Course Description:

|James Clemens High School |Teacher: |Andrea Dennis |

|11306 County Line Road |Email: | |

|Madison, AL 35756 | | |

| |Phone: |256-261-5313 |

|I. |Course Description: |Geometry provides students with knowledge about shapes and properties and assists with the development of |

| | |spatial sense, critical for further study in mathematics and for everyday life. Because of its importance |

| | |in the development of mathematical empowerment, this course is required for all students. This course |

| | |includes consistent use of algebra to reinforce the skills and concepts developed in the Algebra I course. |

| | |Course work provides an excellent context for developing students’ abilities to reason and write proofs. |

| | |Problem solving skills in the development of geometric concepts are integrated throughout the course. |

| | |Trigonometry is included to prepare students for development of circular function trigonometry in later |

| | |courses. |

| | | |

|II. |Course Objectives: |1) The students will have an understanding of different kinds of shapes and the properties that are |

| | |associated with those shapes. |

| | |2) The students will be able to apply the theorems and postulates to problems. |

| | |3) The students will have an understanding of how to write and develop a proof. |

| | |* Course objectives can be found at A hard copy is |

| | |available upon request. |

|III. |Classroom |VIRTUAL: |

| |Expectations |Every Monday 8:00  |

| | |Teacher will post agenda/assignments/videos for the week  |

| | | |

| | |Block 1 (8:12 - 9:46) |

| | |8:30 Instruction/Classwork/Assignments  |

| | |9:00 Online Student Support 1st Block  |

| | | |

| | |Block 2 (9:53 - 11:27) |

| | |10:00 Instruction/Classwork/Assignments |

| | |10:30 Online Student Support 2nd Block  |

| | | |

| | |Block 3 (11:34 - 1:47) |

| | |Planning/Lunch |

| | |1:00 - 2:00 Daily Office Hour- Answer emails  |

| | | |

| | |Block 4 (1:54 - 3:28) |

| | |2:00 Instruction/Classwork/Assignments |

| | |2:30 Online Student Support 4th Block  |

| | | |

| | | |

| | |This is a suggested schedule! Students and parents, please do not feel like you have to stick to this |

| | |schedule. You can complete and submit your assignments on your own timeline! Please be aware of the due |

| | |dates and times! Please be aware of the times I am available for help! Will not be checking email after |

| | |school hours! |

| | | |


| | | |

| | |Monday, Wednesday and Friday |

| | |1st Block- 9:00 |

| | |2nd Block- 10:30 |

| | |4th Block- 2:30 |

| | |Tuesday and Thursday – by appointment only during your block |

| | | |

| | | |

| | |Classroom Rules |

| | |1. Be in your assigned seat when the bell rings, working on Warm up |

| | |2. Bring all materials to every class. |

| | |3. Be respectful and considerate of everyone and everything in this room. |


| | |Follow Directions the first time they are given |

| | |Keep the classroom neat and free of food, drinks and gum. Water only. |

| | |7. Use appropriate language at all times |

| | |8. Cell Phones are not allowed unless specified for instruction purpose. |

| | | |

| | |Classroom Consequences |

| | |Warning: Stay after class to discuss |

| | |One Day Refuel Detention |

| | |Three Day Refuel Detention and Parental Contact and/or break one day detention |

| | |For severe offenses or habitual trouble an administrator will be contacted and parent meeting will be set |

| | |up. |

| | | |

| | |Classroom Procedures: |


| | |If you enter after the start of class you are tardy! There is zero tolerance for tardiness. The first tardy|

| | |you will receive detention! |

| | | |

| | |Grab Warm-up Folder from table and start working immediately. Include: Date, questions and answers. If you |

| | |are absent indicate with the date and write absent. They will be graded every test day. When you finish |

| | |take out homework from night before. |

| | | |

| | |Have everything ready for class. (textbook, notebook, paper, calculator and pencils (no pens)) You cannot |

| | |participate in class activities if you are unprepared. Your daily grade will be affected if you are not |

| | |prepared to work and to participate. You will not disrupt classwork time to get up and find materials. |

| | | |

| | |We will go over Warm-up and immediately go over answers/questions from last nights homework/assignment. |

| | | |

| | |Check Homework: Must Highlight answers before grading. Mark homework problem that are incorrect with red |

| | |pen. Write that grade on the top of the paper. This is not your final grade, You will then have to correct |

| | |those problems in order to receive full credit for that assignment. You will not receive full credit unless|

| | |you show ALL work. |

| | | |

| | | |

|III. |Classroom Expectations: |DURING CLASS |

| | |Participate: Actively take notes. Teat everyone with respect. Always respond accordingly. Be engaged in |

| | |class discussions and questioning. If you have a question or comment referring to the discussion, please |

| | |raise your hand and wait to be called on. |

| | | |

| | |Permission to talk and leave your seat. To reduce classroom disruption you may not ask to use he bathroom |

| | |during class discussions. If you raise your hand you should be asking for help, asking a question or |

| | |responding to the discussion. |

| | | |

| | |Group Work: Listen closely for assigned groups. Do not wonder. Know where you are going. Once in groups |

