
H05-095 - Procedure

December 2, 2005

|TO: |Area Agency on Aging (AAA) Directors |

| |Home and Community Services (HCS) Regional Administrators |

|FROM: |Penny Black, Director, Home and Community Services Division |

|SUBJECT: |Intervention Services: Background Checks for Contractors, Travel Time, Independent Living Consultant Rate |

|Purpose: |To inform AAA and HCS of procedural changes when authorizing Intervention Services funds. |

|Background: |AAA and HCS staff have been using DSHS 09-828D, HCS Client Intervention Providers (ADSA) Background |

| |Authorization form. |

|What’s new, changed, or |The Background Check Central Unit (BCCU) has developed a new form (DSHS 09-653 Background Authorization) |

|Clarified |consolidating the various forms used across administrations. |

| |The procedures are updated to include travel reimbursement to contractors. |

| |The procedures are updated to include the Independent Living consultant rate. |

|ACTION: |Effective immediately, implement all procedural changes. |

| | |

| |Begin using DSHS 09-653 Background Authorization. |

| |Use the account number (required on the form in section 1, #4) for your region found at: |

| |. BCCU will reject the form if the account number is |

| |absent. |

| |Enter your worker ID number in section 1, #5, as an identifier. Your ID will then print on the bottom of the|

| |‘results’ form. |

| | |

|Related | |


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| |See HCS - Intervention Services Forms for forms and procedures |

| |See for Administrative Policy No. 13.11 |

|ATTACHMENT(S): |Complete the attached when contracting for or authorizing Intervention Services: |

| |[pic][pic][pic][pic][pic][pic][pic][pic][pic][pic][pic][pic] |

|CONTACT(S): |Carol Sloan, Program Manager |

| |360-725-2345; sloancs@dshs. |

| | |

| |Patty McDonald, Program Manager |

| |360-725-2559; mcdonpm@dshs. |


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