploration. You must read the information in the textbook, complete each section on this assignment sheet, and turn in your work by the date given by your teacher.

• You may write your answers in the space provided or use a word processing program.

• You are encouraged to get help with this assignment from a parent, guardian, siblings or peers.

Cost Containment

1. Describe the concept of cost containment in your own words:

2. Politicians running for office often talk about cost containment. When you review the three reasons given for high health care costs, what strategy do you think politicians say will reduce health care spending? ____________________________ Why do they pick that strategy?

3. To show that you understand what a DRG is and does, give a real-world example (you can make up the actual $$) of a DRG.

4. Does Medicare and Medicaid use DRGs to reduce costs? ________ What are the challenges to people on Medicare with DRGs?

5. Mary goes to the doctor, who determines she needs some blood drawn and an x-ray. She ends up having to go to a different office for the blood and another for the x-ray. Please explain to Mary WHY this is?

6. Why is outpatient surgery less expensive than in-patient surgery?

Trends in Health Care – Page 2

7. Mass or bulk purchasing is a cost containment method. Can you give an example of something in your world, outside of health care, where purchasing in bulk saves money?

8. “Preventing illness is always cheaper than treating illness.” Can you give an example, and do you think insurance companies do a good job of funding preventive health care? (An older adult might be a good resource for this question.)

Home Health Care

9. What is home health care? Is it new? Are there any home health care agencies in your area? (Look on the Internet or in the phone book.)

Geriatric Care

10. What types of facilities provide geriatric care?

11. Is OBRA a good idea? Why or why not?


12. On a separate sheet of paper, creatively develop a plot (or sub-plot) for your favorite TV show in which telemedicine is used. (You must use telemedicine in your plot.)


13. What types of services would you expect to find at a neighborhood wellness center?

14. On a separate sheet of 8 ½ x 11” white paper (or on the back of this page) draw a picture of holistic health.

Trends in Health Care – Page 3

15. Fill in the chart below, indicating the things you do to achieve that type of wellness. Then, identify with a “1” your greatest strength, numbering the rest 2-5 in the order you feel applies to you.

|Type of Wellness | |My Strength |

| |How I Achieve It |Order |

|Physical wellness | | |

|Emotional wellness | | |

|Social wellness | | |

|Mental and intellectual | | |

|wellness | | |

|Spiritual wellness | | |

Alternative and Complementary Methods of Health Care

16. Complete the chart by identifying what you believe is important to know about different types of alternative and complementary practitioners.

|Practitioner |What I Think is Important to Know |

|Ayurvedic practitioners | |

|Chinese Medicine | |

|Practitioners | |

|Chiropractors | |

|Homeopaths | |

|Hypnotists | |

|Naturopaths | |

Name _____________________________________ Date ___________________

Trends in Health Care Rubric

|Section |Content Criteria |Points Possible |Correct Grammar and |Points Awarded |

| | | |Spelling | |

| |Assignment turned in on time. (Subtract 5 pts. for each |20 | | |

| |date late.) | | | |

| |Neat and legible |10 | | |

|1 |Answer demonstrates understanding and application of |3 |1 | |

| |content. | | | |

|2 |Answer demonstrates understanding and application of |3 |1 | |

| |content. | | | |

|3 |Answer demonstrates understanding and application of |3 |1 | |

| |content. | | | |

|4 |Answer demonstrates understanding and application of |3 |1 | |

| |content. | | | |

|5 |Answer demonstrates understanding and application of |3 |1 | |

| |content. | | | |

|6 |Answer demonstrates understanding and application of |3 |1 | |

| |content. | | | |

|7 |Gives a plausible example. |3 |1 | |

|8 |Answer demonstrates understanding and application of |3 |1 | |

| |content. | | | |

|9 |Answer demonstrates understanding and application of |3 |1 | |

| |content. | | | |

|10 |Provides at least four examples. |3 |1 | |

|11 |Answer demonstrates understanding and application of |3 |1 | |

| |content. | | | |

|12 |Plot demonstrates understanding and application of |5 |1 | |

| |content. | | | |

|13 |Provides at least four examples. |3 |1 | |

|14 |Content shows holistic health. |4 | | |

|15 |Chart complete, demonstrates understanding. |5 |1 | |

|16 |Chart complete, demonstrates understanding. |5 |1 | |

|TOTAL POSSIBLE |85 |15 | |

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