| | |each person will have an assigned role. It is your job to follow out the role of the group. The roles will |

| | |change depending on size and assignment. You are not allowed to ask me a question unless you have asked |

| | |everyone in your group. |

| | | |

| | |Notebook: Keep Organized. Two sections Geometry/Algebra |

| | | |

| | |Turning in papers: place your paper in the correct basket on the assignment table when you are finished. |

| | |There should be no wandering around the classroom. Other students may still be working and should be |

| | |respected. |

| | | |

| | |Finish Early? If you finish an assignment early you can: work on unfinished MATH assignments, organize |

| | |your notebook, or start on tonight’s homework. You can always be working on Algebra Practice. Always check |

| | |assignment board. |

| | | |

| | |After Test: There is no talking until everyone is finished. |

| | | |

| | |After Test Homework: FTF-First Things FIrst. You will have a unit activity after every test. This is found |

| | |on Google Classroom. This will be an outline of what unit we will be starting. |

| | | |


| | |Clean up area, do not leave anything on or around your desk. Place all materials back in basket. Place |

| | |Warm-up Folder back in assigned bin. ALWAYS check assignment board. |

|IV. |Grading Policy: |Test grades will account for 70% of the 9-weeks grade, with the remaining 30% being determined by Warm-ups,|

| | |algebra practice, classwork, quizzes and homework. The grading scale is as follows: A (90-100), B |

| | |(80-89), C (70-79), D (65-69), and F (below 65). Grades will be a reflection of mastery of the standards. |

| | |Make sure all absences are excused as class work can be made up and graded for excused absences only. The |

| | |Final Exam counts for 20% of final grade. |

| | | |

|V. |Classroom Information: |Accommodations: |

| | |Requests for accommodations for this course or any school event are welcomed from students and parents. |

| | | |

| | |Concerning laptop utilization: |

| | |1. Student laptops should not be hard wired to the network or have print capabilities. |

| | |2. Use of discs, flash drives, jump drives, or other USB devices will not be allowed on Madison City |

| | |computers. |

| | |3. Neither the teacher, nor the school is responsible for broken, stolen, or lost laptops. |

| | |4. Laptops and other electronic devices will be used at the individual discretion of the teacher. |

|VI. |Make-up Test Policy: |MAKE-UP ASSIGNMENTS: Students with excused absences must make-up any missed assignments within 3 days of |

| | |the absence. It is your job to look at the assignment board and get the assignment; if it is not there you |

| | |are to ask a friend or neighbor. Check Google Classroom!!! It is the student’s responsibility to make |

| | |arrangements with the instructor for any make-up tests. |

| | |After an EXCUSED absence you should read the assignment board, get a make up work request, copy the |

| | |homework, retrieve any handouts from make-up work box, get notes from a classmate, and turn in any missed |

| | |assignments within 3 days. |

| | |No make-up work for UNEXCUSED absences. |

| | |Absolutely NO LATE WORK will be accepted. |

| | | |


| | |Make up test will be given Wednesday’s during Refuel |

|VII. |Text and Other Required |Geometry Holt McDougal |

| |Reading: | |

|VIII. |Materials and Supplies Needed: |Textbook, 3 ring notebook with paper and dividers, pencil, red or colored pen, scientific calculator (sin,|

| | |cos tan) , and two three prong folders with paper. |

| | | |

| | |It is encourage if you are heading to Algebra II/PreCalculus that you go ahead and get a TI-84 calculator.|

| |

|18 – WEEK PLAN* |

|Week 1 |Foundations of Geometry |

|Week 2 |Geometric Reasoning/ Introduction to Proofs |

|Week 3 |Parallel and Perpendicular Lines/ Equations of Lines |

|Week 4 |Triangle Congruence/Triangle Proofs |

|Week 5 |Properties and Attributes of Triangles/ Relationships in Triangles |

|Week 6 |Relationships in Triangles/ Polygons and Quadrilaterals |

|Week 7 |Special Quadrilaterals/ Similarity |

|Week 8 |Similarity |

|Week 9 |Right Triangles /Right Triangle Trigonometry |

|Week 10 |Transformations/ Geometric Formulas |

|Week 11 |Three Dimensional Figures and Volume |

|Week 12 |Three Dimensional Figures and Volume |

|Week 13 |Circles: Lines, Arcs, Angles, Segments in Circles |

|Week 14 |Circles: Lines, Arcs, Angles, Segments in Circles |

|Week 15 |Unit Circle Prep for Algebra II |

|Week 16 |Data Analysis |

|Week 17 |Semester Review |

|Week |Semester Exams |

|18 | |

* The syllabus serves as a guide for both the teacher and student; however, during the term it may become necessary to make additions, deletions, or substitutions. Adequate notice will be provided to students of any necessary changes.

Dear Parent/Guardian,

I look forward to having a great year! I feel fortunate to have your son/daughter in my class this semester and hope that you will contact me should you have any concerns about the progress of your son/daughter or any aspect of the instruction. With your son/daughter, please read the attached policies, then go to Schoology and watch the First Day of School video. Please contact me at school with any concerns.

Thank you,

Andrea Dennis


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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