St John the Baptist PS

Home Learning Timetable

St Columbkille’s Primary

Teacher: Miss Rutherford Room: 10 W/b: Monday 01.02.21

Before 9am: Wake up, wash, make breakfast (yourself!) and eat it. Complete some morning exercise - go noodle, cosmic yoga or PE with Joe Wicks on YouTube (search it) are just some ideas online, you could also skip, play hopscotch or walk 10 laps around your house and count your own steps! You could record what you do each day in your jotter.


Starter Task |9.30-45 (approx.) |9.30 – 9.55


|15min |11-11.45


|45 min |1.20-2.10


Outdoor active time | |MONDAY

Newsround – Watch & write about

(media literacy) |Google Meet

Daily check-in

*Weekend news* |LITERACY Spelling

- Open your spelling list and write the words 3 times (SACAWAC)

- Find each unknown meaning in the dictionary & write out |LITERACY Grammar

Red & Yellow - Watch video on direct and reported speech and complete the quiz questions (links in resources)

-View Speech PPT/complete task (***)

Green – View the Speech Marks PPT with an adult and complete the task within it. |

B |NUMERACY All groups – 15/20 minutes on Sumdog

Cuboids – Watch the teaching video on dividing for revision and view the Division PPT then complete Division Task 1

Spheres & Prisms – Watch the video on comparing fractions and compete the comparing fractions task sheet - Spheres - **/Prisms - *** |

L |Primary 7 Personal Project Presentation

Your project presentation video is due today – please upload it to the folder ‘Primary 7 Presentation Videos!

Before you do:

- Open and follow the guidance on ‘Project Presentation’ and check you have fulfilled the success criteria!

-Complete the Self-Assessment Checklist


Handwriting Task Card – R L Stevenson |Google Meet

Daily check–in

*Fitness challenge*

*Mrs Elliot* |LITERACY Spelling

-Gr 1 & 2 – diacritical marking & choose 5 to write in a sentence

Gr 3 – elkonin boxes & choose 5 to write in a sentence |LITERACY Comprehension

Red – Marcus Rashford ***

Yellow – Marcus Rashford **

Green – Bats Reading Comprehension

Read the passage, answer the qs then check answers. |

R |NUMERACY All groups – 15/20 minutes on Sumdog

Cuboids – Watch the teaching video for revision and complete Division Task 2 & 3 pg 1 only (scroll down for answers/ignore QR codes) then play division game (link in resources)

Spheres & Prisms – Watch the videos on Multiplying and Simplifying Fractions, then complete the task sheet

Spheres **/Prisms ***



Warm up – 5 min running on the spot or around the garden

Main activity -

Cool down – 5 min marching on the spot/walking around the garden

Stretch off – 10 mins


Mental maths –

Starter of the day website (skip to the next day if you need to) |Google Meet

Daily check–in

*Literary techniques* |WRITING -Creative Writing

Open ‘Air Hotel’ and read the story starter

-Complete the ‘question time’ and sentence challenge

-Complete the Sick sentences task – try to add adjectives/similes

-Re-read the story starter and write an advertisement or newspaper report! You may view the PPT first and use one of the templates provided if you wish.

-Remember to PROOF READ your writing and up-level it.

-Complete the picture if you have time. |

E |NUMERACY All groups – 15/20 minutes on Sumdog

Cuboids – complete Division Task 2 & 3 pg 2 (scroll down for answers/ignore QR codes) then play division game (link in resources)

Spheres & Prisms – Re-watch the Simplifying Fractions video, complete the Simplifying Fractions Task sheet and take the PPT Quiz |

N |Primary 7 Personal Project Presentations

-Go into the folder ‘Project Presentations’ and watch some of your peers video presentations.

-Open the Peer-Assessment Checklist and Constructive Feedback Guidance sheet to read through

-Choose one video to complete a peer assessment on, save it as the person’s name and upload in the ‘Feedback Folder’.


Handwriting Task Card – The Crocodile |Google Meet

Daily check-in

*Live Reading* |LITERACY Spelling

-Gr 1 & 2 choose a spelling strategy of your own to complete for your word list |LITERACY Reading

Red & Yellow – Read The Girl of Ink and Stars Chapter 2 & 3 – read PDF and answer comprehension questions

Green – Open ‘Huge and Hungry’ and learn the ‘tricky words’. Read the story with an adult, then yourself. |

A |NUMERACY All- 15/20 minutes Sumdog - 5/20 minutes on Sumdog

Cuboids – Cuboids Division Challenge

Spheres & Prisms – View PPT on multiplying fractions by whole numbers and complete word problems


-Open and read the PPT on Food & Nutrition and complete the tasks within it.


C |RE - Pope Francis Faith Award (link in resources)

Select a ppt about a gift you would like to develop (they are all there to choose from)

- Read through the ppt and consider the important aspects

- Evidence your work in your jotter e.g. write down your responses to the thinking questions


Mental Maths – Times tables challenge website |Google Meet

Daily check-in

*Improper fractions/ mixed numbers* |NUMERACY

Cuboids –

Spheres & Prisms –

|LITERACY Spelling

-Speed spelling – how many times can you write each word correctly in 1 min?

-Dictation test - record yourself reading your words in a sentence, play and pause to write the words.



Red & Yellow – Listen to the reading of The Girl of Ink and Stars Chapter 4&5 –Note new words to add to your metalinguistics chart.

Green – Open ‘Huge and Hungry’ and practise reading with an adult, sounding out the words. Record yourself and listen back. Complete the quiz page. |RE

Complete the task in the resources from Mrs Lamont. |

H |Spanish

Complete the task in your resources from Mrs Lamont.

Look out for the Virtual Assembly on the stream! | |Newsround website: Maths starter of the day website:

Maths Times Table Challenge: Handwriting Task Card: Open the PDF on Google Classroom and re-write the poem


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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